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Author: annehuda


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Post time 25-7-2016 10:17 AM | Show all posts
MissNigga replied at 23-7-2016 05:16 PM
dah nonton mobie ni tgh hari tadi ...
okie ler ... best ler jugek ...
suker the bromance moment i ...

Ha ah aku pun cam tersuspect dia gayah tapi apsal partner dia lagi tua... ke tu abag dia... ntah la...

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Post time 25-7-2016 09:56 PM | Show all posts
AnBulisia replied at 25-7-2016 09:06 AM
aku pun syak benda yang sama mr sulu tu...
radar ko kuat betul ye

tak payah nak beradar bagai uols ....dah dipaparkan secara obvious hokey ....

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Post time 25-7-2016 09:58 PM | Show all posts
buragazz replied at 25-7-2016 10:17 AM
Ha ah aku pun cam tersuspect dia gayah tapi apsal partner dia lagi tua... ke tu abag dia... ntah l ...

ayoooo .... it's very obvious hokey ....awat ler uols ni nak bersuspek bagai ... dah jelas lagi bersuluh hokeyyy

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Post time 26-7-2016 07:39 AM | Show all posts
MissNigga replied at 25-7-2016 09:58 PM
ayoooo .... it's very obvious hokey ....awat ler uols ni nak bersuspek bagai ... dah jelas lagi be ...

Maklumlah... minda meols masi suci murni ala2 embun menitik dipagi hari... so cam tak tersangka pulak setelah 3rd movir baru tahu dia makhluk dalam lemari gitu...

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Post time 26-7-2016 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Bones to Spock:  You give your girlfriend a tracking device??

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Post time 26-7-2016 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by atira at 26-7-2016 02:42 PM

best je...
kali ni star trek action pack kekdahnye..tapi tak leh lawan jj abrams nye version la bagi aku

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Post time 26-7-2016 10:01 PM | Show all posts
buragazz replied at 26-7-2016 07:39 AM
Maklumlah... minda meols masi suci murni ala2 embun menitik dipagi hari... so cam tak te ...

tapi iols rasa ... nak menonjolkan Mr. Sulu tu as gay dalam siri ni semacam tak perlu jer ....semacam ... perisa tambahan yang exceli tak payah pun nak dipaparkan kat audiences...
cukup ler interbreed in between human vs alien ...


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Post time 27-7-2016 08:23 AM | Show all posts
MissNigga replied at 26-7-2016 10:01 PM
tapi iols rasa ... nak menonjolkan Mr. Sulu tu as gay dalam siri ni semacam tak perlu jer ....sema ...

Tu la... klu betul nak tonjol kan dia gay patutnya 1st movie dah tunjuk...

Anyway dia tidak mengganggu cerita cuma cam tak perlu pun tak pe.. tapi rasanya sebab dia tinggal kat yorktown so
link nya disitu sebab si penjahat tu attack area tu...

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Post time 27-7-2016 11:02 AM | Show all posts
pelik masa kat nebula tu.. kenapa takde communication dgn mana2 minister & army... mcm syok sendiri je citer ni


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Post time 29-7-2016 09:19 AM | Show all posts
wanitajelita replied at 27-7-2016 11:02 AM
pelik masa kat nebula tu.. kenapa takde communication dgn mana2 minister & army... mcm syok sendiri  ...

cuba ingat balik kisah balthazaar edison. hero pertama perang starfleet.

kan nebula tu tempat yg sukar ditembusi dgn medium komunikasi. yorktown tu kan ada komodor yg jd ketua. mcm gobenor lah. apa yg berlaku di dlm nebula mmg yg dok kat luar x tahu apa2.

kapten kirk yg kata kan hanya navigasi enterprise jer yg boleh masuk ke nebula. kalo kapal2 biasa of coz dah hancur. tu sebab depa poyo sgt nak masuk ke dalam nebula.

tp enterprise pun bukan kena hancur dgn sebarang komander. balthazaar edison tu. wira starfleet yg disangkakan telah mati. tapi depa idup. disebabkan sebarang medium komunikasi terbatas dlm nebula tu starfleet ingat USS Franklin dah musnah.

so kesimpulannya dlm movie star trek kali nie hanya disebabkan salah faham dan dendam.

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Post time 29-7-2016 09:22 AM | Show all posts
pasal isu gay tu kalo otak x kuning xde hal. masa aku mula tgk sulu dgn abg dan anaknya  pun ingatkan abg dia.

sekali korang kata pasal gay baru aku perasan.

kalo nak betul2 gay mesti ade babak depa tido sama2. hahaha. tu baru org leh pahamnya.

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Post time 29-7-2016 09:24 AM | Show all posts
part paling lawak bila doktor tu kena tinggal sesorang. haha.

baru jer ckp elok juga mati sama dr mati berseorangan. terus spock ilang. dammit. haha.

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Post time 30-7-2016 09:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru berjaya tengok setelah balek outstesen....

Sebagai peminat, harus aku katakan, this one is the best yet among all from the series. JJ abrams better jadi producer dari director kot, pendapat kecik aku   cuma aku quite frust atas dua perkara, sulu is a gay (whattttt?? Jilake..dah la dia fav aku ) ngan kemesraan uhura and spock tu masih tak terlalu menonjol..(i mean kemon..ini dah muvie keberapa..kiss pun mcm nk tak nak jer)

Tapi certain scene aku mcm tak dapat tahan rasa sebak bila part chevkov..nak menitik air mata kenangkan dia dah tak ada lagi nk bawak watak tu...huhu

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2016 12:26 AM | Show all posts
ms aku tgk trailer die, aku agak kecewa sbb ingatkan movie ni nnt no-brainer action-packed punye movie ala ala fast n furious plak.  tp tidak mengecewakan aku. mmg aku terhibur and yes movie ni still stay true to its root.

dr bones mmg kelakar.  mamat paksa rela. plg kelakar masa die tegur spock 'you give your girlfriend a tracking device?'

yes chekov,sedih mengenangkan pelakon chekov ni dah takde kalau korg perasan scene first dr bones and kapten kirk minum arak pastu cheers kat gelas lebih tu sbnrnye tribute utk chekov.

ada rumors mengatakan uhura sbnrnye mmg tgh pregnant, even after die terasa bile spock nk meneruskan zuriat vulcan die. sbb scene ms celebrate besday kirk tu, sape perasan die minum air kosong je bukan arak.

and jaylah, wow, kick ass sungguh. utk pengetahuan korg, jaylah ni pelakon die yg berlakon jadi musuh wanita berkaki pedang dalam the kingsman tu.

anyway, kalau korg enjoy movie star trek yang dulu dulu korg mesti enjoy yg ni jugak

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Post time 31-7-2016 01:01 AM | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 31-7-2016 12:26 AM
ms aku tgk trailer die, aku agak kecewa sbb ingatkan movie ni nnt no-brainer action-packed punye mov ...

beb...aku memang minat star trek ni compare to star wars, stargate, starship troopers dan segala star yang laen..sebab dari kecik lagi da layan citer ni..cuma dah tak berapa ingat version yang lama..kena refresh balek kat youtube..

nak compare ngan into darkness, rasanya into darkness lebey touching kot, cuma beyond ni aku rasa semacam kehilangan, mungkin disebabkan tau yang chekov tu dah takde

aku just harapkan nanti next star trek JJ abrams create watak pompuan khas untuk bones biar mind dia tu luas sket..dok tersekat ngan biomedik dia je..ingatkan dr. carol tu ada jugak dalam movie ni tapi tak wujud pulek...and one of my fav dari muvie yang ini...james kirk aku tengok macam makin hilang sifat keplayboyan dari movie ke movie.dia nampak dah semakin matured, takde dah nak buat keputusan ikot hati memanjang   

memula ingatkan chekov macam attracted kat jaylah....part yang diaorang first jumpa jaylah lepas terkena trap tu, chekov dok pandang jaylah atas sampai bawah depan belakang pastu time jaylah ngan james dapat transfer balek ke uss franklin tu nampak chekov beria tolong jaylah kat blakang tapi last scene, dia dok bercakap ngan alien lain taste dia memang taste alien kah? (RIP anton )

sekarang, tak sabar nak tunggu part bloopers movie ni plak banyak2 bloopers, rasanya bloopers star trek yang paling best


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 Author| Post time 31-7-2016 01:16 AM | Show all posts
sakura_ungu replied at 31-7-2016 01:01 AM
beb...aku memang minat star trek ni compare to star wars, stargate, starship troopers dan segala s ...

kalau chekov hidup lg, mungkinlah jugak chekov and jaylah ni jadi couple kot. ala ala intergalactic couple gitu. tp tulah chekov pergi dulu la plak

tp dalam movie kali ni, leh dikatakan kirk bukanlah watak utama lg, sbb suma watak ada part die masing masing. mcm kirk ngan chekov, dr bones ngan spock, uhura ngan sulu, scotty ngan jaylah. sblm ni selain spock n kirk yg lain tu mcm watak sampingan je.

next movie, katenye ada watak bapak kirk. kalau korg perasan dlm movie ni, mak kirk hidup lg. dan kirk sebut yg motor antik dalam kapal lama tu dulu bapak die pun penah ada dan siap bawak mak die naik motor tu lg. dan yg nak bawak bapak kirk adalah jeng jeng jeng....

Chris Hemsworth reprising role as Captain Kirk's dad in next Star Trek filmAnother sequel announced as Netflix reveals plans to stream forthcoming Star Trek series for international audiences

Chris Hemsworth is returning to the Star Trek universe.Photograph: Jordan Strauss/AP
It’s a good week for Trekkers.
With Star Trek Beyond, the latest (and well-received) movie in the series opening in the US on Friday, Paramount Pictures has announced that a further film is on the way. To add to the excitement for Star Trek devotees, Netflix has signed on for international rights to stream the upcoming small-screen revamp of the TV franchise in 188 countries.
The as yet untitled sequel will see Chris Pine returning to play Captain Kirk, with Chris Hemsworth playing Kirk’s father. The Thor actor only appeared briefly in JJ Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek reboot in the role, but he will be given significantly more screen time in the next film, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Further plot details are under wraps, although the remaining cast – which includes Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho and Simon Pegg – is expected to return, minus the late Anton Yelchin, who starred in the last three films. No director has been named.
Before that film hits theaters, CBS will debut a new Star Trek series. The network confirmed last November that the show would debut in January 2017 on CBS, followed by a rollout in the US on CBS All Access, the network’s digital subscription video on demand and livestreaming service. It marks the first original series developed specifically for the online platform, which currently offers every episode of all previous Star Trek television series to stream.

Netflix revealed on Monday it will play host to the series for viewers outside the US and Canada. New episodes will premiere on the streaming platform less than 24 hours after they make their domestic debut on CBS All Access. Netflix has also secured the rights to stream all 727 episodes of Star Trek already made. Those shows will be made available on Netflix globally by the end of 2016. (The older series are already available on Netflix in the US.)
“The launch of the new Star Trek will truly be a global television event,” said Armando Nuñez, president and CEO of CBS Studios International, in a statement. “This international partnership will provide fans around the world … the opportunity to see every episode virtually at the same time as viewers in the US. Thanks to our world-class partners at Netflix, the new Star Trek will definitely be ‘hailing on all frequencies’ throughout the planet.”
According to CBS, the new Star Trek series “will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966”.
The original Star Trek series debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons. Four more live-action series followed (a short-lived animated one ran from 1973-74), as well as a dozen feature films.


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Post time 31-7-2016 04:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Chris hemsworth ngan chris pine bukan sebaya ke? Motip jadi anak beranak masa JJ abrams announce psl chris hemsworth tu aku mcm...jilake tak kena sungguh tapi tak tau la chemistry dia ngn chris pine nanti akan mengubah mind set aku...masalahnya star trek ni kuar lmbt sgt compare to series yg lain..sampai 3 ke 4 tahun nak release next movie...argghhh penantian itu satu penyeksaan hokehhh :zz

Sian sulu nt dah tak ada counter partner untuk handle uss enterprise...uhuhu..tapi dlm star trek dolu2 pun memang sulu sorg je yg handle kapal aku silap tengok twitter dia pun john cho macam tak let go lagi anton..wallies pun gamba dia ngan anton... :cry:  walaupun part dubsmash diaorg tu sume mcm bangang je.....

Agak2 next muvie james akan ada awek tak? Atau sulu akan ada counter partner yang baru..mungkin kah dengan si kenit geng scotty kelakar bila ingat time scotty nk peluk kenit tu tak jadi terus control macho

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Post time 31-7-2016 09:17 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 31-7-2016 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Sejarah Enterprise 100 tahun sebelum Captain Kirk


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Post time 31-7-2016 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Yorktown macam konsep dalam Anime Macross Frontier

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