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Author: prue

Rawatan Laser@Lasik untuk Mata

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Post time 8-12-2010 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 8-12-2010 18:16

Reply 439# hanadanisya

aku x sure company guna insurance apa.. alianz kot... yup bole guna gl lah but b4 that doc akan kuar medical report dulu utk bagi kat insurance. pasal soklan ko no. 5 & 3 tu ko kena wat screening test balik kat thoneh tapi ko bole bawak report lama tu.. screening test tu valid only 3 mths yer.......

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Post time 8-12-2010 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 442# lilyflower

hmmm itulah....
tp papepon nnti ko update la pekembangn ko lpas wat prk nnti

Dr,ad ckp arituh wpon kornea nipis tp kalo
power ckit xpe
tp kalo power tinggi die akn gune byk tisu
so even latest machine pon agak risky

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Post time 13-12-2010 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply  achiles

uaim tu kat kuantan kan..
lilyflower Post at 7-12-2010 14:12

    a'ah UIAM Indra Mahkota Kuantan.. Dr. yang bertanggungjawab buat LASIK ialah Professor Dr. Khairidzan

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Post time 13-12-2010 11:34 PM | Show all posts
a'ah UIAM Indra Mahkota Kuantan.. Dr. yang bertanggungjawab buat LASIK ialah Professor Dr. ...
achiles Post at 13-12-2010 15:51

baru nak pomot

my hubby pun tgh dalam pemeriksaan lagi.... bukan main buat jer... dorang kena make sure mata sihat.... banyak screening and prosedure lagi tuk nak proceed lasik.

td doc check mata my hubby, excellent tuk buat lasik.... mata dia sihat (maksudnya xde masalah kesihatan yang boleh menggangu visionnya, cth : kencing manis or darah tinggi dan penyakit2 lain) n xde masalah kekeringan...

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Post time 13-12-2010 11:36 PM | Show all posts
klu kat UIA, dorang mementingkan servis.... bukan profit. Sebab peralatan lasik tu sendiri paling canggih dan mahal, dan hanya UIA saja yang disponsor oleh kerajaan (satu2nya)...

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Post time 16-12-2010 05:09 PM | Show all posts
esok akan wat prk prosedure.. dup.. dap jantung ni... nasib baik company's insurans yang bayar selam ...
lilyflower Post at 16-12-2010 15:40

boleh claim insuran eak?

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Post time 16-12-2010 09:46 PM | Show all posts
esok akan wat prk prosedure.. dup.. dap jantung ni... nasib baik company's insurans yang bayar selam ...
lilyflower Post at 16-12-2010 03:40 PM

nnti bile dh buat update kat sini yek....aku wat 29/12 kat optimax TTDI

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Post time 19-12-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts
jumaat lepas dpt cal dari Optimax TTDI...
nak no akaun utk referral cheque rm200,,
sesapa yg guna nama aku as referral tuh. . tima kasih banyak2..
PM aku nanti aku banje makan. (tatau sapa).. heheh

dlm tak sedar dah setahun lebih buat Lasik.. mmg so far antara pelaburan paling berbaloi..
nak pi swimming ke, main futsal ke, takyah susah2 pakai contact lens..
even makan mee sup takyah risau cermin mata berkabus..

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Post time 21-12-2010 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 449# azmira81

day 5 after prk prosedure.. mata still blur.. baca komputer pun kena besarkan font.... aku mc 8 hari... prk ni healing proses nyer lambat... so memang kena bersabar byk.... esk 2nd flw up utk bukak contact lenses dlm mata ni.... aku bernasib baik buat prk ni sebab kosnyer ditanggung oleh insurans company... hehehe..

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Post time 30-12-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 452# lilyflower

    skrng rase camne? dh 2 minggu kan...jap lg aku lak nk wat lasik kat optimax...
takut gak nih...dhla masa asyik ubah2 byk kali..geram rasenyer...

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Post time 30-12-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
im notice that u are doing this prosedure
PRK stands for Photo-Refractive Keratectomy. PRK involves removing a very thin outer layer of the cornea (called epithelium) with a hand-held instrument before treating your eye with the laser. The surface is then reshaped with the excimer laser which lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on your diopter. The whole surgery takes less than 30 minutes for both eyes. It is an option for those with thin cornea/high myopia and not suitable for LASIK. Normally, the epithelium will heal within 3-4 days and it can take 1-2 weeks to settle down. A bandage contact lens will be used instead of bandage dressing after surgery to help with the epithelium healing process and minimise pain. Your vision will improve once the bandage contact lenses have been removed, which also indicates that the epithelium has healed. Post PRK surgery, you will feel some pain for 2-4 days depending on individual and painkillers will be prescribed to help you manage it.

but im doing this prosedure



LASIK does not weaken the cornea the way a surgical procedure performed with a blade does (RK)
LASIK eliminates or drastically reduces the dependence on spectacles and contact lenses.
With LASIK you are treated as an outpatient, which reduces the cost of the surgical procedure dramatically.
The entire LASIK procedure takes about 30 minutes and is painless.
There is no need for general anaesthesia; only local anaesthetic eye drops are used.
In approximately three days after LASIK surgery you will be able to carry on with your life as usual. So far no patient has ever experienced any loss of vision as a result of LASIK, and postoperative infection is about 1 in 5,000 cases world –wide. In extensive clinical trials to date no long term side effects are apparent.


No swimming for ± 4 weeks.
No diving or water skiing for ± 8 weeks.
No mascara or eyeliner for ± 2 weeks. Eye shadow can be worn within 1 week postoperatively.
Take extra care when bathing and washing your hair to avoid getting soap and water in the eye for ± 2 weeks.
You may drive, as soon you feel comfortable to do so. Care should be taken with night driving since halo and starburst effects of lights may occur. Due to these effects comfortable driving in the dark may take longer than driving in daytime.
Do not use any eye drops or eyewashes other than those prescribed to you by the doctor.

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Post time 30-12-2010 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply  azmira81

day 5 after prk prosedure.. mata still blur.. baca komputer pun kena besarkan fo ...
lilyflower Post at 21-12-2010 15:53

lily buat kat private or gomen?

my hubby plan kat gomen..... dalam malaysia, hanya UIA jer ( yang ditanggung oleh kerajaan) yang ada buat lasik yang menggunakan latest machine...maknenya2 kalau compare ngan mane2 hospital, UIA je ada yang latest. Memg detail checking....

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Post time 1-1-2011 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 453# hanadanisya


i tak bley buat lasik sebab kornea nipis tu sebab i kena wat prk tu.... tapi healing proses lambat giler... kalu lasik keesokannyer dah bole nampak.... prk pulak 2 minggu baru beransur pulih................. one week after prk i consume 1000mg vitamin c everyday....  tapi hari ni 1.1.2011 iaitu  2 weeks 3 days after prk.............. has made me feel as though I have been reborn with new vision.” ... Goodbye to waking up and stumbling for my glasses before I can greet the day!... yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... alhamdulilah.... kalu tak 2 minggu lepas  nak tgk pc pun kena increasing the font...

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Post time 1-1-2011 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 1-1-2011 16:23

Reply 455# azmira81


i buat kat thoneh (Tun hussein onn eye hospital) kat pj.... semi gov rasenyer mcm ijn kot.... total kos rm3500++.............  i dok kat kl takkan i nak pegi kuantan pulak semata2 nak wat lasik.... tul tak?...hehehehe... happy new year.................

nway, hubby dah buat ker lasik tuh?

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Post time 2-1-2011 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Reply  hanadanisya


i tak bley buat lasik sebab kornea nipis tu sebab i kena wat  ...
lilyflower Post at 1-1-2011 12:22 PM

    oo...i pun dh buat ptg khamis ari bile buat ade masaalah skit sbb bola mata kecik dan iris same tggi jek dgn mata.. so bile dia mesin kanta mata tuh kene kat iris sakitnyer sampai menjerit la... lepas tuh nek kete leh tgk cahaya dlm 10 minit terus pedih bile cahaya terang... so mlm tuh direct duk dlm gelap la...ari kedua pegi check mata mmg x sakit ...iris yg sakit sbb terpotong dan doctor suh letak antibiotik sekerap ari kedua mata dh ok dah...leh tgk tanpa spek n power chek masih ade dlm 50 & 75. doctor suh tgk smpai seminggu sbb kene check lg.. ari nih ahad ari ke 4..dh ok sume iris pun dh x sakit lg...cahaya? xde masaalah lg...jz mata kring jek.. i dh leh buat sume perkara dr hari ke 2 tmpa sakit mata kecuali iris yg terpotong tuh x nampak jelas pun sbb dh sembuh pun.

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Post time 2-1-2011 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply 455# hanadanisya

oo buat lasik pun sakit gak yer? ingat prk jer sakit.. masa prk tu tak sakit tapi pas 20 minit tu sakit giler.. 4 jam tahan sakit rasenyer.... langsung tak bley tgk cahaya.. asyik kuar air mata jer.. doktor ingat aku nangis!!! so nasib doktor bagi ubat tido... prosedure wat prk tu jap jer dlm 20 minit kot.. buat pukul 3.00 ptg.. kul 3.30 dah masuk wad.... aku kena tahan wad sehari.... tp dlm pukul 8.30 mlm aku request  balik rumah sebab mata dah ok.. boring seyy dok spital tuh...   

skrg dah ok cuma silau jer ada sikit.. tapi berbaloi sebab rasa dunia cerah...hehehehe...................... lagi sebulan kena follow up balik..........

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Post time 2-1-2011 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply  hanadanisya

oo buat lasik pun sakit gak yer? ingat prk jer sakit.. masa prk tu tak saki ...
lilyflower Post at 2-1-2011 10:58 AM

   lasik x sakit lagsung...x rase ape2 pun..sakit sbb mesin tuh putong iris tepi mata sbb wlupn mata nih dh buka luas2 bola mata yg itam tuh still x nampak sume sbb mata sy kecik jek..

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Post time 3-1-2011 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 456# lilyflower

PRK ngn lasik tu bezanye PRK gune blade kan.

lain2 prosedur sume same kan?

best nyer korg dh x pyah pkai spek n contact lens

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Post time 3-1-2011 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 458# pau_lead

kira prk tu buat secara manual.. tak guna kaedah laser.... tapi pastu sakit sebab kornea dah kena toreh....... huhuhu

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Post time 5-1-2011 11:48 AM | Show all posts

my app kat optimax tis sat kul 2pm...if everything ok, kul 5pm akan go for surgery...
risau juga nak buat tp mmg x larat nak pakai power pun rasa dah cecah 800++ with hish astig.

x pasti which procedure nnti...although i've a big eyes tapi i ada problem dry eyes...after my 2nc child mmg langsung x leh pakai lense...

nnt i update once dah buat procedure tu

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