Reply 20# ChildrenOfBodom
yeke.. giler btul! apsal diorg buat filem cenggitu? motif? nak lahirkan pembunuh kejam? |
Post Last Edit by din_atos at 23-9-2010 00:35
Yg top no.1 Philosophy of a Knife, apsal torrent x byk seed? rupanya filem bahse Russian ye, and based on true story.. hmm.. branikah utk ku tonton ni 
2008 Russian / japanese Horror ****Strictly 18 ++ Very Violent, Brutal and Very Harrowing.*****The true history of Japanese Unit 731, from it's beginnings in the 1930's to it's demise in 1945, and the subsequent trials in Khabarovsk, USSR, of many of the Japanese doctors from Unit 731.
Philosophy of a knife is truly one of the most violent, brutal and harrowing movies ever made..... |
Yg top no.1 Philosophy of a Knife, apsal torrent x byk seed? rupanya filem bahse Russian ye, and bas ...
din_atos Post at 23-9-2010 00:30 
ape mksd torrent x byk seed??? aku blur cket kalo nk donload kat torrent neh...kene mana y byk erk, seed o lecher (eh ape aku type meraban neh, xreti nk spell)...aku selalu donlod kt syok.org jew, tp die xde pown list y gore movie cmnie...ade cket jew..
besh kew bro???aku tgk cete grotesque tuh pown da cukup gore, felem nie lg gore dr tuh kew??? |
meh aku laks bg review muvie y aku penah tgk based on the list:
jeng jeng jeng...hihi {:2_76:}
3. Cannibal Holocaust - aku tgk time kecik n skunk aku da donlod pown tp xberani nk tgk..coz looks real or mmg real erk???aku pown xtau...tp mmg kejam la coz cam aku gtau, nmpk sgt real hokay...kalo cuke tgk org kerat org, n seksa org dgn kejam bule la tgk.. 
10. Faces of Death - nie bukan muvi kan, tp real video kan...cam dokumentari la..dieorg rekod n gather tok jadikkan dokumentari..so aku seram cket tgk mende real neh..ngeri beb...kalo pic bule lg, kalo video neh,eeee xsggp..
22. Irreversible - dak monica neh berlakon... nk kate besh cete pown xla, busan coz byk bercakap...tp scene die agk censored coz ade adegan ehem2.. scene y plg annoying bg aku tang kene rogol tuh...adesssss.... xsgp aku tgk...cedey...kene rogol dgn ganas pastuh kene sepak terajang tang perot, muke smpi berdarah2 muke monica...huhu 
35. A l'interieur (Inside) - nie cete pasal pompuan psycho...nk balas dendam pasal pompuan neh sbbkn ank die mati time xcident kete ngn die...so time die torture pompuan tuh mmg real la...takot aku...huhu 
43. Cannibal Ferox - cete neh aku donlod n skip2...nmpk cam xbesh, xtau la kalo tgk full ok kot kalo x xkn msk dlm list kan... (aku takot tgk coz kejam la cete cannibal neh, nmpk real tuh y dok skip) 
45. Martyrs - nie cete pasal pompuan gak kene torture dok dlm bilik gelap sume la..nk kate besh sgt bule la coz lain dr lain kan...kejam gak...disiat kulit idop2... 
47. Grotesque - aaa, cete neh mmg aku rekemen sgt tgk tok sape y cuke cete penyeksaan kejam...bygkan 2 org kene kdnap (laki n pompuan) n pastuh kene seksa...kejam sgt...y pompuan kene ptg ke kerat tgn n jari kot...y laki laks, anu kene kerat...adessss...sgt annoying la kalo kerat anu org neh...aku tgk sekali pastuh da xtgk...soh org tgk jew...aku tkt terperanguh jew kalo tgk byk2 kali...takot jadik kejam cmtuh jew...hehehe 
sambung bawah :  |
k, i'm back...penat aku dok baca thread gusip jew, skunk aku nk menempek kat thread felem.. hihi
63. Meat Grinder - aku donlod cete neh da lama tp sampai la ni aku xtgk gik coz aku kn xcuke cete y byk bercakap, kalo lew teros ade adegan kejam...wakakaka...aku skip2 jew tp xnmpk la pulok scene kerat org...tp tgk screnshot kt ats smpi terkeluo usus, so nti aku tgk la..
135. I Spit On Your Grave - aaaa cete neh aku tgk pown skip2 gak coz muvi lama so aku xbape nk minat..seb bek ade kale, kalo x, haram aku tgk...cete pasal gurl neh, novelist cmtuh la g kt utan nk caik ilham kot, ke bukan..ntoh kn aku skip so xtau sgt plot...hihi
pastuh ade jantan keparat dlm 2 3 org kot rogol die beramai2...huhu cian pompuan neh, berlari2 dlm keadaan bogel..jantan2 tuh gelak2 jew..mmg haram jdah...last sekali pompuan tuh balas dendam... padan muke 
150. Hostel 2 & 151. Hostel - aku tgk y due muvi...tp aku cuke no 1 coz lg besh...no 2 xbesh sgt..tp scene dlm no 2, y pompuan tuh kene hang n kene libas ngn pedang mmg real la...takot.... huhu
153. Funny Games - xla besh mana...byk bercakap n bunuh pown xbape nk kejam..busan cket... 
eh cete SAW xmsuk kew???tuh cete feveret aku tuh...aku da xsabau nk donlod y 3D nyew...hihi 
kla, sekian buat masa neh..kalo aku dpt donlod mana2 gik from listing tuh, nti aku review gik...selamat membaca review ku yang meraban....  |
The Top 100 Most Violent Movies Ever Made
3. Cannibal Holocaust
6. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom
22. Irreversible
ChildrenOfBodom Post at 21-9-2010 17:25 
Dalam byk2 list tu cuma 3 jer yang aku pernah tengok. Teringin jugak nak cari movie2 lain yg disenaraikan tu. |
Post Last Edit by ChildrenOfBodom at 30-9-2010 13:34
ape mksd torrent x byk seed??? aku blur cket kalo nk donload kat torrent neh...kene mana y byk e ...
luvly_snow8608 Post at 30-9-2010 10:29 
seed tu maknanya kalau kau donlod habes sesuatu movie then kau biar torrent terus running. takyah close. dia akan upload movie tu. lagi banyak org buat mcm tu maknanya lagi banyak seeder, lagi banyak seeder lagi laju org lain nk donlod.
leecher - lintah ., lintah suka buat apa ? isap darah kan. kalau leecher dlm torrent ni org hat download jah tp habes dia donlod dia x jadi seeder, dia x upload ataupon senang ckp dia close dia punya torrent. kalau nk donlod movie kt torrent kena cari hat seeder byk baru laju. kalau seeder 10 leecher 100 mampus la nk laju. |
haku dah lama x donlod ikut torrent ni. |
Reply 24# luvly_snow8608
- cannibal holocaust yg menambahkan lagi kontroversi sebab ada scene bunuh haiwan , yg tu bunuh betul.
- yg scene pempuan kena sula tu siap mahkamah buat pemeriksaan nk taw speciall effect dia asli ka tak |
Reply luvly_snow8608
- cannibal holocaust yg menambahkan lagi kontroversi sebab ada scene bun ...
ChildrenOfBodom Post at 30-9-2010 13:46 
so keputusan mahkamah tol kew adegan sula tuh??? eee, seram... xsgp aku nk tgk...biaukan semak dlm hardisk aku...  |
Reply 25# luvly_snow8608
eh cete SAW xmsuk kew???tuh cete feveret aku tuh...aku da xsabau nk donlod y 3D nyew...hihi
SAW tak cukup ganas kot, biasa saja. satu lagi filem yg best jugak Wrong Turn, penah tgk? ada babak pancung2, kerat2, seksa2 org jugak. badan terbelah 2. gore jugak. takdak pon dlm list. ada 3 filem wrong turn semuanya, kalau n k best tgk yg UNRATED version.
so keputusan mahkamah tol kew adegan sula tuh??? eee, seram... xsgp aku nk tgk...biaukan semak d ...
luvly_snow8608 Post at 30-9-2010 13:50 
special effect. nie dia terangkan cmna spesel effect tu dibuat
In court, he explained how the effect was achieved: a bicycle seat was attached to the end of an iron pole, upon which the actress sat. She then held a short length of balsa wood in her mouth and looked skyward, thus giving the appearance of impalement. Deodato also provided pictures of the girl interacting with the crew after the scene had been filmed. After they were presented with this evidence, the courts dropped all murder charges against Deodato.[1][8]
pempuan tu duduk atas bicycle seat kekdahnya |
special effect. nie dia terangkan cmna spesel effect tu dibuat
pempuan tu duduk atas ...
ChildrenOfBodom Post at 30-9-2010 13:58 
looo, mati2 haku ingat real...coz kn dowunk kate pelakon n krew sume xjmpe erk...eh kat mana aku baca erk...lupe  |
owhhh, kire win2 situation la erk...aku bes donlod n pastuh die upload lik tok lajukan org len n ...
luvly_snow8608 Post at 30-9-2010 13:55 
ha, cari yg banyak seeder dari leecher. apasal tak donlod guna rapidshare megaupload etc etc? gugel ja la noks kot2 jumpak. aku prefer guna rs, mu dgn hf ja. |
yang pernah aku tgk:-
I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave - aku beli cd uncut version lg ...
honey_jelly Post at 30-9-2010 13:14 
mane kow donlod muvie neh??? pernah tgk i spit on ur grave x??? lebeh kuang kew cetenyew???
cete audition tuh cm besh jew dr review kow..japan nie spesel effect dowunk lg ganas... |
ha, cari yg banyak seeder dari leecher. apasal tak donlod guna rapidshare megaupload etc et ...
ChildrenOfBodom Post at 30-9-2010 14:02 
kalo kat torrent kn ade benih n lintah jew noksss... kalo ade choicefile hosting baik aku pilih mediafire jew...lg senang n cepat...hihi
kalo part by part tuh le donlod sekaligus...kalo rs leceh, coz pas part1 kene tggu 15 menet baru le donlod len..kalo HF lg la haram..selangsejam bru le donlod len...huh
Mu k la gak..kalo terdesak...hihi
aku jenis suke donlod sume part sekali...ade gak y single link, tpberat so akan slowdown speed berokband aku...xcuke..better part bypart.. |
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