ini apa yang terjadi kepada airfrance flight 447...
More than 200 tons of metal, plastic, kerosene and human bodies smashed into the sea. The sheer force of the impact is described in the forensic report, which lists in graphic detail how lungs were torn apart and bones were shredded end to end. Some of the passengers were sliced in half by their seatbelt. Much of the debris that has been recovered is no larger than a square meter (10 square feet). The shear-lines run at a conspicuous angle. This shows that the plane did not plunge vertically into the sea, but rather hit the water like a flat hand, with the nose of the aircraft pointing upwards at a five-degree angle. Of particular interest is the large tailfin that was recovered from the ocean by the Brazilian navy. This was ripped from its anchoring and catapulted forwards. From this, it can be deduced that the A330 was brought to a halt with a force more than 36 times that of normal gravity: 36g.
walaupun bangkai kapalterbang tersebut hanya di temui 2 tahun kemudian tapi sebahagian kecil serpihan2 kapalterbang itu di temui terapung dipermukaan lautan...
kalau meletup di udara pun mesti ada serpihan bertaburan
tapi flight mh370 hilang lesap tanpa kesan..
semuga allah beri petunjuk dan mempermudahkan segala urusan..