Jap lagik. Hehe.. Lapar plak.. |
Reply #422 juwaini's post
Reply #423 otakotak's post
pasal orang pompuan jarang nak pakai nick cam gitu.. |
adik penyengat ye.. bukan cik.. |
Reply #425 stingbeh's post
ouh....erm..pompuan tak pompuan sgt kowt
hehehehe |
Reply #426 stingbeh's post
adik? aik/ ye ke confirm adik? check dulu.. hehehe |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 27/3/2008 06:40 AM
u would turn the beauty into a beast ?
oh no no i would not make a feast....
what have you done my O wizard of the East?
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me. |
Reply #427 otakotak's post
sebab tue tak mo tulis surat yer...
tak terjangkau jiwa pompuan yg terperosok jauh dalam hati tue.. |
Reply #431 stingbeh's post
oits! bukan arr....adoi..... |
Reply #430 stingbeh's post
2 la...kang da klua ayat kang....sndr yang air mata ngalir hahaha.... |
orang nak try smbg bleh x encik ju?
sinar mata kamu yang bening menerangi mamalm-malam dingin aku disni. |
Reply #436 juwaini's post
maaf cik! saya mmg jns type huru hara skt. mlm2 ciik...semua org pun layan blues je. |
Originally posted by otakotak at 27-3-2008 11:45 PM
maaf cik! saya mmg jns type huru hara skt. mlm2 ciik...semua org pun layan blues je.
Bukan cik la! ENCIK! |
Reply #439 juwaini's post
Maaf sekali lagi ENCIK. tapi dalam kadet panggil cik je. hehehe |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan