Singapore never intruded Malaysia's airspace
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Reply 1# F15SG
All the 2,000+ intrusions occured over Middle Rocks only.
Probably by supply aircrafts flying to and from Pedra Branca.
No need for malaysia to get all riled up. If some inhabitant from a nearby squatter area walks through your plantation to get to the bus stop would you shoot him like a dog ?
During the cold war Nato airspace was intruded many times by soviet aircrafts. Not supply helicopters but combat aircrafts.
We may not be violating singaporean airspace in retaliation now but theres no guarantee we wouldnt do it some other time.
Next week ...next year....next decade ... anytime we feel like it. |
Reply 18# DavidLee19
You miserable primitive singaporeans just love to talk about 'buluh' don't you ? Just like indons.
I bet your mother been cleaning toilet bowls in malay expats' homes with bamboo brushing sticks LOL |
Cakaap senang ... apakata kau fikir akibatnya?
robotech Post at 2-7-2011 12:53 
Apa agaknya akibat dari menembak pesawat negara singapura yang lemah longlai ? {:1_115:} |
Post Last Edit by BotakChinPeng at 25-7-2011 03:41
Hihihih. Rupanya kesemua pencerobohan ruang udara malaysia yang dikatakan lebih dua ribu kali itu hanya berlaku di Batuan Tengah saja.
Sekadar tumpang lalu untuk hantar bekalan ke Pulau Batu Putih.
Zaman perang dingin dulu entah berapa kali ruang udara negara-negara NATO dicerobohi pesawat Soviet. Bukan oleh helikopter pembawa bekalan; tapi oleh pesawat perang.
Kalau tuan punya ladang biar saja penghuni setinggan bersebelahan tumpang lalu tanpa kebenaran itu apa ertinya ?
Malaysia boleh balas bila-bila masa jika kita nak dengan menceroboh ruang udara Pedra Branca dalam perjalanan ke Batuan Tengah.
Bulan depan… tahun depan…dekad hadapan…bila-bila masa kita suka. |
Apa agaknya akibat dari menembak pesawat negara singapura yang lemah longlai ?
Hang tanya la sama pemikir ketenteraan tempatan ... for me, ehehehe, atleast I do have some general idea on what'll happen.
Not to be shared though ... |
Bulan depan… tahun depan…dekad hadapan…bila-bila masa kita suka.
Tapi TUDM tak buat pun ... sejak dari dulu hingga sekarang.
Although, kalu la tetiba MiG-29N lalu berdesup kat ruang udara SG, rasa2nya, mau royan media & MINDEF derang ...  |
Dari Rocky Bru..
Intrusion or Apathy?
Recently Singapore officials exposed or rather made subtle remarks that our territorial surveillance is so inept that we couldn't differentiate between commercial aircrafts and military jets.
I mean the Singaporeans were actually saying that we Malaysians (the concerned authorities including the Ministry of Defence) are so pathetic that our multi-million ringgit radars or the personnel analysing data from these radars couldn't tell the difference between a foreign air force jet and a commercial airliner.
The issue surfaced following a Malaysian MP's query in Parliament recently and the Defence Minister promptly replied that there was a total of 2058 intrusion into Malaysian airspace by Singaporean aircrafts since 2008.
This Singapore Story is not new to us. They have been playing this provocative game for a long time but are we now knowingly allowing them to make fun of our APATHY ?
More often than not we blame the snobbish Singaporeans and their acts of Kiasu-ness, BUT are we encouraging them to intrude into our home by leaving our doors unattended (or with doors wide ajar and a few sleeping guards)? |
hehe. cant believe malaysians find kiasuness-working hard to get ahead in life a problem. afterall, u have ur lifestyles and we have ours. |
Your kiasu-ness is not a problem really ..... in Singapore. When you start to bring that kiasu attitude over the Causeway to our territory, well that is different matter altogether. |
Reply 29# robotech
Ala..live and let live. U think we dont find certain malaysian traits annoying as well or for that matter anyone else from other countries. pointless to get too worked up abt it. |
Tapi TUDM tak buat pun ... sejak dari dulu hingga sekarang.
robotech Post at 25-7-2011 15:25 
Aku tak sebut pun pasal dulu hingga sekarang |
singaporean kiasuness-working hard to clean toilet bowls in the homes of malay expatriates is very much appreciated by malaysians
but its just dumb to antagonize a technologically more advanced friendly country who keeps getting richer and stronger.
hehe. cant believe malaysians find kiasuness-working hard to get ahead in life a problem. afterall, u have ur lifestyles and we have ours.
belacan79 Post at 27-7-2011 11:13 
Yeah. House dwellers definitely have much different lifestyles than miserable rat hole flat inhabitants. |
Hehehe .. So, don't let your 'Orang Utan' to operate your radar etc ...  |
well it might be differrent next time when essm in our pv operate later , we wont answer by paper but by actions , and then we cant blame orang utan |
Reply 34# hyazinth79
Buy first and then talk about it. Even so, there wont be parity. Anyway, the so called incursions is over different interpetations over status of Pedra Branca island. Read the article above. So peace guys. |
Reply hyazinth79
Buy first and then talk about it. Even so, there wont be parity. Anyway, the s ...
belacan79 Post at 2-8-2011 19:58 
so....what is the correct definition of the so called intrusions??? (refer to that case la) |
singa + pork = problems all the way |
macam mana nanti jikalau singapore punya F-35..entah ruang udara mana2 negara dunia ni dia masuk...  |
macam mana nanti jikalau singapore punya F-35..entah ruang udara mana2 negara dunia ni dia masuk...
Jangan kata MY, Indo pun diorang redah .... national security mahhhhh .... |
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