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Author: alerina

(Merged) Meng'kasi'kan Kucing [Neutering,spaying]

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Post time 5-8-2008 04:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #380 leotazz818's post

selagi x kasi selagi tu masalah timbul..owner yg bertanggungjwp ialah owner yg amek berat kebajikan kucing dia..and for sure gerenti mesti cecepat cari solution and for sure gerenti dia akan immediately tahu tentang kebaikan neutering ni and the advantages for the cat itself.

kk silap..sbb pegi tanye kat bod mereka yg tak tahu menahu psl ni and mereka yg x bela kucing mcm kita.
at lis kita belajar dulu,study dulu...bkn main redah je nak ckp,asal sounds islamic dah

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Post time 5-8-2008 05:20 PM | Show all posts
nah ini aku copy paste dari FSM nye website...harap nya dpt membantu kawan2 yg masih was2 dlm hal ehwal pengkasian/pengembirian anak2 bulu...

What Islam said about Neutering Pets?

We have referred to the "Jawatankuasa Kemajuan Islam Malaysia" regarding the neutering of pets.

Below is the "fatwa" issued by JAKIM (July 2002):

"All pets like cats and dogs are allowed to be neutered or spayed in order to maintain the health and

welfare of both the animals and the community."

"Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan seperti kucing atau anjing hukumnya adalah diharuskan

dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu bagi menjaga muslahat ummah."

After studying the messages of the aforementioned "mazhab"s and the medical viewpoint, 'JAKIM' has decided that neutering of cats for reasons of 'maslahat' is acceptable. It is in agreement with 'qaedah' (way) Fiqhiyyah which states "To choose the lesser of two evils".

so rumusannye di sini..tiada istilah HARAM.........

Wallahualambisawab...sila sila

[ Last edited by  hatemetoday at 5-8-2008 05:23 PM ]



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Post time 5-8-2008 05:39 PM | Show all posts
1. Is neutering/ sterilizing pet cats allowed in Islam?

Pets are our responsibility. Hence, it is permissible for us to care for them at the best of our ability as long as it does not constitute any form of cruelty to the pet and does not contradict Islamic teachings. Neutering or sterilizing a pet is permissible as it is not considered as a form of cruelty towards the animal itself unless the procedure is performed when it is still conscious. A comparison can be made with similar procedures performed on humans such as ligation and vasectomy which is also does not constitute any prolonged pain.

Hence, there is nothing wrong with sterilizing an animal as it does not involve any prolonged pain. It is also not a form of changing Allah抯 creation as it is performed with the intention to lessen the number of stray cats and uncontrolled breeding. What is forbidden is changing Allah抯 creation without any valid reason.

2.Is it permissible for one to put an animal to sleep when it is sick?

In such cases, one must scrutinize the situation carefully before making the decision to put the animal to sleep. One may bring it to a vet or the SPCA to determine whether or not its illness can be cured. Looking at an animal suffer from its illness is definitely heartbreaking and devastating to some but to put it to sleep without being sure that its illness is curable or not is also cruel. Other things that one may look at is whether the illness is contagious or not as it could also help one in making a decision.

3.What is Islam抯 view on those who let their pets roam freely in the house without any limits?

There is nothing wrong with letting a pet behave in its original and natural form. There is also nothing with selling or giving it away, as long as there was no cruelty towards it. Cruelty in this case is when the owner of the pet does not give it any food and drink or if the owner confines it for a long period of time or hurting or injuring it without any reasonable reason that is permissible to Syari抋h.

4.Is it permissible for one to give away one抯 pet to the SPCA as one cannot afford to keep the pet anymore?

Muslims are not obliged to to keep pets except when it needs to be sheltered and protected temporarily in cases where it may be injured or hurt if one does not take it in.

One should instead focus on strengthening family ties and relations. If the existence of a pet may effect this effort, then there is nothing wrong with giving it away to an institution responsible for animal welfare such as the SPCA or even to another person to take care of it. It is also permissible to inject it and putting it to sleep as long as it does not bring great cruelty towards it.

5. What is the best way to take care of a pet cat in accordance to Islam?

Keeping a pet cat is permissible as long as it is taken care of properly and there should be no cruelty towards it. There are also two things one should observe when keeping pet cats;

Its faeces are considered as medium najis, which means it is in the same category as the faeces of human beings. Hence, it must be cleaned until there is no sign of it at all. Then, water must be poured on it and then wiped dry.

Cat hair/ fur is also considered as medium najis. Any detached body part of an animal that is haram to be consumed is najis. If the hair has come into contact with one抯 clothes, then it cannot be used for solat. One must also ensure that the place to be used for solat is free from cat hair.

nak tahu lebih2 tgk webnyer sendiri...  Klik Sini

singapura punya daa...

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Post time 6-8-2008 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hatemetoday at 5-8-2008 05:20 PM
nah ini aku copy paste dari FSM nye website...harap nya dpt membantu kawan2 yg masih was2 dlm hal ehwal pengkasian/pengembirian anak2 bulu...

What Islam said about Neutering Pets?

We have r ...

sebenarnya SPCA yg berusaha utk dapatkan statement ttg neutering ni dari JAKIM sbb melihatkan makin ramai org2 Islam yg irresponsible dan membuang haiwan peliharaan mereka ke SPCA, terutama sekali bila sebelum hari raya aidilfitri setiap tahun.

bila ditanya kenapa mereka tak neuter haiwan peliharaan mereka, jawapan yg diberi ialah "haram"... tapi apabila ditanya, apa hukumnya mereka membuang haiwan peliharaan mereka ke SPCA, tepi jalan, kedai makan atau pasar, ternyata org2 ini tidak dpt menjawab...

Alhamdulillah, pihak JAKIM juga ingin melihat org2 Islam menjadi lebih bertanggungjawab dan sayang terhadap haiwan peliharaan mereka maka lahirlah statement ttg neutering ini...

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Post time 6-8-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #384 boocik04's post

hokehh...sikit2 la kita amek bahgian mana2 yg patut...

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Post time 6-8-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hatemetoday at 6-8-2008 11:21 AM
hokehh...sikit2 la kita amek bahgian mana2 yg patut...

untuk kebaikan kucing2 kita, muleh jer ....

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Post time 6-8-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kambing_Gurun at 30-6-2006 12:05 PM
agak2 brp umur yg seswai utk dimandulkan nih...
kucing aku betina, umur 4 bulan... tanak kasi dia branak lah..

a'ah lah....agak2 umo baper bulan eh elok nak g pun pk bile time yg sesuai d mandulkan
tp mcm kesian la pulak..ingat nak kasi gak die merasa beranak skali pas tu baru d bile pk2
balik nanti ramai la pulak anak2 kat umah tu dah la umah tingkat 8...huhuuh mcm mana ek?

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Post time 6-8-2008 12:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #387 hafifi82's post

trus neuter before die stress on heat..lg berdosa kita sbb biarkan kucing tanpa penuhkan keinginan dia..
itu juga satu pengabaian.
kucing dh elok neuter masa umo 5 bulan keatas.masa tu organ pembiakan dia dh matang insyaallah..

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Post time 6-8-2008 01:55 PM | Show all posts
oh ye ke?kirenyer legam tuh dah leh ek ati
nak kena bw g klinik ah mgu nih

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Post time 6-8-2008 02:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #389 hafifi82's post

ha sesuai sgt dah tu,fi

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Post time 6-8-2008 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ati1402 at 6-8-2008 12:10 PM
trus neuter before die stress on heat..lg berdosa kita sbb biarkan kucing tanpa penuhkan keinginan dia..
itu juga satu pengabaian.
kucing dh elok neuter masa umo 5 bulan keatas.masa tu organ  ...

hish... dengar cita org kurung kucing sbb tak nak bagi peknen ni, ada sedara akak buat camni gak .

masa akak pegi kenduri doa selamat kat rumah dia (sbb dia nak buat umrah), akak nampak dia kurung sekor kucing betina.
bila akak tanya kenapa dia kurung kucing tu, dia jawab kucing tu memekak nakkan jantan...
bila suruh lepaskan dia tak nak pulak sbb takut peknen, nanti byk anak2 kucing, dia kata.

akak cakap kat dia, kalau dah nak pegi umrah nak buat pahala tu jgn la menyiksa binatang sekat nafsu dia, berdosa. kalau tak nak dia beranak, neuter jer...

dia tanya berapa kalau nak neuter, akak bagitau RM60 jer kalau betina.
dia bole jawab, "mahal la kalau nak spend RM60 utk kucing!". hanginnyer haku !!
akak jawab balik kata kat dia, "kalau dah nak dapat pahala, RM60 tu bukannya byk mana pun dari menyeksa haiwan, terus dpt dosa lagi..."

sekian jer cerita sedara akak yg menyakitkan hatiku itu:@ ...

[ Last edited by  boocik04 at 6-8-2008 02:19 PM ]

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Post time 6-8-2008 06:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #391 boocik04's post

BAGOS SUNGGUH KAU JAWAB MACAM TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RM60 pon nak berkira!!!!!!

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Post time 7-8-2008 12:48 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya byk kebaikan bila kita kasi kucing nie.. sesape yg dan buat baru nampak kebaikan tu...
kena yakin di hati, mengkasi kucing tak berdosa... so far, kucing2 k leo semua bertambah sihat.. semua gemuk2 .. penyakit pon susah dapat... unless virus menyerang, kena la bawak jumpa vet.. kalau setakat demam, selsema, kurap... jarang le npk...sgt bagus
ada org ckp kalau kasi kucing jantan, akan jadik pondan la kucing tu... NONSENSE!! kucing jantan akak BUBU sgt2 indepentent.. k leo mmg bg kebebasan dia bermain di luar... akak tgk kucing2 jantan yg lain semua tak berani dekat dia, mau tak nye.. kalau ade yg nak buat hal.. bubu tak akan lari punye, dgn lengan dia yg besar tu sekali dia libas jer kucing2 rempit kat luar tu , tp dia tak kacau org lain melainkan dia diganggu... hahaha...ini pengalaman sendiri.

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Post time 7-8-2008 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Dipetik dari website soal jawab agama:-

Bolehkah saya mengembirikan kucing peliharaan saya? Apakah hukumnya dari perspektif Islam?

Soalan seperti ini merupakan satu perkara yang amat penting kepada golongan muslimin, lantaran ramai juga di kalangan mereka yang menternak haiwan dan tidak kurang juga yang mempunyai hobi membela kucing. Maka inilah jawapannya :

Kasi = Kembiri = Castration
SECARA UMUMNYA , Mengembiri binatang ternakan menurut Imam Abu Hanifah (rh)



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Post time 7-8-2008 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by boocik04 at 7-8-2008 02:21 PM
Dipetik dari website soal jawab agama:-

Bolehkah saya mengembirikan kucing peliharaan saya? Apakah hukumnya dari perspektif Islam?

Soalan seperti ini merupakan satu perkara yang amat pent ...

artikel ni sgt bagus boocik.
so kpd sesiapa yg mengatakan mengkasi haiwan ni menyiksa, berdosa @ haram... mmg saje nak kena lah:@
dah byk bagi keterangan, artikel soal jawap, petikan drp JAKIM... so x der alasan lagi nak ckp benda yg tak baik pasal menkasi haiwan.

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Post time 7-8-2008 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by leotazz818 at 7-8-2008 12:48 PM
sebenarnya byk kebaikan bila kita kasi kucing nie.. sesape yg dan buat baru nampak kebaikan tu...
kena yakin di hati, mengkasi kucing tak berdosa... so far, kucing2 k leo semua bertambah sihat.. ...

bubu yang mcm guni beras tu gangster?

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Post time 7-8-2008 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AtA_JanE at 7-8-2008 03:01 PM

bubu yang mcm guni beras tu gangster?

ko jgnnnn.. hari tu aku tgk bubu smackdown kucing jate kat bwh tu.. lari lintang pukang kecut teloq kucing tuh

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Post time 8-8-2008 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by leotazz818 at 7-8-2008 05:39 PM

ko jgnnnn.. hari tu aku tgk bubu smackdown kucing jate kat bwh tu.. lari lintang pukang kecut teloq kucing tuh

kalau badan dah mcm guni beras (mcm ata kat tu), tak yah smackdown.
bubu duduk jer dah cukup, mesti kucing2 lain takut  nyer   ....

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Post time 8-8-2008 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by boocik04 at 8-8-2008 09:54 AM

kalau badan dah mcm guni beras (mcm ata kat tu), tak yah smackdown.
bubu duduk jer dah cukup, mesti kucing2 lain takut  nyer   ....

alah si bubu kalo aku dtg umah leo....duduk pasif aje....tido memanjang....

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Post time 8-8-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AtA_JanE at 8-8-2008 10:10 AM

alah si bubu kalo aku dtg umah leo....duduk pasif aje....tido memanjang....

kat umah bubu loving daddy

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