Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 8-2-2019 06:02 AM
samdol dengan kebodohanya tada boleh dipisahkan lagi. Akhirnya selepas samdol menggunakan google trans beberapa kali baru samdol faham apa yang samdol cuba memutarbelitkan..tetapi seperti biasa akhirnya samdol terperangkap dengan kebodohan sendiri!
Dalam kitab sebelum quraan pun tohan tak ada bagi tau tentang islam, tetiba dalam quraan pula.. tohan bagi tau para nabi sebelum nabi Muhammad.. islam dah wujud dan semuanya bermula dengan islam, macamana tu lobai samdol? Adakah tohan samdol terlupa nak edit kitab sebelum quraan?
With regard to Islam in a specific sense, this is the religion with which Allaah sent His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In this specific sense, it is not correct to say that there was a religion called Islam before the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sent. Shaykh al-Islam said in al-Tadmuriyyah (p. 173-174):
People have disputed concerning those who came before them of the nations of Moosa and Ibraaheem – were they Muslims or not? This is a semantic dispute, because Islam in the specific sense with which Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the law of the Qur’aan is not followed by anyone except the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This is what is meant by Islam nowadays. But with regard to Islam in a general sense, referring to every law with which Allaah sent one of His Prophets, this includes the Islam of every nation that followed one of the Prophets.