ensemnya hans  |
Reply #8 ahmad_dhani91's post
Reply #1 ajami's post
Watsup with David Teo and his personal attacks...?! Dasar minda rendah...sikit2 nak cakap pasal 'orang'. So ah Bengs tentang filem. 'Saya tak pernah baca skrip'...daa...dont u have a script reader...every producer should have one. Since ur the laziest you should have 5. Geram betul kalau dgr dia bercakap. Sorry la abg Ajami saya ni anti betul dgn dia...aduss...
Hans is very insightful. Nampak Hans ni banyak membaca. Banyak teori yang dia keluarkan tanpa nampak belagak. Harap2 filem dia selepas ini akan mirror kecerdikan dia sekrg. Mungkin masa buat Cuci dulu dia xtahu sebanyak ni.
Ida Nerina memang pandai. Serius Pandai. Terutama tentang view dia tentang masyrakat dan penonton. Semuanya betul dan pedas mengena. 'Malas Fikir' = Tepat. Aku masuk panggung mesti ak terdengar awek2 tanya kat abg2...'apa jadi'...huh...'huh...kenapa dia..blla..bla..?'...'jadi mak dia...?'...ak bagi contoh time tgk The Game Plan...filem Disney pun prmpuan tu leh xfaham. Pkai sangat omputih tapi kepala otak...aduss...
Kak Vanida bagi cadangan yang sangat bagus dan betul.
Looking forward for more.
Harap2 lepas ni ada banyak lagi forum macam ni. Abg Ajami..i can go ek? kalau ada ajak la...hehe |
Reply #12 dewiratna's post
haruskahh ajami di-ban slepas ini dr mana2 porem?  |
Reply #13 ajami's post
Xnak lari ke?
ps: bagus betul tanya soalan...kalau saya ada saya tanya camni..' Kenapa David Teo suka buat benda bodoh-bodoh?...IQ tak ada ka?'
lepas tu saya akan di banned seumur hidup dari filem melayu... |
Originally posted by ajami at 9-8-2008 03:03 
http://mstar.com.my/cms/content.jsp?id=com.tms.cms.article.Article_a11ac17e-c0a85062-16ab ...
betol tu....termasuklaa aku....
aku memang tk tengok pilem melayu sebab bg aku..boring..tkder isi....skop yg sama...pelakon yg sama....terlalu banyak citerrr yg same...ubah skek2 je..cth impak maksima. evolusi kl drif etc... pendek kate...kesimpulannya adalah. BORINGG |
aku sebenarnye salah satu dari orang melayu yang tak suke tengok cite melayu
ontahlaa...sebab banyak kali dikecewakan...
to tell you the truth, it's been a while since i watched malay movie
maybe sepet was the last one.
walaupon byk tayang kt estro, free2 jek, still malas nk tgk
sebab kebanyakan cite yg bodoh.
cite mat salleh pon byk gak yg bodoh.
so, aku ni biased terhadap filem2 melayu. 
but, actually, im trying to love them back
jadi, untuk pembuat filem2 melayu, buatlah cerita2 yang lagi bes dan creative.
p/s : tapi aku taknak tgk i'm not single. leh ak? |
david teoh, mentanglah dia berjaya, senang-senag jer dia kutuk org lain kan.. tak suka david teoh..
by the way, cuba namakan satu filem yg david teoh produce yg ko minat... for me... none... |
cerita melayu akan menjadi lebih menarik kalu x de kisah jiwang2 thp meleleh air mata.. atau lawak bodh yg terlampau2.. cuba buat filem yang memaparkan tokoh2 terkemuka... likes docudrama or sejarah ... |
Docu-drama cost a lot (props & setting je), i2 blom the 'Superstar' punya acting fee, but my point is rmai xbrani buat bcoz' its not viable in terms of business. As most films take about 3-5 months to develop, Docu-drama/period piece needs more time bcoz of the research(Kak Shumi had tons of document & materials during 1957) mostly can go up to 6-12 months. All of those time & materials are actually hidden cost that will add up to the overall cost. When we look back for the past 10 years and look at the market from economics point of view, how many local films that collected more that RM5million (probably less than 5 titles), it's an obvious sign that our market is not big enough to make enough money to recoup their investments(if u collect RM5million, u ave to split half with the cinema operators, hence only RM2.5 million). So what kind of epic can you do with RM2.5million, doesn't make any sense in terms of time/money investment.
Some might suggest why don't we think big and sell it internationally... hmmmh... well, any country that sells their films outside mostly have sustainable local industry(even as small as Singapore- Jack Neo's films normally can rake in between $2.5-5 million).
I think we're lucky enough to have a bunch of new-young & crazy filmmakers who keep trying to push the envelop like yusry, Mamat, Khabir, Afdlin, Osman, Hans etc. The most important thing is they keep churning out films, that's the only hope.... that the industry is going towards a good direction creative wise. <br /><br />p/s: Though sometimes I do feel frustrated with our audience in terms of giving support but at the end of the day, they're the one who fork out RM10 for the tickets + carpark + petrol + food(cost factor for the audience is as much a problem as cost factor for the producers). Everything inflated these days.
-* Nang Nak had 6 months research (historical facts) for wardrobe & war setting(which came out only 3-4 mins on screen). So there you go.... long way to go for all of us the makers & the audience.
Pendapat 2sen saya lah.
[ Last edited by bront at 12-8-2008 03:56 PM ] |
melayu sendiri yg tanak layan cite melayu.. camne la nak laku tuh.. konon low class sgt cite melayu.. agung2kan sgt cite omputeh tu.. |
Reply #21 bront's post
tuuu diaaa!!! tQ coz memeriahkn thread ni bro!
p/s: nak fan.club tak?  |
Originally posted by KiMi-HaNNa at 12-8-2008 02:39 PM 
cerita melayu akan menjadi lebih menarik kalu x de kisah jiwang2 thp meleleh air mata.. atau lawak bodh yg terlampau2.. cuba buat filem yang memaparkan tokoh2 terkemuka... likes docudrama or seja ...
berdasar pemerhatian aku, susah la nak buat cerita sejarah.. kene mintak permission waris dulu.. siapa2 yg terlibat dalam peristiwa tu dan mcm2 lagi 
[ Last edited by eddysheddy at 12-8-2008 10:42 PM ] |
bagi aku laku atau tidak sebuah filem tu berdasarkan pungutan jumlah kutipan.kalau kutipan sampai rm7 juta, filem tu kira laku la..kalau tak laku takdela dpt sampai7 juta..tu terpaksa kita terima..sama ada filem laku itu berkualiti atau tak itu terpulang kepada penonton or citer rasa masing2..ia adalah subjektif..
kalau nak kata filem melayu tak laku, ade gak filem yg boleh cecah 5,6,7 juta..so filem yg tak cecah 1 juta tu kena tgk blk mana silap nye..yg byr duit tiket ni penonton or org ramai..mereka byr rm10 1 wayang kerana ia adalah hiburan tak kirala genre filem tu komedi ke, action ke, thriller ke, hantu ke, sejarah or dokumentari ke...janji terhibur...
nak kata filem komedi or hantu je yg dpt sambutan kat malaysia tak betul gak sebab so far citer komedi n hantu tu mengiburkan atau tidak mengecewakan..produser filem kena cari sebab kenapa citer sejarah atau dokumentari kurang mendapat sambutan..mungkin jalan cerita kurang sedap, pengisian kurang ke, tak boleh salahkan penonton 100% |
produser filem kat malaysia ni pun wat filem hanya tertumpu kpd 1 kaum je iaitu melayu..dh tiba masanya kita melibatkan pelakon2 dr bangsa2 lain utk turut sama berlakon dh cuba cari pasaran di luar negara.. selama ini kita boleh layan citer indon, filipin, thai, taiwan..tak mustahil dorang pun akan tonton filem kita kalau filem kita setanding ngan filem dorang.. |
tak salah kalau kita nak tiru filem holywood. kalau holywood buat citer superhero cam batman, spiderman..kita pun leh create our own super hero..cam cicakman..tapi kena rasional la sket..org lain superhero hensem, gagah perkasa..kita cicakman yg kurus,hitam, selekeh n terkenal sbg pelakon komedi walaupun filem tu dpt kutipan smpi 5 juta.. kalau dia ganti ngan hans isac sebagai hero mesti leh tayang kat overseas..takdela malu sgt org tgk... |
tgk apa jenis filem lah.. kdang2 ok.. |
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