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Author: epitome

LES BLEUS [ selamat datang encik Deschamps ]

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Post time 7-7-2006 03:39 PM | Show all posts
tu gambar cam orang frust jer.....

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Post time 7-7-2006 05:46 PM | Show all posts
sebelum wa pulang, wa ingin mengucap kan selamat berjaya kepada france....( walopun wa tau barthez, zidane, ribery , maupun domenech takkan baca nyer, jadi utk peminat france kat m'sia la ek)

semoga menang dlm masa 90 minit, ( france ramai vet.takut stamina tak sama dgn player team muda) he..he..

semoga utk zidane , barthez dan sesiapa yg bakal bersara akan bersara dgn penuh kenagan manis, dan harap zidane bakal jadi lagenda bola sepak......


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Post time 7-7-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts
muahahahahahahahaha... gembiranya hatiku ini....... FRANCE berjaya gak ke final
akhirnya!!! Vive LES BLEUS!!!!

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Post time 7-7-2006 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by epitome at 28-6-2006 08:09 AM
congrats to all france fans sejak dooollloooooooooooooooooo lagi

?v=1&g=afp& ...

epi wehh.. tambah la nama aku sekaliii... :ting:

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Post time 7-7-2006 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by epitome at 4-7-2006 07:20 PM

ok izzati.. kenang daku dlm doa mu:ting:

yeahhh... :love:

[ Last edited by  izzati at 8-7-2006 06:55 PM ]

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Post time 7-7-2006 08:40 PM | Show all posts
wa.....dah sminggu aku x masok forum..keh keh keh....x sangker aku france bley masok final...dlm muler2 dolu smuer x yakin ngan france...sbb diorg x score sebijik po0ng maser 2002....pastuh start2 wc2006...seri ngan swiss...skarang nih...huh....syabas kat france...aku respect koragn...kat itali pong samer....legenda2 yg bermain di posisi defend kebykkannyer from match nnt of coz menjanjikan yg terbaik...hmmmmmmmm

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Post time 7-7-2006 09:16 PM | Show all posts
BERLIN, (AFP) - France coach Raymond Domenech and his Italian counterpart Marcello Lippi were both gathering their troops on Friday for one last effort aimed at winning the World Cup final in Berlin on Sunday.

Italy have an early advantage in that their 2-0 semi-final win over Germany came on Tuesday, one day before France defeated Portugal 1-0 to join them in the title match.

But Domenech said he had no worries that his ageing team would be fit and raring to go for Sunday's match which, given the stinginess of both defences, could well stretch into strength-sapping extra-time.

"It's true that we were exhausted, but being tired after a semi-final is normal and we will recover in time," he said at the French training camp near Hanover.

"As far as I am concerned my guys are not old. At 30 or 35 you still follow a preparation and then it's faith that makes the difference.

"Over six months you can expect players of that age to have problems, but not over a period of a month and seven matches."

Lippi, in tune with his players, has saluted the magnificent form shown at the World Cup by 34-year-old French skipper Zinedine Zidane saying that the midfielder was "probably the best player there has been in the past 20 years."

"France are back with a top-form Zidane and they have improved as the tournament has gone on. Beating Portugal confirmed that they are back to their best," he said.

But Alessandro Del Piero, a former team-mate of Zidane at Juventus said it would be a mistake for Italy to concentrate solely on nullifying Zidane's threat in Sunday's final.

"He has performed magnificently so far and I hope that ends on Sunday," Del Piero said of the Real Madrid midfield maestro who will retire from football after the Berlin showpiece.

"But France have other dangerous players who can hurt you in an instant. We have to make sure we keep an eye on everybody."

The Italians have confirmed that experienced defender Alessandro Nesta would definitely miss the the game due a groin injury but that had been expected as he has been out of action since picking up the injury in the group stages.

Elsewhere Marcello Lippi's men had a clean bill of health and they have back in their available ranks gritty midfielder Daniele di Rossi who has seen out a four-match suspension incurred earlier against the United States.

But it was thought unlikely that Lippi would tamper with the line-up that defeated Germany to put Italy in a World Cup final for the first time since 1994.

Domenech seems certain to stick by his approach of playing Thierry Henry as a lone striker in front of a four-man midfield marshalled by Zidane, who is one of six French players who would collect their second World Cup winners medals should they win on Sunday.

Zinedine Zidane, Fabien Barthez, Lilian Thuram, Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry and David Trezeguet were all in the squad that played in the 1998 competition.

Zidane, who scored two goals in the 3-0 win over Brazil, Barthez and Thuram were all starters at the Stade de France that day while Vieira came on as a substitute.

FIFA meanwhile have announced that the referee for the match will be 42-year-old Argentinian Horacio Elizondo.

Elizondo was also in charge of the tournament opener between Germany and Costa Rica in Munich on June 9.

In the quarter-finals he was the referee for the England v Portugal game and sent off England striker Wayne Rooney in a controversial decision for stamping on an opponent.
        Published : July 07, 2006



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Post time 7-7-2006 09:18 PM | Show all posts
allez les bleus

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Post time 7-7-2006 09:26 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik aku sokong france dari mule..
walaupon tak brape yakin diorg pg final ekoran permainan yg hampeh..

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Post time 7-7-2006 09:31 PM | Show all posts
pandai dah edit ejaan les 'blues' tu salah.
les bleus la

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Post time 7-7-2006 11:21 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by salimrock at 7-7-2006 08:23 AM
wei...mari lah lepak borak sini....para peminat france....he...he..

spa dpt baca nie.....memang terre

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Post time 7-7-2006 11:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paco_de_lucia at 7-7-2006 02:26 PM
nasib baik aku sokong france dari mule..
walaupon tak brape yakin diorg pg final ekoran permainan yg hampeh..

Samolah kito ... apa² pun kalah menang ke, aku tetap bersama mu les bleus ... i lap youuuuuu:love:

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Post time 8-7-2006 02:16 AM | Show all posts
:pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 8-7-2006 02:47 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 8-7-2006 05:52 AM | Show all posts
Gam thread ni sebagai penghargaan kpd team France yang masuk final

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Post time 8-7-2006 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Game dengan Portugal 2nd half France main defensive almost 60% ball posession pada portugal. Malam tu macam sume off-form si abidal cam taknak main pon ade gak viera lebih kepada defensive role forward cam takde org nak collect the ball ribery malouda pon kurang mengancam sangat pintu gol portugal

tapi camna pon aku percaya ni sume percaturan Domenech score satu gol pastu defend gegiler and player dia pon kebanyakkan dah 'tua' pastu banyak plak yellow card so France bermain lebih berhati2 simpan stamina for the final

to Zidane cita2 aku tercapai akhirnya nak tengok footwork dia magic mase ngan main ngan brazil dan utk game fiinal harap sangat zidane allout sume skill2 dia dan aku mendoakan zidane lepas retire ni kembali ke pangkal jalan kalo betul apa dakwaan dia 'non-practising muslim' semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kpd dia and wife veronique bersama 4 org anak dia yg last sekali nama elyas kembali kepada cara hidup Islam yg sebenar bukan apa sebab aku nampak zidane ni untoucable kat France org respect giler ngan dia silap ari bulan leh jadi president so dia leh jadi role model utk org Islam cam cat steven pengaruh dia besar beb..

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Post time 8-7-2006 09:51 AM | Show all posts
kerana team pilihan aku 1 pun tk masuk final :geram:

skrg aku vote france for the champion.......

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Post time 8-7-2006 12:24 PM | Show all posts
:pompom: FRANCE :pompom:

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Post time 8-7-2006 01:50 PM | Show all posts
jenguk sikit kem lawan... heheheh

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Post time 8-7-2006 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 8-7-2006 01:50 PM
jenguk sikit kem lawan... heheheh

jgn jenguk beb..nanti terbace mane2 yg tak bes, marah plak.hehehehehe :lol

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