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Author: ChildrenOfBodom


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Post time 21-1-2006 01:37 AM | Show all posts
ini dh mcm menyimpg jauh je..
apa plak metal ngan classical ni..

back to topic plssssssss, hihihi..

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Post time 21-1-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts
cayalah aguileha..
welcome welcome :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2006 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 17-1-2006 12:34 PM

so.. hanya peminat metal jer yg boleh keluarkan contoh band metal yg tak mencarut? camner pulak dgn hip-hop? malah.. spt yg aku dah kata.. hip-hop nasheed pun ada... soldier of Allah tu betul2 kumpulan nasheed.. tapi diorang hip-hop. metal ader tak yg nasheed? tell me pls...

bukan nasyid tapi ada lagu menyokong perjuangan Palestine

As Sahar - Jihad

Esok awan akan bercerita
Kedudukannya di mercu
Yang sentiasa berubah
Amatilah dan tahu sendiri
Mengapa ada gejala
Mengapa reaksi amarah
Melaungkan intifada
Itu hak kita sesama

Zaman memakan zaman
Kehidupan kita tertindas
Tawarikh berganti tawarikh
Masih di takuk lama

Kalau dah yahudi itu yahudi juga
Busuk hati hasad dengki
Menjadi darah daging
Kau pandai bermuka, kaulah penipu
Agama apa? syaitan punya jalan
Nantilah tel aviv
Kau akn ditimpa bencana
Berkat kuasa tuhan yang esa
Hanya kepadanya sahaja kita berserah
Akan erti jihad kita

Kita ada di belakangmu
Palestin! palestin!
Kita bersama membasmi
Zionis! zionis!


Walau bergelumang sengsara
Walau bermandikan darah

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Post time 21-1-2006 07:59 PM | Show all posts
aku dah agak....mesti kuar gak as-sahar ni....hahaha....syabas CoB!! clean habis......

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Post time 21-1-2006 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by death_dealer at 21-1-2006 10:48 AM
cayalah aguileha..
welcome welcome :bgrin:

saya masuk wt cm rmh sendre ye, buleh? ekekeke.. =p

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Post time 21-1-2006 09:48 PM | Show all posts
lefthanded- seruan?
ramli sarip- kau yg satu?

tp bukan metal kn, hihihi..
ampunnnn.. saya bdk baru blaja.. =p

xseswai laa rock2 nk bwk lagu ala2 nasyid..
but still rock pun byk je lagu2 yg mengajak ke arah kebaikkn..
ataupun lagu2 kemanusiaan..
lagu2 sejarah pun ade- metalasia..

sebut psl metalasia.. sj je nk cite..
plg aku xbleh lupa masa pi konsert rock n race kt sepang.. sambut merdeka thn bila ntah..
metalasia nyanyi lagu merdeka! merdeka! ngan pegang bendera nye..
selalu pegang pedang, aritu pegang bendera.. kehkehkeh..
tp mmg bestlaaa...  lg2 pastu may ngan lefthanded punye turn.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =)

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Post time 21-1-2006 09:48 PM | Show all posts
tak tau la, tapi kalo ada orang cakap hip hop untuk nasyeed tu bagus ke.  Gua rasa bullsyit je la.  Sekadar nak cari nama (konon perjuangkan islam), main nak ikut muzik apa yg tgh hot srg nih.  Amende punya perjuangan ntah.

Cayalah Bodom.  Group macam As-Sahar tu mmg clean.  Itu secara natural diorang berhibur dgn lirik lirik camtu.  Kump cmni tak pentingkan populariti.  Takde le nak membuduhkan diri pegi nak nasyeed kan lagu hip hop.  Di sebalik liirk cmni, diorang jugak came out with a kreatif music approach.

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Post time 21-1-2006 09:49 PM | Show all posts
There is good and bad in both types of music and one cannot say the other is much worse than the other.

Please lah.. this is seriously pointless.... I mean what if the person listens to both rock and metal and hip hop and enjoys both?  Salah ke?

I have experienced first hand racist comments made by people who listens to serious metal music that calls for killing non whites but I still listen to Pantera, sepultra and still enjoy listening to anthrax.

I am also offended by the unnecessary need to talk about women in a demeaning manner and the lack of  decency and gratuitous violence in hip hop music right now but I still listen to the likes of MJB, LL, Method man and even The Roots.

All of these people are musicians who speacialises in different things... some are more focussed on  instruments and others sees their voice as their instruments. All this music appeals to different types of music.  Hip hop is not just n****r music.. (incidently, i find that word offensive especially since the origins of rock music are from black people so please have some ounce of respect for them).

There is talent involve in hip hop music which involves a lot of listening and knowing the beats.  The same goes with so called rock music where you also need to listen to what sounds right.

Please, I also request  don't involve religion into this either.. because some people can argue that in islam music is haram especially if it involves strings and offensive words... and especially if it leads to people ignoring their faith for music or idolising musicians.  So before this gets transferred to the Muslimin, muslimat forum maybe we should just not bring religion into this...

I don't mean to offend anyone but honestly, you are taking this stuff too seriously.  It is music.. u are suppose to listen to it and enjoy it.  Different people come from different walks of life and can take in or relate more to one particular music than the other.  For the posers, regardless what they listen to they will always be posers..... (I use to know someone who use to call himself a hardcore metaller cukup with his Virago,  dark glasses, long hair and leather jacket ... such a poser)  

For the people who listen to hip hop that finds it necessary to dress 'hip hop' whatever it means.. let me just say that you guys look very very silly when you do.  Hip hop is not a lifestyle it is not a dress sense.. its music and u don't need to dress a certain way to listen to it.

Ok.. I am done.  You guys nak argue ker whatever ker.. thats your perogative.. point is
... music is music...  one person's music is another person's noise....


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Post time 21-1-2006 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by calamus at 21-1-2006 09:49 PM
There is good and bad in both types of music and one cannot say the other is much worse than the other.

Please lah.. this is seriously pointless.... I mean what if the person listens to both roc ...

hip-hop is not a music....

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Post time 22-1-2006 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by possubH2 at 21-1-2006 09:48 PM
tak tau la, tapi kalo ada orang cakap hip hop untuk nasyeed tu bagus ke.  Gua rasa bullsyit je la.  Sekadar nak cari nama (konon perjuangkan islam), main nak ikut muzik apa yg tgh hot srg nih.  Ame ...

kalau nasheed hip-hop, at least muzik diorang takder lar membingitkan telinga dgn bunyi2 gitar karan semua tu. suara pun tak perlu keras2... cukup sekadar rap rhyming.

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Post time 22-1-2006 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by calamus at 21-1-2006 09:49 PM
There is good and bad in both types of music and one cannot say the other is much worse than the other.

Please lah.. this is seriously pointless.... I mean what if the person listens to both roc ...

yeah.. but if you listen to hip-hop nasheed... there are no offensive words involved... even no music with strings! what u need is a clear rap-rhyming to deliver your message... some scratching of turntable still way acceptable compared to electric guitars.

ppl keep on seeing hip-hop as a "dirty", "colored" music with horny girls dancing with their ass crack showed off, rappers wearing bling2, kissing and sex... which they think represent hip-hop as a whole. in fact, they're just part of it.

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Post time 22-1-2006 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 22-1-2006 06:14 PM

ppl keep on seeing hip-hop as a "dirty", "colored" music with horny girls dancing with their ass crack showed off, rappers wearing bling2, kissing and sex... which they think represent hip-hop as a whole. in fact, they're just part of it.  

Then these people are wrong and know nothing about hip hop.. as wrong as those people who thinks metal music is all about devil worship and racism.

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Post time 23-1-2006 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 22-1-2006 06:14 PM

...even no music with strings...

abis yang bunyik bass tu datang dari mana??
Rabbani dan Raihan punya lagu pun dah guna bass.  Bass tu strings jugak.  Bukan pakai tali guni

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Post time 23-1-2006 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by calamus at 22-1-2006 06:34 PM

Then these people are wrong and know nothing about hip hop.. as wrong as those people who thinks metal music is all about devil worship and racism.

i would agree on your statement.
the point we were discussing here was first to explain, and to correct people perception regarding rock and metal.  Metal is solely a music.  

we started to put hip hop as a comparison, base on bellow statement... (dalam board hip hop)

  1. hip hop tidak mengajar pengikutnya utk memecah gitar, memuja syaitan dsb. malah hip-hop juga ada yg berunsur Islam! tak caya, cuba dengar alunan lagu2 hip-hop Islam daripada Mecca 2 Medina. kalau punk atau rock, ader ker muzik rock Islam? never heard of em.
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Metal telah di anaktirikan.
Takkan nak diam diri je!! Gua bukan takde agama, tau la.  Bukan bodo nak buat benda yg satu Msia kecohkan tu.  Pastu dah terghantuk baru nak terghadah.. ah tak caya baca kt bawah ni.

[quote]Originally posted by ChildrenOfBodom at 21-1-2006 02:20 PM
geng, lepas ni kalau ada artikel2 pasal black metal post kat sini ok...

BERITA HARIAN - SABTU 21 Januari 2006

慣ak semua lirik muzik keras puja syaitan

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Post time 23-1-2006 03:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by possubH2 at 23-1-2006 12:35 AM

i would agree on your statement.
the point we were discussing here was first to explain, and to correct people perception regarding rock and metal.  Metal is solely a music.  

I understand what you or most of you were doing, but i just didn't agree with how the explanation was done.

Originally posted by possubH2 at 23-1-2006 12:35 AM

Metal telah di anaktirikan.
Takkan nak diam diri je!! Gua bukan takde agama, tau la.  Bukan bodo nak buat benda yg satu Msia kecohkan tu.  Pastu dah terghantuk baru nak terghadah.. ah tak caya baca kt bawah ni.

  1. hip hop tidak mengajar pengikutnya utk memecah gitar, memuja syaitan dsb. malah hip-hop juga ada yg berunsur Islam! tak caya, cuba dengar alunan lagu2 hip-hop Islam daripada Mecca 2 Medina. kalau punk atau rock, ader ker muzik rock Islam? never heard of em.
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Metal music has always had negative publictiy, dari dulu dah whether it be here or anywhere else.  The music is not for everyone and you cannot expect everyone to accept it.  

Stories about pemujaan setan in music has been around for a long time too, not just in metal music but in pop music as well.  I still remember a time when people were stopped from listening to music by madonna and the like because people were saying she is a devil worshipper and if you listen to her music backwards she is actually telling you to worship satan..  :gila:

Like cik Leha kita kata,

xseswai laa rock2 nk bwk lagu ala2 nasyid..
but still rock pun byk je lagu2 yg mengajak ke arah kebaikkn..
ataupun lagu2 kemanusiaan..

I agree with her.  It is easier for hip hop music to be more 'religious' because of the main instrument used, ie the voice.  The voice is used to deliver a message in a rythmic way.  With true hip hop, lyrics are key, the back beat just helps you to stay on beat.  With metal music or rock music it is the music that matters first.   Here, the main instrument is not the voice but the instruments it evokes certain emotions in your gut when listening to it even without lyrics.  

Originally posted by possubH2 at 23-1-2006 12:35 AM

Its own jurisdiction.  Tapi gua tak comfortable dengan masyarakat yg lebih pandang negatif pada metal yg gua rasa tak jahat pun

a very long time ago rock and roll was considered bad.  Music like Twist and Shout was considered degrading people's morals.  Even bands like the Beatles were considered tak senonoh.  But that has all changed now.  People's perception changes.  The more people understand music, it is easier for them to accept.  I still remember the time when Amy and Nash was considered bad influences but now they are considered 'legends' by the same people who use to think they were negative influences.  Have patience.  Things will change.

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Post time 23-1-2006 06:53 AM | Show all posts
Yo Calam.. gua rasa lu kena baca dari awal skit digest nih.

Metal music has always had negative publictiy, dari dulu dah whether it be here or anywhere else.  The music is not for everyone and you cannot expect everyone to accept it.  

Stories about pemujaan setan in music has been around for a long time too, not just in metal music but in pop music as well.  I still remember a time when people were stopped from listening to music by madonna and the like because people were saying she is a devil worshipper and if you listen to her music backwards she is actually telling you to worship satan

I'm not expecting everyone to accept.  Just trying to role a bit of their mind set.  Metal & Rock is a nature and Creativity of music.  The way they are expressed is superb especially in music-wised.  Do you think musicians (esp guitarist) can have a perfect acception of hip hop??? I don't think so.  

Like cik Leha kita kata,
xseswai laa rock2 nk bwk lagu ala2 nasyid..
but still rock pun byk je lagu2 yg mengajak ke arah kebaikkn..
ataupun lagu2 kemanusiaan..

I agree with her.  It is easier for hip hop music to be more 'religious' because of the main instrument used, ie the voice.  The voice is used to deliver a message in a rythmic way.  With true hip hop, lyrics are key, the back beat just helps you to stay on beat.  With metal music or rock music it is the music that matters first.   Here, the main instrument is not the voice but the instruments it evokes certain emotions in your gut when listening to it even without lyrics.

I have talked about this earlier lagi... Gua dah cakap yg gua rasa tak elok kita asek nak cite pasal agama dalam muzik.  
Muzik, muzik la.  Nak beragama kita beramal betul-betul.  I don't think nasyip-shop (nasyid + hip hop) is suitable neither.  Hip hop is not that clean.  Tell us what u get if u type a hip hop word in an internet images search engine??  hu ha hu ha sana sini, tetiba nak dendangkan nasyid.  Terpulang tapi gua rasa tak sesuai gilababee.  

a very long time ago rock and roll was considered bad....

Up to u guys...
Gua tetap tak suka orang kutuk metal.  I'll put my best effort to defend it (not to the extend of lari akidah).

Calams.. i think you should be explaining to them since u got some idea... and why don't give a try to suratkhabr.

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Post time 23-1-2006 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by papayaz at 20-1-2006 11:20 PM

lu pehal BODO???....

ada pun, ingat dah kena reman, asyik pow orang jer :lol

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Post time 23-1-2006 05:49 PM | Show all posts
oh... baru aku paham, disebabkan muzik korang tak laku, radio pun jarang2 main, maka korang jadikan hip hop sebagai mangsa. kes jeles la tu :lol

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Post time 23-1-2006 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amievil at 23-1-2006 05:49 PM
oh... baru aku paham, disebabkan muzik korang tak laku, radio pun jarang2 main, maka korang jadikan hip hop sebagai mangsa. kes jeles la tu :lol

nak gelak aku dengar kau cakap muzik metal nieh tak laku ... takyah laa nak menipuu weih ... mende yg kat atas darat suma owang bley nampak ... enough laa amievil ... kau nieh cas lebih laa ... last last kau sendiri yg malu nanti  ...

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Post time 23-1-2006 10:28 PM | Show all posts
metal tak laku?
di norway, music metal dah jadi sumber
kewangan negara..
eksport utama..
kat norway gak, band yang ada potensi
dapat bantuan kerajaan lagi..
kat finland, carta music,
rock/metal yang byk monopoli..

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