Por Ti Interview With Rob, Kristen and Taylor, Scans and Translation
Por Ti magazine (Mexico) has an interview with the cast. Here’s the complete translation and scans. As usual, please link back if you re-post the translation and scans . Some answers seem familiar, so I’m just going to translate a little portion of the interview. The rest we’ve read before.
We are dying to see Eclipse. Tell us, what was filming the movie like? Rob: It was hard for me to propose so formally to Bella. The first timeI read the script, I was terrified. I thought it was impossible. Kristen and Taylor (at the same time): A Jacob and Bella scene (laughs).
Really? What happened in that scene?
Taylor: Jacob, in his wolf shape, is being pet by Bella and she scratches his ear. Kristen: Yeah, it’s a scene where I’m talking to the wolf, but he’s not there, so I had to pretend he was there. I didn’t know what to do without his support, so Taylor offered to be a stand in.
Kristen, what was it like to kiss Taylor so passionately?
Kristen: It was very weird kissing someone else, because Bella loves Edward so I don’t know what the hell she was thinking. Plus, it was weird to me because Taylor is like my little brother.
What was your favorite scene to watch on screen?
Kristen: When they fight for me. I also liked the sleeping bag scene with Jacob,that was hilarious. Taylor: Yes, I have tol hold her inside the sleeping bag because she’s cold, but Edward can hear my thoughts. Rob: It’s a great scene, definitely.
How did you prepare for the fight scene in Eclipse?
Kristen: I gotta feeling, by The Black Eyed Peas (laughs). Rob: Somebody to love by Queen.
Thanks to Twilight you’ve been able to travel all around the world. Which were your favorite places?
Taylor: Australia. We just went there and it was amazing. There’s so much to do there. Rob: I’m less exotic. I’ll keep Chicago. Kristen: New York is one of my favorite cities, but I really liked Mexico city. I hope I go there again sometime.
kalau 18PL budak2 tak leh tengok kt wayang ke??
PL tu stands for apa yek?
mimiekiut Post at 23-6-2010 12:47
Even 18PL / 18SX / 18SG / 18PA biasanya pawagam & dvd copy kat malaysia dh siap2 pancung... kalo kat obersi, susah nk kata la kan...kena telan la idup2!
Kalo kat torrent pun aku kena telan idup2 gak segala scene yg harem2 ittew!
dinasihatkan para ibubapa sila lah nonton muvi ni dulu sblm ajak anak join sama... kalo anak nk nonton gak, kena pastikan mana2 part yg harus ditapis (suh anak2 pejam mata & tutup tinge bila sampai part yg tut)...hehe...
Choppp... lupa plak... smlm aku g MPH beli Twilight Saga Journal box set tu... lawa sehh... tp x sampai ati aku nk conteng apa2 kat dlm buku2 tu semua! Lain la kot dpt otogerap si Rob, Kris atau Taylor tuh khennn... (brangan jap!)
Ekceli that is not the issue yg aku nk habaq ni... masa dok membelek area Twilight kat MPH tu, baru aku terperasan ada buku Twilight (Senja Kala) & New Moon (Cinta Baru) versi Melayu... cehhhh... bahasa dia punya bunge, x bleh blah!!! Rasa mcm siot je bila dh translate ke BM...tgk je la tajuk buku tu.... it's weird... really!
Stephenie Meyer tells fansites about whether and when 'Midnight Sun' will be completed
June 23, 2:31 AM
Twilight Examiner by Amanda Bell
As coverage from Stephenie Meyer's fansite press junket continues to be revealed, more and more interesting details about the Twilight series creator's plans for the Saga become unveiled . . . and this one's a biggie.
TwiFans has released this audio clip from the junket, and it was Stephenie Meyer who brought up the issue of Midnight Sun.
"First question," she said, introducing the elusive topic. "I know it's what everyone cares about. I know that the right answer would be for me to say 'Oh yeah, it's done and it's coming out next month,' and I can't . . . that's not true. It's also not true that I've got a ton of work done on it and it's like that's what I'm working on . . . What's true is that I'm really burnt out on vampires, and I don't want to write it badly, so I want to wait until . . . I'm excited about the material again, I'm excited about Edward and that is something that's motivating, and you know when a storyline is keeping me up at night, when I wake up at four o'clock in the morning and think 'Yes! That is what should happen in this moment,' then that's when you know I can write with happiness. So, right now it feels like homework, it really does, and when things feel like homework they go very, very slowly for me. So, I mean it's still not a like a 'No, this isn't going to happen.' It's just, I want to do it when I can do it right."
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
SM nk sambung Midnight Sun ye?? yayyyy!!! X kisah la walopun kena tunggu lama, aku sanggup je... tp harap2 dia x amik mood terlalu lama sampai Twilight Saga dh basi baru nk sambung...huhu....
Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn part 1- 2011
Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn part 2- 2012 ...
yatt_takez Post at 23-6-2010 18:12
Wohoho... brape tahun punye projek nih...
For movies, kalo Harry Potter punya sequel tu ada maaf gak la khenn... tp ni Twilight kena make sure appearance si Rob x nampak too adult...kan dia teenage sweet 17... jgn nnt masa dlm Breaking Dawn dh nampak sama baya dgn bapak mertua dia Charlie tuh! Vampire kan x dimkn usia... jgn nnt tlalu byk beza rupa Edward dlm Twilight dan Breaking Dawn. Rob tu walopun dh masuk 24 umur dia, tp kan matsaleh ni biasanya terus growing & growing...cth mcm Leo Dicaprio tuh...semakin mengembang je!
Btw Rob ada komen...maybe dlm Breaking Dawn dia nk kekalkan rambut pendek dia mcm imej skrg ni... penah baca kat dlm intebiu, dia kata vampire bleh potong rambut pe... huhu... really??{:1_126:} so rambut vampire bleh di trim2 gak ke?? Kalo kat dlm cite vampire Brad Pitt tu (Interview With The Vampire) masa plakon Kirsten Dunts (also vampire) try potong rambut dia, tp bila dh potong, rambut dia terus growing immediately spt mana asal...so x bleh nk wat fesyen apa2 pung!
Btw harap2 SM cpt2 la sambung Midnight Sun... jgn sampai Rob dh muka mcm uncle baru nk sambung... x sesuwaiii...
klu ikut dalam Twilight Series, Edward pki kete Volvo S60R. Ala2 pak cik2 j ...
yatt_takez Post at 23-6-2010 18:33
aku pun tetiba je terjatuh chenta dgn Volvo C30 nih... siap jadik wallpaper laptop aku lagik! And also tetiba je Volvo ni jadik my dream car... eheeeee.... survey2 rege...bleh tahan gak... RM214k pd tahun 2008... kalo skrg x tau la brape...kalo yg seken pun still cekik lagi!
Heh...tp kat dlm New Moon Volvo C30 ni Edward dh lego ke sbb dia guna Volvo ala2 pakcik tuh plak, kaler pun itam... mcm x besh je... lebih suka tgk Volvo C30 tu....nampak ranggi & sporty!
sedang gigih tgk premier Eclipse sementara bos blom masuk .. baru red carpet
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight