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Author: robotech

2013 Exercise Bersama Lima

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Take Off. Rmaf BAe Hawk Mk 208

Source: ... 91993998&type=1

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:12 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:15 PM | Show all posts

Butterworth, 14 Nov - Eksesais BERSAMA LIMA 2013 yang diadakan di Pangkalan Udara Buterworth sejak seminggu yang lalu telah menerima kunjungan dari pegawai-pegawai kanan tentera dan awam dari negara-negara dalam Pakatan Perjanjian Pertahanan Lima Negara (Five Power Defence Arrangements - FPDA) yang terdiri dari Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapura dan United Kingdom. Delegasi dari negara-negara berkenaan tiba di Pangkalan Udara Butterworth dengan menaiki pesawat tentera dan juga kenderaan telah disambut di Pergerakan Udara PU Bwth dan dibawa ke Auditorium Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) untuk sesi taklimat eksesais yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah Eksesais, Laksamana Muda Dato’ Abd Rahman bin Abd Karim. Turut menyampaikan taklimat ialah Ketua Pemerintah Hadapan (CPX Controller), Ketua Latihan Medan (FTX Controller) dan Chief EXCON.

Delegasi ‘VIP Day’ kali ini disertai oleh Duta Australia ke Malaysia dan Singapura, Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan Tentera dan Awam dari MINDEF Singapura serta Penasihat Pertahanan negara FPDA di Kuala Lumpur. Delegasi United Kingdom disertai oleh wakil Duta UK dan Penasihat Pertahanan ke Malaysia. Delegasi VIP FPDA seterusnya dibawa melawat pelaku-pelaku (augmentees) di Bangunan Eksesais (CPX) dan di Markas IADS (HQIADS). Delegasi berkesempatan bertemu dan beramah mesra dengan pelaku dari negara masing-masing. Program ‘VIP DAY’ telah diakhiri dengan jamuan makan tengahari yang disediakan oleh penganjur eksesais bertempat di Markas IADS.

P/S: Gambar2 VIP Day disertakan di bawah (Robo).

Sumber: ... 010791993998&type=1 Last edited by robotech on 31-12-2013 10:20 PM


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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Delegasi dari Singapura tiba dengan pesawat RSAF di Pergerakan Udara PU Bwth — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

Delegasi sedang mendengar taklimat dari Chief EXCON, Lt Col Campbell Paine, di Bangunan Eksesais (CPX) — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.


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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Delegasi sedang mendengar taklimat dari Chief EXCON, Lt Col Campbell Paine, di Bangunan Eksesais (CPX) — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

Send Off Delegasi di Pergerakan Udara PU Bwth — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:19 PM | Show all posts
Sesi taklimat yang diadakan di Auditorium ACMI — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

Delegasi semasa lawatan ke Latihan Medan (FTX) di HQIADS. — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

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Post time 31-12-2013 10:20 PM | Show all posts
baru brape minggu lepas adam bercuti di port dickson.. menginap di bayu beach resort.. betul2 dekat dengan muzim tdm.. rejimen askar melayu diraja..

masa solat jumaat.. budak2 army ni mcm2 ragam.. biasalah kena rekrut..

masa adam pg lawat muzium... ada seorang senior tampar budak rekrut.. alasan budak rekrut isap rokok walhal pada tangan senior ada rokok..

jadi tentera bukan senang.. jgn fikir nak pakai pakaian seragam.. kalau tak tahan tak layak... dan kalau dah jadi tentera jangan buat sifat haiwan.. didik manusia cara terhormat.. respect is gain..

nabi latih panglima islam dengan pembentukan jiwa, latihan rohani, latihan jasmani.. bukan dengan torture.. tapi bagi adam torture ada kebaikannya sebagai contoh kalau kena tangkap dengan musuh? takkan nak dedahkan maklumat negara...

syabas unit rejimen askar melayu di raja... by the way adam ada shopping kt pernama.. really murah. air mineral 1.5 litre rm 1 sahaja!

adam berhajat bila dah kurus dan fit nak beli boot tentera.. rm 520.. boot green beret commando american.. ada jual kt koperasi tentera pernama.. hihi..

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Sesi lawatan ke FTX di HQIADS — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

Group Photo Delegasi VIP Day di hadapan Bangunan ACMI — at Butterworth,Pulau Pinang.

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:22 PM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 31-12-2013 10:20 PM
baru brape minggu lepas adam bercuti di port dickson.. menginap di bayu beach resort.. betul2 dekat  ...

Ini salah thread ni. Mungkin Adam boleh buka thread baru.

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Post time 31-12-2013 10:24 PM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 31-12-2013 10:22 PM
Ini salah thread ni. Mungkin Adam boleh buka thread baru.

sorry kalau salah thread..

sebab ni thread pasal tentera.. jadi berkongsi tentang tentera darat...

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:25 PM | Show all posts
RAF Waddington Participates In Joint Air Force Exercise

20 November 2013
Editor: L Askin

The United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand forces are about to conclude Exercise Bersama Lima 2013 in Malaysia. An E-3D and supporting personnel from RAF Waddington have been participating in the exercise.

A Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) activity the exercise is an air and maritime exercise drill aimed at sharing operational methods between the FPDA militaries and boosting relationships and interoperability between participating nations.

The E-3D has two main roles, Airborne Early Warning providing timely information of an opponent’s air activity and his potential to attack friendly territory and secondly, Airborne Warning and Control System which is where the aircraft can also provide control and direction of friendly defensive and offensive airborne operations.

Detachment Commander Wing Commander Tim Monk said: "The RAF's ISTAR Force is regularly called upon to deploy overseas at short notice. Operating with key partners on exercises such as this is an essential part of our preparations helping us to understand each others capabilities and advance our integration."

Airborne Technician, Sergeant Tim Sparkes said "Having the opportunity to operate an E-3D around the world as part of an Operational Conversion Unit course is pretty much unheard of. The experience of working in different climates and operating with other nations will prove invaluable in the future."

Remembrance at the Penang War Memorial. Salute given by Wing Commander Tim Monk.

In addition to participating in the exercise the E-3D contingent attended at wreath laying ceremony at Penang War Memorial a gated stone monument erected to commemorate the brave soldiers who sacrificed themselves in The Battle of Penang during World War I.

Penang War Memorial.


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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:28 PM | Show all posts
The FPDA defence chiefs at the Exercise Bersama Lima 2013 exercise brief.

Group photo taken after GEN Tan Sri Dato' Sri Zulkifeli’s opening address, officially announcing the start of the exercise.

Source: ... 15381058&type=3

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:30 PM | Show all posts
LG Ng interacting with SAF personnel involved in the exercise after the opening ceremony.

LG Ng (second from left) sharing a light-hearted moment with (from left) Royal Malaysian Navy Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Dato Hadi, GEN Sir Nicholas and GEN Tan Sri Dato' Sri Zulkifeli after the opening ceremony.

Source: ... 15381058&type=3

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Exercise Bersama Lima 2013 begins

Australia, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand forces have jointly begun Exercise Bersama Lima 2013 in Malaysia.

Bersama Lima 2013, a Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) activity, is an air and maritime exercise drill aimed at sharing operational methods between the FPDA militaries and boosting relationships and interoperability between participating nations.

Australian Contingent Commander, Wing Commander Louis Nuttycombe said the drill will include planning and practicing air and maritime operations in the South China Sea, Malaysia and Singapore.

“The exercise will involve about 300 Australian Defence Force personnel alongside those from the other member nations,” Nuttycombe added.

The exercise will see participation of the Royal Australian Air Force aircraft such as McDonnell Douglas-built F/A-18 Hornet aircraft, Lockheed Martin-developed AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, Boeing-manufactured E-7A Wedgetail aircraft and Airbus KC-30A multi role tanker transport (MRTT) aircraft.

“Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Sirius will also provide a replenishment capability in support of the Maritime Component Commander,” Nuttycombe continued.

http://www.strategicdefenceintel ... a_lima_2013_begins/

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Ex BERSAMA LIMA 2013 Returns With A Bang

Posted on November 11, 2013

The multi-national annual exercise called Ex BERSAMA LIMA has returned this year with a bang, beginning with cross-basing deployment between the RMAF’s BAe Hawk Mk 208 and the RSAF’s F-16C/D on November 7.

An RSAF C-130 Hercules as well as 5 F-16C/D Fighting Falcons (from Tengah AB’s No 140 SQN ‘Osprey’) had arrived at Kuantan AFB at around 0845H. The RSAF contingent is led by LTC Dean Tan Wah Kheng. The contingent was then given a brief by the base commander as well as exercise officials at No 17 Skn’s auditorium.

Interestingly, Malaysian contingent in Changi features the veterans of the recent Ops Daulat. Several RMAF Hawk with kill marks were idientified by deployed to the RSAF airbase for the cross-basing deployment. (here)

Last April, as part of FPDA’s Ex BERSAMA SHIELD 2013, both the RMAF and RSAF have jointly conducted fighter land-aways involving their respective Hawk and Falcon fighters. The recent cross-basing deployment was perhaps a continuation of such exercise.

According to the Malaysian Chief of Defence Force, Jen Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd. Zin, the RMAF and the RSAF have jointly agreed to reestablish joint air exercise involving the utilisation of both countries airspace and airbases which has been stopped since 1998.

The re-implementation of the joint exercise is due to wide operational levelwhich include adequate numbers of aircraft as well as modern and complete facilities within both countries airbases.

Through the Base Support Agreement (BSA), aircraft from both air forces could assist and cooperate with each others in terms of movement. This could be seen during the recent movement of RMAF Mig-29N Fulcrums from the Smokey Bandit team which had participated Singapore Airshow 2012 in Changi.

The agreement reflects the maturity of cooperation between both countries air forces as well as improving overall capability of the FPDA.

The Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA’s) Ex BERSAMA LIMA 2013 is held from November 7 till November 21. The exercise will involve all members of the defence arrangement including Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia as well as the UK.

The officiating ceremony of the exercise was held at Butterworth AFB  on November 8 which was attended by all participating members’ Chief of Staff namely LTG Ng Chee Meng (SAF Chief of Defence Force), General David John Hurley (ADF Chief of the Defence Force), Lt Gen Richard Rhys Jones (Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force) and Air Commodore Nick Bray on behalf of UK’s Chief of the General Staff. They were flown to the airbase via RSAF Fokker 50 transport aircraft.

For the first time, despite the absence of RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet (from RAAF Williamtown’s No 3 SQN), the Australian Air Force is sending a complete array of aircraft platform involving the classic McDonnell Douglas/GAF F/A-18A/B Hornet, Boeing E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C, Lockheed AP-3C Orion MPA (probably from 92 Wing’s Butterworth AFB detachment), Airbus KC-30A MRTT tanker and Beech 350 King Air aircraft. (here)

On November 7, as part of the 15th  FPDA Defence Chiefs Conference (FDCC) which took place from november 6 till November 9, the members’ defence chiefs met in Singapore and discussed and issued the FPDA Exercise Concept Directive.

The directive guides the development of future FPDA exercises and activities to boost cooperation between the five armed forces in conventional and non-conventional operations

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... eturns-with-a-bang/

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2014 01:09 AM | Show all posts

Posted on November 15, 2013

Invitations to observe the annual multi-national exercise dubbed Ex BERSAMA LIMA 2013 have been extended to non FPDA, ASEAN members. Only Indonesia and Thailand have replied to the invitation and had subsequently send military observers to the exercise.

On November 12, Kol Bustan Jufri  from Indonesia and Senior Colonel Titawat Satiantip from Thailand had made a visit to Butterworth AFB to observe the on-going exercise.

Earlier, the commander of RSAF Air Combat Command, BG  Lim Tuang Liang along with a Singaporean delegation had the RSAF contingent at Kuantan AFB. BG Lim and the delegation was also taken to the Ground Base Training Simulator (GBTS) building and Air Control Training Simulator (ACTS) center located at the airbase.

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... ma-asean-observers/

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2014 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Ex BERSAMA LIMA ’13: Mighty Awesome Aircraft

Posted on November 17, 2013

Butterworth AFB is bustling with activities where participating aircraft from the RMAF and RAAF takes off and lands at the RMAF major airbase in the Peninsular’s West Coast. Beside resident RMAF units, Butterworth AFB also host an RAAF detachment of 92 Wing with their Lockheed AP-3C Orion MPA as well as the FPDA IADS headquarters.

On November 14, a VIP Day was organised at the airbase where senior civilian and military officials were flown to the airbase via RSAF Fokker F-50 transport aircraft to see for themselves the implementation of the on-going exercise. The VIPs had a briefing on the exercise at the ACMI Auditorium by the Exercise Director, CPX Commander, FTX Commander and Chief EXCON. They were also brought to the IADS HQ.

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... y-awesome-aircraft/ Last edited by robotech on 1-1-2014 01:15 AM


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 Author| Post time 1-1-2014 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Ex Bersama Lima ’13: RAF E-3D at Butterworth AFB

Posted on November 20, 2013

It AEW haven for Butterworth AFB as the RAF’s No 54 (R) SQN and RAAF’s No 2 SQN are bringing in their respective Boeing E-3D Sentry and Boeing E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C. Both aircraft were deployed as part of the on-going Ex BERSAMA LIMA 2013, a multi national military exercise currently being held over Malaysia and Singapore by the members of the FPDA.

On November 18, a group of 30 RMAF personnel have visited the RAF’s Sentry. The squadron’s CO, Wing Commander Tim Monk had given a briefing on the aircraft, its operation as well as its system.

Beside the RAF and the RAAF, another FPDA member’s air force, the RSAF, also operates AEW&C platform. A total of four Gulfstream G550 Eitam AEW platform are currently in service with Singapore’s air arm in place of its previous Northrop E-2C Hawkeye AEW. The G550 has made its FPDA’s debut in 2011 along with the RAAF Wedgetail.



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 Author| Post time 1-1-2014 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Ex BERSAMA LIMA 2013: Closing Ceremony

Posted on November 25, 2013

The multi-national military exercise between the members of Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA) had closes its door for this year. A closing ceremony was held at airbases involved in the exercise which include Butterworth AFB and Kuantan AFB, the latter being the host for a contingent of RSAF fighters and personnel.

Meanwhile, the closing ceremony held at Butterworth AFB where the bulk of participants were stationed was officiated by the RSAF Chief of Staff.


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