hawt nyer bos tempat anna kendrick keje tu |
This is wayyyyyyy better than Glee
Walaupun ini langsung tak leh compare ngan glee sbb ni acapella but i don't care, this stuff is better
Best gak sore si magician tu ek
Suka dailog2 yg dia org express daripada “a cappella” words..mcm “aca-scuse me?” , aca-believe it" & “aca-awkward.”
bagi aku citer ni mmg aca-mazing ! 
nameloo posted on 23-12-2012 10:31 PM 
Moviw ni memang kelakar gila!
Banyak gila catchy phrase, naik kejung perut aku gelak kejap2 ...
yg 'I ate my twin in the womb' mmg takleh blah...org tgh serius leh wat lawak laks 
Aku donlod ct3 ni...dh berpuluh kali aku tgk.siap donlod ost lg..gile dh aku..aku ske time finale the bella tu.bes2.... |
dah tengok
memang best
fat amy memang lawak
paling nak muntah bila leader diorang muntah macam lava gunung berapi
erkkk ....
Dah tengok!!
Memang lagi best dari Glee.
Siap ada category "Songs ruined by Glee" time lawan riff-off  |
Anna Camp was 1 of the judges for sectional in 1st season glee
But citer ni aku download je...mmg best giler dok ulang2 lagu remix Bruno Mars and Nelly tu |
Aku tgk movie ni dlm kai terbang. Ulang2 kali aku tgk, best gila!!!
Jatuh centa aku kat skylar astin |
aku tengok lagi kat HBO baru nih..
malay subtitle HBO mmg sucks.. banyak yang salah..
byk scene yang dia potong.. tp scene dlm bilik mandi tu complete pulak..  |
total box-office Pitch Perfect : USD113,042,075
dgn bajet USD17 juta
hmpir 10 kali ganda
sekuel nnt xsure lg mcmna
hope for the best & more aca-mazing cast, story & songs! |
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