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eh chy maner ek??? lama tak nampak dia...
btw, ada beberapa lagi otai carianz yg akak tak dpt ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-7-2012 11:04 
sya! sy akan berusaha utk bangun pagi dan ngadap tiket kaunter pd tanggal 28/6 nnti. doakan sy dpt tiket! |
dgr2 kabo angin sepoi2 tix kt mesia ramai org obersea aim sbb murah....ye ke???
hancorlah harapan den nak mengintai tix rm388 utk 2 pax.....  |
huhuhu ramai gk yg xdpt pegi ek..
anyway, akt aku ada lightstick official alive concert yg color kuning tu..bkn yg crown..each RM45 sape nk pm e... |
Post Last Edit by Peterpan17 at 18-7-2012 10:47
Reply 483# kebayaunggu
ah!! betoi. Kwn aku dari Indon & Singapore beriya iya minta aku tlg book. Tak kuasa aku nak tlg. Aku suruh durang book online sendiri. Tiket kita lbh murah dari SIN & Indon.
Tp aku dengar ada gak org kita yg seberang ke SIN psl terutama Melayu coz durang kena raya aji. So spend lbh sikit asalkan dpt tgk BB.
RM388 blh book dgn BB1st, apasal ko tak book dgn durang?? Lg senang, tak yah nak queue mueue. |
Reply 485# Peterpan17
xsempat nak booking hari tu.... |
Reply Peterpan17
stlh diconvert ke rm..yg paling mhl rm950,then rm750..rm550..pali ...
jujuanna Post at 16-7-2012 23:56 
Philipine yer...VIP1 & VIP 2 seated, VIP 3 macam rockzone...standing VIP katanyaasal susah2 nak letak VIP bagai, letak je la Rock Zone habis citer  |
Post Last Edit by isabel at 19-7-2012 17:45
attn sgt penting utk semua sila take note ya..UTK YG NAK BELI TICKET VIP SAHAJA
How to Guarantee Tickets to the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia
Ticketing counters at fahrenheit88 will guarantee tickets for fans
from 10.30am to 6.00pm on 28 Jul 2012
19 July 2012 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – Since the announcement of ticket prices to the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia concert, fans have been anxious to find the best way to get hold of the coveted concert tickets when they are slated to launch for sale on 28 Jul 2012. To ensure ticket availability for fans in Malaysia, concert organizer Running Into The Sun has specially arranged eight ticketing counters at fahrenheit88 on 28 Jul 2012, 1030hrs to 1800hrs to cope with the high demand of tickets.
Online and hotline bookings will now be made available only on 28 Jul 2012 from 1200hrs onwards to help ease the expected rush for tickets when tickets are made available.
Fans who attend the ticket launch event can also guarantee themselves a ticket to the concert, as long as they are able to enter the ticketing queue between 1030hrs to 1800hrs at fahrenheit88. In addition, all VIP tickets (RM 688) and 300 priority premiere rock pit tickets (RM 588) will be available only at fahrenheit88. These 300 priority premiere rock pit tickets consist of 150 premiere rock pit A tickets and 150 premiere rock pit B tickets, the only priority tickets to the premiere rock pits. Priority rock pit tickets allow entry to the rock pits before everyone else on concert day, easing the pressure of having to queue early to get the best views.
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia is set to be the concert of the year with a massive RM 4 million production show, in a one-night only concert at Stadium Merdeka on 27 Oct 2012. BIGBANG, consisting of five K-pop heroes G-Dragon, Taeyang, TOP, Seungri and Daesung, will perform the Malaysia leg of the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 in their very first concert in Malaysia.
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia will be the first outdoor concert across Asia; a sky-high experience perfect for a night of high-energy partying, characteristic of global superstars BIGBANG’s unique hip-hop and freestyle dance moves and famous party tunes such as “Fantastic Baby” and “Tonight”.
BIGBANG is known for their unique urban-originated music and fashion style, often credited to have shaped the hip-hop, R&B and electronic music scene across Asia and now strongly influencing the world.
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012involves thepowerful influence of internationally renowned creative director Laurieann Gibson, who has worked with a stellar list of artistes including Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Katy Perry. BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 will also include a leading production team; including stage and lighting designer Leroy Bennett (Madonna, Paul McCartney, Eagles) and sound engineer Ken Van Druten (Eminem, Jay-Z, Linkin Park).
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia is sponsored by Samsung Galaxy and presented by YG Entertainment and Live Nation Entertainment, and organized by Running Into The Sun.
Tickets are available at RM 688, RM 588, RM 488, RM 388, RM 288, RM 198, RM 188 and RM 98 with only 12,000 tickets available.
BIGBANG’s Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BIGBANG
For more information, fans can contact concert organizer Running Into The Sun:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/runningintothesun
Twitter: @RITSmy
Weibo: @RITSconcerts
Appendix: Ticketing Details
A. How to Purchase:
Outlet: fahrenheit88 Concourse, Ground Floor, 179 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time: 1030hrs to 1800hrs
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash
Concierge: +60 3 2148 5488
Website: http://fahrenheit88.com/content/getting_here.php
Online: http://www.airasiaredtix.com
Hotline: +60 3 8775 4666
Outlets: For list of Red Tix outlets, please refer to the Red Tix website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets
Online: www.ticketcharge.com.my
Hotline: +60 3 9222 8811
Outlets: For list of Ticketcharge outlets, please refer to the Ticketcharge website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets
B. Ticketing Notes:
- For the category of tickets available via Ticketcharge and Red Tix, please refer to their respective websites.
- Ticketing booths willopen at fahrenheit88 from 1030hrs to 1800hrs. Fans are advised not to queue overnight for safety reasons.
- Ticketing booths at Ticketcharge and Red Tix outlets will open at their listed operating hours from 1030hrs onwards.
- Overseas fans can purchase tickets online via Ticketcharge and Redtix via crédit card (Visa and Mastercard)
- For safety reasons, the age limit for tickets are 6 years old for all seated tickets, and 12 years old for rock pit tickets.
- Each transaction is capped at a maximum of 10 tickets to prevent any black market reselling of tickets and to ensure availability of tickets. |
Reply 488# isabel
Huaaa.. Means that vip tiket tu xleh bli online la.. T_T |
Reply 489# smith14
yup x leh beli online..
skrg ni hadiff dan rakan2 tlg belikan bagi mereka2 yg susah nak pegi beli...
so klu nak mintak tlg sila pm hadiff or just gitau kat sini...
duit kena bayar terus kat hadiff |
dah pm Hadiff. harap2 dpt la tiket  |
yeah2....nanti leh pegi konsert!! |
Huh!!! seksa juga nak dpt tiket special durang ni. Kalah band America yg dtg buat concert Malaysia. Mmg betullah Big Bang ni chaebol segala band. |
hidden nak beli tiket 388
agak2 senang x? |
hye all..  |
salam semua, getting closer to 28. x sabar nk rasanya. sempat lg ke kalau nk minta tlg belikn tiket. |
Tolong la time konsert nanti stadium kite tu dihias cantik....
Tolong la time konsert tu jgn hujan. Kalo hujan tolong ler pakai baju hujan bukannya bukak payung. Mau aku libas muka org depan aku ngan payung deme tuh (sapa tuh? malangnyer nasib korang... kehkehkeh) |
jujuanna posted on 16-7-2012 01:59 PM 
Reply 469# idadae
sorry mencelah.. hehe btol tu.. panas je hati ini bila org lain suka judge bukan2 psl me yang minat kpop.. uhu.. btw jujuanna ni sebaya dgn en.top eh.. muda lagi tu.. saya lagi 3 tahun kot dkt 30 still minat oppa YB.. hehehe
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