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Author: PrincesCity

Suntikan Vitamin C

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Post time 6-6-2012 12:20 PM | Show all posts
serum2 vit C ada tak?
ingat nak pakai kat muka ajek.. nak bagi glowing mowing sempena nak ray ...
Hana Post at 6-6-2012 10:24

ada ... serum vit C , whitening, refining etc .... ambil yang jenama beautee .. ramai yang kata best .. murah siot .. rm30 jah sekotak of 10 ampoules ...

Beautee Face Ampoules and Serum

Beautee Ampoules – Formulated in Germany

10 X 3 ml (sekotak)


BEAUTEE ampoules contain botanical extracts and  vitamins in various  combinations and do not have any preservatives and  colours, due to the  airtight packaging. BEAUTEE ampoules can have  remarkable effects on  various skin conditions. Visible results are  achieved within a short  time after application. Use before and after  facial powder mask will  boost up facial result. Massage with ultrasonic  machine after applying  ampoule will achieve beauty salon treatment  result.
Jenis Beatee Ampoules
1.  Eye Care Ampoule – Reduce Eyes Puffiness and Dark Circles
2.  Firming Ampoule – Lifting and Firming for Matured Skin  (Menghilangkan kedutan,memperbaharui sel kulit,mengelakkan sel kulit  jatuh,menghilangkan garis-garis halus dan mengecil kan muka)
3.  Collagen Ampoule – For Pre Make Up and Moisturizing and Promote Glowing of Skin
4.  Neutralizing Ampoule – For Pre Make Up and Moisturizing
5.  Open Pore Ampoule – Minimize Open Pore
6.  Purifying Ampoule – For Acne, Pimples and Oily Skin
7.  Soothing Ampoule – Prevent Irritation and Calm Skin
8.  Vitamin C Ampoule – For Anti Oxidant and Radiant Glow
9.  Whitening Ampoule – Whitening Effect for Dark Skin (Mencerahkan kulit wajah di samping meningkatkan kelembapan wajah)
10. Clarifying Ampoule – For Stimulate Cell Renewal and Diminishes Scars
11. Bust Ampoule  – Lifting the Sagging Bust, Improve Blood Circulation
Direction to use:

Break ampoule bottle neck at white  lined area with a towel or folded tissue, pour out 1/3 into palm and  apply to 1 side of face using fingertips to dab in the contents, follow  same steps for next half of face, remaining contents apply onto neck and  chest area.



24K Gold Serum with EGF
10 X 2 ml (sekotak)


24K Gold Serum with EGF : Pure gold helps to restore  collagen, assists in protection against pollution effects and damaging  UV rays and helps to increase blood circulation. All natural ingredients  used in this treatment rebalance the face and fragrant warm poultices  filled with herbs and spices create a truly exotic experience. Contain  Epidermal growth factor or EGF, is a growth factor that plays an  important role in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation, and  differentiation by binding to its receptor EGFR. Very good for  anti-aging and normal to dry skin also.
How to use : Apply suitable amount onto desired area and gently massage until it penetrated.
Ingredients : Deionised water, Hydroxyl Ethyl  Cellulose, 24k Gold Leaf, Hydrolysed Soluble Collagen, Peptite, Rosemary  Extract, Green Tea Extract, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin E,  Diazolidinyl Urea, EGF.

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Post time 6-6-2012 12:50 PM | Show all posts
takde bad effect ke suntik suntik ni?. teringin gak tapi takut.....

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Post time 6-6-2012 02:23 PM | Show all posts
SUntikan ni safe ke for those yg nak conceive? Yela takut ade pape side effect kan

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Post time 6-6-2012 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply  puanseri

   kt kelantan kt klinik mna?
amey Post at 2-6-2012 18:19

    klinik alfarhain di kok lanas

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Post time 7-6-2012 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 459# beldandy

bel injek kat klinik mane? bes kan pki butterfly needle.. x sakit langsung..

baru perasan tumit da x pecah lg.. muke pun nmpk makin santek..

raye ni makin jelita ler iols.. auwww!

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Post time 7-6-2012 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply  beldandy

bel injek kat klinik mane? bes kan pki butterfly needle.. x sakit langsung.. :lo ...

ayumi_takashi Post at 7-6-2012 10:29

klinik dekat dgn opis ni je ayumi..seblah je

doctor tu pun very the best n gentle

Ayumi, giler pantas kesannya tuh...
bel punya mcm lambat jerr

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Post time 7-6-2012 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 466# beldandy

biocell kan tinggi kandungan vit c so mgkn kesan nmpk cpt kut..
ke iols yg perasan.. errkkk!

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Post time 8-6-2012 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Kita dah 2X jab boicell vitc colagen.  So far yg kita noticed kulit lembut je.  Kita memang kulit sensitif & selalu ada rashes & jerawat kat badan.  After 2X jab reshes & jerawat badan memang tak de.   Masa start first jab tu muka baru je diserang jerawat, la ni tnggal parut je, hopefully cepat la hilang parut ni, sebab kita jenis kulit cerah, bila ada parut tu satu dunia bole nampak mcm spotlight.  
Masa 2nd jab tu doc tanya ada rasa sengal2 badan tak.  kita cakap tak de pun.  Doc cakap high vit c bole menurunkan calcium kita.  Rasanya mcm tak penah dengar plak.

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Post time 8-6-2012 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Kita dah 2X jab boicell vitc colagen.  So far yg kita noticed kulit lembut je.  Kita memang kulit se ...

hana_atika Post at 8-6-2012 09:31

aah betul...jerawat kat badan mmg hilang

so bila hubby usap2 belakang kita rasa sgt yakin

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Post time 8-6-2012 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply  beldandy

biocell kan tinggi kandungan vit c so mgkn kesan nmpk cpt kut..
ke iols yg per ...

ayumi_takashi Post at 7-6-2012 13:33

NC24 premium pun tinggi dlm 1800mg kandungan vit C dia

mybe ikut metabolisma juga kut..yelah bel dah makin lanjut usia ni

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Post time 8-6-2012 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 468# hana_atika

besok iols jab utk kali ke-3 lak..

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Post time 8-6-2012 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply 470# beldandy

iols pun kertu gak..

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Post time 8-6-2012 12:52 PM | Show all posts
nk tnya, once dh stat jab mengejab ni, memang kena jab sokmo ker??

tkot nti x continue jab, kulit jdi kedut ke kusam ker....uwaa tkot....

nti dagu jdi runcing, pipi jadi bulat cam telur mcm retis2 tu ker???

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Post time 8-6-2012 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Kita jumpa this blog  ada entry pasal fake injectable items ni.  Seller product ni mcm kak lid bole tak bg comment pacai nc24 tu.  Kita pun musykil jugak.

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Post time 8-6-2012 04:00 PM | Show all posts
nk tnya, once dh stat jab mengejab ni, memang kena jab sokmo ker??

tkot nti x continue jab, kulit ...

kiyudi Post at 8-6-2012 12:52

iskk kamu nehhh...

ni bukan suntik filler ke hapa...
vitamin c tak mengubah bentuk atau rupa..dia lebih mcm supplement
kulit jd lebih lembut dan cerah..

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Post time 8-6-2012 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Kita jumpa this blog   ada entry pasal fake injectable items ni.  Seller product ni mcm kak lid bole ...

hana_atika Post at 8-6-2012 13:08


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Post time 8-6-2012 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 474# hana_atika


biocell xde dlm senarai kann..

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Post time 8-6-2012 05:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply  hana_atika


biocell xde dlm senarai kann..

ayumi_takashi Post at 8-6-2012 16:48

entah..dlm senarai dia takde tapi kat sebelah kanan blog dia ada sebut

in fact dlm satu blog lg siap ckp semua pun imitation matter from which comp pun

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2012 05:14 PM | Show all posts
kenapa uolls ni??xfhm

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Post time 8-6-2012 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 478# beldandy

iols prnh terbaca sumwhere dlm porum ni.. ade porumer ckp "org2 camni" saje nak dropkan biz seller vit c.. x tau la how true.. tp doc iols pun supply vit c yg sama gak..

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