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cte saw masuk dlm list x?
aku kalau tgk cte tuh leh jd trauma tok beberapa hr...
wpun trauma aku still sambg tgk lagi saw 2 n 3...
yg latest x tgk lagi........... |
356# hepimoon
kalau ko rs cite tu horror, apa salahnye nk rekemen kt member2.... |
jangan pandang belakang congkak tersangat sangat lah seram nya
heheheh |
361# SakuraMiyagi
Ramai btul yg rekemen cite coming soon....
aku lum tgk lgi ni... |
Td tgk Friday 13th yg Jared Padalecki belakon tu..biasa je..tp better better sekt dr abg dia belakon tu citer Valentine tu...cam taiks... |
Lps tgk Friday 13th..aku tgk Grudge 3 (versi Holiwood) plak..ampon bosan giler....nak jgak deorg buat smpai 3....bosan2....nasib baik pelakon dia cun-cun..hihi..pastu aku smbung tgk Coming Soon...x habes tgk ngantuk....mlm ni layan House on the left plak.....Drag Me tO hell x kuar lagik dvd rip..huhu... |
The Cook - tukang masak dari Hungary (Hungry Cook) keje kat umah yang didiami sekawan awek cun...
Martyrs - sape minat Hostel sure minat yang ni..tapi lagi sadis sebab yang kena torture tu awek cun |
The 10 Top Horror Movies for 2009
10. Evil Dead (1981, Directed by Sam Raimi)
9. Friday the 13th (1980, Directed by Sean S. Cunningham)
8. Psycho (1960, Directed by Alfred Hitchcock)
7. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, Directed by Wes Craven)
6. The Shining (1980, Directed by Stanley Kubrick)
5. Night of the living Dead (1968, Directed by Dean Lachiusa & George Romero)
4. Halloween (1978, Directed by John Carpenter)
3. Dawn of the Dead (1978, Written and Directed by George A. Romero)
2. Alien (1979, Directed by Ridley Scott)
1. The Exorcist (1973, Directed by William Friedkin) |
Baru lepas tengok Scream dan Scream 2....Not bad citer ni, I like it especially Scream 2 pasal tak dapat nak predict siapa pembunuh...Sekarang ni tengah nak cari DVD Scream 3 plak.. |
Baru lepas tengok Scream dan Scream 2....Not bad citer ni, I like it especially Scream 2 pasal tak dapat nak predict siapa pembunuh...Sekarang ni tengah nak cari DVD Scream 3 plak..
gjoy_chester Post at 30-6-2009 10:10 
takyah beli..leh donlod kat cni nanikapcsolution |
370# samax
tu ler..zaman IT skrg ni rasa cam x relevan sgt nak beli cd ori atau cd/dvd ori/cetak rompak...just one click dah siap
depan pc jer..pahtu smbung kat flat tv..puas hati...:pompom: oh i love new technology! |
370# samax
lain2 cite leh tk dwnload kt sini samax? |
370# samax
lain2 cite leh tk dwnload kt sini samax?
akeyron Post at 30-6-2009 22:52 
banyak citer ko leh donlod..semuanya dalam mediafire...kalo ko nak request movie pun boleh,,tuan blog tu mesti tunaikan punya tapi kene register jadi member dia dulu la..free je pon...setakat ni banyak dah aku request movies dan semuanya ditunaikan dalam tempoh yang singkat...hehehe |
373# samax
ok2..thnks bro. |
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