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Author: EJALTI

[Jenayah] Mahathir: Mana lagi RM27 bilion 1MDB? Tak maafkan Najib -page 11-

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Post time 27-4-2015 01:29 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 27-4-2015 01:23 PM
Kawan I hantar video dia dengan 'first lady' berjoget sakan kat kampung besan. Dia tak tau ke oran ...

Tru... dlm video tu i tengok najib yg beria goyang... Kak Ros ada jugak maintain malu malu kucing. Tp serious I malu tengok... diaorang tak sedar ka yg tahap kebencian rakyat kat diaorang mmg tak pernah sblm ni pada mana mana PM... tebal sungguh muka

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Post time 27-4-2015 01:33 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 27-4-2015 01:29 PM
Tru... dlm video tu i tengok najib yg beria goyang... Kak Ros ada jugak maintain malu malu kucing: ...

Malu dan sakit hati. Living in denial. Dan bermewah melampaui batas. Bila I baca pasai cina J Lo I tak tahan la Scorp. Lagi satu berapa banyak rombongan dorang bawak pegi kampung besan tu kan. Patut la TDM sampai sebut. Membazir melampau. Belum masuk pakaian, jam etc. Ni nak merangkai semua la ni, asal dari lembu kat kondo. Berapa banyak duit dah hilang.


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Post time 27-4-2015 01:34 PM | Show all posts
musangcomel replied at 23-4-2015 03:52 PM
yok yok je kaya
aku rasa yg berkepentingan je kut
org2 biasa cam kita ni masuk mesti kena jd ahl ...

kalau nak kaya sekurang2nya kena jadi ketua bahagian umno...hehehe kalau setakat ahli mcm AN jgn haraplah cuma dpt brim jo..


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Post time 27-4-2015 01:45 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 27-4-2015 01:33 PM
Malu dan sakit hati. Living in denial. Dan bermewah melampaui batas. Bila I baca pasai cina J Lo I ...

yg tengok je terasa malu kak oi.

empunya diri?
demi pembangunan, kemajuan ekonomi dan
nasib rakyat beliau sanggup turun padang menari
berjiwa rakyat.

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Post time 27-4-2015 01:48 PM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 27-4-2015 01:45 PM
yg tengok je terasa malu kak oi.

empunya diri?

Sebenarnya kalau dulu I tak pa jer dia menari, apa salahnya depa nak gumbira suka ria. Tapi la ni pasai I benci. semua dia buat I nampak buruk.


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Post time 27-4-2015 01:49 PM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 26-4-2015 10:59 PM
punya la bangang zaman tun dulu takreti kutip cukai.
bijan jugak bijak buat gst.

apo lak.. duit gst 42juta sehari tuh lah yg buat byr utang bilion2 tadi..
eh, ke bukan sbenarnya kompius lak aku lelama

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Post time 27-4-2015 01:53 PM | Show all posts
geenie replied at 27-4-2015 01:49 PM
apo lak.. duit gst 42juta sehari tuh lah yg buat byr utang bilion2 tadi..
eh, ke buk ...

haloo... rm42jota sehari tu kutipan untuk
pembangunan, kemajuan ekonomi dan
memperjuang nasib rakyat hokehh!!

pliss jgn komplen. nak kene klem bersubahat IS ka??

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Post time 27-4-2015 01:54 PM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 27-4-2015 01:53 PM
haloo... rm42jota sehari tu kutipan untuk
pembangunan, kemajuan ekonomi dan
memperjuang nasib ra ...

ha.. kan.. betullah aku dah kompius cam nih


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Post time 27-4-2015 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by badaksumbu at 27-4-2015 02:03 PM
d'zeck replied at 27-4-2015 09:42 AM
tolong tepekkan
yang asal boleh tak badaksumbu
email ni ada dlm sarawak report tp kena klik 'show email' utk full email. sy bc sekali lalu, normal business email je pun dpd patrick mahoney (wynton group). google sikit (jgn bc sumber media pro pembangkang), kita blh dpt tau jho pernah invest dlm wynton group n google lg sikit kita akn dpt tau jho low ni dah lama jd investment broker termasuklah jv2 antara negara timur tengah n malaysia. nanti sy tepek semua info tu. cuba bc betul2 email kat bwh ni, bkn ke psi (petrosaudi) melalui wynton group (yg kenal jho low yg dah biasa berurusan jv dgn co.2 malaysia) yg buat the 1st move utk joint venture dgn salah satu glc malaysia ie. petronas atau 1mdb dan bknnya 1mdb yg propose dulu. bila psi yg propose dulu masuk akal la bila ada trail payment dpd psi kpd jho low via commision la kan. sarawak report pusing belit jd jho low yg songlap duit dpd 1mdb.

This was the full email exposed by Sarawak Report. The intention is clearly to make money for Malaysian companies and not for songlap purposes.
It came from their headline article:…/heist-of-the-century-how-jh…/

(Sarawak Report just took parts of it and spin it to look suspicious)

Patrick Mahony
To:Jho Low
Subjectover Email – Read First
Jho / Seet / Tiffany,
Many thanks for your time the other day. As discussed, there seems to be a number of things we can do together. However, I think we should try to focus on the more actionable ones for now and we can then spend more time exploring some of the other areas where we might be able to cooperate. In my mind, the immediate businesses to focus on are upstream oil and gas and oil services through PetroSaudi International (PSI) and related companies.

Other than that, there are more opportunities we can discuss and I will mention them later. What I have tried to do below is break out the various deals and what some next steps might be. I will also be sending you presentations in separate emails (files are too big to send in one email) to give you more detail on each opportunity.

PetroSaudi – Upstream
This is the main deal and the first one we should work on together. The opportunity here is to buy into a platform with assets in Argentina and Turkmenistan at the moment but with good access to other assets in the Caspian, Middle East, Latin America and West Africa. There are many deals PSI on offer to PSI at the moment and, with the right financial and technical partner, we could close these quickly.

I have sent you for your reference a brief presentation on PSI and a quick one-pager on what the PSI story is and what the opportunity is for an investor/partner.

Briefly, we can value the Argentinean assets at around $50-$75m and the Turkmenistan asset at around $700m pre-border dispute being resolved and $1b-$1.5b after the border dispute is resolved. Argentina has approximately 30m barrels of oil and Turkmenistan 500m. If we do the deal we want with the Canadian company that currently owns the asset in Turkmenistan, we will also pick up a block in the Gambia but the value of this unclear at this point. Argentina also merits a good amount of discussion because there are different ways to look at this and it depends on our partner’s appetite for Argentina.

I think what would make sense is that we set up a joint venture where we contribute our assets and you can contribute cash to match our asset base. We can then decide where that cash goes. Some of it may go to paying us back for some cost and some should stay in the JV for new acquisitions. We can discuss how those acquisitions will work and how money should flow once we do the deals through the JV.

We also have a solid, experienced operating team in PSI and we can use them to work with Petronas when we decide it is time for Petronas to enter the JV or the assets directly. I am assuming here that 1MDB will be our partner first and that Petronas will come in later. If this is the case, we can have Petronas either come into the JV or partner with us directly at the asset level and fund the development costs. I somewhat favour the latter as this would guarantee funding for the assets for development and it is also very standard in the industry to have farm-ins by technical partners. Over time, Petronas could buy the JV and both PSI and 1MDB would have made a big return on the initial investment. This is just a thought on structure, we can obviously discuss what you have in mind and what you think would be appropriate. We can also merge our Turkmenistan asset with the one Petronas has (would make sense).

Lastly, we know there are deals you are looking at where you may want to use PSI as a front, we would be happy to do that. You need to let us know where. We can, for example, buy one oil and gas company in Indonesia (called Star Energy – I have guaranteed access to that deal) and could use that as a platform. On this idea of being a front, we need your input but if Indonesia is one place where you would like to be, we could buy this as a local platform to do more deals.

In Summary, I think PSI in upstream is the first deal we should look at together. I think we should aim at answering the following questions as a next step:

Who will be the partner in the JV with PSI? 1MDB or Petronas?

What is the right structure?

How do you want to run Due Diligence (DD) on this? I have set up virtual data rooms for both Turkmenistan and Argentina but you need to help us help you and let us know what sort of teams will be conducting DD for you, what info they will want etc. From our side our full technical team out of London will be available to assist you and your team in your technical/asset DD. However any discussion on the JV and how that will work will only be with Tarek and me.

What is a realistic timeline to close a deal (I think this will depend somewhat on 2 above)?

PetroSaudi – Oil Services
PSI has recently gotten involved in oil services through Ashmore, the emerging market fund manager I was telling you about. Ashmore owns a company called Neptune that has two drill ships and a semi-submersible and company called Rubicon that owns FPSO’s (Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading vessels). PSI has options to buy into these companies or buy them outright. (I have sent you presentations on both Neptune and Rubicon.)

Furthermore, PSI is in the process of forming a JV with Venezuela’s national oil company (PDVSA) to do oil services in Venezuela. There is a big opportunity here because many companies (Halliburton etc) are either looking to get out of Venezuela or are being forced out. What we are doing is taking over these assets (cheaply) and putting them in a JV with PDVSA, where PDVSA would guarantee very long term contracts on the assets. Venezuela has rapidly declining production and a big need to reverse this so the government is very focused on the country’s services industry and making sure Venezuela’s exploration and production is being looked after properly. We can easily invest quite a bit of money into this JV and get a fast return on cash through the contracts PDVSA would give the JV. We could also put some of the Neptune or Rubicon assets in this JV.

Another deal in this space is with the Schahin group in Brazil. Schahin are a very large construction and finance group in Brazil and the head of the group runs the Brazil-Arab Chamber of Commerce (which is how we know him). After making it big in construction and finance, Schahin decided to enter the offshore oil services sector, realising that Petrobras would be driving global demand for this industry going forward. They have since bought drill ships and semi-submersibles and have them all contracted out to Petrobras (this is rare in the industry, most people buy vessels and then look for contracts – here the contracts are there so revenue is guaranteed once the vessel is ready for service). Some of the vessels are still in ship yards in Korea and China and these require financing to complete them. The deal here is to provide Schahin with financing so that the ships get built and can start working on the guaranteed contracts from Petrobras. Schahin is already the largest offshore oil services company in Brazil and the opportunity here is to become a partner/shareholder in this company. This would put anybody who is serious about offshore oil services instantly in the country that will control approximately 30% of the offshore oil services market for the foreseeable future. We like this deal a lot and the partner, Schahin, is a stellar, blue-chip group in Brazil. Investment required here is approximately $600m.

In summary, the offshore oil services space is very interesting to us as it is an asset-intensive business that generates large, steady cash flow (day rates on these vessels are from $100k per day to $500k per day). You can leverage the assets with banks and the key is getting contracts with national oil companies where, again, the Saudi influence helps (as we have demonstrated in Venezuela). The deals in this space require large numbers so we need an investor with deep pockets if we are going to do this.

As discussed, it is my understanding that MISC, Petronas’ service company, has a desire to become big in this space. If so, we could make MISC larger overnight by selling them Neptune, Rubicon and then having them enter into this JV with the Venezuelan National Oil Company (that the Saudis can control because of the relationship in OPEC) and with Schahin, the largest supplier of offshore vessels to Petrobras, who in turn is the largest contractor of offshore vessels in the world (and where MISC already has an FPSO operating).
Again, there may be a 2-step transaction we can do here by first doing deals with 1MDB before getting MISC in. There is value in consolidating a few assets under one roof before the ultimate owner comes in. So 1MDB and PSI could again make a return on their investment before the ultimate buyer acquires the company. Again – just a thought on structure, you need to tell us what is achievable on your end and who will actually be doing this.

Next steps here would be:

Determine whether MISC, Petronas or 1MDB have appetite for this space? If so, how much? Between an acquisition of Neptune+Rubicon, the JV with PDVSA and the Schahin deal we could be talking up to $2b of cash required (of course some of this is financeable).
If this is interesting, decide which deals we should do first?

Discuss structure.

Let us know timing and how you would want to DD.

As discussed, there are a few other areas we are active in and maybe some other areas you would like to work with us in. Below are areas we would certainly be willing to discuss with you.
Saudi Arabia – are there any sectors/industries that Malaysia would like to be involved in in KSA? If so, we would be happy to discuss and see how we can help you enter the Kingdom for those areas.
Waste Management – I have sent you a presentation on this business.

As per my email earlier this evening, this is certainly a company and sector we like and we have the right ingredients of technical know-how, experienced management and government support to make this very successful globally. However the company is currently undergoing a bit of a restructuring and overhaul so we will not be ready to discuss M&A opportunities until January. In any case, I think we have plenty to do between now and then.

Funds – do you invest in funds through Khazanah or any other sovereign pools in Malaysia? As discussed, we have access to a few managers we like and have helped them to get funds to manage from various Saudi sovereign sources. There are opportunities here to also get Malaysian funds under management with these managers and even buy pieces of the management company. There a few deals we can do here but need to understand if a) you have pension, SWF or other money that goes to independent fund managers and b) if you have interest in owning fund management businesses. One interesting structure would be for 1MDB (or another vehicle) to buy a stake in an asset management company (we have a few with teams with good track records) and then make sure that funds come in from whichever sovereign sources. We can discuss.

Real Estate – we are putting together a fund (see presentation emailed) that will manage Saudi sovereign funds to invest in UK real estate. There is a benefit from being a sovereign investor in UK real estate because you don’t pay capital gains taxes. The idea here is to start with UK but then raise more Saudi sovereign funds over time and grow this to buy real estate internationally. We have a good team set up and are ready to go on this. We thought maybe we could make this a fund with both Malaysian and Saudi investors – a sort of joint Malaysian/Saudi real estate fund. We will own the management company here so we will obviously give a piece of it to whoever can bring funds to manage. Again, we can discuss.

Other – we are happy to discuss anything from your end you would like us involved in.

I have tried to list the main things we are involved with above and have been very transparent. I know I don’t need to say this but a lot of the information I have given you is very confidential and the principals involved here would prefer to keep it that way. The idea is to be open so we don’t waste any time and can quickly see what we can do together.
I suggest we meet again soon to discuss all of this. We really need to nail down what deals interest you, structures and how funds would flow. What I have tried to think of here are deals that are very standard in the industries we are talking about and would therefore be very justifiable to any investment committee. I am also thinking of structures where funds need to move a few times, which generally makes it easier for any fees we would need to pay our agents.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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Post time 27-4-2015 02:23 PM | Show all posts
editorial sarawak report pun cina,

Jlow pun cina

the malaysian dogs pun cina

kita tahu kalo tak menipu
bukan mereka, so dalam isu pertuduhan
ke atas 1MDB,

kita perlu lebih berhati2
dalam menangani unsur penipuan

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:23 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by badaksumbu at 27-4-2015 02:39 PM


ni info pasal jho low dpd awal2 karier dia. tengok tahun2 tu, sejak 2006 bkn 2009. utk yg tak tau 1mdb ni start dgn nama 'terengganu investment authority (tia)' (zaman pak lah jd pm) n jho low ni salah sorang dpd advisor tia ni dpd jan'09 - may'09 tp media pro pembangkang spin mcm jho low ni involve dgn 1mdb start dpd zaman najib.

sumber : wall street journal -

Here’s a look at some of the biggest deals of Mr. Low, who was featured in a Wall Street Journal profile:

Before Mr. Low invested through Jynwel Capital, which was formed in 2010, he invested some of his own wealth and on behalf of friends and family in a fund known as the Wynton Group.

The first big transaction of Mr. Low’s career came in 2006. Mr. Low, who was born in Malaysia and lived there through his teen years, helped the Kuwait Finance House purchase a luxury high-rise apartment building known as the Oval in Kuala Lumpur for $87 million. The Kuwaiti bank sold the building less than two years later for a profit of nearly $20 million, Mr. Low said.

With that success, Mr. Low was quickly off and running. The following year he helped Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Development Co. source its first real-estate investment project out of the United Arab Emirates, an $1.2 billion business and real-estate development in Malaysia. On its website, Mubadala calls Iskandar Holding, a 20-year project,  “the largest single development yet undertaken in the region.”

In 2009, through his family’s trust, Mr. Low purchased the L’Ermitage Beverly Hills, a luxury hotel in Los Angeles. Between 2010 and 2012, his fund acquired half of L’Ermitage’s management group, the Viceroy Hotel Group. Once again he was joining forces with Mubadala, whose real-estate and hospitality group previously had purchased a stake in Viceroy. The group operates 16 luxury hotels on four continents.

In 2012, the Jynwel Group, as part of a group led by Sony Corp. purchased EMI’s music publishing business for $2.2 billion. With this deal, he became part of a group that controlled what the WSJ described as the largest music-publishing empire in the world with rights to 251 Beatles songs, as well as certain Jay-Z, Norah Jones and Arcade Fire songs. In addition to Sony, Jynwel partnered with Michael Jackson’s estate, Mubadala, a division of the Blackstone Group and David Geffen.

In 2013, Jynwel was part of a consortium that purchased the Park Lane Hotel that overlooks Central Park for roughly $660 million with the Witkoff Group, a New York-based real estate investment firm.

Shortly after that, Mr. Low’s fund participated in the takeover of Coastal Energy, an-oil-and gas exploration company with projects in Southeast Asia, for $2.2 billion in 2014.

Mr. Low has also become known for making big-ticket philanthropic commitments. In the past year, he’s committed $50 million to the MD Anderson Cancer Center and $20 million to Panthera, a fund dedicated to preserving the world’s wildcat population.

Now Mr. Low’s real test is whether he can convince Adidas’s board to let him buy Reebok, which Adidas purchased in 2006 for roughly $3.8 billion
sumber :

The Penang-born businessman’s ties to the state development fund stems largely from his role in its predecessor, Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA), and the perception of his involvement lingers on years after the fund was transformed into 1MDB.

In a statement today, Low sought to convey that his involvement, if any, ended with TIA.

“Mr Low has never held any position in 1MDB or in the government of Malaysia. Mr Low was appointed as one of the many advisors invited by the stakeholders of Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA) to provide advice from Jan 2009 to mid-May 2009 given his market-based knowledge.

“Mr Low has not been involved in TIA since mid-May 2009,” read the press statement carried by several news portals.
sumber :

LOW Teik Jho (pic), or better known as Jho Low became a noticeable figure in the Malaysian corporate scene when investments from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates started to make their way to the local shores.

The most notable was the facilitation of the entry of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) into RHB Capital Bhd in 2008, at a price-to-book value of 2.2 times at RM7.20 per share. This was considered to be on the high side of banking valuations.

The other was the entry of Abu Dhabi-based funds staking their interest in the southern economic corridor, Iskandar Malaysia. In 2007, Jho Low helped draw Mubadala Development Co, a diversified investment company based in Abu Dhabi, to Malaysia to make its first overseas real estate venture in Iskandar Malaysia, Johor.

Mubadala was then the leading consortium investing US$720mil (RM2.1bil) in Medini Iskandar Malaysia to jointly develop a 2,230-acre parcel of land. But the global crisis had thrown the Arab property world into disarray and that slowed down the development of the Medini parcel.

These investments did not turn out well in subsequent years. RHB Cap shares never reached the valuations ADCB had paid, while the going was slow in Iskandar Malaysia.

In many of the business dealings where Middle-East funds are concerned in Malaysia, Jho Low is seen as the point person.

Between 2003 and 2010, Jho Low was said to have already made more than RM120mil from the various deals he had helped seal.


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Post time 27-4-2015 02:28 PM | Show all posts
deleted. double posted.

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:30 PM | Show all posts
d'zeck replied at 27-4-2015 02:23 PM
editorial sarawak report pun cina,

Jlow pun cina

Kalau menteri kewangan M'sia tarak kuasa mutlak dan mesti melalui perlembagaan dan parlimen sebelum ambil tindakan yang memberi impak besar pada apa saja yang ada kaitan dengan aset, rizab , dan kewangan negara, maka kewujudan 1MDB ni adalah satu penipuan lah yang menyalahi perlembagaan M'sia sendiri.... tak gitu ka ?  


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Post time 27-4-2015 02:31 PM | Show all posts
spin sana sini mcm jho low ada kaitan dgn 1mdb je,

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by d'zeck at 27-4-2015 02:35 PM
badaksumbu replied at 27-4-2015 02:27 PM

ni info pasal jho low dpd awal2 karier dia. tengok tahun2 tu, sejak 2006 bkn 2009. utk y ...

jika tepat sumber info tu,
cina JLow tu kariernya lebih sebagai seorang broker

dalam urusniaga tahap tinggi

tak gitu badaksumbu


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Post time 27-4-2015 02:35 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 27-4-2015 02:30 PM
Kalau menteri kewangan M'sia tarak kuasa mutlak dan mesti melalui perlembagaan dan parlimen sebelu ...

salah daripada segi akta syarikat
pun tidak

perlembagaan apatah lagi

serangan persepsi cina DAP terhadap
IMDB sebenarnya tak jauh berbeza
dengan serangan persepsi mereka
ke atas BR1M dan KR1M

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:41 PM | Show all posts
d'zeck replied at 27-4-2015 02:33 PM
jika tepat sumber info tu,
cina JLow tu kariernya lebih sebagai seorang broker

gitu la nampaknya kalau x bersumberkan media pro pembangkang, cer tengok artikel bwh,  

LOW Teik Jho (pic), or better known as Jho Low became a noticeable figure in the Malaysian corporate scene when investments from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates started to make their way to the local shores.

The most notable was the facilitation of the entry of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) into RHB Capital Bhd in 2008, at a price-to-book value of 2.2 times at RM7.20 per share. This was considered to be on the high side of banking valuations.

The other was the entry of Abu Dhabi-based funds staking their interest in the southern economic corridor, Iskandar Malaysia. In 2007, Jho Low helped draw Mubadala Development Co, a diversified investment company based in Abu Dhabi, to Malaysia to make its first overseas real estate venture in Iskandar Malaysia, Johor.

Mubadala was then the leading consortium investing US$720mil (RM2.1bil) in Medini Iskandar Malaysia to jointly develop a 2,230-acre parcel of land. But the global crisis had thrown the Arab property world into disarray and that slowed down the development of the Medini parcel.

These investments did not turn out well in subsequent years. RHB Cap shares never reached the valuations ADCB had paid, while the going was slow in Iskandar Malaysia.

In many of the business dealings where Middle-East funds are concerned in Malaysia, Jho Low is seen as the point person.

Between 2003 and 2010, Jho Low was said to have already made more than RM120mil from the various deals he had helped seal.


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Post time 27-4-2015 02:43 PM | Show all posts
jho low ni pun ada involve dgn deal iskandar malaysia, xde siapa nak buat teori konspirasi jdt ke,

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Post time 27-4-2015 02:46 PM | Show all posts
badaksumbu replied at 27-4-2015 02:41 PM
gitu la nampaknya kalau x bersumberkan media pro pembangkang, cer tengok artikel bwh,  

lebih kurang cina broker
jual rumah jugak la low taik2 Jlow ni

cina DAP banyak gunakan nama
dia untuk buruk2 kan 1MDB,

pasti dengan pengetahuan
dan kebenaran dia


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