INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]
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KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 9 (Yonhap) -- South Korean President Lee Myung-bak flew into Kuala Lumpur on Thursday for a two-day state visit aimed at boosting cooperation between the two nations as they mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties this year.
Shortly after his arrival, Lee met with a group of more than 120 Korean residents in Malaysia.
On Friday, Lee plans to hold summit talks with Prime Minister Najib Razak in Putrajaya, an administrative city near Kuala Lumpur, on promoting relations between their countries, including cooperation in the nuclear energy field, according to Lee's office Cheong Wa Dae.
The leaders are scheduled to hold a joint press conference after observing the signing ceremony of a treaty on criminal and judicial cooperation, it added.
Lee's trip to this Southeast Asian nation is the first by a South Korean president since Lee's predecessor Roh Moo-hyun visited in 2005.
Malaysia is one of South Korea's key economic partners. Malaysia is the second-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas after Qatar. The two sides have been seeking to expand cooperation on nuclear power generation and renewable energy.
Earlier in the day, Lee made a brief trip to the Indonesian island of Bali, where he attended a regional democracy forum and held a summit with his Indonesian counterpart on its sidelines.
In the summit, Lee and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed to boost cooperation on weaponry development, energy, infrastructure and green technologies, Cheong Wa Dae said.
Yudhoyono proposed that Indonesia and South Korea step up partnerships in the defense industry in such areas as the production and trade of fighter jets, trainer aircraft, submarines, tanks and other weapons, Cheong Wa Dae spokeswoman Kim Hee-jung said.
South Korea hopes to export more than a dozen T-50 "Golden Eagle" supersonic trainer jets to Indonesia. If successful, it will be Seoul's first trade of the aircraft, which was developed with its own technology. Each jet is reportedly priced around US$20 million.
Seoul also seeks to export two submarines to Indonesia, a potential contract worth $900 million. In addition, the two nations are pushing for a joint fighter jet development program code-named "KF-X."
"President Yudhoyono revealed a plan to send his special envoy to South Korea early next year to discuss the issue of economic cooperation and defense industry partnership more concretely," the spokeswoman said.
Lee then delivered a speech at the opening of the two-day Bali forum, in which he stressed the importance of democracy in economic development as shown in economic gaps between the two Koreas.
Lee said despite the communist North's unrelenting military threats, the capitalist South has achieved industrialization and democracy over just a generation, which demonstrates the correlation between democracy and economic growth.
He did not mention North Korea's deadly shelling of a South Korean island on Nov. 23 during what was his first speech to an international audience since the attack.
http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/ ... 1209010700315F.HTML |
Baru kali ini ada forumer yang berhasil mempermalukan indonesia dan msia.....syabas buat Schong...... |
Baru kali ini ada forumer yang berhasil mempermalukan indonesia dan msia.....syabas buat Schong..... ...
@hli Post at 10-12-2010 11:28 
forumer indo tak malu pak cik.. 
postingan schong ngawur kok buat apa di pusingin.. |
hahah...CHONG KAPIR laknat tu biasalaaa...dah terbiasa makan cacing khinzir....sebab tu mentalnya pun macam tu jugak... |
wind...kau tengok dia punya avatar pun kau dah tau sapa bangsat ni...pro komunis! |
satu lagi satu lagi... 
hadoiii..abis korang hijack thread nih   |
nambah satu sebelom di lock  |
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 11-12-2010 17:23
hahah...CHONG KAPIR laknat tu biasalaaa...dah terbiasa makan cacing khinzir....sebab tu mentalnya pu ...
foranz Post at 10-12-2010 12:50 PM 
gua rasa keturunan si chong tu komunis .... macam mak bapak dia jugak depa tak ble terima hakikat yg depa tu hidup dalam masyarakat majmuk dan dibawah kekuasaan raja2 melayu... gua punya advice sama chong lu tak suka tinggal sini lu boleh blah lain tempat .. kalu manusia yg ada ideologi macam chong ni dibiarkan bagi pendapat sesuka hati dia kat forum macam ni, tak mustahil kejadian macam 13 mei boleh berulang... .
raja2 melayu sudah kasi kerakyatan sama lu punya atok pon lu sudah nasib baiiikkk... orang melayu tarak kacau sama lu, lu jangan kacau sama melayu haa... sama2 cari makan,chong ini negara aman n tarak gaduh2 lu jangan carik pasal mau timbulkan sentimen bangsa pula....
chong kalu lu mau great china.. lu pi balik china, sana semua orang cina, sana tarak melayu lu bole bikin apa lu suka.... sini malaysia macam2 bangsa ada x bole suka2 hati cakap .. lu nak timbulkan kemarahan bangsa melayu ka? lu tau melayu still majoriti & and the arm force still dominated by the malays.... lu jaga2 aa |
Post Last Edit by SChong at 12-12-2010 07:58
Reply 32# malberi8
I know who you are .......
01. You call each other 'BODOH' for fun, and too 'BODOH' to realize it's an offensive word.....
02. You are not smart but act like you are smart.... |
Reply 33# SChong
i dont care whether u know me or not.... but be carefull of what u said... dont play with racial sentiments here.. you will get wat u ask for!! |
Don't be happy ....the break up of Malaysia, especially by Sabah, Sarawak and Pulau Pinang, is p ...
SChong Post at 9-12-2010 15:52 
mentaliti tipikal bangsa komunis..
itu memang telah dijangka, sebab bangsa kau
yang suka menipu memang mahir mencuri tanah
daripada penduduk pribumi melalui kuasa
ekonomi dan sekarang pula politik..
kini segalanya tergantung kepada kebijaksanaan
pucuk pimpinan negara, dinaungi raja2 melayu,
untuk memperbetulkan kepincangan orang2 melayu
supaya cita2 rakus anak komunis seperti kau
digagalkan sepenuhnya, sepertimana parti komunis malaya
dikuburkan |

bencong thaicong  |
mentaliti tipikal bangsa komunis..
itu memang telah dijangka, sebab bangsa kau
yang suka men ...
d'zeck Post at 13-12-2010 09:12 
komunis tu adalah sebuah ide cik, dan ide gak bisa di kubur.mungkin sahaja saat kini mereka lagi dormant dan bangkit lagi
suatu saat kalo keadaan memungkinkan  |
Post Last Edit by shantika at 14-12-2010 10:53
Reply 37# botakgundul
betul,, selama SChong dan teman2nya masih memandang china sebagai "tanah pujaan", komunisme akan terus ada dan mungkin suatu waktu akan ambil alih pemerintahan Malaysia. Hati2 sahaja pak cik.. |
actually schong did us a favour. I can see Malindo forummers united in hammering that chong...   |
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