X hingin aku pakai Iphone..
X praktikal.
Abg aku pon dah meluat pakai dia nyer. . |
mungkin terlbih propaganda pasal iphone ni ..
sdgkan handphone d tgn kita skrg dah melampaui power nya .. |
Originally posted by WonBin at 12-3-2009 16:26 
Idiot Blonde memang sesuai pakai Iphone. Copy & paste pon takda ...
Bangla dan buruh Indon pon pakai Nokia N95 .........
fuh nasib baik aku x pakai N95....taraf bangla dan buruh indon je rupanya
iphone x penah tengok bangla n indon pakai lagi so ok la tu |
is there any possible for other company to bring iPhone here? selain maxis? ke mmg maxis je? |
Balas #26 biztoone_buncit\ catat
ala, beli underground punyer jer.. tak payah nak beli dari official distributor.. escp dari maxis pencekik darah tu haha..
kalau beli underground punye, unlocked version ko bleh tukar simcard suka2 hati ko, nak pakai netwok mana2 pun, takde contract, x payah sign up apa2 plan, pakai prepaid pun bleh, murah, bla bla bla..
actually celcom dgn digi pun ada try mintak nak jadi official telco utk iphone.. tp ntah macam mana maxis yang dpt, maybe sbb maxis paling ramai pengguna.. so i dont expect ada telco lain lagi yang bleh bawak iphone kt malaysia dlm masa terdekat ni.. 
[ Last edited by epool86 at 16-3-2009 08:17 ] |
kirim kat sapa2 gi cambodia ... dpt dlm USD780 satu .. |
So far, 100% maki hamun dan sumpah seranah sahaja yang aku baca daripada website, blog dan forum tersohor dari seluruh Malaysia yang mengutuk Maxis kerana mencekik darah. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ |
Balas #29 WonBin\ catat
sape x marah, dah dpt hak keistimewaan utk mengedarkan iphone dimalaysia, pastu ambik kesempatan letak kontrak yang melampau2..
aku tak kisah kalau maxis xmau potong harga iphone dan letak kontrak pun, sbb kat negara lain pun telco buat camtu jgk.. tapi plan tu jangan la buat mahal2..
plan paling murah dia offer ialah Value Plus dengan kontrak 6 bulan.. comitment fee rm80 sebulan.. dia bagi iphone rm2540 (8gig) dan rm2960 (16gig).. sedangkan org jual unlocked version iphone dlm rm2300 to rm2400 je skrg, xde kontrak, xpayah sign up apa2 plan..
bagi orang yang biasa gi luar negara diaorg tau berapa murahnya iphone kat negara lain.. |
aku pon dah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaa tungguh iphone masuk..pehtu...aku dgr celcom nak bwk masuk....siap masuk paper lg....
last2 kata maxis...aku terkejut gak laaaa...so aku yg mmmggg dah lama gila tunggu nih...bila aku tgk plan dia....berpeluhhhhh oooooo....gila ke apa...
dah laa ramai org komplen maxis nih terukkkkk...lg aku mau amik ke???
wajar kee aku beli black market punya???? |
Balas #31 nuds\ catat
beli black market punya la.. just pay rm2k ++ and the iphone is yours.. tp ada plak rumours katanya celcom pun nak bawak iphone bulan depan.. tu rumours la, aku xde apa2 info pasal ni.. |
ni haa..aku terjumpa artikel ni. so, tggu la beberapa bln lagi kot2 celcom o other telcos offer lagi murah.. artikel penuh kat btimes.com
iPhone may not be exclusive to Maxis
It all depends on whether Celcom, DiGi or U Mobile can strike a deal with the phone maker, Apple, says an industry source
THE Apple Inc's popular iPhone may not be exclusive to leading mobile operator Maxis Communications Bhd in Malaysia, which will start selling them on Friday (March 20), say industry sources.
This could potentially pave the way for other cellphone carriers to offer the touch-screen cellphone, and non-Maxis customers may wait until their carrier offers the iPhone.
It is understood that Apple is open for negotiations with other operators to sell the iPhone in the country.
"The iPhone 3G deal is not exclusive to Maxis in Malaysia. Having said that, it all depends on whether Celcom, DiGi or U Mobile can strike a deal with the phone maker," an industry source told Business Times.
As such, the deal reached with Apple would still give Maxis a head start because it may take several months before other operators formally join in to sell the iPhone.
sumber: btimes.com |
aku teringin gak nk beli iphone..tpi takdak function mms kerrrr??//SAPA TAU IF APPLE WILL DO MMS IN THE NEAR FUTURE..SEDIA TUNGGU.. |
x payah beli la iphone sekarang... tunggu iphone 3rd gen (expected dipasaran bulan july nanti - expert prediction) |
Originally posted by dopey at 29-3-2009 18:40 
aku teringin gak nk beli iphone..tpi takdak function mms kerrrr??//SAPA TAU IF APPLE WILL DO MMS IN THE NEAR FUTURE..SEDIA TUNGGU..
bulan 6 nnti....firmware ver 3.0
x pon pakai je swirly MMS.....aku pakai crack nye ok nye ngan Iphone 2G aku.....maxis n celcom line ....digi x penah try lg....
nak beli kat apps store usd14.99 kalo x silap |
errr dari beli iphone tu, baik korang book blackberry storm.. heh heh..  |
err... iphone best sgt ke? err... dengar hanya kr interface nya yg agak laju serta grafik GUI je, yg lain2 sama je, aku ingat kalu aku angkat Xperia lagi besh kot...huhu |
Balas #35 epool86\ catat
yup insyallah bulan 7 ni..tp ..rege pun sdirik mau ingt..firmware pun 3.0, pastu lak 3rd gen (ade mms, copy paste, A2DP, video recording..-perhaps ade front camera-, wat else?) so rege mau lg mahai dr 3k kot...huahuaahuaa.. |
Aku paling benci beli software pakai kad kredit sebab mcm Agile messenger masih non stop caj kad kreedit aku walau dah tak guna
Software Iphone ni mahal2 ..... kalau USD9.90, dah jadi RM36 tau |
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