Reply 13# STONER
Hhahah tak terkata aku. kalo aku larik teruss |
jangan la gelojoh sangat memang la makan penampo..tenung mata dia dulu..ambik mood sikit..agak2 ...
STONER Post at 24-4-2012 23:52
Camni baru jantan........ |
hehehe ngorat guna email.. Good Luck! |
hahahaha...kengkawan...td pg aku da ajak die kuar mkn da...n die mcm ok jer tp nk bwk member die skali...wakakkakakaka....dah set baik punye..tetibe time lunch ade urgent meeting plak ngn management...xdptla aku kluar...since aku xde no die...aku juz email jer la...tp mlgnye die x reply...kompem die menyirap ngn aku nie...muahahahahhaha |
call ext dia, pastu ajak kuar lunch dulu, pastu baru ler next step agak2 serasi, tukar2 no h/p, pastu next step ajak kuar dinner.. pastu next step ajak kawin..... itu paling afdal.... |
pigi direct la..huhuhu....ajak bf..ajak lunch..ajak dinner..mintak alamat...pi hantar rombongan meminang terus..mende baik...wat pe nak tangguh2.. |
ye ke ko lari terus..kalau muka pecah rumah memangla lari..cuba yg hensem....
contohnya cam ...
STONER Post at 25-4-2012 23:39
Hahaha ko hensem keeeeee. Kalo muka hensem buat gitu da cm pervert plk |
Minta laaa no hp. Start calling2. Baru laaa dapat respond baik. Kalau setakat email, kirim2 salam.....org sana pun kompius. Samada ngko nie nak berkawan2 atau saja memain. "Usaha tangga kejayaan bro".
Aku rasa perempuan skang nie lagi cerdik laa. Setakat muka handsome, badan ketak2...tapi duit tak der dirog tak layan. Diorg cari yg lebih menjamin masa depan. Yang dah stabil, bekerjaya....baru best berkawan. Anyway bro, kalau dah 26 tahun selayaknya berkahwinlaa. |
just forget her bro...
cari orang lain la...don't shit where u eat, nanti makan diri sendiri...
dari respon dia pun aku rasa dia tak berminat dengan ko, she just enjoy the fact that she has a fan..tu jer...
dia biarkan ko tergantung...limit to 2 replies per day...what the hell is that?...she's fooling around with u...girls who show interest in you never left the interaction without a closure...
nampak sgt lu bukan priority pada dia...
my advice, wash your hands clean and never messed up with her again...
even kalau ko cakap...alaa...nak kawan2 je dulu, tak dapat pun takpe...kawan pun ok...that statement will backfire to u...sebab lu dah set dalam kapla otak nak go more than friend dan lepas tu nak downgrade jadi kawan...dude, u can fool everyone but u cannot fool yourself...
after effect rejection ni menyeksakan bro...even if u trying to put on a straight face..u'll be clawing your heart inside out...lagi teruk kalau ko duduk sorang-sorang...
so..again..my advice..forget her and move on with your life...hooking up with someone from the same organization/company do more harm to u than good...it will affect your professional social circle and also your career... |
Reply 34# cmf_king_kong
good one bro...noted with thanks....actually that the fact kn...susah kalo same organisation...i try to prevent it la ...but..apparently i cant...why? because i juz cannot resist that temptation bro...sbb terbaik kot...but i appreciate ur arguments..thanks anyway bro!!! |
Reply 35# joe_jambul
ape yg ko rase skrg ni just this feeling call "crush"...ko excited dengan thrill nak mengenal dia...nak mengorat dia dan sebagainya...sebab dia cantik, that's it
tapi boleh ke ko yakin yang feeling tu akan berterusan lepas ko dapat dia?..kalaula ko dapat dia kekdahnya...
ko kena faktorkan long term possibilities dalam proses menganalisa awek tu...ko dgn dia keje satu kampeni, while she is part of you she's also your colleague dimana akan terdapat perbandingan antara ko dengan dia dari colleague ko yg lain, bos ko, super bos ko, ceo ko...what if kalau dia dapat promotion, ko pulak camtu jer..or worst, what if she ended up being your boss?...tu satu hal la...then consider the possibilties yang korang takde jodoh, gaduh besar...camane lu nak go on dgn life kalau dlm professional life pun nak kena hadap dia..then orang cantik camtu mesti ramai buaya yang tunggu masa nak ngap kulit dia yang gebus itu...lu sanggup ke nak berhadapan dengan benda-benda mencabar kewibawaan ego itu...he he he he he ehe
too much unnecessarry risks bro...not worth it...
kalau dia bukan colleague lu dah lame gua cakap "game it bro"...
on a much serious note...aku dah tengok ramai gila member aku crash and burn disebabkan cinta satu ofis ni...kareer jadi stagnated, produktiviti out, extreme depression..kena vss, kena fired...i've seen them all...maybe it's an isolated case yang jadi kat opis aku je..but then why take the risk...let your professional life exclusive only to u and not share with your love one... |
Reply 37# joe_jambul
hehe...betul tak gua cakap...belom ape2 lagi lu dah criticize professionalism dia...see what i told u about dating someone from your office
harini dia emel lu...sbb dia pelik..selalunya admirer dia (ko la tu..) emel dia tanye kabar..those daily email of yours make her feel special but she play hard to get, konon bz laa..sehari 2 kali je reply email lu...haha..yeah right...ha sekarang ni biar dia plak rase camane terhegeh-hegeh neh...
one of the indicator that show she just not into you is when you asked her for lunch, she insisted on bringing her friends along...that is what we called as firewalling..using her friends as blockade so that you won't have that opportunity to get to her...
kalau dia betul-betul sincere, dia akan terima invitation ko untuk lunch tu...my theory why she accepted your invitation but insisted on bring her friends along is ...she's afraid of losing an admirer if she decline your invitation...
tapi kalau ko nak game jugak dengan dia..up to you laa..she might be the one..on my side, aku just nak ko aware the risks je..
ko doa je la dia berenti keje tak lama lagi |
hari nie sumenye mcm trbongar satu per satu...mcm petunjuk dari ALLAH jer.. aku hari nie aku de dpt email dr die tanye khabar...tp aku wat bodoh jer.... nak jual mahal gak ... yup i admit...die mmg cantik...but brain is always an important factor for me bro...and perhaps, ill go for someone else which is way better than her... tp kenkadang...aku takut aku yg kalah..sbb aku slalu terbayang muke die...wakkakakakakak....pergh aku terbyng lg nie...and mayb i will do an exceptions....just for her..hehehehehhe...we will see how...
~ dh terjwb sndirik
~ papepn iols nk TT baca n pk2kn statement kt bwh ni
kadang-kadang pelik dengan sesetengah manusia...atas nama cinta la sangat sanggup terima apa saja..nanti bila dah kawin, dah tau baik buruk..ada jek tak kena..tengok yang buruk jek padahal masa sebelum nak kawin tu, boleh jek kite pilih calon yang camne kite mau..alahai...one word to describe this situation...sweet but pathetic |
ko bukan org yg dulu, maksud aku lagi awek tu jual mahal lagi ko rasa tu sbg cabaran
ko kena berubah, ko ejas jer la awek lain yg tak jual mahal dan boleh terima ko seadanya
awek jual mahal tu dia akan sedar bila umur dia meningkat dan rasa dah terlepas sesuatu
Reply 1# joe_jambul
lu keje mana mat....PM kt wa nnt wa ejaskn tuk lu |
ahh boring la ejas awek tempat keja sama. |
Aku n pakwe masam aku keje 1 opis,Pakwe masam aku dulu dia ngorat aku masa 1st day aku interview, awal2 sudah booking, xsempat nk famous amous.... |
style lapuk la awk nie... |
mgkn die bukan tercipta untukmu...........TT pun cam xde inisiatif je, so usha aweks lain la.. |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan