Tahap kesediaan ATM menjelang tamatnya perjanjian air malaysia & singapore?
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they have sea water desalination plant

Vympel77 Post at 21-2-2010 20:09 
I doubt this facility is now enough to supply all demand.....
It's just a contingency plan......
After all, facility like this need maintenance for sometimes and stop producing so how singaporean will drink? his own urine?... |
proses pakai air laut lah..... |
proses pakai air laut lah.....
HangPC2 Post at 21-2-2010 21:29  takat nie brape kapasiti keupayaan singapore utk proses air laut nie? cukup tak? diorg nie mandi kaa?  |
apa pendapat Acong diatas isu ini?  |
Singaporean would rather go to war than spend another year drinking urinated newater. |
25# jerung10
bukan mereka dah memang minum pe urinated process water tu dek non :re: nak war cemana pulak? xde keroje depa ler.... luka lama pasal Mas Selamat tu x abis lagi, xkan depa nak declare war ngan Malaysia terchentaku ini.... baik derang gi bersukaria kat resort baru derang tu x pon menyebokkan diri membesarkan pulau derang ngan pasir negara lain..... |
Ehem....aku rasa poking fun kat Singaporeans pasal newater ni is a bit childish la......kena pulak sumber air kita ni pun bukan le bersih sangat.....mana kita tau siapa dok bermandi manda dan buat kegiatan sampingan kat ulu water treatment plant? Heheheh |
Singaporean would rather go to war than spend another year drinking urinated newater
Nope, in fact since a decade they already drank treated piss- ... uhhh used water aka Newater. Sufficed to say, they're not crying any battlecry at all. |
Perbelanjaan pertahanan singapura telah bertambah tu.... |
apa salahnya perang je ngan jiran kite nih..test power beb |
30# wavevrom
ko ingat perang ni semudah game red alert ke? |
30# wavevrom
Sebelum tu meh aku test power ketahanan hang dengar bunyi peluru 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 12.7mm, 20mm dengan 25mm..lepas tu blast dari grenade, 40mm grenade, 60mm mortar, 81mm mortar, 120mm mortar 105mm howitzer, 155mm howitzer, HIMARS, ASTROS blablabla |
Hanya org tak waras je suka perang ni..... |
jgn ler perang oii...opis aku depan tambak johor aje nih...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
nak perang gi jejauh k...atau perang pakai tentera berkuda n archer aje....huhuh
well, if there is a new price (they should be new), then both parties should come to an agreement fair to both...why the need to war?? SG can drink whatever water they invented, MY kat drink from whatever polluted river that we had...so what??
aku tak paham nape nak perang isu air?? as nation that surrounded with water, i didnt quite get it la.... ayaq banyak keliling pantai, amik, treat and teguk aje ler.... huhuh |
Ala bang...ada orang tu konon nak trolling le.....tu sebab tajuk ni keluar..... |
35# alphawolf
bagi chance ler DG ngan Alpha, kang skang ni musim suam2 kuku nak kasi kritikan membina kat u know who he despise kan? kira kalo xde cite bajet then kene masukkan unsur ATM lak  |
Sporean spent millions for propaganda so that their citizen can gulp urinated NEWATER, even the moslem councils are forced to come out wth fatwa that it's not haram to drink it.
BTW ; isn't true that Singporeans prepare 2011 by devising method to conserve water water by washing their bras only once a month? |
BTW ; isn't true that Singporeans prepare 2011 by devising method to conserve water water by washing their bras only once a month?
jerung10 Post at 24-2-2010 05:27 PM 
hmm..this is new.... and this is getting interesting when talking about bras....
but why bra?? not panties, underwear??
i think to help boost up their economy they should enforced buy bra campaign and just wash it once a month... 30x2(day n night)=60 bras per women
so everymonth 60 bras/women get washed...huhuhuh
or maybe small breast implant so that smaller bras will be utilised...hence less water to wash... SG gov should enforced this .. those who have big boops have the options 1. not to wear bra, 2. get them smaller....huhuhuh
errr...are we still talking about water??
ps: mr./miss mods, jgn marah taw..... |
Ala bang...ada orang tu konon nak trolling le.....tu sebab tajuk ni keluar.....
alphawolf Post at 24-2-2010 12:32  nie kaa perangai MOD? direct je laa...... awat nak berkias? pondan kaa?  |
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