Post time 11-12-2017 04:42 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 04:01 PM
Sora, ingt x masa dolu2 bng masa bgabung dulu, ade sapa tah share ads lipstick korea tu.. yg very d vassssss sexy.. carik x jumpa plk.. kaka feeling2 plk ads fattzura mcm tu.. x pun mcm ads lux aish n abhi..kaka sukaaaaaaaaaa sgt...
takde ke kaka2 library yg berada dalam barisan luke ...
aku ada la komen kt igstory abam luke...
aku ckp semoga berjodohan dgn dasha...abam luke reply...
abam luke ckp mintak2 la dia berjodohan dgn pompuan tulen...Ya Allah...
knp selama ni aku xtau yg dasha tu x tulen...
aku xtau nak nangis ke nak dasha tu mmg sweet sgt2...
Post time 11-12-2017 05:06 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
lovezy replied at 11-12-2017 03:48 PM
iols teringin tau nak pegi reception since iols duduk seberang laut, banyak kena fikir ...
I pun nak prgi.... But u, seberang lautan ni bnyk urusan. I envy sgt those yg boleh prgi event fattzura, ke SC ke HOD, peluk cium faz... Thats y I was over the moon if ada igers yg buat live time event. Thank you igers
Post time 11-12-2017 05:13 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sora13 replied at 11-12-2017 04:47 PM
ya, ya! meols pun ingat jugak. nah meols share.
Yassss.. I ingat this. Siap suggest something like this for mayd** ads, but hmmmmmm why la this may** mcm tiada aura ya, tak berjaya pikat i utk beli. Sorrryyyyy
Post time 11-12-2017 05:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I rasa faz tak pergi ke uum. Dia nak fattah & the gang shine at the performance. I hope faz tak pergi Jahatnya i.. But klu pergi of koz i hepp hepp hepiiiiii Gitewwwww skali i takda pendirian