tak teruja nak tengok...filem yg dikeluarkan sekadar nak kaut keuntungan atas nama besar Michael Jackson... |
sape dah beli tiket tu? brape harga ye?
mimiekiut Post at 15-10-2009 11:37 
harga tiket maybe mcm biase kowtt |
film ni just untuk die hard fan dia ja.... |
yay dah booking kat tgv cheras selatann:pompom::pompom:tak sabar nak tgkk... |
18# mimiekiut
Aku rasa cerita nie macam dokumentari jer kot...bukannya cerita...aku raser ler... |
Aku rasa cerita nie macam dokumentari jer kot...bukannya cerita...aku raser ler...
danedzya Post at 20-10-2009 06:26 
filem ni bukan cerita, dokumentari belakang tabir konsert nihh |
aku dh beli teket, tgk kat Sunway Pyramid, yg digital format nye.. tgk hari 1st.. |
citer ni dapat great review kat us and imdb wahh tak sabar nak tgkk... |
Michael Jackson’s This is It: Thumb up
I just got back from seeing the much-heralded “Michael Jackson’s This Is It.” This is not an official film review - that will come from My Main Man McCullom (Merc A&E editor, Charlie McCullom, is reviewing for our papers). But I just had to chime in that I loved the film.
It’s far better than I had hoped. Indeed, it surpasses all reasonable expectations. That’s coming from a moderate Michael fan - I’d rate myself a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 on the Michael Jackson fan scale.
Still, I feel that the movie definitely should receive consideration for the Best Documentary Oscar. It’s that good. This movie about the King of Pop is really “the king of pop-music documentaries.” Now, of course, I look forward to reading McCullom’s official word on it.
http://blogs.mercurynews.com/aei ... -jacksons-this-is-i t-thumb-up/ |
The Take: "This Is It" shows everyone, even those who don't like the late Michael Jackson, that he is truly an amazing talent and the "King of Pop". Despite all of the quirkiness, controversy, and problems that surrounded the trouble icon, he shows that he is most comfortable on the stage where all of his troubles seem to fade away. MJ, as he is referred to in the film, shows that he a timeless showman who still moves like he is in his twenties. I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and avid Michael Jackson fans will absolutely love it. Seeing MJ on stage performing his most famous songs, really brings a feeling of euphoria followed by a feeling of sadness over what could have been. Tragically, he passed away just before the opening of the show, which would have been spectacular by any standards.
The Set-up: A look at the rehearsals and preparation for Michael Jacksons series of sold out shows in London. Interviews and backstage looks are sprinkled in amongst MJ rehearsing his most famous songs to be performed in the show.
The Skinny: Director Kenny Ortega does his best to show the intense preparation and perfection demanded by Michael Jackson to put together a fantastic concert experience. Truthfully, most of the movie is rehearsal footage of Michael singing and dancing. A little set up in the beginning and some sporadic interviews throughout the film are really the only breaks between musical numbers. I am not complaining however, because I was simply mesmerized by the performance of MJ. I have seen Michael Jackson perform (not live) before "This Is It", but somehow this set of performances was different. Perhaps I mentally registered that there would be no new performances, and these were special. Maybe they were just special. I could only sit and think of what the actual show would be like when thousands of fans were cheering him on. It was an experience I did not anticipate going in to the film.
"This Is It" is chock-full of the most famous Michael Jackson hits. I was worried that it would feature just the newest music, but it was priceless. I will say that it does get just a touch long with the musical numbers back to back, but the quality makes up for it. Also, I am torn whether this is a true documentary as opposed to a musical film. I did expect more insight and "guts" of the concert, but instead Ortega chose to focus on Michael and his music. Going into the film, I thought it would be a relentless series of tributes by everyone and their brother gushing over MJ. Instead, Ortega and crew let Michael's music and talent do the talking with just the right amount of commentary.
I must say that the songs brought up some amazing memories, including the infamous "Thriller" part of the show. It would not be a Michael Jackson concert without Thriller being performed. One thing that is evidently clear from the film is the fact that the show would have been spectacular. Several shorts were filmed to be shown on the mega screen behind the stag, which would be visually stunning in person. The dancers and musicians that surround MJ were extremely talented and fun to watch in their own right.
It becomes apparent rather quickly that Michael Jackson was a stickler for details and a perfectionist at heart. He also knows his music and music in general to the point that he seems one with it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but after seeing the movie I believe it. Are there dancers who are better? Probably. Very few, if any, deliver the same charisma and energy as the late Michael Jackson.
The Pay-off: A simply entertaining film, which is not perfect, but will certainly give a better perspective on the talent of Michael Jackson. It is worth a trip to theater to see and hear the music and people on the big screen. I have not seen Michael Jackson live in concert, but after seeing this film I wish I had the chance. He is truly one of the legendary performers of our time, and "This Is It" will forever brand that in the minds of those who see it.
By: Rilio Mastrantonio |
ooohhh...review nampak ok.
i'm not really a big fan of MJ tapi hopefully i will enjoy the movie tomorrow. |
akan tngok mlm ni.
xdela teruja sgt, tp curious gak apa yg best sgt.  |
kalau tak reserved tak leh ke noks??
kalau ala2 nak pegi beli tiket beratur cam biasa?? |
28# ashna
bergantung kat tempat panggung uolls pegi larr rasenyerr...tak yah reserved pown ader tiket kowttt |
[october 29] This Is It
Release Date: 29 October 2009 | Language: English | Running Time: 1 hour 51 minutes | Director: Kenny Ortega | Cast: Michael Jackson |
Synopsis: "Michael Jackson's This Is It" offers Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning summer 2009 in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from April through June 2009, the film is drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Audiences will be given a privileged and private look at the singer, dancer, filmmaker, architect, and genius as he creates and perfects his final show.
Official Website -> http://www.thisisit-movie.com/ |
dah layan tadiii....mmg bestt sgtttt....aku suker editing tuk filem nihh....part paling best waktu part thriller,smoth criminal(suker konsep die),human nature,earth song....mj mmg tak nampak rupa org 50 langsungg even menari tak sehebat dulu tapi he still got the ryhthm suker part everytime mj cakap god bless you:cry:apepown satu jer tak best pasal die tak buat moon walk lam nihh...tertunggu tunggu gak die buat kat lagu billie jean tuh....tapi apepown filem nie mmg best for mj fanss:pompom::pompom: |
Yeap.. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
okla utk fans.
yg tak bape minat mj tak sure la leh terima ke tak.
bg aku 7/10.
| |