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Author: Pennywise84


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Post time 27-3-2020 10:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 27-3-2020 10:35 AM
Tp umah sebelah x dapek la chuols nk melahar manjang.Nk info parking pn x boleh...simpan niat ters ...

Deols dilarang tt deols kah ? Wahh mengekalkan kesopanan dan kesusilaan gittew yach, tapi tetap happy sbb naqiu layan deols baik hurmmmmmm

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:24 AM
Tinggal harapan jah la nak tengok dedi konker rancangan2 raya di tv yach, boleh juga lupakan ranca ...

Harapannn la semua tu. Tak nampak plak dedi sempat shoot apa2 rancangan raya ek selain untuk promo bazar lefest tu je kan? So kt tv mmg takde dedi la raya ni?

Mcm Hady hari tu sempat gak shooting Akustika raya ke apa ntah, pastu dgn Gv Raya dgn Naqiu. Shooting drama hari tu pn ntah siap ke blum lg tu..

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by zamzam at 27-3-2020 10:45 AM
Pennywise84 replied at 27-3-2020 09:57 AM
Chuols buatlah vid lagu diknaqiu tu utk frontliners...suai lirik tu.Iols selaku frontliners sedih  ...

Naqiulicious dah buat dah kat fb.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2020 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:35 AM
Wakakaakka waktu tu la, skang dah level tiz zaqyah, harap lepas ni naik lagi level heroin dedi heh ...

Tp best actress lawa2 top2 majority bini org chuols...tak dapatlah daddy nk scene selisih bahu walau mmg heols nk sgt watak boya kan?

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:26 AM
Ye chuols wakakakaka iols pon turn off scene tu, kira zulin jadi 1st heroin dedi la ek lepas heols ...

Itu first ek? Ingt kasih tak trucap tu dulu. Hahaa, acik jd datin tu la antara first heroin dedi

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:31 AM
Jom la pindah rumah sebelah, dah la diiktiraf dan diappreciate oleh naqiu, bukan mcm orang tua yg  ...

Ok2 iolls kemas barang sket2.. haha

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Weyy korang jgnlah tinggalkan dedi. Kita sama2 support dedi dan naQ

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2020 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:40 AM
Deols dilarang tt deols kah ? Wahh mengekalkan kesopanan dan kesusilaan gittew yach, tapi tetap ha ...

Deyols jauh berilmiah dari kita chuols...iols kagum dgn level intelligent deyols kay....bkn kaleng2.So wajarlah naqiu appreciate kegigihan deyols...

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by zamzam at 27-3-2020 10:52 AM
TeropongGirl replied at 27-3-2020 10:17 AM
Kan.. bahagia jadi karats dik Naqiu. Tu nak kemas brg pindah rumah sebelah ni. Hahahaa gurau je.

Mmg naQ sayang dan layan peminat kaw kaw.

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TeropongGirl replied at 27-3-2020 10:42 AM
Itu first ek? Ingt kasih tak trucap tu dulu. Hahaa, acik jd datin tu la antara first heroin dedi

Kasih tu shoot lagi awal la kot dgn nenek instapemes, mendonia di rtm dulu so technically acik datin tu la heroin first yg shooting dulu, zulin first yg masuk tv wakakakak

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2020 10:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:47 AM
Weyy korang jgnlah tinggalkan dedi. Kita sama2 support dedi dan naQ

Dah lama weols nk pack kain baju dh chuols...nak pindah umah sebelah boleh? Weols promise akan behave...hahaha

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2020 10:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:41 AM
Naqiulicious dah buat dah kat fb.

So creative chuols....masuk YT mesti mendonia yach

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 27-3-2020 10:42 AM
Tp best actress lawa2 top2 majority bini org chuols...tak dapatlah daddy nk scene selisih bahu wal ...

Ada jahhh maya karin single lagi, ce melobi dedi buat scene maya dgn aaron dlm ombak rindu wowwww iols akan pegi wayang berkali2 yach hahagagagagha

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2020 10:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hikhokz47 replied at 27-3-2020 10:52 AM
Ada jahhh maya karin single lagi, ce melobi dedi buat scene maya dgn aaron dlm ombak rindu wowwww  ...

MK make sure pakai deodrant yach...wakakaka

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 27-3-2020 10:50 AM
Dah lama weols nk pack kain baju dh chuols...nak pindah umah sebelah boleh? Weols promise akan beh ...

Boleh jer join kitorang yg xberapa behave kat sana. Tp jgn tinggalkan rumah dedi. Bak kata naQ don du det don du det

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:49 AM
Mmg naQ sayang dan layan peminat kaw kaw.

Bestnyaaaa ok iols dah start packing barang nak pindah banglo chuols la boleh ke ?

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pennywise84 replied at 27-3-2020 10:48 AM
Deyols jauh berilmiah dari kita chuols...iols kagum dgn level intelligent deyols kay....bkn kaleng ...

Haruslah sbb naqiu pon intelligent yach, bukanlah nak kate dedi tak intelligent tapi intelligent heols lebih kpd dlm bidang2 technical dan offshore yach hahahahahahhaha

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:55 AM | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:41 AM
Naqiulicious dah buat dah kat fb.

wahh bideo naqiulicious ke.. hebat chuols2 semua


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Post time 27-3-2020 10:57 AM | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:47 AM
Weyy korang jgnlah tinggalkan dedi. Kita sama2 support dedi dan naQ

kitaorg ni dh 1000x dh cakap nk move on
tp i still lep u dedi jugak kekdahnya

kitaorg dlm ni tinggal 7 ketul jek chuols. sedih kan hahhahah
tp sebab 7 ketul ni jugak lah iols setia di sinih gituhhh

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Post time 27-3-2020 10:57 AM | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2020 10:49 AM
Mmg naQ sayang dan layan peminat kaw kaw.

semalam iols ada buat vid pomot sinar ke dua pun dapat dm sepantas kilat dr dik nq...
fan service terbaikkkk

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