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Author: Ustaz_SUFI

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse [2010]

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Post time 18-6-2010 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 377# nurulcomfykid

esok nak collect tickets for Eclipse Premier

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Charity Screening

Time: July 7, 2010 from 7pm to 11pm
Location: Hall 2 & 3, GSC Pavilion Kuala Lumpur


Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight


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Post time 18-6-2010 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply  nurulcomfykid

esok nak collect tickets for Eclipse Premier

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ...
pavlova Post at 18-6-2010 10:42

    what do u mean collect? ada lagi ke?

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Post time 18-6-2010 11:14 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-6-2010 11:17 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-6-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 384# nurulcomfykid

kite dh PM..sile la tgk cane nak beli

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight


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Post time 18-6-2010 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# Ustaz_SUFI

    iskkkk..x sabar nye nk tunggu citer nie keluar..soon..!!!
excaited sungguh..... xper sabar2 hehehe

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Post time 18-6-2010 12:50 PM | Show all posts
emm..kalo aku prefer baca buku dulu sbb  kalo dlm movie kita x bleh nk selami sgt perasaan atau  ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 16-6-2010 23:24

eh same la pon suke baca novel die dah bc yg eclipse nye...mmg betol apa yg awk ckp kan tu.. kalo dalam novel details kan....dalam movie x semua yg ada dalam novel sy puas hati kalo bca novel nye...erm....{:1_125:}
dh ckp kt huby nnti eclipse keluar nk tngok wayang hahaah
nasib baik la huby ku ni memahami kehendak n kesukaan bini die hehe...

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Post time 18-6-2010 05:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply  leon_mclaren78

sama mcm aku...memula tu dok heran nape la member2 dok cite psl twilight ...
silverlady Post at 18-6-2010 10:25

Well... prasan x, sblm kapel dgn Bella, si Edward ni mcm perengus & cpt naik angin gak kan... maklum la dh lebih 90 tahun idup lonely...  pastu bila dh kapel dgn Bella...huuuhu... dia jadik seorang yg penyabar, romantik gile, gentleman & x mudah marah. Even Bella bg amaran kat Edward, jgn apa2kan Jacob kalo dia sendiri yg suh Jacob kiss dia! Bila Bella bgtau gitu, Edward redho je tanpa sbrg komplen...sungguhpun hati dia berkecai2, tp asalkan Bella hepi, dia sanggup walopun diri sendiri merana! Mana nk carik cinta yg mcm tu kannn...baiknye Edward! Tp rasa sweet je bila Edward kata len kali kalo Jacob kiss Bella tanpa kerelaan Bella, Edward akan blasah Jacob cukup2!

Dlm novel New Moon mmg sakit ati baca sbb bila Edward tinggalkan Bella utk few months, mmg terasa lama gile... pastu Jacob hampir2 'amik alih' tpt sib baik dia jadik werewolf! Masa Bella suffer tu, aku pun ikut rasa suffer & berharap Edward cpt2 kembali semula cari Bella. Tp kat dlm movie, proses suffer Bella tu mcm kejap sgt walopun ada tulis October, November, December... Tp byk part yg kena pancung..bila jadik movie tinggal sket je.  

Dlm movie Eclipse pasti lebih sakit ati bila Jacob try berebutkan Bella dgn Edward. Edward mmg sakit ati tp dia try to behave himself & hanya mampu bersabar sbb nk jaga hati Bella. Aku rasa watak Jacob tu mmg annoying je sbb dh la panas baran, pastu suka je nk kenakan Edward! Sian Edward taw... Sib baik Jacob kira macho la jugak & body pung seksi...hehe...

Heh...paling aku x bleh lupa bila ada satu part tu muka Bella pucat...Edward kata "Muka awak putih mcm hantu... eh bukan... putih mcm muka saya!" wakakaka... lawak!  Sedo pun dia tu masuk dlm kategori hantu!

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Post time 18-6-2010 05:32 PM | Show all posts
eh same la pon suke baca novel die dah bc yg eclipse nye...mmg betol apa yg a ...
ewaty Post at 18-6-2010 12:50

Tgh wonder kat dlm Eclipse nnt part mana la yg telah dipancung tu...:re:

Hee... nk tgk muka Edward masa dia x mampu nk memanaskan Bella, tp kena duk jejauh dari Bella sbb dia kan sejuk mcm ais! huhu...mesti dia mkn ati abis.... Sebaliknya Jacob yg dpt share tido dgn Bella dlm sleeping bag (dlm proses tlg panaskan Bella...)..

Tp Eclipse ni mmg byk buat Edward mkn ati (jadik mangsa keadaan)... dh la bapak Bella yg hensem tu (Charlie ) lebih merestui Bella-Jacob, pastu Bella offer Jacob kiss dia, pastu Jacob dpt tido dgn Bella kat dpn mata Kalo jantan lain dh lama angkat kaki khennnn...  
Betapa agungnye cinta seorang (ataupun seekor??) vampire...

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Post time 18-6-2010 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Tgh wonder kat dlm Eclipse nnt part mana la yg telah dipancung tu...

Hee... nk tgk muka  ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 18-6-2010 17:32

    betol3....setuju..nk sangat tengok edward feel so jeles cane la muke die kan kalo jeles hehheehe....
bnyk scene yg sy nk tngok dalam tu accually....ermm...rasa x sabar la nk tungguuuu iskkk..cpt la kan ..huhu

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Post time 18-6-2010 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply  nurulcomfykid

esok nak collect tickets for Eclipse Premier

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ...
pavlova Post at 18-6-2010 10:42

adeh....jealousnye ngan pav...nak ikut laaaaaa..

ramai ke yg pi premier kt sini.?...selain dr pav, mesti si cheese pun gi jugak ni...tapi dia malu nak war2 kan kt benang ni....iye tak cheese????baik ko ngaku....cheese,where are you?tengah ulangkaji eclipse ke?

nway,brape rege tiket premier tu pav?

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Post time 18-6-2010 11:44 PM | Show all posts
wah... makin rancak benang ni....

@pav..... pukul berapa ko pegi collect ticket

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Post time 19-6-2010 12:09 AM | Show all posts
eyka pun pegi jugak ???? saing ngan pav ke?

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Post time 19-6-2010 12:16 AM | Show all posts
extended eclipse featurette


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Post time 19-6-2010 01:32 AM | Show all posts
Aku baru abiskan chapter 7 Midnight Sun... walla...barulah tau byk gak perkara dari Edward side masa kat Twilight. Ekceli masa Bella attracted kat Edward, Edward pun sama attracted kat Bella cuma dia x brapa nk sedar. Bila Edward sedar yg dia bleh bahayakan Bella, dia amik keputusan nk jauhkan diri dari Bella & moving out from Forks. Tp sblm blah, dia tergerak hati nk g skodeng Bella tido for the first & last time... tp bila Bella ngingau sebut2 nama Edward, itu la yg buat Edward cair abis & x sanggup nk berjauhan dgn Bella... romantiknye! Sejak tu la Edward ada hobi baru .. iaitu skodeng bella tido tetiap mlm sbb dia suka tgk Bella ngingau, pastu brangan dpt sentuh Bella...sian dia!

Paling lawak bila first time Edward nk menyusup masuk ikut tingkap bilik Bella tu, dia found out tingkap Bella tu berbunyik bila nk bukak... so dia plan nk bwk minyak gris bila dtg lg len kali...and next time dia bebetul dtg bwk minyak gris & letak kat tingkap tu, so x de la tingkap tu bunyik2 lg! Dpt aku bygkan kalo scene yg ni ada kat dlm filem!

Esok nk sambung lg... tp syg btul SM dh x mo sambung novel ni....:cry:

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Post time 19-6-2010 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 19-6-2010 20:24

Robert Pattinson Doesn't Understand Twilight

Dazed and confused

If you are one of those people who watched Twilight and just don't get it, you are not alone. It seems Robert Pattinson, who plays the 'vegetarian' vampire in The Twilight Saga, doesn't get the story either.

He said in an interview, "I just saw Twilight on TV for the first time a few days ago. Now that I've seen it, [I realise] you do need to read the book to get it. I was like, 'What?!' and I'm in it.

He watched the first movie only now? Wow, I know of people who have watched it like 10 times and know the dialogue by heart!

credit: Galaxie (June 16-30, 2010)

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Post time 20-6-2010 12:19 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 20-6-2010 00:25


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Post time 20-6-2010 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 20-6-2010 01:11

Eh...nape Rob tetiba je nampak macho..ala2 Brendan Fraser je...  
selama ni aku rasa dia just the jambu kat dlm video ni....jeng-jeng...
Ske ar rambut dia yg kontot nih...macho gile!

Slang London masih ada lagi...hehe...  Tp Rob ni kuat ketawa la... dlm mana2 interbiu mesti dia ketawaaaaaa je...

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Post time 20-6-2010 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 20-6-2010 01:19

I gonna love this boy! His hair especially.... so adorable!!
merembes sehhh.... slek sket la.... selain kuat ketawa, dia nampak x selesa & suka tergaru2 sana sini bila kena interbiu!

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Post time 20-6-2010 11:30 AM | Show all posts
erm..x sabar nye nk tngok Twilight baru nie.Eclipse...

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