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Updated: 19/09/2009
Sean Connery set for Indy return
Sean Connery could be set to reprise his role as Professor Henry Jones in the fifth 'Indiana Jones' movie.

Sean Connery could be set to reprise his role as Professor Henry Jones in the fifth 'Indiana Jones' movie.
Sean Connery is set to return to the 'Indiana Jones' franchise.
The 79-year-old actor turned down the chance to reprise his role as the father of the daredevil archaeologist in last movie 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', and the script hinted his character Professor Henry Jones had passed away.
However, creators on the next movie, the fifth in the hugely successful franchise, are planning to bring Henry back.
A source said: 'Steven Spielberg has been working on a script with George Lucas and there is an element of the story that could see Sean returning. Anything is possible in these movies and if Sean wants to return he will become central to the new story.'
Earlier this week, Harrison Ford - who plays the title character - revealed he is ready to reprise the role.
He said: 'The story for the new 'Indiana Jones' is in the process of taking form. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work.
'If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again.'
Harrison first played the iconic character in 1981 blockbuster 'Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark'.
Sean starred in the third film 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'.
The 'Indiana Jones' series is one of the highest-grossing film franchises of all time.
hah... nak idupkan semula henry jones.... aku setuju ajer.......aku suka sean connery ni...-- pada aku mmg dia sesuai sangat jadik bapak indy dalam indiana jones tu...... (the best 'bond' gak.. dia ni) |
yeahh i missed indy movie.. ada sekuel baru lagi tak?
suesz Post at 13-8-2009 11:44 
ada yg kelima nanti..... yahoooooo!!!!!
aku sukaaa indy!!! dulu masa yg ketiga dulu... tunjuk indy kecik2 the late river phoenix jadik indy... |
Korang ingat lagi tak citer Temple Of The Doom tu?Yang pegang watak Mola Ram,sami jahat tu rupanya seorang bintang filem Bollywood. |
suka indi and last crusade...macam national treasure pulak sebab byk teka teki |
semenjak tengok wayang Indiana Jones ni waktu kecik, aku terus bercita2 nak jd Arkeologi...
tp kat malaysia nie takder pasaran kerja.... |
Reply 23# jkkkj
aku dah tau time tahun 1993 masa dia main kat tv lg laaa, nama macha tu amrish puri, otai boliwood  |
Reply 26# sekngucing
Ooo...like that aaa? |
Reply 23# jkkkj
yup yup ..Amrish Puri namanya
"shak ti ley ...bla bla bla" |
Aku rasa jijik tul bila tengok scene ular sawa dihidangkan masa jamuan kat istana tu. |
Sabtu lepas (5 November 2011) filem Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade ni ditayangkan kat TV3 menerusi slot TV3 Cinema jam 12.30 malam.
Sapa pelakon yang pegang watak Walter Donovan,Marcus Brody dan Salleh dalam filem tu ek?
Si Salleh tu memang orang Arab ke? |
Junior!!!...desyum!!..... don't call me junior.. mmg epic!!!
Dlm crystal skull tang part anak dia nk ambil topi bapak dia kat lantai selepas bapak dia re-married ..dh bg hint bahawa tiada lagi indiana jones selain harrison ford... |
Sapa pelakon yang pegang watak Walter Donovan,Marcus Brody dan Salleh dalam filem tu ek?
jkkkj Post at 9-11-2011 15:52 
Walter Donovan dilakonkan oleh Julian Glover. Antara watak lain pernah dipegang beliau ialah General Veers dalam The Empire Strikes Back
Marcus Brody dilakonkan oleh Denholm Elliot
Salleh dilakonkan oleh John Rhys Davies. Antara watak lain beliau ialah Gimli dalam trilogi LOTR |
Junior!!!...desyum!!..... don't call me junior.. mmg epic!!!
Dlm crystal skull tang part anak di ...
johan3036 Post at 9-11-2011 16:12 
shia lebouf nk jd indie junior? ohh tidaaakkkk........
tak setujuk langsung! carilah pelakon yg tough leh setanding ngan indie tu |
Reply 32# alphawolf
Terima kasih bro alphawolf atas penerangan anda itu.Saya dok ingat Salleh tu memang orang Arab. |
Apa pun filem-filem Indiana Jones memang legenda sepanjang zaman. |
suka cter2 indiana jones....cter ni bukti dorg kaji kitab2 lama termasuk Alquran.. |
nicuya posted on 28-10-2013 10:23 AM 
suka cter2 indiana jones....cter ni bukti dorg kaji kitab2 lama termasuk Alquran..
Apa hujah kau cakap macam tu bro?
jkkkj posted on 28-10-2013 04:23 PM 
Apa hujah kau cakap macam tu bro?
aku just curious
tabut sulaiman-ark of covenant
old testamen
last crusade - pasal knight templer ngan holy grail
n aku rse banyak lagi kot...xkan seme kebetulan...dorg kaji kot..
nicuya posted on 28-10-2013 05:01 PM 
aku just curious
tabut sulaiman-ark of covenant
old testamen
Cemana lak ngan kisah Temple Of The Doom dan jugak kisah Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull?
Kau rasa diorang ada kaji mana-mana kitab untuk kedua-dua filem tu?
jkkkj posted on 29-10-2013 12:23 AM 
Cemana lak ngan kisah Temple Of The Doom dan jugak kisah Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull?
Kau rasa d ...
ntah la... ..
tp penah la dgr sejarah pasal temple ngan crystal skull tu..
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