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house of wax tue bukan horror pownnn....meluat tengokk paris hiltong terjeritt lam filem nihh |
Balas #316 choolakaw\ catat
ye ke..mcm real je bila tgk cite tu...  |
Horror bg Don x pasti plak..
tp tormented ada.. Eden Lake |
citer paling horror:
1. the shutter (thailand)
2. the eye 1 (cina+thailand)
Balas #323 choolakaw\ catat
Dlm YT boleh dapat full movie ke? |
Reply #324 akeyron's post
bolehhh citer nie larr..tak taular citer lainn |
Balas #327 ahmad_dhani91\ catat
Citer ni bg aku kurang horro la mad.
Setakat ni tkda lg citer seram melayu menakutkan aku..
Apa2 pun thnks rekomenkan citer ni kt kitorg..Selera masing2  |
Reply #326 akeyron's post
Balas #329 choolakaw\ catat
citer paling horror bagi win! Coming soon! seram gile |
Originally posted by w|nTer^GurL at 11-6-2009 11:13 
citer paling horror bagi win! Coming soon! seram gile
Ramai org rekemen citer ni..
Jom tgk ramai2... |
Wehh, takda lg ke horror movie yg korang nk rekemen? |
semalam tgk cite drag me to hell.bleh tahan la...lagi besh la dari the unborn ngan the uninvited..
sbb tgk kedua2 trailer tu kan...tgk punye gempak la...tapi cite haram tak besh..
drag me to hell me nih tgk trailer cam tak besh....expect memagn tak besh la..
tapi rupanye ok..... |
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