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Author: blastoff

[Tempatan] Ketelusan ke jadah lagu tu ?

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 Author| Post time 1-9-2015 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 1-9-2015 06:12 PM

btw, kerajaan negara maju mana yg benarkan rakyatnya demo ramai2 untuk meluahkan rasa tak puas hati pada kerajaan dan pemimpin tertinggi yg sedang memerintah ?

Bukan demo kerana isu polis brutality ka, tak, tapi kerana tak puas hati pada kerajaan dan pemimpin tertinggi sesambil minta pemimpin itew turun. Tunjuk mai kat aku kerajaan negara maju mana di dunia ni yg benarkan buat gitu .....bagi contoh jelas , bawak mai artikel lebih baik.

Kat singapore memang tak boleh demo, kalau tak puas hati kat kerajaan kena tunggu time pilihanraya je laa, tu pun belum tentu boleh tukar kerajaan . Tak tau la kalau singapore ni negara dunia ke tiga ye sebab tu pendemo di ban kaw kaw.

Sekejam mana pun obama pi bunuh orang guna drone senang2 je, boleh ke rakyatnya demo di jalanan kat US untuk minta obama turun ? Boleh ?


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 Author| Post time 1-9-2015 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Hellooo, daripada dok terkenja2 di jalanan menghasut rakyat berdemo yg dah bertahun2 di buat tapi result tetap tarak yg positif jugak , lebih baik la para pemimpin PR semua kumpulkan cerdik pandai untuk fikirkan cara terbaik untuk wujudkan sistem investment setelus-telusnya agar setiap investment kerajaan jadi tak di cemari oleh korupsi.

Perah otak untuk wujudkan sistem yg telus kaw kaw tu akan lebih di hargai rakyat daripada dok pong pang pong pang ajak orang berdemo tapi hasilnya tetap korup jugak .


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Post time 2-9-2015 07:49 AM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 1-9-2015 05:47 PM
Adakah tak boleh demo dan riuh rendah di jalanan bermakna tak intelligent dan tak urban ?  Ka ...

bab ni spore mmg caprut..
negara2 intelijen, maju,  urban yg lain tak takut pon dgn kebebasan bersuara...


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Post time 2-9-2015 09:56 AM | Show all posts
ini patut kena BERSIH juga...

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2015 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 2-9-2015 12:01 PM
atira replied at 2-9-2015 07:49 AM
bab ni spore mmg caprut..
negara2 intelijen, maju,  urban yg lain tak takut pon dgn kebebasan ber ...

Memang la negara maju lain tak takut pendemo , kerana sebanyak mana pun yg hadiri demo tetap tak mampu ubah pepe pun , so kuasa pendemo zero sebenarnya.

Singapore aje terlebih phobia, errr bukan DAP dan PAP ada rasa keeratan pertalian ke antara keduanya ? Tak berkuasa lagi kalut nak galakkan demo , tup tup once berkuasa nanti habih di bannya kang, sebab tu kot penang dan selangor tak jadi gelanggang BERSIH berdemo kerana tak digalakkan buat demo kat jajahan sendiri ?

Terbukti melalui demo yg di anjurkan di US pada tahun 2009 sejuta hadir sampai white house pun tekujut tengok ramainya yg tak suka kat obama waktu tu, tapi 2012 obama tetap di pilih jadi presiden jugak lah haih, dan obama tetap tak peduli apa yg di riuhkan oleh pendemo2 tu semua, dia dengan style dia la jugak, dok korup tu la jugak, tak ubah kok mana punnn .

Rakyat US berjuta geram kat obama , sampai ada pi bubuh misai ala hitler la haih kat gambar dia ketika demo dan beri gelaran pada dia sebagai 'parasite in chief' , tapi dia tetap jadi presiden US jugak sampai ke laa.

So kat malaysia ni demo di buat hanya untuk jual t shirt dan pungut derma , sronok la company yg dapat tender buat t shirt tu dan yg terima derma . Perubahan dorang ni je yg rasa, poket berubah makin kembong.


A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'
ByDavid Gardner for MailOnline
  Created:  19:25 GMT, 12 September 2009
As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving America towards socialism.

The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House.
Demonstrators massed outside Capitol Hill after marching down Pennsylvania Avenue waving placards and chanting 'Enough, enough'.

Tens of thousands of people converged on Capitol Hill on Saturday to protest against government spending
The focus of much of the anger was the president's so-called 'Obamacare' plan to overhaul the U.S. health system.
Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading 'Go Green RecycleCongress' and 'I'm Not Your ATM'.'

The protest on Saturday came as Mr Obama took his campaign forhealth reforms on the road, making his argument to a rally of 15,000supporters in Minneapolis.

Saying he was determined to push through a bill making healthinsurance more affordable, Mr Obama said: 'I intend to be president fora while and once this bill passes, I own it.

US President Barack Obama sports a mustache famously worn by German dictator Adolf Hitler

Demonstrators hold up banners on Capitol Hill in Washington on Saturday
'I will not waste time with those who think that it's just good politics to kill healthcare.'
But in Washington, protester Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam veteran,said: 'It's going to cost too much money we don't have.' Anothermarcher shouted: 'You want socialism? Go to Russia!'
Terri Hall, 45, of Florida, said she felt compelled to becomepolitical for the first time this year because she was upset bygovernment spending.

'Our government has lost sight of thepowers they were granted,' she said. She added that the deficitspending was out of control, and said she thought it was putting thecountry at risk.
Anna Hayes, 58, a nurse from Fairfax County, stood on the Mall in 1981 for Reagan's inauguration. 'The same people were celebrating freedom,' she said. 'The president was fighting for the people then. I remember those years very well and fondly.'



Saying she was worried about 'Obamacare,'Hayes explained: 'This is the first rally I've been to that demonstrates against something, the first in my life. I just couldn't stay home anymore.'
Andrew Moylan, of the National Taxpayers Union, received a roar ofapproval after he told protesters: 'Hell hath no fury like a taxpayerignored.'

Republican lawmakers also supported the rally.
'Republicans,Democrats and independents are stepping up and demanding we put ourfiscal house in order,' Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the HouseRepublican Conference, said.

'I think the overriding message after years of borrowing, spending and bailouts is enough is enough.'
FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by formerHouse of Representatives Majority Leader Dick Armey, organized severalgroups from across the country for what they billed as a 'March onWashington.'

Organisers said they had built on momentum from the April 'teaparty' demonstrations held nationwide to protest at Mr Obama's taxationpolicies, along with growing resentment over his economic stimuluspackages and bank bailouts.


The heated demonstrations were organized by a Conservative group called the Tea Party Patriots
Other sponsors of the rally include the Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform and the Ayn Rand Center for Individuals Rights.
Recent polls illustrate how difficult recent weeks have been for a president who, besides tackling health care, has been battling to end a devastatingly deep recession.  
Fifty per cent approve and 49 per cent disapprove of the overall job heis doing as president, compared to July, when those approving hisperformance clearly outnumbered those who were unhappy with it, 55per cent to 42 per cent.
Just 42 percent approve of the president's work on the high-profile health issue.

'Parasite-in-chief': The title given to the American President during the demonstrations on Saturday
The poll was taken over five days just before Obama's speech toCongress. That speech reflected Obama's determination to push aheaddespite growing obstacles.

Prior to Obama's speech before Congress U.S. Capitol Police arresteda man they say tried to get into a secure area near the Capitol with agun in his car as President Barack Obama was speaking.

On Thursday police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said that28-year-old Joshua Bowman of suburban Falls Church, Virginia, wasarrested around 8pm on Wednesday when Obama was due to speak.

Bowman's intentions were unclear, police said.


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 Author| Post time 2-9-2015 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 2-9-2015 12:10 PM

Dah berapa kali BERSIH di buat ? 4 kali ? Ada apa2 perubahan yg berlaku setelah 4 kali di anjur kan ?

Makin teruk ada laa perangai bijan dari tahun ke tahun tu , perubahan perangai dia jadi lebih buruk dan segala demo tu semua tak mampu ubah jadi lebih baik apa pun kann mengenai election ka, cara pentadbiran ka etc etc .

Lagi tak sedar2 ka yg demo tu semua tak beri kesan positif pun, awat payah sangat nak belajar dari pengalaman lalu ?  

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2015 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Azmin sebut ketika DEIG di lancarkan beberapa bulan yg lalu , dia dah invite semua assemblymen ketika tu untuk suarakan pendapat untuk buat agar DEIG jadi entiti telus .....  

tup tup lani rafizi still masih suarakan kata good governance di perlukan untuk DEIG, habih tu yg berbulan2 berlalu sejak di lancarkan maknanya masih fail lah ye untuk fikirkan cara bagi mewujudkan ketelusan dan good governance bagi company ittew

So apa jadi pada segala pendapat yg assemblymen suarakan tu dulu ketika perlancaran company tu ? Semua pendapat depa tak boleh pakai ka tu yg dok teraba2 lagi lagu mana nak telus ?

Selangor MB: Assemblymen know about establishment of DEIG                                                                                                               
Tuesday September 1, 2015
08:40 PM GMT+8
Selangor Mentri Besar, Azmin Ali  at the Bangunan SSAAS in Shah Alam, October 1, 2014. ― Picture by Yusof Mat IsaSHAH ALAM, Sept 1 — Selangor Mentri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali again reiterated that the existence of the Darul Ehsan Investment Group (DEIG) was known to all State Assemblymen (Adun) early since its establishment.
        He said there should not be any doubt from any Assemblyman about the existence of the entity because information on the DEIG had been tabled during the State Assembly sitting in August.
        Mohamed Azmin said according to the procedures of the Selangor State Assembly, any motion tabled need not be explained again by the state government until the next sitting.
        “I gave notice (on the establishment of DEIG) immediately because I did not want to wait until the next sitting of the State Assembly... The matter (DEIG) has not been implemented.
        “When we launched (the DEIG) several months ago, all Assemblymen were invited and in fact were always given the opportunity to voice their opinion to make it into a transparent entity. So, why raise various questions?” he told reporters, here today.
        He disclosed this when asked to comment on the doubts and questions by various quarters on the status of DEIG which is alleged to have started operations whereas it was said that it would only start operations next year.
        Mohamed Azmin explained that issues on the DEIG were always discussed at the State Exco meeting and the focus now was on strengthening governance of the entity.
        The DEIG was set up last December under the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) to manage the investment sector, assets and subsidiaries of the state government.
        In another development, Selangor Barisan Nasional Assemblymen want the authorities including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate the DEIG.
        The secretary of the Selangor BN Assemblymen, Budiman Mohd Zohdi said if it was proven that there was a breach of any code of ethics, regulations or enactment involving the DEIG, legal action should be taken against Mohamed Azmin.
        “We, the Selangor BN Assemblymen urge the relevant parties such as the Selangor Public Accounts Committee, MACC, National Audit Department and the Attorney-General’s Chambers to initiate investigations immediately (on the DEIG).
        “This is because the people are still confused and doubtful as there had been no reasonable reply given by Mohamed Azmin on DEIG,” he said at a press conference at the Selangor Umno Building, here today. — Bernama

- See more at: ... thash.WbPpc3Y1.dpuf


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 Author| Post time 2-9-2015 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 2-9-2015 12:50 PM

Kerajaan negeri buat company bermodalkan aset kerajaan negeri maknanya kerajaan negeri berbisness laa dengan harta kerajaan. Boleh jadi ok ka apabila kerajaan berbisnes ni ?

Camne nak elak dari kroni moni dan family yg dapat segala business dealings tu kang ? How how ? Dah dapat fikirkan cara ka camne nak elak itu berlaku ? Pernah terfikirkan untuk settle bab tu ka in the first place ?


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Post time 2-9-2015 01:11 PM | Show all posts

pabila ketua negara
seperti Najis boleh
get away dengan kerja kerja
songlapan melalui 1mdb

rahsia sana rahsia sini

jadi ikutan lahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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Post time 2-9-2015 01:33 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 2-9-2015 12:49 PM
Kerajaan negeri buat company bermodalkan aset kerajaan negeri maknanya kerajaan negeri berbisness la ...

kalau tiada amanah, buatlah apa sistem pun. semuanya tak jalan.

Badan2 penguatkuasa dan perundangan pun boleh di bolak balikkan.
Tapi sekurang2nya di selangor entiti2 ini pro kepada pembangkang .. tentu mereka akan bertindak dengan cepat jika berlaku sesuatu.

Jadi rakyat selangor tak perlu risau sangat!

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Post time 2-9-2015 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Adakah jibby idola jemin?

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2015 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 2-9-2015 03:20 PM
Nazrulism replied at 2-9-2015 01:33 PM
kalau tiada amanah, buatlah apa sistem pun. semuanya tak jalan.

Badan2 penguatkuasa dan perunda ...

Persoalannya : Adakah menjadi kesalahan menurut undang2 yg ada di negara ni untuk company kerajaan tak kiralah dimiliki oleh kerajaan negeri atau kerajaan persekutuan buat bisness dealings dengan syarikat kroni atau family ?  

Apabila tarak law dalam negara ni yg tunjukkan terang jelas kata salah untuk buat business dealings sebegitu , maka perbuatan mengutamakan kroni dan family akan jadi lumrah dan berkembang biak tanpa had la , macam apa yg berlaku selama ni dalam company kerajaan lah.

Business datang bergolek golek kalau ada cable kuat dalam kerajaan , itu senang dapat ini senang dapat, ini perkara yg dah jadi pengetahuan umum pe .

Tarak cable kuat maka akan melangut la walau layak sekali pun. Itu motto sistem kerajaan selama ni .

Jadi apa yg PR plan untuk buat bagi menghindari company DEIG ni dari terjebak ke arah perkara yg sama ? Ada apa-apa plan ? Atau PR pun akan buat sama macam BN buat je ?

Guna sistem korup yg sama untuk berbisnes sesambil mengharapkan result berbeza adalah satu perbuatan tak logik.


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Post time 2-9-2015 03:24 PM | Show all posts
keh keh keh

kan wa dah kata...
sepusat sepusing..mak lain lain bapak asing asing...
bila tiada letak Allah dan Muhammad di ATAS..apa guna lu mau tukar...

Bolehkah lembu diharap untuk menjaga lembus?

keh keh keh

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Post time 2-9-2015 03:33 PM | Show all posts

Mari Chin :"Jikalau PR miya business
                  ka management ka..

                 walenti BERSHIT maa.."

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Post time 2-9-2015 05:41 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 2-9-2015 03:19 PM
Persoalannya : Adakah menjadi kesalahan menurut undang2 yg ada di negara ni untuk company kerajaan ...

Undang2 berkaitan memang sudah ada tapi mereka2 yang tidak amanah ini akan memanipulasi peraturan2 berkenaan.
Kita yakin yang penguatkuasa, audit dan perundangan memang pakar dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab mereka.

yang menjadi kemusykilan adalah samada mereka mahu menunaikan amanah atau sekadar menjaga periuk nasi masing2 .

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Post time 2-9-2015 10:16 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 1-9-2015 05:57 PM
1MDB bukan mengenai duit derma dalam akaun peribadi je kan, tapi ia mengenai investment yg di buat ...

derma dlm akaun peribadi tu asalnya disyaki duit ntah mcm mana boleh dipusing2 jadi duit derma pulak..

selagi tiada duit derma dlm akaun ajemin..selagi tu rakyat memerhati je..mcm 1mdb dulu le..lps kuar duit derma baru la rakyat bangkit..

btw..deig ni baru cadangan aje kan? dan dibangkang oleh mp kerajaan selangor featuring mp pembangkang selangor?

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2015 07:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 3-9-2015 07:37 AM
Nazrulism replied at 2-9-2015 05:41 PM
Undang2 berkaitan memang sudah ada tapi mereka2 yang tidak amanah ini akan memanipulasi peraturan2 ...

Dalam bab bisnes , tarak undang2 lagi di malaysia yg melarang company milik kroni dan family buat dealings dengan company kerajaan negeri atau persekutuan.

Kenapa tarak undang2 bab tu ? Kerana yg buat undang2 di parlimen adalah orang2 politik, apa yg boleh menyekat depa dari kaya raya berketurunan ke depan nescaya depa takkan buat undang2 untuk halang peluang mengaut kekayaan mudah ittew, as simple as that.

Depa nak pastikan harta kerajaan dan duit rakyat boleh depa kawai agar hanya berlegar dalam circle depa semata-mata

Seboleh mungkin kaum keluarga dan kroni depa aje yg akan dapat peluang first and foremost untuk kaut bisnes yg besar2 .... hanya yg kecik2 je yg akan trickle down pada rakyat jelata.

So memang ahli2 politik memanipulasi tugas buat undang2 yg depa dapat sebagai MP, untuk memudahkan kekayaan datang bergolek2 pada depa.

Sebab tu yg kaya raya dengan peluang busines senang ya amat di perolehi adalah yg ada cable paling kuat dengan orang politik yg berpengaruh tinggi dalam kerajaan.


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 Author| Post time 3-9-2015 07:46 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 3-9-2015 07:47 AM
zidane_ziege replied at 2-9-2015 10:16 PM
derma dlm akaun peribadi tu asalnya disyaki duit ntah mcm mana boleh dipusing2 jadi duit  ...

Kalau tarak duit derma dalam akaun bijan, adakah itu bermakna dia tak korup ? Adakah bab derma tu aje yg korup , what about isu kroni moni dan family yg kuasai peluang bisnes besar2 plak hingga jadi kaya raya tak mau2 , tu PR rasa tak korup ?

Itu yg diamalkan oleh tun det kann dulu yg menjadi kutukan hebat oleh PR. Takkan lani PR dah nampak ia sebagai halal kot ?

Adakah selagi tarak duit "derma" dalam akaun peribadi pemimpin, maka kroni moni dan family nak kaut kekayaan camne pun guna cable orang politik jadi ok dah pada PR ?


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Post time 3-9-2015 07:48 AM | Show all posts
zidane_ziege replied at 2-9-2015 10:16 PM
derma dlm akaun peribadi tu asalnya disyaki duit ntah mcm mana boleh dipusing2 jadi duit  ...

Plan A dah kantoi..
Ajemin kena buat Plan B pulak....

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2015 07:51 AM | Show all posts

idola ajemin aku rasa adalah tun det. Cara tun det bagi kekayaan pada kroni dan family yg menjadi idola ajemin untuk di buat ikutannya .


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