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dvd citer nih dah kuar kan??? |
dh nk kuar Astro First kn??
amyainsamad Post at 20-4-2011 08:58 
dengar2 mungkin awal bulan 5..
bbalik Post at 20-4-2011 10:25 
sy langgan pg td, kul 9. akan berakhir 9am isnin. |
yg pirate dh kuar...yg ori pon dh ada |
dah beli dvd..mlm ni nak layan sampai lebam |
2 hari layan merong..
hhuhuhuu... |
worth buying lah dvd dia kalau nak buat koleksi. |
semalam baru langgan astro first citer merong ni..
sangat suka! citer yang menarik.. kurang sana sini sikit2 pejam mata jelah.. yang penting citer ni memang best...  |
Baru tgk...wow...citer ni best...aku tertipu sgt dgn review kat ramai Cari geng yg kata pilem ni tak best..x leh lwn citer siam lah etc....citer Cun depa kata lagi fantastik...alahai..
so aku vote citer ni Best Film tahun nie....mmg la ada flaw tp so far antara citer terbaik buatan Malaysia..lain drpd citer melayu yg dah ada....mmg byk aksi2..syabas KRU... |
Dengar khabar jualan VCD original sudah melebihi 50,000 unit last week ..
Tak pasti sama ada termasuk jualan VCD limited edition (ada director's deleted scene & alternative ending) atau tidak ..
Permintaan di Astro First jugak menggalakkan  |
aku dh tgok cter nie n bg aku oklah for a first timer..cgi mmg cntik,gmbr cntik cuma bbak2x aksi 2 boleh baiki lg arr..tp kurang puas hati penceritaan dier..agak bosan..mcm jump2x pun ader jgak..n pelakon2x mcm agak kaku cra dier smpaikan dialog..tktau lar klau org dlu2x mmg ckp mcm 2...apapun yusry ptut belajar cra penceritaan yng fun mcm pirates of the carribean.. |
best citer nie..baru dapat tengok smalam..hehe |
aku baru habis tgk citer ni....best, i like....i like how they potray merong tu, not a pirate, not even a commoner, a typical sailor yg suka main pompuan gitu. hahaha
tp mmg tak puas hati la sbb why did he die ek? kata chronicle....chronicle haruslah ada sambungan lagi pastu...aku harap pasni adelah inisiatif lagi utk wat filem2 sejarah mcm ni. please la jgn nk dibandingkan ngan filem2 hollywood tu. anggapla filem ni as khazanah negara.
hey chinese pun ada filem2 wong fei hung. why can't we be proud of our own merong? |
i can't help but to compare this film with another epic movie, puteri gunung ledang.
PGL aku kurang respek skit because PGL is not even malaysian, she's indonesian. kisah pahlawan beergaduh ngan rajanye sbb berebut perempuan indon....hai sgt le serupa ngan kisah org2 malaysia skrang ni ngan jejaka/perempuan indon....:re: |
lambat nak komen....tapi nak komen juga
tahniah....mmg guna teknik yang bagus...cuma.....jalan cerita sangattttttttttttttttperlahan bosan...x sempurna penceritaan.....
anyway boleh cuba lagi.....( better than cicakman hehehehe mestila ade improvement...kalau xde baik kita bako aje) |
bluray version utk pasaran luar negara

sedey tgk cover |
apasal jadi clash of empire dan gambar rome..
patut laa kat amazon kena kutuk kow2 dvd ni, sbb org putih ingat ni citer pasal rome.
then tagline " to save a nation, he will kill a god?" wtf.. tak de kena mengena langsung dgn citer. adoyai.. sapa la yg wat cover dvd ni.. sedey tol~ |
Reply 501# arisa_imamura
biar betik????
pasal apa cover jadik lagu tu?? ke tu cite lain?? |
aku jumpa cover ni kt amazon...

dan ini plak satu2 nye review yg ada kt amazon.com :-
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
2.0 out of 5 stars Clash of everything - tasteful, June 1, 2011
Tommy D "Tom" (London, England) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clash of Empires (DVD)
This is not a good film, however I am going to try to be objective. It is based on The Malay Chronicles from the 16th Century, which are pretty much myth and if you approach this as a sort of swords and sandals `Sinbad' then from certain viewer's points of view this may have some merit.
It supposedly tells the story of the uniting of the Han Chinese Empire and the Roman Empire of Hadrian, a Roman `Prince' is sent to marry a Chinese `Princess' and they are to meet in Malaysia via Goa, where the hapless Romans have to enlist the aid of a sea rover (Merong Mahawangsa) who claims to be descended from Alexander the Great. Once they get to this place of the `joining of empires' (a beach with a few bits of bamboo) where this ceremony is to take place, things go wrong.
If you have stuck with it thus far there is then a big fight, which is basically what this movie is selling itself as, a fight fest. I don't want to spoil the `plot' but needless to say after many, many plot holes there is some more fight scenes. I watched this with my nephew and one of his friends and they thought it was `awesome' etc. I begged to differ citing the historical, factual, material and language inaccuracies, all to no avail. That I think is the point, if you are prepared to suspend belief and forget even basic historical knowledge, then there is an average fight fest type of film trying to get out. The cover does mention the special effects as `stunning' well to have believed that you probably would needed to have been `stunned' possibly with a taser.
Also there really is not a `clash of empires'; more like a fight over some rock in the Pacific Ocean, so pretty much setting itself up for a fall straight away. It was to be called `The Malay Chronicles' which would have been more honest, but we all know that war sells. Also the sleeve claims that Alexander the great was `a renowned naval captain and traveller...' There was me thinking he was a sort of Emporer, General and looked like Colin Farrel, glad they put me straight.
The CGI is quite good in places, but the speeded up action scenes are a missed opportunity, the acting is wooden to faux melodrama and the sets are a bit `make do and mend'. The de rigueur man on man combat does go on interminably; I am always amazed that in a battle where everyone is `tooled up' that the two main protagonists decide to go for a bit of martial arts fisty cuffs, just stab him already. At 107 minutes this did seem like a chore, but it does have an audience, I just think with a 15 rating (in the UK) and an 'R' in the US they have accidentally excluded most of them. |
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