The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!
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Originally posted by rabbitcute at 4-6-2005 11:52 AM:
ko tengok citer tu kat mane?
please answer.......
ulangan kat 8tv
ari khamis
kul 11.45pm |
ARGHH...sebenarnya aku dah lama nak tulis tp baru kali nie dpt
BENCI dah tahap gile baban bile baca paper pemenang APPRENTICRE 3
IS ********* .aku dah frust menonggeng bila dpt tau sebab spoiler lebih2.
season 1 and 2 mmg dah tau mmg dah xde feell sgt tiime nak umumkan pemenang
tak cam tgk amazing race..mmg tak tau result so mmg hati dup dap..
benci...BENCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Originally posted by MulutBecok at 4-6-2005 15:14:
ARGHH...sebenarnya aku dah lama nak tulis tp baru kali nie dpt
BENCI dah tahap gile baban bile baca paper pemenang APPRENTICRE 3
IS ********* .aku dah frust menonggeng bila dpt tau sebab spoi ...
aku dah tgk habis dah Apprentice 3 nih..
well..ko x leh nak judge winner tuh sekarang..
ko akan tgk dier nyer skills...mid season nanti...
akan terkuar la segala flashes of brilliances dari winner tuh... |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 4-6-2005 02:30 PM:
ulangan kat 8tv
ari khamis
kul 11.45pm
thanks fly........
nak kene letak dlm reminder ni |
Originally posted by payrol at 4-6-2005 05:17 PM:
aku dah tgk habis dah Apprentice 3 nih..
well..ko x leh nak judge winner tuh sekarang..
ko akan tgk dier nyer skills...mid season nanti...
akan terkuar la segala flashes of brilliances dari ...
:setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju: :setuju:
tak sabar nak tunggu next episode |
harap2 besok michael kena buang.. dia tu so annoying laa.. rasa nak tunjal2 je kepala dia.. :geram: |
Originally posted by blankie at 5-6-2005 02:08 AM:
harap2 besok michael kena buang.. dia tu so annoying laa.. rasa nak tunjal2 je kepala dia.. :geram:
sabar blankie
kite tunggu ajer ler ...........
tak sabar nak tunggu episode malam ni :cak: :cak: :cak: |
Originally posted by BuDAk^_^CuTE at 4-6-2005 02:13 AM::setuju:
huhu~puas seh kristen tu kluar..
berlagak nak mampos!
aku pun x suka tgk kirsten tu.
berlagak...siap ckp donald trump rugi x hire dia sbb dia professional.
aku rasa lagi rugi kalo trump hire dia ni!! |
sapeeerrrrr plak turn malam nih..... |
minggu ni redesign mobile trailer.... mesti interesting..... |
agaknya apa yang Michael nak sampukkan masa dia nak kena buang tuh? apa yang ada dalam pikiran dia? dia nak kenakan Brian ke apa? Betul cakap Trump... bodoh tul Michael tuh... |
aku rasa micheal duk menyampuk sbb nak cakap yg hp time tuh ada kat dia.. so? si stephanie x leh la nak call bren.. konon nak back up stephanie.. tapi, kalo dah back up stephanie.. saper donald trump nak pecat? kaki bodek pun satu... duk beertepuk2 bahu si bren tu per hal? mcm poyo jer...
si bren pun satuh.. x leh ker telepon jer pizza suruh hantar makanan.. yg nak duk suruh 3 org team dia buat tu per sal? x pasal2 dorg naik bengang!! mcm lah benda mcm tuh pun x leh pikir... yg si stephanie ni pun satuh.. kalo x puas hati awal2 apsal x cakap jer ngan bren... dah sampai..dah byk buang masa baru nak merungut2 itu ini...
aduhai.... "book smart" ni memalukan jer bebudak U la.. |
padan muker micheal kena pecat.. tulah kaki :bodek::bodek::bodek:
pemalas plak tuh.. duk masak pizza dlu dr buat kerja... kalo aku jadik erin..mau aku tangankan jer dia tuh.. sib baik erin jenis sabar jer.. |
The candidates in the suite anxiously waited as their six teammates fought it out in the boardroom. With candidates from both teams in front of The Donald, the group wondered who would be fired and which team would lose yet another member. The five boardroom survivors entered the suite to screams and hugs as the others realized that Kristen was gone. In an interview, Angie said she was surprised but thrilled that Audrey had taken Kristen down in the boardroom. Audrey recounted the meeting with a variety of words that can't be broadcast on TV. In an interview, Audrey said that although she was a nice person, the minute someone crossed her, they were done.
Magna (Book Smarts) got together to celebrate the fact that their team hadn't lost a member. The group promised an end to the in-fighting. The mood was upbeat until Michael started comparing himself to Trump, saying that the two were the same. Michael went so far as to call himself a "mini Trump." In an interview, Erin said that Michael lived in a fantasyland: "Michael's a jackass and he's nothing like Donald Trump."
The next day, Trump met with the teams to reveal the upcoming task. But before he began, Trump repeated that he was quite disappointed with everyone's performance in the previous week. Trump said that this time around he wanted to see creativity coupled with solid business sense. For their task, each team would be given a 28-foot Airstream trailer, access to Airstream technicians and a $5,000 budget to create their own mobile service business. The team that made the most money would win. The losing team would be back in the boardroom where someone would be fired. With Carolyn away on business, Jill Cremer, part of The Trump Organization's marketing team, would observe, along with the faithful George.
On Net Worth (Street Smarts),Tana stepped up by volunteering to be Project Manager and the rest of the team was behind her. The group then took off to check out their Airstream trailer to see what they had to work with. When Net Worth arrived at the warehouse and saw their shinny silver trailer, everyone was impressed. The sleek vehicle was empty and ready for the team to customize it - all they needed was an idea for a mobile business. The group brainstormed, trying to be open to new and creative ideas. Tara suggested an open casting workshop service where actors (or aspiring actors) could get a few minutes with a professional casting director. Angie, who said she had been an actress, thought it was a great idea and was sure the team could get a line of actors ready to pay for the service. Tana admitted that the idea was risky, but said she wanted an "outside of the box" venture - so mobile casting it was. The essential element of the business was of course a casting director. Angie, with her showbiz background, got on the phone and called casting directors - the only problem was, she couldn't get any to agree to participate.
As Project Manager for Magna, Bren led a brainstorming session that seemed to be going nowhere fast. In an interview, Bren admitted that there was an apparent lack of creativity on his team. Michael liked the idea of a mobile massage business, but Stephanie thought it wouldn't be successful. In an interview, Alex said that Stephanie's negative attitude was a detriment to team morale. In spite of Stephanie's objections, the team went with the idea and hired all of the necessary massage therapists with one phone call to a local spa. Next, Alex, Kendra and Bren went to the warehouse with their Airstream trailer while Erin, Stephanie and Michael stayed behind to come up with a marketing plan. But Michael's marketing ideas seemed only to annoy the two women. In an interview, Erin complained that all Michael did was open his mouth and shout out the stupidest ideas of no significance. Later, when Michael's suggestion for the business name - Massage a-Go-Go - was rejected, Erin said that Michael threw a temper tantrum. She likened him to a little kid and said that he constantly needed supervision. Erin claimed that if it hadn't been for her, nothing would have gotten done.
Back at Net Worth's warehouse, Angie had spent three and a half hours on the phone and hadn't been able to land a casting director. John and others were worried as this was the linchpin of their business. So, Tara got on the phone and with support from John and Chris, got ahold of a casting director, whose credits included Sex and The City and a new Uma Thurman film. Tara offered the woman the right amount of cash and got her to commit to the team. Next, the team worked with the Airstream crew to outfit and decorate their mobile casting space.
Erin, Michael and Stephanie were at Kinkos getting their marketing materials made when Bren called and told them that they needed to pick up dinner and deliver it to the group working at the warehouse. Michael was not happy about the request, saying it reduced the three of them to a food delivery service. He felt that this was a completely ineffective use of the team's resources. For once, Erin and Stephanie seemed to be in agreement with Michael as neither woman was thrilled with the idea of delivering dinner. Stephanie didn't mince words. She said that the team had never been more disorganized: "Bren sucks as a leader". When the three arrived at the warehouse with the food, Stephanie got into it with Bren. She said it was a waste of time for half of their team to be delivering food - especially when Bren could have had it delivered. Bren asked why Stephanie was bringing this up after the fact if it bothered her so much. He added that if having the food delivered was such a great solution, then Stephanie and the others should have handled Bren's request that way. In an interview, Bren said that when Stephanie argued and complained in front of the entire group, it demoralized the team.
The next day, Net Worth parked their newly redesigned Airstream trailer and set up their mobile casting workshop business. Their casting director got comfortable and |
source : yahoo.com |
Episode 5
No "Go-Go", but "Oh-No!"
"You should shut up!" Anyone remember that? Need a reminder? Apprentice 2, task 2 and the big guy was talking directly to me! What the hell was I thinking and why the hell was I talking? It was like being hit over the head with a ton of bricks when you least expect it. I heard about it for weeks on end, but now I can sit here and actually laugh about it. I mean, pissing the big guy off that much really kind of makes me chuckle in retrospect, but at the time it was quite the bruiser, let me tell you.
Point being, Michael, like a bad flashback, you killed it for yourself my friend by doing the same damn thing. You were walking in the wrong footsteps卪ine! And unfortunately, the shoe didn't fit. Didn't get me too far either for that matter. (I'm hoping that a little self-deprecating humor might help ease the pain here a little). Truth was for me, the big guy was about to fire Bradford. I tried to stop it, hoping Ivana would get the axe instead and I, who was safe, stepped on Trump's big "firing" line. Made him mad, really mad. It didn't get me canned at the time, but I knew I had just played with some serious fire. Michael, you played with that same fire, in the same exact seat I was sitting and you got burnt, badly. You got fired. The worst part is, I'd bet the farm you weren't even supposed to go down then. No one was even talking to you! Bren, one of your biggest archenemies, was on the attack for Stephanie and in a big way. They were about to go at it. You didn't have to say a word. Donald was finally catching on that you were, as stated, a "boardroom scapegoat". As I watched the train crash, I tried to jump through my TV and muzzle you, screaming, "No-no, shut up, you're safe, be quiet!" But it was just too late. You stepped over the line and I heard the words |
Episode 5
Bring Me Solutions ... Not Problems!
OK, I know it's over-used, I know it's been used by me as recently as last week AND the week before ... but, please will someone think outside the box? Literally! You see I'm not talking about ideas this time because Net Worth did have a great out-of-the-box idea with the mobile casting director. I'm talking literally about the box. The VERY nice box given to each team by Airstream Trailers ... are you eatin' what I'm cookin'? How do the prospective clients of each team know what the inside of the trailer is like? Did anyone consider putting the team's collective efforts using the outside of the Airstream to help market the product? Just a thought.
Now that I've got that off my chest let's discuss the project itself. I'm really starting to sound like a broken record but kudos to team Net Worth! In a project that played out on the streets of New York the street-smart team came up with an original idea and saw it through. The last three words: saw it through being key. Did you notice that when the first calls to casting directors flopped horribly the entire team did not give up? No, Tara stepped in and got it done! One could criticize her for overpaying but not me ... they were under the gun and needed results. Once Net Worth hit the street with their decked out (or decked in) Airstream the entire team was fired up and working together. Then, as is often the case, things didn't happen immediately. This is where they won the task ... they kept plugging, didn't go negative and held their price. It takes guts, doesn't always work but can and in this case, did pay off.
Magna, on the other hand developed a much safer idea with the mobile spa. Not so original but a valid business idea. Here's the part where I defend Michael: if your idea is ordinary (thousands of companies sell ordinary everyday stuff) your promotion must be extraordinary. Was Massage-A-Go-Go the right name? Maybe not but brainstorming is about getting ALL the crazy stuff out there and usually leads to something original and effective. Too bad there was so much ill will towards Michael that the team simply wouldn't listen. Here's the part where I don't defend Michael: I wish I could say none of us saw this coming, seriously Michael, you've got to learn how to get along with your team mates. Conviction and belief in one's ideas is a good thing but wouldn't it be nice to see your ideas implemented because you sold them on their merits, listened to others concerns, were flexible and generally acted like an adult? Then when Magna was in the midst of the task you were very good at pointing out all the problems ... I can't, I can't, I can't. Identifying problems and shooting down ideas is the easy part, remember how you felt about your name idea being discounted? A leader goes a step further and suggests solutions. Still, you could have lasted another week despite being a huge blip on Mr. Trump's radar (in the not-so-good way). But just as you were slipping off that proverbial radar screen ... BLIP BLIP BLIP you threw yourself right back on! Once again, pointing out problems.
source : The Apprentice 3 Official Site |
Utilizing Focus Groups
Before a company invests time, money and effort into a new product or service it should determine interest from potential customers. Focus groups can help do this. By bringing together a small group of customers or potential customers, companies can gather pertinent data not attainable through surveys or other forms of market research. Focus groups are exploratory in nature and are intended to help a company more clearly define additional research activities and direction.
American Management Association offers the following tips on running a successful focus group:
# Create an environment conducive to discussion. Set up a room where participants will be at ease and feel free to talk. You want a quiet meeting space. If you want feedback on a prospective new product, you may want to hold the focus group at a third party抯 location so input isn抰 biased by information about your company.
# Select an objective facilitator. Members of the team may not be the best individuals to run the meeting. Since they helped to conceive the product or service, they may be biased. A facilitator should be a good listener, nonjudgmental or intimidating, and able to elicit responses from participants and encourage them to elaborate on their thoughts and ideas.
# Promote a stimulating discussion. You are seeking a variety of opinions, and a group setting will encourage give-and-take. Props or prototypes of products, advertisements or other material often help trigger in-depth responses.
# Invite those whose opinions matter. If you have a new product idea, invite those customers for whom the product is intended. If you have a change in process under consideration, involve those whose support would be critical to its successful implementation. The group shouldn抰 exceed ten to twelve participants.
# Set a time frame for the meeting. Most focus groups shouldn抰 last more than two hours. But the meeting should be long enough to allow all of the people to participate. If the discussion is on a roll and you are getting lots of valuable ideas, you and participants may want to keep it going.
# Record responses. It抯 easy to forget what was said. It is also possible to let your own opinions distort what you think you heard. Have someone take notes, or record the discussion and have a transcription for post-meeting review. If you record the session, however, it is a legal requirement that the participants are aware that they are being recorded.
# Elicit written feedback, too. You want the opinions of all of the participants. Simply asking respondents to write down their initial thoughts before discussions begin ensures that you get input from all participants and captures the full range of ideas.
# Thank participants. At the end of the session, tell the participants that you appreciate their involvement. Many focus groups include a meal at the facility. Some organizations pay participants a nominal fee.
# Use the focus group data to refine your direction. Companies shouldn抰 prematurely draw broad conclusions from focus groups梩hey only provide general guidance. Use what you抳e learned from the session as a starting-off point to continue your market research.
source : The Apperentice 3 Official Site |
Street Smarts aka Net Worh Corp
Project Manager: Tana
Management Style: With a background in start ups, Tana felt confident
thinking out of the box and running with a risky idea.
Mobile Business: A service that gives struggling actors face time with a
top casting director.
Biggest obstacle: Despite her assurances, Angie was unable to get a
casting director to participate.
Turning point: Tara, John, and Chris took matters into their own
hands, and secred a casting director with one phone call.
Result: A slow trickle turned into a steady stream by the end of the day--
and some actors actually got jobs
Book Smarts aka Magna Corp
Project Manager: Bren
Management Style: Driven by a desire for vindication, Bren expected all candidates to think creatively and work hard.
Mobile Business: A spa on wheels, featuring massages and express manicures from experienced therapists.
Biggest obstacle: When Bren asked half of Magna to handle dinner for the team, it caused a rift between the project manager and Stephanie.
Turning point: Input from the massage therapist gave extra dimensions to Magna's business.
Result: An ample crowd of customers from open to close.
source : yahoo.com |
Net Worth ducked out of the rainy streets of New York, and into one of the most prestigious pearl stores in the world. As promised, they were greeted by Miss Universe and Miss USA, along with a representative of Mikimoto Pearls. The representative welcomed Net Worth and introduced them to the two crown-topped beauties. In an interview, Tana commented on the women, "They were absolutely stunning. I was just staring at them. It was so exciting!"
As the ladies of Net Worth perused the inventory, the Mikimoto representative shared some pearl lore and described individual pieces. "The goldens are the most rare," he informed. Angie described the sensation in an interview. "It's fantastic. I had on a $300 thousand gold pearl necklace," she gushed.
The representative led Net Worth to one of the store's most prized items. "Back here we have the official crown from the Miss Universe organization. Who wants to try it on? Who wants to be Miss Universe for the day?" Pointing toward Craig and his neatly puffed afro, Miss USA had an idea. "Actually, I think it would look best in your hair though," she said. The group agreed. As she gently placed the crown in the shoeshine business owner's hair, Miss USA announced him in jest: "And the new Miss Teen USA is Craig!" He waived like a beauty queen to the applause and laughter of his Net Worth colleagues.
In an interview, Craig commented on the experience. "The reward was sweet. We got an opportunity to go spend $20 thousand at Mikimoto. And I said, 'Hey, I know I'm going to be able to get something nice for my wife,'" he said.
In an interview, Tana described each candidate's pearl selection: "Craig, Chris and John all bought necklaces for their girlfriends. Angie said, 'Honey, it's all about me', which was so cute. She bought earrings. Tara bought a necklace. Audrey chose earrings. And I want to give something to my husband, so I said, 'You know what, I'm just gonna give him a pair of cuff links.'"
source : yahoo.com |
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