10 Bekas Rumah Sakit Jiwa menyeramkan yang telah ditutup di Dunia
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eh eh....i suka bangunan:
1. Whittingham Asylum
interior mcm cantik lagi.....tapi bangunan yang satu lagi tu adakah tersnap entiti? scary nya!!!!!!!! |
Whittingham Hospital - One Hundred Years 1873 - 1973
Whittingham Hospital opened officially on 1st April 1873, built by bricks made on site, the source being what became to be known as the "duck pond" but referred to on maps as the "fish pond". The kiln for the manufacture of the bricks was situated, apparently, in what is known "Super's Hill Woods", at the back of the hospital, on the road to Grimsargh. The hospital was built in four "phases", the first being St Luke's (the Main), followed by St John's (the Annex), then Cameron House, and lastly St Margaret's (the New or West Annex). In addition to these 'divisions' there was also a Sanatorium of fourteen beds built for Infectious Diseases, which became known as Fryars' Villa, later to become part of the accomodation for the resident staff. The hospital served the community for almost 150 years, and, in its' day, was a virtually self sufficient community. |
Masih cantik tempat-tempat tu.. |
creepynye.......  |
seram lak nk tgk lame2 |
takut nye..... |
kalau betul org, logik ke dia pakai mcm tu and baring atas tu and snap pic? dahla pakai mcm zaman dulu2.  |
Cantiknye. Kalau nak buat
movie cantik sekali lokasinya
dongkey |
tutup kat dunia je la?
so kat mane lagi bukak?
hantu ker tu?
oni313 Post at 26-5-2012 11:32 
erk... ada mayat atas katil tu la...giler arh... is dat a real ghost ?.... or memang de bende atas tu... |
bangunan2 tu masih cantik sayang terbiar macam tu je..... |
x der details keseramannya ker?
bangunan mcm semua kat europe je |
tgk luar mmg cantik....bahagian dalam haru biru  |
sapa bran nak duk kat sini... |
Reply 34# harisbee
mmg bangunan kat area sana..tp detail nak kena buat research skit..nnt sy ada ms free sy cari..then share kat sini.. |
Reply harisbee
mmg bangunan kat area sana..tp detail nak kena buat research skit..nnt sy ...
novelloverzz Post at 27-5-2012 13:16 
akan aku tgu detail dr ko yek.... |
Reply 38# putribatrisya
Insyallah...tp takes time skit..tp mmg ada niat nk cari sbb nk tau sejarah ngn peristiwa yg jd kt tmpt2 ni.. |
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