yeah! at last, dpt gaks nengoks citer nie! :pompom: siap tgk 2x lagi in tis week!! pecah rekod aku nengoks wayang! haha.. BEST! BEST! BEST! I love it so much!!! :victory: (*actually aku nie termasuk lam kategori org2 yg x tgk / follow KAMI The Series, but yet I still understand the flow of the movie!* )
1st time tgk sengsorang ari Isnin.. kemaruk naks tgknyer pesal, blasah & gamble jerklah nengoks sengsorang pun, eventhough actually x suka tgk sengsorang.. 2nd time tgk ari Rabu, ngan member2 5 org, kecoh tul.. sumer org terkukik2 gelaks dlm cinema hall gara2 Abu (termasuklah aku! ), eventhough tgk kali ke-2!!
Ali!!! OMG! mamat nie mmglah handsome & kewl, eventhough tanned! sukalah dia! :kiss::flower:suit tul lah Ali ngan Lynn itu, suka!!! they really into each other, eventhough zahir x terucap! tp obvious lah!! sukalah kalu syarul ezani & liyana jasmay 2 betul2 couple pun!
Abu? Abu mmg best, lawaks & happening.. + comel!! Adi pun best.. tp Sophie 2 aku nyampah.. aku rasa lakonan dia sorang jerk stereotype, sama jerk tune.. 
nway, overall citer nie mmg best lah.. storyline sempoi.. OST pun best.. suka tgk f/ship diorg, eventhough they're 2 social! salute aahh pada directors laki-bini nie.. :victory:keep up the good work guys! I want 2 c more of ur guys works in the future! & also, congrats 2 KAMI team (the casts, etc.2 - u know who u r!) 4 making tis simple movie a great & very entertaining movie.. hopefully there's KAMI The Series (season 2) & KAMI The Movie 2, eventhough I guess the chance is slim.. 

P/S: Buku Untuk Filem: KAMI aku dpt ari nie, courier from Kinokuniya, smlm order! can't wait 4 it!! :pompom:dvd KAMI The Series, InsyaAllah aku pick-up dari Speedy Bkt. Tinggi, Klang tis weekend, smlm gaks dah booking / order!  |
Reply #403 limau's post
sgt3 BEST, trust me siauche!!  |
Originally posted by limau at 17-10-2008 10:17 AM 
ooo, sgt best ke...
my preview ade page sebelah.mcm Yuni gak.tgk sorg,xpenah lyn kat tv..
mcm citer Friends tgk diorgnya frenship.ade fun,ade sedih (bangat plak tuh), moral of the story..
mmg a bit social laa,ni kan dr urban 8tv.
ms aku tgk,ramai yg budak2 skola tgk..siap ade part depa sebut2 "bahasa ibunda kita,cintailah bahasa kita"
sbb KAMI ni ade campur2 english kan..
nak je ku sebut,xyah la kata camtu.kitorg tau korang tu xpaham BM.bukan sbb cintakan BM sesgt  |
Originally posted by Yuni at 17-10-2008 10:23 AM 
sgt3 BEST, trust me siauche!!
oook, limau akan cuba tgk.. |
Balas #414 Yuni\ catat
Buku untuk Filem KAMI ni berapa ek harga dia?
Story dia macam movie jugak ek?
[ Last edited by danny02 at 17-10-2008 05:06 PM ] |
Reply #396 azharazhar91's post
haha!! mne ade tiru r..
dtuju panggung diorg mmg best..gambo pn lawa |
Balas #415 Yuni\ catat
kalau ko minat sgt dgn kami, kau tak sepatutnya bg link download haram kat sini.. kalau mat salleh/indon punya piracy, aku tak rasa bersalah sgt. tp kalau local, mcm tak sampai hati plak. support local product beb!! |
Aq dh beli BUKU UNTUK FILEM KAMI, RM 30. Aq beli kat Popular Bookstore.
Aq ingat nk beli sekali UTOPIA TRAUMA, but since my money nk spend tuk owunk lain, so x beli lh... Kn tkut blik jln kaki.  |
Reply #417 danny02's post
RM 30, aq beli kt Popular Bookstore.
Buku ni cam skrip. Lain sikit r. Kt film ade potong. Buku ni full. |
Da*mit, Abu mati betol ke??? |
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