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Author: penjejak_awan

[Dunia] Harga emas dijangka akan turun dan terus turun hingga hujung 2014!

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Post time 28-5-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
atira posted on 27-5-2013 03:23 PM
waktu aku survey2 kedai emas ni..
ada letak harga segram emas tu mahal... tapi upah ambik murah

a'ah btl tu... bln lps flw ikut mak aku beli cincin, cina kedai tu amik upah 10hengget je..dia jual emas 148/g... lg pn mak aku mmg regular customer kat citu... cina tu tak berkira sangat... mmg kedai emas tu kedai turun temurun... since mak i kanak2 lagi kedai emas tu dah ada... cincin belah rotan polos mak aku punya masa bertunang pn beli kat situ...

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Post time 28-5-2013 11:28 AM | Show all posts
sitihawa posted on 26-5-2013 01:11 PM
beli semalam kat kedai emas rosst, atas PKNS bandar baru bangi
pemilik kedai islam bumi, pemilik no ...

sini lagi murah >> semalam cuma RM130/g utk emas 916

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Post time 28-5-2013 11:30 AM | Show all posts
novlin posted on 28-5-2013 11:17 AM
a'ah btl tu... bln lps flw ikut mak aku beli cincin, cina kedai tu amik upah 10hengget je..dia jua ...

kedai mana tu uols...
sila share

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Post time 28-5-2013 11:49 AM | Show all posts
hmylieenz posted on 28-5-2013 10:40 AM
of coz bukan ker nak subang sama mcm aku tu hehehehhe

haah .. untuk cucu aku ... kekekekkee aku pakai silver je...... sedondon ngan rambut aku ...


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Post time 28-5-2013 01:06 PM | Show all posts
mak adam ada kirim makcik beli emas kt terengganu.. kalau sesiapa area terengganu ada harga murah share lah kt adam.. terima kasih.. terengganu kelantan majoriti pemborong emas org melayu islam...

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Post time 28-5-2013 02:55 PM | Show all posts
kedai depan lee wah tu lagi murah upahnya tak hengat apa nama kedai tu....kat pilahh yer kawan2

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Post time 28-5-2013 03:41 PM | Show all posts
atira posted on 28-5-2013 11:30 AM
kedai mana tu uols...
sila share

kedai emas tu kat pekan rembau (errr..errr..nama tak ingat sbb aku menonong je ikut mak aku)... kedai emas lee wah kat kuala pilah tu kedai sepupu dia... kata cina tu mmg kaum krabat dia byk buka kedai emas... berurusan dgn kedai emas kat rembau tu sangat lah santai... cth..rega emas 148/g, pastu ko dah pilih2 barang... rega barang ko RM1187..pastu dia just genapkan rega tu jd 1200... so kalo kira2 upah dia dlm 13 hengget je... sbb tu mak aku suka gi kedai tu sbb dia tak berkira sgt dgn upah...

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Post time 28-5-2013 04:02 PM | Show all posts
novlin posted on 28-5-2013 11:10 AM
bln lepas my mum baru beli cincin belah rotan yg licin tu sbb cincin dia masa bertunang dulu dah k ...

beli kot online  ni tak percaya sangat la. hmmmmm
dah tekena time nak beli hp dulu, dah serik rasanya beli menda2 mahal ni


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Post time 29-5-2013 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Salam sy baru je lepas beli emas kat kedai emas sri bangi..
Pehhh.. borong smpi tak henggat laki kat sblah

Pemilik kedai Bumiputra harga yg ditawarkan Rm143 kemarin dan harga berubah mengikut harga semasa.
yg paling2 best emas yg dijual tiada upah

harga kalau lebih sbgi contoh Rm1516 tokey kedai akan genapkan Rm1500

dekat resitnya pula ada ditulis setiap pembelian sedikit keuntungan akan disedekahkan pada anak yatim kalu tak silap.. org kata membeli smbil beramal

cuci emas lama percuma lagi kehkehkeh..

kedai dibandar baru bangi sek 7.. sebaris dgn restoren sup urat ketin..

dulu slalu beli kat parit buntar tapi bila campur upah dan bahagikan utk setiap gram dah sama beli kat poh kung huhuhu..

Last edited by JustmeHasniey on 29-5-2013 10:11 AM


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Post time 31-5-2013 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Laporan Harian Pasaran Emas

Central Banks "Pushing on a String"
by Peter A. Grant
May 30, AM

Gold pushed definitively back above the $1400 level, establishing new two-week highs above 1412.20. The yellow metal got a boost from safe-haven interest after Japanese stocks took another sharp dive.

Movement out of Japanese shares and back into the yen, weighed on the dollar. That dollar weakness provided an additional underpinning for gold.

So months after the greatest monetary policy experiment commenced in Japan, yields are rising and the stock market has had two pretty spectacular plunges. I'm thinking this is not exactly what Abe and Kuroda had in mind.

"I want to reduce volatility as much as possible to place strong pressure on long-term yields and push them lower," BoJ chief Kuroda said earlier today before the upper house financial affairs committee. Not to worry, as long as there is sufficient paper and ink available, there is no limit to the amount of yen that can be printed and then used to buy JGBs.

That has in fact always been the excuse for Japan's lost decades, the QE just wasn't big enough. The Keynsian disciples here in the U.S. have made similar arguments; if only the Fed were more accommodative, the economy would surely be surging by now.

Former Fed chairman Paul Volker warned yesterday that the benefits of bond-buying are "limited and diminishing," suggesting that the Fed's QE program is like "pushing on a string." In Japan, the evidence is starting to mount that bigger is not necessarily better. The results of the Abenomics experiment may already be starting to disprove the hypothesis. What then?

Do the various central banks concede diminishing benefits of QE, or do they redouble their efforts? Will Abe and Kuroda suggest that a mere doubling of the monetary base was a miscalculation, it really needs to be quadrupled?

Whatever path is ultimately chosen, I'd be concerned that it will result in huge disruptions to the market. Trillions have already been committed globally in an effort to stimulate economies and to get businesses and households to not only start spending again, but to follow the lead of the central banks and leverage-up those balance sheets.

On some level, I'm pleased that many are not taking the bait. However, this has only prompted the central banks to push even harder against that 'string.' Yeah, this won't end well...

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Post time 31-5-2013 05:09 PM | Show all posts
dah beli byk2 nih jgn lupa berzakat plak yer....

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Post time 31-5-2013 05:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dpt bonus ujung taun beli emas cantik ne

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Post time 1-6-2013 10:20 PM | Show all posts
sekarang dah start nak naik balik

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Post time 3-6-2013 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Laporan Harian Pasaran Emas

Concerns of Fed Taper Reemerge on Sentiment and ISM Beats
by Peter A. Grant
May 31, AM

Gold is once again in retreat, weighed by month-end position squaring and the reemergence of expectations that the Fed will start removing accommodations. A bounce in the dollar and firmer stocks are weighing on the yellow metal as well.

It was a better than expected upward revision to the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for May, along with a solid Chicago ISM print that reignited the Fed tapering talk. The market was awful quick to dismiss data from earlier in the morning that showed personal income was worse than expected in April and PCE fell 0.2%, also below expectations.

The PCE price index is just 0.7% y/y (core 1.1% y/y), well below the Fed's target of 2.0%. A week from today the May employment data will be released. Median expectations for nonfarm payrolls are a weak +165k jobs, while the jobless rate is expected to hold steady at 7.5%. This is still not anywhere close to territory where the Fed would seriously consider the removal of accommodation. I've spent a great deal of time on this topic in recent weeks, so I won't belabor the point further.

In an interview on CNBC yesterday, former OMB director under President Reagan, told Rick Santelli "the market is entirely rigged. It’s not honest. It all trades the Fed…How can that possibly lead to rational behavior?" Today is just the latest example of that irrationality.

Of course no conversation about irrational markets is complete without mentioning the famous quote from John Maynard Keyenes: "Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent."

With that duty complete, I would suggest to you that we may well be in for a protracted period of irrationality. However, the longer the period lasts, the more likely the return to rationality will be violent in nature. With gold still in the lower half of its range, now strikes me as a pretty good time to be building one's hedges, or adding to existing hedges.

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Post time 4-6-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Laporan Harian Pasaran Emas

Watch the BoJ
by Peter A. Grant
June 03, AM

Gold popped back above the $1400 level, underpinned by dollar losses and the latest indications of ongoing weakness in the U.S. economy. Follow-through losses in Asian stocks, combined with the late plunge in U.S. shares on Friday, is also contributing to renewed safe-haven interest in the yellow metal.

U.S. manufacturing ISM for May came in below expectations at 49.0 today, its lowest level since June 2009. Construction spending for April also missed. This prompted a rise in gold, presumably on diminished expectations of Fed tapering. You may recall that it was just Friday, when gold slid on better than expected consumer sentiment and Chicago ISM, which heightened expectations that the Fed would begin removing accommodations sooner rather than later.

Knowing Fed chairman Bernanke's general disposition regarding removing accommodations too early, ongoing mixed data is more likely to be an indication of continued easy policy. San Francisco Fed dove John Williams said today that QE could end by year-end, or could continue if inflation remains low. Dennis Lockhart, a centrist from the Atlanta Fed, reiterating the FOMC statement that purchases could either be increased or decreased. Thanks for the insight guys...

I'd be watching the BoJ at this point. The Nikkei chart looks terrible and JGB's remain under pressure, resulting in rising yields. With the Nikkei down nearly 17% since peaking on 23-May, I find myself wondering where exactly are the flows out of stocks and into the 'haven' that are JGBs?

If the BoJ starts dialing up the QE to battle the emergent downtrend in stocks and rising yields, it strikes me as very unlikely that the Fed would would start dialing back their own QE efforts. The era of über-accommodative monetary policy seems a long way from being over.

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Post time 4-6-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts
emmm...rugi le tuan hamba..huhuhuhuhu

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Post time 4-6-2013 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Nak tunggu betul-betul jatoh, baru beli.................

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Post time 4-6-2013 12:16 PM | Show all posts
kalo nak beli emas murah gi beli kat area mesjid india.. situ dia ikut rege borong.. mmg murah upah pun tak mahal mana
terus terbeli gelang dgn 3bentuk cincin.. sbb murah 1gm rm135.. org mmg ramai kat situ

bila tanya dgn pekerja kat situ naper harga emas tak sama dgn pohkong, habib, wahchan...pekerja tu ckp dorang ikut rege borong bukan rege pasaran.. mcm kedai emas yg besar2 dorang ikut rege pasaran dan upah pun mahal


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Post time 5-6-2013 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Laporan Harian Pasaran Emas

Gold Dips Back Below $1400
by Peter A. Grant
June 04, AM

Gold is defensive just below $1400 level after Asian stocks rebounded and the dollar caught a bit of a bid. Focus seems to rest on central bank expectations at this point, which by extension in the U.S. anyway means focus is on the data.

The May employment report comes out on Friday with the median for nonfarm payrolls around +165k. That's not a particularly good number, certainly not likely to incent the Fed to start pulling back accommodations. The jobless rate is expected to hold steady at 7.5%.

Bill Gross of PIMCO suggested in his June Investment Outlook that "Perhaps zero-bound interest rates and quantitative easing programs are becoming as much of the problem as the solution." Now if the Fed started tapering accommodations based on a realization that they're too costly for the results being achieved, I'd stand up and cheer.

However, as the old adage goes, 'If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.' I therefore fear that the Fed is loathe to admit the last remaining tool in the toolbox just isn't working and so they'll keep pounding that 'nail'.

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Post time 6-6-2013 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Laporan Harian Pasaran Emas

Gold Firms as Stocks Tumble
by Peter A. Grant
June 05, AM

Gold is back above $1400 after a weaker than expected May ADP employment survey (you guessed it) dimmed Fed tightening expectations. Everything these days is viewed through the lens of Fed policy. A weaker dollar and a sharp drop in stocks are also helping to underpin the yellow metal.

The ADP survey came in at +135k private sector jobs in May, on expectations of +165k. The April ADP print was revised lower as well, from +119k initially to +113k. This will undoubtedly raise some concerns about Friday's nonfarm payrolls report. A miss on Friday could put this whole Fed tapering nonsense to rest...but I doubt it.

While we wait for the NFP number, gold is likely to remain confined to the recent range. However, that might change if the recent weakness in stocks persists. The Nikkei gave back all of yesterday's gains, dropping to a new 7-week low and edged closer to bear market territory. U.S. stocks are off sharply today as well.

If investors start to worry about their equity market gains, they may start looking at hedging their exposure in traditional safe-havens such as gold. At this point, the total gold in trust for the world's biggest gold ETF is still edging lower. Physical demand on the other hand, particularly in Asia, remains robust.

If U.S. investors suddenly decide they want their gold back, they may well opt for the real thing. But even if they opt to return to the paper market, where is the underlying supply of physical going to come from? That could result in sharply higher prices.

It's always a good idea to buy something as rare as gold in the quiet times. If a sharp drop in stocks, or some other unforeseen event prompts a stampede back into the yellow metal, tight supply in the physical market could result in a double whammy: Higher market prices and higher premiums.

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