[V36]#FAZURA -1841# - Bakal terlibat dalam filem epik 'Pontianak' terbitan syari
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sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 01:51 PM
yes, i hope to see more of them as a couple in advertisements of high-end products bcos they are o ...
OMG!!! I sooooo want it to happen... i'd b jumping for joy.. sy no no to product kg.com.. leteyyyyyyy nengok..
Oh btw, apa cer ngn M**d*n?? Sora tau x?? Dh abis contract ke camne?? |
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haha baca post kaka rosa iols pun terus tefikir bukan ke zoey tu ummah klozet? 
tp mana la tau kannn..ct nana berjaya merubah heols 
oh myy! fattzura mendoniaaaa n dapat restu peminat sekitar nusantara..
i am soo prouddd..terharu pun ada... 
wowowow malaysia tatler pun 
news pasal tu meols mmg tak tau sangat and hopefully takde apa2lah. lagipun tak berapa berkenan daripada dulu.
hahaha kaka boo, sejak dari theyols memperkenalkan beliau ni as nazmi the pilot, iols terus whatttt? dah takde hero lain ke?
nasib fazzy berjaya nailed watak ifti dgn baik...kalau tak iols carut dah pilem ni dah la novel manisnya cinta tu was one of my favs zaman2 skolah dulu..
kalau citer MCDC di buat zaman skrg ni (before Fattzura), im sure Fattah suits the character well....
padan dengan Ifti...
iols teringin tau nak pegi reception diorg...tp since iols duduk seberang laut, banyak kena fikir n plan kalau nak pegi...tp iols percaya pada rezeki, kalau ada rezeki iols, mesti dpt pegi punya...gitew iols positive yachh 
haishhh...suweeetnya...happpyynye tgk kaka faz cmni. |
kalau billboard tepi jalan takyah la kaka sora...iols risau ramai yg eksiden kang  
kaka coyote, masa tgk gmbr ni last weekend, meols punye impression was, 'bamtah, besaqnya bisep hang. Bini tu dah lah comel jer sekeping kat situ, g parking bicep besar tu atas bini yg cinonet".
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 11-12-2017 11:57 AM
Hellllooo vous baby... hehheehe as usual laaaa kn.. fefeeling fazzy.. vous dh teka blom?? Kaka bua ...
Faz tak pergi.. Rehat kat rumah
Mana tau ada schedule juga kan. |
dlm my IG explore lebih banyak pasal Fattzura daripada berita ahli Korporat 
vous_me6 replied at 11-12-2017 11:56 AM
I tolong paste
Couple Spotlight: How Nur Fazura & Fattah Amin Blossomed From Co-Stars To Marit ...
such a worth reading write-up.  |
lovezy replied at 11-12-2017 03:48 PM
iols teringin tau nak pegi reception diorg...tp since iols duduk seberang laut, banyak kena fikir ...
Tinzy duduk seberang laut? Borneo ke seberang tambak? Ke jauh lagi? |
Lah Zeye Bipayan
Dalam process editing
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