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Post time 28-4-2011 10:35 PM | Show all posts
yes. Indonesian Idol katanya. sabar2... tp promosi kat twittter ngan FB amat rancak kan. bw family and friends tgk NKTM ya.

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Post time 29-4-2011 11:42 AM | Show all posts
kbel pun x sabar rasanya nak tgk movie ni...
mmg sgt menanti2 ni...

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Post time 1-5-2011 12:03 AM | Show all posts
kt astro ria kol 1.30 pg ada di sebalik tabir NKTM.  
info: yen_aireena.
check kat guide pun ada. harap2 ada la.

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Post time 1-5-2011 04:29 PM | Show all posts
kt astro ria kol 1.30 pg ada di sebalik tabir NKTM.  
info: yen_aireena.
check kat guide pun ada.  ...
hijau88 Post at 1-5-2011 00:03

    memang ada pun semalam....aku tengok separuh je....memang nampak hebatttt

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Post time 1-5-2011 05:31 PM | Show all posts
yes. tak sia2 aku berjaga weh. tp apsl lak siar pagi2 ni, tym org tgh tidur plak. pttnya waktu siang la. apa2pun tgk TMO NKTM ni makin excited la. kan.

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Post time 1-5-2011 07:47 PM | Show all posts

Forget previous proclamations made by other local films, THIS is the most anticipated movie of the year in this part of the world. I mean, the Nur Kasih TV series sparked a phenomenon a couple of years ago when it was aired on TV3, attracting over 19 million viewers and changing perceptions about local shows along the way.

The show’s stars, especially leading lady Tiz Zaqyah, shot into superstardom almost over night and Nur Kasih has remained on the lips and consciousness of the general public long after the last episode was screened. The catch-up videos on meanwhile, notched up more than 64 million views. Yes, 64 MILLION VIEWS. Kapow!
So now, about the movie.
. But before I go any further, let me just tell you that I’ve been shot plenty of envious looks since I told people that I had actually watched the final cut of Nur Kasih The Movie. The hardcore fans have even warned me about revealing too many plot details (“tak syok lah kalau dah tau”, they say), and so, this “review” will reveal just enough stuff without threatening to spoil your viewing pleasure.

And oh yeah, I’m not one of those hardcore fans that could remember every single scene and dialogue from the TV series (like I know every single thing about “Ali Setan”, for example). But I know enough lah. Haha.

So the movie is in fact a continuation of the series that basically featured the conflicts of a love-triangle of sorts between Nur Amina (Tiz Zakyah), and brothers Aidil (Fizz Fairuz) and Adam (Remy Ishak). We know that Adam married Nur due to his father’s dying wish although the pious Aidil clearly had feelings for her.

The loutish Adam went on to treat Nur like sh** but after he finally repented, their marriage came under threat when he went missing and presumed dead in a foreign land. But of course, he was still alive (though not exactly “kicking”) all along, and by the final episode, we saw him returning home to Nur (yay!), and everyone lived happily ever after.

Or did they?
Apart from a train crashing in a middle eastern country, the first five minutes of the film also reveals a very important plot point, i.e.: Aidil has lost his wife Aliya (Ayu Raudhah). (This is SIX YEARS after we last saw them in the series, btw). The reason for her demise is not immediately revealed but Aidil is now suffering in the depths of despair and it is my prediction that the crying will already start in the cinemas within these first few minutes. So, crank out the tissue boxes early, yeah?

Also, at this point, I bet the women in the theatres will be going: “I’ll marry him! I’ll marry him! Tak kiralah dia single father, janji macho dan beriman, ok?” Hehe.

Meanwhile, Adam and Nur are leading a rather good life, although still childless. Their spare time is spent at a shelter for troubled kids, including one (Sara Ali) who obviously has the hots for Adam. And when Nur receives confirmation from the doctor that she’s finally pregnant, the couple feels like they’re on top of the world.
Like I said, I won’t spoil it too much for you lot, so I’m skipping one important plot point and just tell you that Adam and Nur would later wind up in Jordan for some R&R. It is there that we see what really happened to that train and the consequences of it.

Back in KL, Aidil is still bergelumang dengan kesedihan, and you would really feel for him, especially when the kids (one of whom is played by the super adorable Mia Sara) make awkward statements about their late mom. But the fighter that he is, Aidil soldiers on and even helps to look after the shelter for troubled kids in the absence of Adam and Nur.

Again, I won’t be giving away big spoilers, but just to say that both Adam and Aidil will be put through life-threatening situations. Who will die? Who will survive? Ah, kena tengok lah, ok?

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the film. The actors have such great chemistry between them that even the corniest of lines or scenes seem natural and never out of place. And this film DOES have some retweet-worthy lines that will also no doubt be on the FB status updates of its legion of fans.

Directed by Kabir Bhatia, there’s also no doubt that this is one absolutely gorgeous film. And while the top-notch cinematography was only previously enjoyed on the small screen, seeing it on the silver screen is a different experience altogether. The scenes in Jordan especially, look stunning and soothing all at once and the sweeping paddy fields back in Malaysia will also take your breath away.

I also like the original music, expertly done by Hafiz Hamidun. The dramatic scenes greatly benefit from the soaring score and it lends a certain “bigness” to the film. And who would have thought that a local epic love story like this would have some memorable action scenes as well?

A minor disappointment is in the CGI department (yes, there’s actual special effects!) that looks, well, not as impressive as the rest of the film. And yes, those who’ve never seen the TV series at all, might have some questions about the plot earlier on, but everything is tied up nicely at the end; so no big worries there.

So yes, I believe Nur Kasih The Movie (opening 19th May 2011) will break all kinds of records at the box office. Not because of the hype or its huge fan base, but simply because it’s a pretty darn good movie

source : M.Zulkifli blog.



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Post time 2-5-2011 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Berakhirnya perjalanan Nur Amina, Adam


Adegan ceria (dari kiri) mia sara, Liza othman dan tiz zaqyah.

LAKONAN bukanlah hanya sekadar menonjolkan rupa paras yang cantik di hadapan kamera ataupun kekuatan sesebuah skrip semata-mata.

Naskhah yang baik merangkumi kekuatan skrip, plot, penceritaan dan yang paling peting adalah lakonan yang ditonjolkan mampu merunjam jiwa penonton.

Mendekati dua watak utama drama bersiri Nur Kasih yang dipanjangkan ke layar perak Tiz Zaqyah dan Remy Ishak mengakui aura Nur Kasih meninggalkan impak yang sangat kuat.

Keperitan dan ketabahan yang dilalui Nur Amina (Tiz Zaqyah) dalam drama berkenaan berjaya menarik penonton untuk turut sama berkongsi rasa berkenaan.

Bagi memenuhi permintaan pengikut setia drama bersiri 26 episod itu, kesinambungannya diteruskan dengan penghasilan Nur Kasih The Movie (NKTM) yang akan mula menjengah pawagam 19 Mei ini.

“NKTM adalah penamat bagi perjalanan hidup Nur Amina dan Adam. Liku-liku penuh duri yang dilalui oleh Amina akan berakhir bersama dengan NKTM.

“Namun, NKTM mempunyai sedikit perbezaan dengan siri Nur Kasih di mana cabaran dan dugaan yang ditempuhi oleh Nur Amina dan Adam lebih kuat dalam usaha mempertahankan rumah tangga mereka,” ujar Tiz Zaqyah lembut yang ditemui baru-baru ini.

Melalui siri Nur Kasih, penonton disajikan dengan watak Nur Amina yang sentiasa reda dan menerima takdir yang sudah tertulis namun dalam NKTM watak Nur Amina sedikit tersasar.

Dalam NKTM, Nur Amina menjadi lebih matang dan cuba untuk melawan ketentuan yang telah tersurat demi diri, keluarga dan suaminya.

Sementara itu, pendukung watak Adam, Remy Ishak atau nama sebenarnya Mohammad Zalimei Ishak turut berkongsi rasa yang sama.

Baginya perbezaan antara Adam dalam drama dan filem adalah kematangan watak berkenaan.

“Walaupun matang sikap memberontak itu tetap ada dalam diri Adam untuk mencari kebenaran tentang apa yang berlaku pada diri dan keluarganya,” jelas aktor kelahiran Negeri Sembilan itu.

Bagaimana pun, jelas aktor yang pernah bergandingan dengan Maya Karin dalam filem Cun itu, dia tiada masalah untuk menjiwai semula karakter Adam.

Bekerjasama dengan team produksi yang dan gandingan pelakon yang sama membuatkan kerjanya menjadi mudah.

Selain itu cabaran yang terpaksa dilalui oleh mereka adalah masalah komunikasi dan cuaca ketika proses penggambaran di Jordan.

“Ada suatu masa kami diberikan amaran berkenaan dengan ribut pasir yang akan melanda dan diminta untuk meninggalkan lokasi penggambaran.

“Tetapi Kabir Bathia (pengarah) mahu kekal dan kami terpaksa bersama namun akhirnya hasil yang diperolehi adalah gambar yang sangat cantik,” jelas Tiz yang akan menginjak 23 tahun pada 25 Oktober depan.

credit to: Utusan Online. tq.

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Post time 2-5-2011 08:53 AM | Show all posts
cover depan ada pic Remy ngan Tiz.

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Post time 3-5-2011 01:32 AM | Show all posts
ader mase nnt baru la tgk

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Post time 4-5-2011 08:47 AM | Show all posts
wahhh tak sabar nak tgk nih

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Post time 4-5-2011 02:10 PM | Show all posts
dying to watch this movie...

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Post time 5-5-2011 10:05 PM | Show all posts
msti tgk cter nie..

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Post time 7-5-2011 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Showbiz: Tiz-ing the audience with song
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Tiz Zaqyah not only reprises her role in the TV series Nur Kasih for the upcoming movie but also sings the theme song. Will this mean a career switch in future, wonders HIZREEN KAMAL

SHE may have nailed acting, but can she sing? Actress Tiz Zaqyah, who captivated the audience with her convincing performance as Nur Amina in the popular 26-episode TV series Nur Kasih (aired in 2009 on TV3), puts her vocals to a test as singer for the soundtrack of Nur Kasih The Movie.

Composed by singer/composer Yassin, the song (also entitled Nur Kasih) is a duet between Tiz and Yassin.

Already available on YouTube and released on radio, it is clearly a bold move for Tiz who claims to have had no professional voice training.

However, based on feedback from those who have already heard the song, the 21-year-old may just have the potential to make it in the music scene.

Humbled by the positive response, Tiz says she is still learning the ropes. After all, singing is entirely new to her. By her own admission, she is just a “shower singer” at karaoke outlets.

When the opportunity knocked on her door, a part of her felt extremely honoured, but she realised that this was no walk in the park.

“When Yassin offered to duet with me, I was overwhelmed. Singing for an audience is serious stuff, and at the same time, I didn't want to disappoint Yassin. Since he had given me his blessing to sing his song, I worked extra hard to deliver my best,” says Tiz.

Recording the song took four to five days and Tiz says it opened her eyes to what it takes to be a recording artiste.

She remembers her heart beating faster than usual, but she managed to calm her nerves, with the help of Yassin.

“He was great and wasn’t hard on me. Probably because I am still new. He did share some tips on how to project my vocals better,” she says.

So will she be considering singing as a career move?

While there have been offers to steer her in that direction, Tiz feels that she is not ready yet.

For her, the stumbling block is stage fright. “It’s a problem for me. I get nervous when people ask me to sing in front of an audience. I break into cold sweat and crumble.

“I have to overcome this obstacle before I can sing professionally,” says the shy, petite beauty.

Singing the theme song is special for Tiz as Nur Kasih The Movie, slated to open on May 19, also marks her first performance on the silver screen, and as a lead actress no less.

She has no difficulty reprising her role as Nur Amina, even though it’s been two years since the Islamic-themed TV series ended.

Instead, she is more than happy to get into character again. “I miss playing Nur Amina,” she says.

Nur Kasih, which garnered a total viewership of 17 million, tells the story of brothers Aidil (Fizz Fairuz) and Adam (Remy Ishak) who are polar opposites of each other. Aidil is a pious man who is respectful to his parents while Adam is a lost soul. Nur Amina (Tiz) is the daughter of the village imam, Ustaz Abu Bakar. When Aidil tells his father, Ustaz Hassan, of his intention to wed Nur Amina, his father has a different idea instead — to court Nur Amina for Adam.

Though disappointed, Aidil accepts his father’s decision.

Nur Kasih The Movie continues where the series ended, but six years down the line.

Mira Mustaffa took six months to write the script. The film, directed by Kabir Bhatia, is viewed as a gift to fans of the TV series.

It is jointly produced by Film Scape Sdn Bhd, Primeworks Studios and Juita Viden Sdn Bhd at a cost of RM2 million. The film answers all the questions raised in the series, says Tiz but she is unable to divulge more on the storyline.

(It is believed that the main cast members — Tiz, Remy Ishak and Fizz Fairuz — have signed a gag order.)

Nur Kasih The Movie, which was filmed on location in Kuala Lumpur as well as Jordan, features a more mature Nur Amina who has to face greater challenges in life.

“Unlike the series which focused on conflicts surrounding relationships and family, the film sees the main characters overcoming bigger obstacles.

“It will be an emotional ride as there will be tragedies along the way,” says Tiz, adding that the film will also bring out the issue of accepting fate.

While in Jordan, the cast and crew faced challenges in the desert. "I was waiting in the car for my scene when a sandstorm hit us. The wind was very strong, and the crew members who were outside had to cover their eyes from the sand. I think Kabir managed to capture it and audience can see it in the film.”

Many of them also fell sick due to the harsh weather conditions. “Even though it was extremely hot and dry, we gave it our best,” says Tiz.

Realising the high expectations from fans of Nur Kasih, Tiz hopes that the numbers at the box office will translate to the film, as it did for the TV series.

credit to: ... ticle#ixzz1LdQg4WOM




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Post time 8-5-2011 01:09 AM | Show all posts
waahhh peminat NKTM nih leh jumpa pelakon2 NK nih
kat times square esok, kul 2pm

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Post time 8-5-2011 10:25 AM | Show all posts
best k citer nie..kalau drama bersiri dia punya best..p movie nie macan kurang j..

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Post time 8-5-2011 10:51 AM | Show all posts
waahhh peminat NKTM nih leh jumpa pelakon2 NK nih
kat times square esok, kul 2pm
eddlisa_uyuk Post at 8-5-2011 01:09

yay. mungkin remy dan Tiz dah balik dr Spore.

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Post time 8-5-2011 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 436# KamenRider

InsyaAllah. mesti best ni. tgk trailernya ya.

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Post time 9-5-2011 01:04 AM | Show all posts
watak syafie muhsin tuh jadi anak aidil ke bila dah besar??

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Post time 9-5-2011 02:59 PM | Show all posts
mampukah NKTM bersaing dgn POC?
Tp aku tetap gigih tgok  NKTM.
sebgai penyokong filem melayu...
POC tunggu kluo dvd je..

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Post time 9-5-2011 05:31 PM | Show all posts
"Ini merupakan kali pertama saya menangis menonton cerita melayu," kata kekasih kepada pelakon Almy Nadia.

"Hati saya ini degil susah nak menitiskan air mata. Ketika ayah saya meninggal dunia, ini merupakan kali kedua saya menangis dalam hidup saya. Saya jadi sebak kerana membayangkan

beban dan dugaan yang terpaksa digalas oleh watak saya iaitu Aidil." kata Fizz Fairuz ketika sidang media selepas previu filem "Nur Kasih The Movie" di KLCC petang semalam.


Berbicara tentang perbezaan lakonannya dalam filem "Nur Kasih The Movie" dengan drama, Fizz berkata, "Dalam filem ini perbezaannya, saya besarkan lagi watak Aidil yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan kematian isteri dan terpaksa menjaga dua anak yang masih kecil yang hari-hari menyebut nama ibunya selain perlu menyelesaikan masalah dalam rumah tangga Adam dan Nur (lakonan Remy Ishak dan Tiz Zaqyah).
Fizz juga mengakui berdepan cabaran untuk menghafal dialog dalam bahasa Arab untuk filem "Nur Kasih The Movie" ini.  

Selain itu, untuk menghangatkan lagi kemunculan filem "Nur Kasih The Movie" pihak Arianni selaku penaja kepada filem ini turut membuat tudung special edition yang diberi nama "Nur kasih". Tudung tersebut akan mula dijual pada hujung bulan Mei 2011 dan dijual pada harga RM30, RM50 dan RM70.  

Selain Remy Ishak, Tiz Zaqyah dan Fizz Fairuz, filem ini turut dibintangi oleh Liza Othman, Muniff Isa, Sara Ali dan Syafie Naswip.
Filem arahan Kabir Bhatia dan skrip oleh Mira Mustaffa ini, mula ditayangkan pada 19 Mei ini di 70 pawagam termasuk Brunei.



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