Originally posted by WonBin at 24-5-2009 00:51 
Camna nak install application baru? Adakah macam iPhone or ada package management macam Linux kat desktop/laptop?
entah.. belum teroka lagi... |
Android ni tak brapa famous lah. Masih kurang penerimaan. Sbbnya negara kita lebih kepada symbian dan sekarang symbian pun sudah menjadi open source. dan utk pengetahuan semua. ia bukan milik NOKIA semata-mata. tetapi di kongsi oleh beberapa company lain spt sony ericsson, samsung, LG, toshiba dan banyak lg. |
Originally posted by thexboy82 at 24-5-2009 13:08 
Android ni tak brapa famous lah. Masih kurang penerimaan. Sbbnya negara kita lebih kepada symbian dan sekarang symbian pun sudah menjadi open source. dan utk pengetahuan semua. ia bukan milik NOK ... Memang tak gah lagi di sini, tapi android ni mengamcam dah!... dah mudah meracuni pengguna du seluruh dunia. |
org malaysia sendiri patut amik kesempatan dari android open source nih..
buat sendiri android phone utk pasaran malaysia.. |
di sini tak ada yang nak menegak benang tuan, baik kering atau basah..
kita berbincang bukan dari segi pasaran, tapi OS, "Os open source".
Symbian pun ok, tapi ada orang suka windows mobile..
berbalik pasal android, os ini boleh mengambil tempat dalam hpon yang pakai windows mobile... tapi symbian tak boleh... HTC Touch Pro aku boleh terima android, tapi tak boleh terima symbian..
Tapi untuk pengguna biasa semuanya tak penting... symbian dah teroka lama dalam bidang ni dan punya ramai pengguna. Tapi untuk pengeluar hpon, mereka juga memberi perhatian pada android sebab ianya 'open source' (macam linux). Sedikit sebanyak android memang mula meracuni pengeluar hpon dan pembelinya.. perkembangannya hebat berbanding umurnya
http://source.android.com/ |
Originally posted by StealthTuah at 21-5-2009 17:15 
Ok pertama2nya cam someone cakap henpon tu sendirik takde officially ada kat sini..so mmg rmi yg xtau n xkisah sebab NOkia n SE top dihati customer malaysia smpi skang..G1 memang dah ada tp xbyk. ...
symbian dalam proses ke open source .. tgh tahun ni kot ...
the company above aku letak tu yang join Android nye group .. yang tak join tak semestinya tak buat phone ..
open source cepat sikit kalau nak fix bug ke apa compare to closed source ... |
Originally posted by StealthTuah at 21-5-2009 17:20 
Yg LG tu updated version ke? design sameje..sebab KS360 mmg dah ada skang.
not sure ... 
Originally posted by thexboy82 at 24-5-2009 13:08
Android ni tak brapa famous lah. Masih kurang penerimaan. Sbbnya negarakita lebih kepada symbian dan sekarang symbian pun sudah menjadi opensource. dan utk pengetahuan semua. ia bukan milik NOK ...
if im not mistaken .. nokia dah sebat semua share symbian last year bulan jun ...
Originally posted by slax at 24-5-2009 20:46
org malaysia sendiri patut amik kesempatan dari android open source nih..
buat sendiri android phone utk pasaran malaysia..
nak buat app untuk phone ni pun senang ... compare to iphone yang aku pernah try nak buat tapi tak kesampain lagi .. |
Harap jgn tiru harga sama macam harga Winmo sudah
Klu yg high spec Android tu implement la
a)WiFi 5GHz / 802.11n ,+ b/g
b) Dual (2x) 3g Sim capable (Dual mode continous & stanby/shutdown function)
c) Peer-to-peer chatting & candid video (wireless ad-hoc network)
d) HotSpot - kat setiap bus , airport , trains & public station (Prepaid Vending kat Major Bank & Station)
e) Google entertaiment + Video online + broadcast + gaming network
baru lah masyukkk  |
Originally posted by WonBin at 23-5-2009 16:51 
Camna nak install application baru? Adakah macam iPhone or ada package management macam Linux kat desktop/laptop?
Officially boleh install through Android Market ala AppStore, atau boleh rooted/jailbreak dan install applications lain. |
Originally posted by z-b-i at 26-5-2009 19:42 
Officially boleh install through Android Market ala AppStore, atau boleh rooted/jailbreak dan install applications lain.
cerita sikit rooted/jailbreak android ni... ? |
[quote]The Android has landed
PETALING JAYA: HTC recently released their first Android-powered smartphone in Malaysia.
Sporting a sleek design, the HTC Magic runs on the Android operating mobile system by Google.
With the list of widgets available from the get go, you can expect to seamlessly synchronise the phone with all your favourite Google applications such as Gmail, Google Maps and Google Talk, the company said.
The device has a generously large 3.2in LCD touchscreen (320 x 480-pixel resolution) and features a trackball for single-handed operation and navigation.
As expected of most smartphones, you can connect to the Internet either via WiFi or 3G connection. The HTC Magic also delivers a near desktop web browsing experience. Users can zoom in and out of webpages with a simple tap, flip it on its side to rotate the screen into landscape view and scroll through pages with the flick of a finger.
The smartphone also allows you to easily check your e-mail, supporting both push e-mail and Microsoft Exchange server synchronisation for your work e-mail.
However it isn抰 all about work on the HTC Magic as it also has a 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera and it supports both music and videos in .mp4 and .3gp file formats.
The smartphone uses microSD memory cards to expand its existing onboard memory. Other features include a built-in GPS antenna to assist navigation.
The HTC Magic will be available at a suggested retail price of RM2,699 from June 15 onwards at participating Celcom Blue Cube outlets. The standard retail package comes with an 8GB microSD card.
The phone will be available at all authorised resellers from mid July and will come with a 2GB microSD card. |
wah sampai dah?
pakai opens source tp yela..dah masuk tgn HTC jadi mahal gilerla... |
aku baru order android phone, SE Xperia X10 Mini Pro(panjang nak mampos nama). tapi aku tak pandai sangat android2 ni. yg aku tau cam ala2 ada android market gitu. pastu boleh download kt situ cam iPhone. cam interesting gak. tepon ni kecik. sesuai untuk org kecik cam aku. |
jualan android phone sudah melebihi iphone |
alhamdulillah... jumpe gak pasal android fon ni...
thanks TT sbb bg ekplenesen yg simple.. senang aku paham sbb aku ni buta IT.... celik IT setakat porem ngan fesbuk sajorkk
dulu aku tergila2kan iphone tp mahal sgt..... skrg ni jatuh cinta lak ngan android... huhuuhu just tak tau nk yg mane |
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