Report Penuh "BBQ and Mandi Manda and TT session bawak ke subuh"
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Reply 20# nanie
report pilem adnan sempit xde ke? |
Reply nanie
report pilem adnan sempit xde ke?
freakygirl Post at 28-2-2012 22:38
jade xde bukak pon. leh gak claim tacang. hihihi |
Reply 22# nanie
die x g tgk cte tu cmne nk buat..hehehe.. pe kata uols buatkan report..
bowling g tak nt? |
err mlm ni iols wat repot howkay. freaky pun bleh wat gak kan, kalo x reti mintk abg tek tlng ajar.. |
Reply 23# freakygirl
hadik priky....nak drop by bulehh?? kaka ruff maybe nak gi rumah mek samshik (forumer bod Gossip yg glemer tu)...kalo dia sudi bwk akak berjalan2 nanti leh syemolot jumpa hadik priky |
Reply 26# ruffleen
Oh nak g umah kol bpe?boleh jer.. Bru balik kolej ni.. |
Reply 24# otai_g
Abg otai pon leh ajarkan huhu |
Reply 25# nanie
Hehe balik klang eh iols pon cam malas nak g sabtu ni sbb de exam nt hri isnin...tp xpenah g lak ioi mall tu.. Cam nak window shopping pon ada.. Nani de whatsapp x? Diorg de wat cari group kat whatsapp.. Da join lom? |
Reply ruffleen
Oh nak g umah kol bpe?boleh jer.. Bru balik kolej ni..
freakygirl Post at 29-2-2012 15:49
tatau lagi....... |
Reply nanie
Hehe balik klang eh iols pon cam malas nak g sabtu ni sbb de exam nt hri i ...
freakygirl Post at 29-2-2012 15:57
ade je whatsapp. xde sape pon invite. sampai ati. sobs |
Reply nanie
Hehe balik klang eh iols pon cam malas nak g sabtu ni sbb de exam nt hri i ...
freakygirl Post at 29-2-2012 15:57
btw, ioi mall tu xde pe sgt nak shopping.
iolss slalo g sane pon sbb nak makan seoul garden.
prefer g SG sane dr g SG OU. |
Reply 32# nanie
De no jade x? Suh jade masukkan dlm group tu.. SG sana apa beza ngan kat ou tu? Igt nak carik inai rambut kaler itam.. Agak2 kat sne de jual x?nk pgy ke tak eh... |
salam.i mencelah.i dh sms jade suh add i dlm fb tapi apsal die x dpt crik saye ye??teringin nk join kwn2 sume |
Reply 34# nanie
Xlah, bukan hair colour. Rambut da rosak da slalu sgt kaler. Ni nak yg inai punya.. Kat mydin byk jual rm5 sekotak hehehe.. Kalau colour ag nt rambut rosak truk.. abg tekka main bowling, iols mau shopping.. |
Reply 35# messyjet
join ler sabtu ni |
cari group field report ver through my window - bunkface (special made for board kawan & persahabatan)
Date: 24th Feb 2012
Venue: GSC OU
attendant list :
1. tekkamen (organizer)
2. freakygirl (assistant organizer)
3. azlin_azarin (unplan organizer)
4. morgana (co founder)
5. otai_g (writer)
6. nanie (promoter)
7. viollet07 (observer)
8. emerald_jade (founder)
as usual, routine weekend meeting cari group hv come. after several discussion and suggestion, organizer user his power veto to make it at gsc ou. of course it happend after he make several consideration and judgement to all members.
according to original plan, all team members should be arrive at site location on 10.00 am and ticket just buy on 10.30 am after plus minus 30 minutes of emergency time.
when writers, nanie and viollet07 hv arrive at site location, all team members already be there exclude emerald_jade. time was 11.10 pm and we still have 30 minutes before the movie start. another unplan activity take place - bowling. 4 player name tekkamen, Morgana, azlin_azarin and otai_g take place for this friendship game and the winner is, u know who u are ;) the rest members just sit and gossip chit chat each other.
after finish bowling, all of us go straight to cinema for watching adnan sempit 2. writer hv heard one of us hv sleep during watching this movie. who that guy in action, once again u know who u are ;)
after finish watching, now time for us to hv TT session. azlin_azarin give suggestion to hang out at downtown kota damansara. without further delay, all of us just drive over there. then, our founder emerald_jade hv come to join us and make this session complete.
meeting dismiss around 4.00 pm and all of us just go back to place where we come from. special thanks goes to mr organizer for this events and last but not least all the team members which sincere to come for together-gether realize this gathering.
for the next activity will organize by morgana. make sure ur guys, ladies and gentleman, father and mother, working class, students and shaman to free joining us no matter who u are. we are a people just like u, like me and like us.
p/S: sorry for any broken language and grammar. its what we call an english education ;) |
Reply nanie
Xlah, bukan hair colour. Rambut da rosak da slalu sgt kaler. Ni nak yg inai p ...
freakygirl Post at 1-3-2012 00:16
ooo...inai henna tu. kedai2 jamu ade kot. rase nye ade nampak kiosk kecik jual jamu2.
klo iolss jadi dtg leh la kite seshopping sesama kekdah nye iolss main bowling pon masok longkang
dr asik masok longkang baik g cuci2 mata |
Reply 37# freakygirl
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan