Robert Pattinson and Kristen Steward 'Fell Tortured when They're Apart'
ROBERT Pattinson and Kristen Stewart hate being apart from each other — sources say.

The rumored couple are apparently doing their best to keep their relationship alive while Rob, 24, films Water for Elephants in L.A. and Kristen, 20, travels the globe promoting Eclipse.
“It’s torture for them to be apart,” an insider told America’s OK! magazine.
Kristen and Rob reunited at the Twilight convention.
“They looked so in love,” says a witness. “Every time she would say anything, Rob’s face would just light up.”
Us Weekly magazine recently claimed that Rob and Kristen have bought themselves a sexy little Los Angeles love nest.
The property, the magazine said, is hidden in the woods by a lake. The one-bedroom, two-story guesthouse boasts a gourmet kitchen cherry-wood floors and lots of privacy.
The couple apparently spend their day sleeping in, poring over scripts and receiving grocery deliveries.
credit: Showbizspy -- Monday, 21 June 2010 |
Aik...hari tu aku dgr diaorg x ngam masa dlm set sbb Kristen bengang Rob dtg lewat shooting.
Tp kalo diaorg btui2 kapel pun best gak kan... ala2 Brad Pitt & Angie... cinta seluloid gitu! |

scene ni kat dlm Eclipse gak kan??? Hotzzzz.... |
nih part Bella dok goda2 Edward kannnnnnn....
rs Mesia potong x part ...
yatt_takez Post at 21-6-2010 19:13 
No hal kalo kena pancung, bleh donlot je kat torret walopun kena tunggu lama sket... |
Aku blum ada kesempatan nk ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 22-6-2010 08:36

chop..chop..adeker siri Midnight Sun?siri terbaru dlm twilight ker? aku dah abis baca 4-4 buah buku dia, tak perasan pun ade midnight sun? |
Post Last Edit by pavlova at 22-6-2010 17:29
Reply 433# pokokbunga
MIDNIGHT SUN blom publish-halfway SM dh benti buat sbb leak 12 chapter.
nak bace cube tgk kt website SM ade die letak kt situ yg leak tu - it's the same story but frm Edward's POV
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Syg je SM x mo abiskan Midnight Sun kan... aku rasa dia dh berpatah arang la, x de harapan utk dia sambung balik sbb dia sendiri yg publish draft Midnight Sun kat blog dia... seolah2 melepaskan geram je...  |

Edward-Bella - How romantic.... |
katanye film ni akan klasifikasi sbg 18PL....nmpknye bebudak skolah kene tunggu CD kuar aaa...masa tgk NM dulu, penuh ngan bebudak berangan nk jadi bella...ni utk Eclipse, sape plak berangan nk jd Bella..mak budak, atau kakak budak??? hehehehhe |
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 23-6-2010 12:25
Taylor Lautner reveals working with Kristen Stewart was 'painful'
Taylor Lautner thought working with Kristen Stewart would be easy but during an intense scene, the star has revealed filming with the actress was actually 'painful'

Taylor Lautner has muscles men (and woman) long for so when it came to a scene where he had to carry Kristen Stewart’s character Bella for a prolonged period, the Twilight actor thought it would be a piece of cake. He was wrong…
Speaking to MTV News, Lautner revealed that he was actually in pain by the end of the gruelling shoot for Eclipse.
He said: "There's a scene where I'm carrying [Kristen], and it's also, like, four pages of dialogue.
"We actually had plans, a rig that was basically going to carry her, and I was just going to pretend that I was carrying her. We got there on the day, and the rig didn't look very natural. They were like, 'What are we going to do?' and I'm like, 'I'll just carry her. She's like, what, 110 pounds? It's no big deal!'"
Lautner began to regret playing macho man as the shoot went on and his arms began to ache.
He confessed: "We filmed that scene all day long. Did the wide shot, did my close-up, did her close-up, the back shot, everything. It was so hard... It was painful."
We’re sure it will be worth it Taylor.Twilight: Eclipse opens on June 30 in the US and July 8 in the UK.
(source: STV, 22 June 2010) |
katanye film ni akan klasifikasi sbg 18PL....nmpknye bebudak skolah kene tunggu CD kuar aaa...masa t ...
maxxwu Post at 22-6-2010 20:09 
kalau 18PL budak2 tak leh tengok kt wayang ke??
PL tu stands for apa yek? |
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