Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)
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Reply #380 forum_aje's post
tau xpe....
betapa hari ku tak produktif sejak pagi tadi |
Reply #382 hermione_twin's post
aku dh promote kt kazen2, kawan n semua org yg diketahui meminati HP.....
agak2 diorg amik tindakan tak?? as in pindah blk siaran ke nov ni?? |
Reply #382 hermione_twin's post
dah sign dah....  |
terkejutnye kite bile bace pasal mende nih...
x kire..
da lame tggu da..
kite da pi sign petition da.... |
diorg salahkan gak Writers strike kt US xlama dulu....hampeh tul laaa... |
Harry Potter derita penyakit otak

DANIEL RADCLIFFE dirakam ketika berlakon dalam
filem Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince baru-baru ini.
LONDON - Aktor terkenal, Daniel Radcliffe mendedahkan bahawa dia mempunyai masalah otak yang mengakibatkannya sukar melakukan beberapa pergerakan, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Keadaan tersebut juga mengakibatkan Radcliffe, 19, yang popular menerusi filem Harry Potter mengalami beberapa masalah termasuk sukar untuk mengikat tali kasutnya sendiri.
Radcliffe yang mendedahkan perkara berkenaan dalam satu wawancara menambah dia menceburi bidang lakonan kerana sukar belajar akibat penyakit yang dikenali sebagai dyspraxia itu.
Pelakon remaja yang dianggarkan mempunyai harta bernilai |
hmm... selalunya petition online ni tak baper dilayan.
tp tk kisah nak try.
aku dh sign, dah 30 ribu ++.  |
Reply #387 dexa's post
siannye kt daniel.. |
Reply #387 dexa's post
uish terkezut bace pasal daniel nih....
siannye die... |
adess..dhlaa skrg baca balik half blood, tetibe takjadi tayang nov..dh half way dh baca nk remind balik apa yg jadi khas utk movie ni kuar bulan 11...kalo kuar taun depan, baca balik skrg pun takde gunanya...:@ |
Reply #387 dexa's post
kesiannye kt Dan.....no wonder laa die kata dlm majalah mana tah, die xmo sambung blaja cam Emma Watson.... |
Reply #392 biniwills's post
sama laaa.....semangat ni...cuti sem abiskan masa baca HBP 3 round..tetiba plak diorg bwk ke tahun depan... |
aku nak sign petition... kat mana link? |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 19-8-2008 12:23 AM 
aku nak sign petition... kat mana link?
abg bobo..link ada kat siggy twin. |
Reply #397 hermione_twin's post
ape pasal lak nak boycott the clone war lak ni.
ok sad la harry potter kena postponed. postpone 1 month pun takpe ah ni nxt year summer. lama tu. tapi luckily they brought forward twilight. so that kinda of make up for it. |
Originally posted by biniwills at 18-8-2008 06:08 PM 
adess..dhlaa skrg baca balik half blood, tetibe takjadi tayang nov..dh half way dh baca nk remind balik apa yg jadi khas utk movie ni kuar bulan 11...kalo kuar taun depan, baca balik skrg pun tak ...
Harry Potter delayed until 2009, `Quantum of Solace` stocks go up
Karma: The universal law of cause and effect, as applied to the deeds of people.
Only two weeks after the Cinema & Television Benevolent Fund selected the "Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince" world premiere over 007 for the 2008 Royal Performance, having hosted James Bond in 2002 ("Die Another Day") and 2006 ("Casino Royale"), Warner Brothers have pulled the rug from under the CTBF event by announced a massive delay to the film.
The sixth instalment in the Harry Potter film franchise will now open in July 2009, eight months later than originally planned.
The 22nd James Bond film, "Quantum of Solace", will enjoy its world premiere on schedule with Princes William and Harry at the Odeon in Leicester Sqaure, London, on Wednesday 29th October 2008.
According to Warner Bros, the decision to delay Potter was made to ensure the studio has a major "tent pole" release next summer - reports the BBC.
Had Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opened on 21 November as originally scheduled, it would have entered a marketplace dominated by Quantum of Solace. Does moving the former to summer 2009 avoid a potentially damaging competition for audiences?
"I don't think there's a great overlap in the audiences for Bond and Potter," says Jamie Graham of Total Film magazine. "They're different films aimed at different markets, so I don't see them as competitors or rivals."
One thing they might have been competing for, however, is cinema screens.
"You want to put your biggest releases on as many screens as possible," agrees Graham. "If there is a scenario where they're being hogged by a film that is lingering around, why not wait?"
In a tersely worded statement on their website, the CTBF said, "The Royal Film Performance of Harry Potter and The Half Blood Price will no longer take place on November 17th as advertised. We hope to confirm details of the Royal Film Performance 2008 in the near future." |
[quote]Originally posted by nyibuk_jerr at 15-8-2008 08:54 AM 
Half-Blood Prince delayed until July 17th, 2009
Warner Brothers has just announced that Half-Blood Prince will be delayed. The film will instead be released on July 17th, 2009. From the press release:
In making the announcement, Mr. Horn stated, 揙ur reasons for shifting 慔alf-Blood Prince |
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