Keadaan langit ni jauh lebih ok dari keadaan langit apabila berlakunya asap dukhan. Bila dukhan terjadi, dunia bergelap selama 40 hari atau mungkin setahun. Cahaya matahari tidak dapat tembus ke bumi, kerana tebalnya asap. Virus dan bakteria tumbuh subur, cuaca berubah dengan drastik, bekalan makanan sangat sangat kurang, semua makhluk kebuluran, penyakit merebak dan banyak manusia mati. Jadi selagi masih mampu menatap matahari, tatap dan nikmatilah sepuasnya.. Wallahua'am..
andria Post at 30-5-2012 22:08
betul, bila cahaya matahari tak tembus ke bumi, memang malapetaka besar..
istilah sains di panggil NUCLEAR WINTER..
nuclear winter tak semestinya hasil dari bom nuklear, boleh jadi jugak dari supervolcano dan lain2..
asalkan langit penuh dengan asap, dan cahaya tak sampai ke bumi..
sapa2 yang minat nak tau effect nuclear winter, boleh google..
WORLD BANK BOSS: We're Headed For "Impending Catastrophe" -- "A Rerun Of Great Panic Of 2008"
Henry Blodget | Jun. 2, 2012, 9:51 AM
* financial markets face a rerun of the Great Panic of 2008.
* It's ‘far from clear that eurozone leaders have steeled themselves’ for the looming catastrophe amid fears of a Greek exit from the single currency and meltdown in Spain.
* ‘Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008.... ‘If Greece leaves the eurozone, the contagion is impossible to predict, just as Lehman had unexpected consequences.’
* 'There will not be time for meetings of finance ministers to discuss the outlook and debate the politics.... 'In panicked markets, investors flee to safe assets, sparking other flames.’
A powerful tornado has ripped through Sabanalarga in Colombia, leaving around 5,000 people homeless
Report by Mark Morris.
Published on Jun 3, 2012 by itnnews
Tornado Touches Down in Hungary
By Eric Leister, Meteorologist
Jun 3, 2012; 8:48 AM ET
A tornado was reported in far eastern Hungary, near the town of Nyiracsad, on Friday.
Reports indicate the tornado occurred at about 3:00 p.m., which correlates with data obtained by that reported a thunderstorm passed through the city of Debrecen within three hours of that time. Debrecen is located less than 50 miles to the west-southwest of Nyiracsad.
Reports from the area indicate that some 30 homes were damaged by the tornado as it moved through the region. There are no known reports of deaths or injuries from this tornado at this time.
In 2003, JCVI successfully synthesized a small virus that infects bacteria. By 2008, the JCVI team was able to synthesize a small bacterial genome. On May 6, 2010, JCVI revealed they had already created a self-replicating bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome they named “synthetic Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0”. (7) This completely synthetic cell with its computer designed genome has absolutely no natural DNA. (1) The etc group from Canada named it Synthia and it contains added watermark chains to identify the genome as artificial. It also has antibiotic resistance indicators. (7) One can only speculate why this artificial bacterium has an inherent programmed capability to resist antibiotics.
This new life form has the ability to replicate itself and organically function in any cell into which it has been introduced. Its DNA is artificial and it’s this synthetic DNA that takes control of the cell and is credited with being the building block of life. This is the first self-replicating synthetic bacterial cell thanks to its computer generated DNA. All of the funding for this came from Synthetic Genomics Inc (1), the company BP has a sizable equity position and alliance with. BP is definitely way beyond petroleum just as their new slogan publicizes.
Why watermark this artificial genome? Doing so makes it identifiable as the unique and patented (privately owned) asset it is. What happens if a human becomes infected with a life-threatening variant bacterial species of Synthia? If you use Penicillin to fight the infection, it won’t do any good. Antibiotic resistance is part of its DNA sequence, so any use of antibiotics would be a waste of time.
What would happen if mankind is contaminated by this self-reproducing artificial life form by contact or by breathing it? Would we become subjective to the DNA of the synthetic cells flowing throughout our bodies? Would the Synthia cells combine with other bacterium within us to create a new deadly bacterium? Since the micro-organism is created and gets its programming from computers, would we become subject to artificial electro-magnetic frequencies recognized by these genomes? There are a lot of questions that need to yet be answered. What matters most is this: Will we find out those answers in time?
Keep connecting the dots. The picture is starting to take shape now.
Scientist accused of playing God after creating artificial life by making designer microbe from scratch - but could it wipe out humanity?
By Fiona Macrae
UPDATED: 09:33 EST, 3 June 2010
Scientists today lined up to air their fears over a genome pioneer's claims that he has created artificial life in the laboratory.
In a world first, which has alarmed many, maverick biologist and billionaire entrepreneur Craig Venter, built a synthetic cell from scratch.
The creation of the new life form, which has been nicknamed 'Synthia', paves the way for customised bugs that could revolutionise healthcare and fuel production, according to its maker.
But there are fears that the research, detailed in the journal Science, could be abused to create the ultimate biological weapon, or that one mistake in a lab could lead to millions being wiped out by a plague, in scenes reminiscent of the Will Smith film I Am Legend.
George Soros: Europe Has Three Months to Stem Euro Crisis
* Posted on June 2, 2012 at 10:42pm by Erica Ritz Erica Ritz
George Soros, a billionaire investor who in part made his fortune by predicting economic trends, delivered a speech today in Trento, Italy where he said that Europe has three months to rectify the Eurozone crisis, after which time it will be “too late.”
Known as the man who “broke the bank of England,“ Soros continued to predict a type of ”lost decade” for Europe as seen in Latin America in the 1980s.
“A similar fate now awaits Europe. That is the responsibility that Germany and other creditor countries need to acknowledge. But there is no sign of this happening,” he said.
Soros continued, explaining: “The Greek crisis is liable to come to a climax in the fall. By that time the German economy will also be weakening so that Chancellor (Angela) Merkel will find it even more difficult than today to persuade the German public to accept any additional European responsibilities. That is what creates a three-month window.”
Magnitude 7.5 earthquake may hit Quetta
Updated 2 days ago
QUETTA: Renowned Scientist and Assistant Professor at Geology Department of University of Balochistan, Deen Muhammad Kakar has said that Global Positioning System machine reports have suggested that an earthquake of 7.5 Magnitude intensity and powerful like that of 1935 might hit Quetta city and adjoining areas.
He was talking to media persons here on Thursday. He said that GPS machines installed in areas including Quetta, Chaman, Saranan, Surkhab, Pishin, Ziarat, Shahrag, Harnai, Loralai, Qila Saifullah, Muslim Bagh, Lakpass, Kalat and Sorab have indicated that mountainous areas including Koh Sulman, Koh Kirthar, Quetta and northern areas are in eight-millimeter annual movement to South and due to this movement a great stress is being accumulated under soil.
"Due to this great stress, chances of a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake at Richter Scale to hit Quetta have been emerged," the Scientist warned.
Di Saat Gerhana Bulan Gempa Bumi Melanda 4 Jun 2012 GERHANA BULAN 4 JUN 2012
Gerhana bulan separa dapat dilihat bermula jam 7.10 malam sehingga 8.10 malam di Pulau Mabul di Semporna, Sabah, malam Isnin. Rakyat Malaysia dapat menyaksikan dua fenomena falak iaitu gerhana bulan separa pada Isnin (4 Jun 2012) bermula jam 7.10 malam sehingga 8.10 malam.
Sementara Transit planet Zuhrah melintasi matahari pada berlaku pada pagi Rabu (6 Jun 2012) bermula 6.27 pagi dan berakhir pada jam 12.49 tengahari. Fenomena itu boleh dilihat bermula dari terbit matahari hingga tengah hari, dan keseluruhan proses transit ini hanya boleh dilihat di pantai timur Sabah terutama di Sandakan.
Satu gempa bumi berukuran 6.0 pada skala Richter melanda Selatan Jawa, Indonesia pada 7.18 malam Isnin. Menurut Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia, pusat gempa terletak 185 kilometer di barat daya Sukabumi, Indonesia dan 1,117 kilometer tenggara Johor Baharu.
Sementara itu, di JAKARTA, Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Indonesia melaporkan beberapa kawasan sekitar termasuk Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Bogor dan Jakarta Selatan turut merasai gegaran gempa tersebut. Bagaimanapun, tidak ada ancaman tsunami dilaporkan.(BERNAMA)
salam andria,
kebelakangan ni saya semakin takut dengan perubahan sekeliling.. bulan semakin membesar, lintasan planet zurah, kabus di shizu n ramalan letusan yellowstone
hari pulak panas melampau......
Baru-baru ni... saya mimpi... saya pergi ke tepi pantai... tiba-tiba air laut semakin surut.. tak lama kemudian salji turun... dalam hati saya berkata... betul lah apa yang dikatakan oleh andria....
Ombak kuat melanda pantai sekitar Pulau Pinang
6 Jun 2012
Beberapa buah kereta ditepi tebing persisiran pantai Padang Kota Lama dibasahi dengan air laut apabila ombak setinggi 5 meter melanda di kawasan itu. - Foto Bernama
Sekumpulan remaja cuba menyelamatkan diri apabila ombak setinggi lima meter melanda persisir pantai Padang Kota Lama, Georgetown, hari ini. Keadaan ini berlaku berikutan angin kencang dan laut bergelora. - Foto Bernama
GEORGE TOWN - Ombak kuat sehingga mencapai ketinggian 3.5 meter didapati melanda pantai sekitar Pulau Pinang mulai 2 petang tadi.
Di Kampung Tsunami Tanjung Bungah, tidak kurang daripada 11 buah rumah dimasuki air laut kesan pukulan ombak itu.
Seorang penduduk, Tan Eng Kee, 67, berkata air memasuk rumahnya sehingga paras buku lali dan menyebabakan halaman rumahnya berbecak.
"Kejadian seumpama ini pertama kali berlaku sejak 20 tahun lepas dan ia bencana kedua terburuk selepas kejadian Tsunami empat tahun lepas," katanya kepada Bernama.
Katanya penduduk telah membina benteng pasir di sekeliling kediaman mereka.
Tinjauan Bernama di sekitar Padang Kota Lama dan Persiaran Gurney yang berhampiran laut, mendapati air laut melimpah sehingga ke jalan raya di samping membasahi ruang pejalan kaki.
Namun bagi kaki pancing, Hamzah Sidik, 54, dia sedikit pun tidak bimbang dengan keadaan itu dan tetap meneruskan hobinya bersama isteri dan dua anaknya, biarpun keadaan ombak berkeadaan tidak seperti biasa.
"Waktu macam ini ikan banyak naik, tiada apa yang hendak dibimbangkan. Jika keadaan berbahaya sudah tentu amaran menjauhi pantai dikeluarkan," katanya.
Di Batu Ferringhi dan Teluk Bahang pula keadaannya didapati agak lenggang apabila orang ramai menjauhi kawasan pantai sementara nelayan dikatakan tidak turun ke laut sejak semalam.
Namun aktiviti perniagaan masih berjalan seperti biasa.
Pengarah Pusat Ramalan Cuaca Jabatan Meterologi, Muhammad Helmi Abdullah menyifatkan kejadian itu adalah fenomena biasa kesan pertukaran angin dari monsun timur laut kepada monsun barat daya bermula 4 Mei lepas.
Katanya keadaan ombak turut dipengaruhi angin kuat yang bertiup dengan kelajuan 40 hingga 50 kilometer sejam yang diramal berterusan sehingga Jumaat ini.
"Keadaan laut agak bergelora pada ketika ini. Walaupun masih pada kategori pertama, nelayan dinasihati supaya tidak turun ke laut sehingga keadaan reda," katanya. - Bernama
Mungkin kerana lintasan planet Zuhrah... wallahua'lam...
Terkejut lihat fenomena air pasang ‘luar biasa’
6 Jun 2012
Abdul Razak menunjukkan air laut melimpah di pekarangan restoran miliknya.
KUALA KEDAH - Penduduk sekitar beberapa kampung berdekatan gempar dengan fenomena air pasang dianggap luar biasa berikutan paras air laut yang melimpah lebih banyak sehingga masuk ke kawasan jarang dinaiki air.
Susulan kejadian itu, penduduk mungkin trauma kejadian tsunami yang pernah berlaku lapan tahun lalu di beberapa daerah seperti Kuala Muda menyebabkan penduduk melahirkan kebimbangan awal terhadap kejadian sama akan berlaku di Kuala Kedah.
Salah seorang penduduk, Zakaria Ismail, 52, berkata, kejadian serupa pernah disaksikan berlaku sekitar tahun 90an. Dia sama sekali tidak menyangka peristiwa berkenaan akan kembali berulang dan kemungkinan keadaan lebih buruk tengahari esok (hari ini).
Menurutnya, mujurlah ada pembinaan jalan tar baru dari Seberang Kota Kuala Kedah menghala ke Kuala Perlis, jika tidak lebih banyak air yang melimpah masuk ke dalam sawah padi dan merosakkan tanaman penduduk.
“Kami berharap Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda (Mada) serta Jabatan Pengaliran dan Saliran (JPS) akan mengambil tindakan segera untuk membaikpulih benteng penahan ombak yang sudah semakin terhakis,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian, di sini, semalam.
Sementara itu, salah seorang pemilik restoran, Abdul Razak Osman, 44, berkata, kejadian dipercayai berlaku sekitar jam satu petang semalam, sewaktu dia berada di restoran untuk melihat kerja-kerja menyiapkan restoran baru berkenaan.
“Selain ombak kuat dengan air kencang semasa kejadian, air laut turut melimpah masuk ke pekarangan keliling restoran sehingga benteng penahan ombak juga tidak kelihatan pada masa itu.
“Air pasang berkenaan kelihatan surut sedikit sekitar jam 3.30 petang namun tidak sepenuhnya, kami bimbang esok mungkin keadaan lebih buruk berlaku sekiranya cuaca serta keadaan laut tidak berubah,” katanya.
Menurutnya, mengikut perancangan awal dia akan membuka restoran berkenaan selewatnya bulan Julai sebelum masuk bulan Ramadan namun disebabkan kejadian itu rancangan terpaksa ditunda.
“Saya sendiri terkejut apabila kawasan ini akan turut terlibat setelah difahamkan penduduk tempatan kejadian yang sama hanya berlaku sekitar dua puluh hingga 30 tahun lalu sahaja.
“Jika masalah ini tidak diatasi termasuk mengambil usaha menambak laut, saya percaya lebih banyak kerugian yang terpaksa ditanggung penduduk dan keselamatan penduduk tinggal berhampiran kawasan berkenaan akan terjejas,” katanya.
Katanya, air laut pasang itu turut melanda sekitar Kuala Kuar serta kawasan Pekan Kuala Kedah. - Bernama
Ratusan rumah di Perlis juga diancam ombak besar
7 Jun 2012
KANGAR - Ombak besar dan air pasang melanda kawasan pantai antara Kuala Perlis dan Kuala Sanglang semalam mengakibatkan ratusan buah rumah dimasuki air.
Pulau Pinang dan Kedah juga berhadapan dengan masalah itu semalam.
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Kuala Perlis Mat Hassan berkata, ratusan rumah dimasuki air masin apabila air pasang disertai ombak mula berlaku pukul 12.30 tengah hari.
Katanya, beliau melawat mangsa air pasang itu dan mendapati kebanyakannya telah pun memindahkan barangan ke tempat selamat.
Sementara itu, di kampung Sungai Padang dekat sini, para penduduk berhadapan saat mencemaskan apabila air memasuki rumah separas pinggang dalam masa 15 minit akibat ombak besar.
Dipetik Bernama, seorang mangsa, Haliah Shaari, 52, berkata rumahnya dimasuki air serta lumpur apabila dipukul ombak mengakibatkan pelbagai barangan di dalamnya rosak.
Wanita itu berkata, ombak turut menghanyutkan seekor anak paus sepanjang satu meter dan seberat 3.4 kilogram lalu terdampar berhampiran rumahnya.
Seorang pakar biologi marin Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Prof Dr Ridzwan Abdul Rahman berkata, berdasarkan bentuk ikan itu, ia merupakan sejenis mamalia marin iaitu paus.
Tinjauan mendapati jalan pinggir pantai antara Kuala Perlis dan Kuala Sanglang dipenuhi lumpur dan mangsa masih bertungkus lumus membersihkan rumah mereka.
Turut meninjau mangsa ombak di Sungai Padang ialah Ketua Umno bahagian Arau Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim. - Bernama
Mayo earthquake surprises geologists
The Irish Times - Thursday, June 7, 2012
A LEADING seismologist has said yesterday’s earthquake off the west coast was “unexpected” and poses “very interesting questions for geologists”.
The earthquake, which registered a magnitude of four on the Richter scale, was recorded as 60km west of Belmullet, Co Mayo, at a depth of 3km, at 8.58am. It was the largest local seismic event ever recorded, according to Tom Blake of the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) and the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies.
It was also the second-largest local earthquake on record in either Britain or Ireland, he said – the first being of 5.4 magnitude on July 19th, 1984, off the west coast of Wales and felt in Waterford and Wicklow.
Asteroid or glitch? Google Sky user spots strange, undiscovered glowing rock in our solar system
By Eddie Wrenn
PUBLISHED: 08:11 GMT, 5 June 2012 | UPDATED: 09:53 GMT, 5 June 2012
The asteroid - the co-ordinates of which are available below - was spotted by user planetkrejci in a video posted three days ago
Close-up: The object certainly looks like an asteroid - which seems to be spotted with green flecks
A user has found a 'huge asteroid' while scanning the virtual heavens using Googly Sky.
Youtube user planetkrejci, who has investigated other anomalies on NASA pictures, claims the object - found using the Google website which transports the heavens to desktop computers and smartphones - is an asteroid which is heading towards Earth.
He says the asteroid - which, if real, has not been spotted by other scientists or astronomers - has only appeared recently on Google Sky, which receives updated images every few months.
Announcing his find on YouTube, he says the black object, mottled with green spots, is so clear that it must be within the solar system.
The user had been exploring the region a few months earlier, and had 'bookmarked' a spot just to the left of the asteroid - so he is certain the object was not there previously.