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lisza posted on 28-10-2014 03:25 PM 
hehehehe..meriah tol thread nih.. saya yang bukak thread rasa syok sgt ttg info nih..nak tanya yg pe ...
Jadi ke pegi nepal bulan 12 nih? Saya pn inshaAllah pegi bulan 12 nih. Tapi 7/12 baru sampai kathmandu. Sebelum tu pegi india dulu. VISA pn dh buat. Dok menghitung hari saja. Hehe.
Milo_Suam posted on 8-11-2014 04:17 PM
Jadi ke pegi nepal bulan 12 nih? Saya pn inshaAllah pegi bulan 12 nih. Tapi 7/12 baru sampai kathm ...
Nak pergi pokhara end of this month. Tadi pergi nepal embassy.. Ya ampunnn ramainya manusia nepali.... Xsanggup nak buat..
Ade ke agent utk buat visa ni? Pening sudah bah |
beep posted on 10-11-2014 01:04 PM 
Nak pergi pokhara end of this month. Tadi pergi nepal embassy.. Ya ampunnn ramainya manusia nepali ...
Salam beep..pegi treking ke? boleh share itinerary? insyaallah sy akan menyusul bulan 3 tahun dpn..tiket dah beli tp still planning itinerary..tq
beep posted on 10-11-2014 01:04 PM 
Nak pergi pokhara end of this month. Tadi pergi nepal embassy.. Ya ampunnn ramainya manusia nepali ...
saya buat on arrival je, tp syukur la masa tu x ramai org. bratur dlm 5 minit je dah lpas. sy buat visa for 30 days, tgk line yg 14 days pnjg jugak tp xde la smpai stgh jam pun kot nak lepas
beep posted on 10-11-2014 01:04 PM 
Nak pergi pokhara end of this month. Tadi pergi nepal embassy.. Ya ampunnn ramainya manusia nepali ...
Im from Penang. Pergi KL semata2 buat VISA je. Pukul 7 pagi dh terpacak depan bangunan wisma goshen kt stesen kerinchi tu. Time tu pn dh ramai geng2 Nepal menunggu. Memang menguji kesabaran betul. Buka pukul 9pagi tapi kalo u pegi awal & cakap nk ke nepal embassy mmg abg guard tak kasi naik. Tepat pukul 9 baru dia kasi naik & lift utk ke nepal embassy mmg asing. Kalo boleh u pegi awal sebelum pukul 9. Masuk aje bangunan tu naik la satu tingkat atas dari embassy. Pastu turun pakai tangga tunggu kt depan pintu embassy. So dapat la Q kt depan. Hehe. Kalau u nk pakai agent pn boleh. I ada dengar org sembang2 kt situ dorg cakap kalo pakai agent di KL dorg amik rm50 je. I minta nk amik haritu jugak, cakap datang dr penang jauh & nk balik petang tu. Alhamdulillah dia kasi amik petang tu jugak. Hehe.
Milo_Suam posted on 10-11-2014 11:08 PM 
Im from Penang. Pergi KL semata2 buat VISA je. Pukul 7 pagi dh terpacak depan bangunan wisma goshe ...
ok dah selamat pakai agent.. i guna travel agency je..
utk 15days visa RM150 (pergi sendiri RM95) per visa..
tak sanggup nak menempuh umat nepal..
smlm pergi wisma goshen tu sampai kul 10 am.. naik tingkat 16 pastu turun tangga ke tingkat 15... huhuhu still xleh nak menyelit boleh pingsan ngan umat nepali macam sardine.  |
madohia posted on 10-11-2014 07:23 PM 
saya buat on arrival je, tp syukur la masa tu x ramai org. bratur dlm 5 minit je dah lpas. sy buat ...
itulaa niat mcm nak buat visa on arrival.. tapi flight i sampai malam.. takut laa lewat sgt sbb esoknya nak catch flight to pokhara.. huhuhu |
pilates posted on 10-11-2014 04:12 PM 
Salam beep..pegi treking ke? boleh share itinerary? insyaallah sy akan menyusul bulan 3 tahun dpn. ...
Basicly this is my itinerary :
DAYS | ITINERARY | DETAILS | Day 1- ARRIVAL KATHMANDU | | | Day 2 - Flight to Pokhara/ Sightseeing | Serangkot & Peace Pagoda | | Day 3 - Trekking | Day one = pokhara to ulleri ( banthanti). | After breakfast drive to nayapul from pokhara then trekking up to hile for the 3 hours then take a lunch then trek again two hours 30 minute to the hotel and over night at the top | Day 5 - Trekking | Day two = ulleri top to ghorepani . | After breakfast trekking to change thanti for 2 hour 30 min to 3 hours then if you feel hungry we will have a lunch then trek to ghorepani for more one hour thirty minute. And overnight at ghorepani. | Day 6- Trekking | Day three = Early in the morning trek to poon hill to see the beautiful Himalaya and sunrise. | Then trek down to hotel then take a breakfast then trek to banthanti via happy hill, deurali, and have a lunch at Banthanti then trek again to tadapani for one hour thirty minute then overnight at tadapani. | Day 7 - Trekking | Day 4 = in the morning see the sunrise and mountain view from the hotel then take a breakfast then trek down to kimrong danda for 3 hours then take a lunch then trek one hour thirty minutes to ghandruk and overnight at ghandruk then explore the gurung village and experience the gurung culture. | | Day 8 - Day 5 Trekking | Day 5 = After breakfast trekking to birethanti for four hours then take a lunch then trek thirty minute to nayapul and drive back to pokhara. | | Day 9 - | Back to Kathmandu | | Day 10 - Departing Kathmandu | | |
kalau mcm tu sy buat visa on arrival je la..sy kat ipoh..leceh plak nak ke kl semata2 buat visa..
beep, nnti awk smpi ktm mlm kul brape? sy smpi kul 7.45mlm.. |
pilates posted on 11-11-2014 03:14 PM 
kalau mcm tu sy buat visa on arrival je la..sy kat ipoh..leceh plak nak ke kl semata2 buat visa..
sama.. sampai 7.45pm... takut laa flight petang2 ni selalu delay |
beep posted on 11-11-2014 03:20 PM 
sama.. sampai 7.45pm... takut laa flight petang2 ni selalu delay
tima kasih beep share itin.sy pun plan nak trek poon hill..
nak tanya..hotel kat ktm and pokhara u book sendiri kan..x pakai agent..
sy akan take note psl flight delay tu..
pilates posted on 11-11-2014 03:42 PM 
tima kasih beep share itin.sy pun plan nak trek poon hill..
nak tanya..hotel kat ktm and pokhar ...
for pokhara i book thru agent.
kathmandu hotel i book sendiri thru agoda n booking.com |
beep posted on 11-11-2014 04:43 PM 
for pokhara i book thru agent.
kathmandu hotel i book sendiri thru agoda n booking.com
ok tima kasih beep..nak pegi end of this month kan..enjoy yr treking and safe journey..balik nnti cita kat sini ye
pilates posted on 11-11-2014 05:02 PM 
ok tima kasih beep..nak pegi end of this month kan..enjoy yr treking and safe journey..balik nnti ...
yup.. i will.. berdebar2 jugak nak ke nepal ni.
anyway currency advise tukar nepal currency mix with usd ke how meh??.. utk bayar agent tu dia ckp dia accept both currency.
cuma utk food n shopping sesikit.. |
Milo_Suam posted on 8-11-2014 04:17 PM 
Jadi ke pegi nepal bulan 12 nih? Saya pn inshaAllah pegi bulan 12 nih. Tapi 7/12 baru sampai kathm ...
InsyaAllah..sy smpai Kathmandu 1 Dec.. sampai 8 Dec...  |
beep posted on 11-11-2014 03:13 PM 
Basicly this is my itinerary :
Cantik itinerary...sy x susun pun lgi or book apa2..ingt nk book sana nanti...klau gini punya brp harga n agent mana,ya?
kawan2, ada tak sapa2 yang pnh trekking waktu monsun di sana? blh share pengalaman tak? lagi satu, selain mustang trek, ok tak kalau nak belasah ke ABC time monsun? |
lisza posted on 12-11-2014 10:34 PM 
Cantik itinerary...sy x susun pun lgi or book apa2..ingt nk book sana nanti...klau gini punya brp ...
i guna agent direct deal guna internet.
for trekking dia charge USD45 per person perday- inclusive of porter, guide, accomodation for the days of trekking & meals (drink x include), permit & transportation
serangkot & peace pagoda : usd 72
flight kth - pokhara = USD 100 (per person)
transport from pokhara to katmd (private car) = USD130 (share 4 org)
pokhara hotel = usd30 per night
kathmandu hotel = trekkers home - usd 45(family room : share 4 org)
airport transfer = USD 15 (per car)
kathmandu hotel = Thamel Grand Hotel - usd 38.70 (per room)
basicly kira kira total kos lebih kureng usd443.6 per person
Last edited by beep on 13-11-2014 12:17 PM
lisza posted on 12-11-2014 10:32 PM 
InsyaAllah..sy smpai Kathmandu 1 Dec.. sampai 8 Dec...
Owh nt boleh la jumpa di kathmandu 
beep posted on 11-11-2014 02:18 PM 
ok dah selamat pakai agent.. i guna travel agency je..
utk 15days visa RM150 (pergi sendiri RM9 ...
Harga u dapat tu ok la. Pakai agent jimat masa, tenaga & minyak wangi. hehe.
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