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Author: blastoff

[Tempatan] Sektor Hartanah Dah Dok Sejuk, Tunggu Apa Lagi Turunkan Harga Kalau Nak Survive

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2014 01:36 PM | Show all posts
sunsilklady posted on 27-9-2014 01:19 PM
Tula kaka blastoff... Gila Sgt beli keta... Rasain... Meroyanlah anda kt Ci ni... Harga rumah akan t ...

Kalau kau involve dalam perbincangan semata-mata nak cerita hal peribadi kau yang ada rumah berview itu ini serta berjiran orang macam nu macam ni , aku plak involve dalam perbincangan untuk meneroka minda manusia semata-mata .

So aku bercerita perkara yang berlaku di luar sana yang tarak kena mengena dengan apa yang aku sendiri lalui dalam hidup aku... Kau nak jadikan kisah hidup kau an open book untuk di nilai semua lantak kau la tapi jangan kau kaitkan perangai kau tu dengan aku hokay.

Apa yang aku miliki atau tak miliki is non of your business anyway .  

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Post time 27-9-2014 01:47 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 01:16 PM

peluang dah ada, tapi orang kita taknak rebut

die sorg je x mmpu beli umah 500k tres kt bndar slahkan krjaan x kwal harga. kalo da mmpu beli banglo 500k kat kg. beli jela kat kg. xpyah nk memekak. mentaliti kg. smua  nk murah. xboleh susa skit ek ? kalo x mmpu beli kt malysia sila la beli kt negra lain yg jual rumah lg murah

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Post time 27-9-2014 01:51 PM | Show all posts
caprut posted on 27-9-2014 01:47 PM
die sorg je x mmpu beli umah 500k tres kt bndar slahkan krjaan x kwal harga. kalo da mmpu beli ban ...


beli la banglo kat kampung, harga 10 tahun akan dtan mungkin naik 10 ribu je

lain la kat kl, ko beli hari ni 500k, 2 tahun depan entah-entah dah jadi sejuta

akak ko tu bukannya tak cerdik, tapi terlalu berhati-hati

jadi tanggungjawab engkau didik akak ko dengan situasi sebenar pasaran hartanah di kl


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Post time 27-9-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 01:51 PM

beli la banglo kat kampung, harga 10 tahun akan dtan mungkin naik 10 ribu je

aku tgok org umah besar ni krete biasa je. aslkn ade umah selesa mmpu byar. aley2 fon pon still pkai bb xyah tukar2.pening2. yg sbuk nk jdi urban ni je manjang tukar fon , mkn starbcuk , sdgkan asl  ulu banat mane tah , pastu meroyan smua mhal. ehh , ko mnom starbuck tu x mhal ke? kalo da x mmpu xyah la trgedik2 mnom starbuck 18 rggit tu. 18 rggit beli srpan nsi lemak ckup 15 kli pgi dkt kwasan ulu banat tu dgan harga sringgit. kan da bazir 18 rggit tu utk 15 mnit je. konklusinye , ukur baju di badan sendri la bro. bukan tgok bdan org lain. kan2.btol x

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Post time 27-9-2014 02:04 PM | Show all posts
caprut posted on 27-9-2014 02:00 PM
aku tgok org umah besar ni krete biasa je. aslkn ade umah selesa mmpu byar. aley2 fon pon still pk ...

betul tu bro

kalau nak berlagak, sampai ke bila-bila pun takkan puas

aku memang kedekut... dulu pernah ada sorang forumer kondem aku sebab aku selalu beli barang dekat groupon dan tunggu offer menarik dari restoran kat groupon


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Post time 27-9-2014 02:08 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 02:04 PM
betul tu bro

kalau nak berlagak, sampai ke bila-bila pun takkan puas

kdekot ngn brjimat due benda yg beza. kalo kite ley brjimat. why not plih jimat ? yg aku pasan yg slalu nk nmpk brgaya ni yg kedkot slau. bkan jimat da tu. huhu

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2014 02:39 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 12:58 PM
aku percaya semua bandar yang tengah membangun dan maju akan berhadapan dengan situasi macam ni


Dasar kapitalis lah yang menyemarakkan aktiviti spekulasi hartanah sehingga harga jadi melambung2   , yang menyebabkan krisis mortgage berlaku di US kerana bank2 beri pinjaman yang terlampau tinggi tak setara nilai sebenar hartanah .

Apabila krisis ekonomi berlaku segala hartanah tu tak mampu di lelong langsung pada harga setinggi ia di jual  , jadi hutang lapuk yang membebankan kerajaan kerana nak kena bail out bank2 tu plak .  

Yang membawa kepada keruntuhan ekonomi negara tu disebabkan perbelanjaan terlalu besar yang kerajaan terpaksa keluarkan sedangkan pulangan zeeroo .

Kerajaan US cetak duit berlambak2 sewenang-wenangnya , so krisis mortgage hanya menyebabkan banyak rakyatnya menderita tapi tak menjejaskan kewangan kerajaannya sendiri .

Berbeza dengan kerajaan M'sia yang kalau krisis mortgage berlaku kewangan kerajaan yang hilang takkan dapat di recover balik dengan cara yang kerajaan US buat tu, negara kita bukan kuasa dunia yang boleh cetak duit suka2 macam Amerika.

So bukan saja rakyat M'sia yang akan suffer tapi kerajaan M'sia pun suffer sama . Nak bangun balik macam mana once dah jatuh nanti ?

Sampai ke la rakyat US banyak yang tak dapat bangun pun semula. Dok terduduk sampai ke la walau sebelum tu kaya raya.

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Post time 27-9-2014 02:48 PM | Show all posts
blastoff posted on 27-9-2014 02:39 PM
Dasar kapitalis lah yang menyemarakkan aktiviti spekulasi hartanah sehingga harga jadi melambung2  ...

ramai yang salah anggap kononnya dasar kapitalis itu teruk

tapi sebenarnya kapitalis ok lagi, yang teruk ialah CORPORATISM

credit crunhc di amareka bukannya berpunca dari USA cetak matawang sesukahati

credit crunch di amerika tu brpunca dari subprime mortgage crisis

bank tamak, bagi loan mudah kepada orang yang tak layak (subprime)

salah satu iklan mortgage di USA sebelum masalah credit crunch:

bila peminjam tak mampu bayar, bank tak dapat pulangan

banyak rumah kena lelong

last2 mintak government USA bailout

sebab tu baru kerajaan USA cetak duit banyak2

kesan cetak USD banyak2, harga komoditi lain seperti minyak dan gold meningkat gila-gila

kerajaan malaysia melalui bank negara dah ketatkan syarat pinjaman.... maka masalah subprima ini insyaAllah boleh diatasi

tiada masalah subrima, maka harapan untuk tengok property bubble burst di malaysia mungkin agak sukar

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Post time 27-9-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts
kapitalis takde masalah, yang jadi masalah ialah korporatism

syarikat besar mengawal segalanya

peniaga kecik pun terkesan

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Post time 27-9-2014 04:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing posted on 25-9-2014 02:18 AM
kdg2 bagus juga ada pengganas isis, al qaeda ni semua
mereka ni mcm penstabil pada dunia
dgn menge ...

Actually we hv the same idea....aku pun rasa kalau dah teruk sangat property kat malaysia ni nye market...tunggu saja isis and al qaeda datang mengebom bangunan yang harga seunit 1 million...ha puas hati masing2...pasni pakat ramai2 kita jadi refugee...dapat makan free...duk dalam kemah...masa tu suma dah balik tongsan or singapore...boleh la kita re build balik tanah melayu....katanye...

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2014 04:59 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 02:48 PM
ramai yang salah anggap kononnya dasar kapitalis itu teruk

tapi sebenarnya kapitalis ok lagi, y ...

Aku tak menyebutpun mortgage krisis disebabkan amerika cetak duit sesuka hati . Kat mana kau dapat idea tu aku pun heran .

Yang aku sebut adalah kerajaan Amerika tak terkesan dengan krisis mortgage yang telah berlaku tu kerana kerajaan Amerika bertindak cetak duit sewenang-wenangnya .

Faham betul2 apa yang aku tulis sebelum ni tu, tolong baca ikut aturan perenggan , melangkau kang tak faham .

Mana plak bank2 kat Amerika bagi loan pada peminjam tak layak, waktu bagi semua mampu bayar laa , sebab tu di bagi in the first place. Kejadian default payment bukannya berlaku elok lepas aje bagi loan, kalau berlaku gitu boleh la kata bagi kat orang tak layak .

Hanya selepas krisis ekonomi melanda US aje berlaku kejadian default payment yang dahsyat , yang bermakna peminjam2 banyak yang dah hilang punca pendapatan lalu depa default payment laa .

Sebelum krisis ekonomi berlaku , depa layak blaka2 la sebab masih dok ada pendapatan lagi , malah pendapatan depa tinggi2 tapi di sebabkan kos hidup lebih tinggi dari pendapatan depa , maka depa banyak bergantung kat kad kredit ketika berbelanja .

Macam kat M'sia la kos hidup tak setara pendapatan dan berlambak2 rakyat hutang kad kredit ada yang berkeping2 sorang .

Setelah berlaku krisis mortgage, bank2 nak lelong hartanah tak boleh kerana tak laku disebabkan harga lelongan lebih tinggi dari harga2 rumah di pasaran yang merudum teruk kerana krisis ekonomi sebelum ni tu. So rumah2 yang tak terlelong tu jadi hutang lapuk yang membebankan ekonomi US sampai ke la .

Kat M'sia, baru ni muhyiddin dok utarakan idea nak wujudkan bank perumahan yang bertujuan bagi pinjaman kat orang tak layak yang kena blacklist dengan bank .

Sapa kata kerajaan kawal pinjaman bersungguh2 , kerajaan nak monopoli pinjaman perumahan aje la dengan nak mewujudkan bank perumahan tu sebenarnya.

Mengetatkan syarat di bank2 biasa tapi melonggarkan selonggar longgarnya syarat bank kerajaan sendiri tu , bermakna pinjaman2 tetap bakal di beri sewenang2 nya jugak lah nanti, ketat dan kawal approval kok mananya plak .

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Post time 27-9-2014 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Nasib baik president REDHA ialah otai umno sendiri, kalau tak macai umno dah terbangkan parang

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2014 05:20 PM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 02:49 PM
kapitalis takde masalah, yang jadi masalah ialah korporatism

syarikat besar mengawal segalanya

Itu yang berlaku kat M'sia skarang ni , syarikat2 besar dari kalangan pemaju perumahan kawal segalanya la tu .... depa kawal the biggest investment yang boleh di buat manusia yakni pelaburan hartanah. Lalu depa menaikkan harga hartanah hingga menyebabkan segala kos yang lain ikut naik sama la jugak.

Kerana pembeli2 hartanah yang mahal2 tu dari kalangan para peniaga korporat dan para peniaga biasa terpaksa naikkan harga barang jualan semua habih just untuk cover kos sewa dan kos beli hartanah perniagaan dan persendirian yang mahal2 yang depa dah invest tu .  

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Post time 27-9-2014 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff posted on 27-9-2014 04:59 PM
Aku tak menyebutpun mortgage krisis disebabkan amerika cetak duit sesuka hati . Kat mana kau dapat ...



kategori peminjam dikelaskan kepada

Dan subprima

Ko baca sendiri ads yang aku temprk.. betapa mudahnya nak apply home loan masa tu, cuma sign je dan less documents

bank bagi loan kepada peminjam subprima

sebab tu la dinamakan subprime mortgage crisis

kalau bagi kat peminjam prima saja, takkan terjadi masalah sebegini di usa

maksud subprima ialah orang yang tak layak atau separa layak dapat loan Last edited by tekoyong on 27-9-2014 08:41 PM


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Post time 28-9-2014 12:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Warga asing.. Bangla, indon pon makin kaya.. Dulu buruh skang da mampu buat biz sndri..ada kedai sendiri... Kat nilai 3.. Gedung2 besar org Pakistan..bangla monopoli...dasat..

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2014 11:44 AM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 27-9-2014 08:39 PM


Subprime loans and mortgages memang dah lama wujud dah di M'sia, tak di beri oleh bank2 tapi di beri oleh agensi dan syarikat kewangan under nama koperasi, ahlong, dan yang terhebat sekali adalah kerajaan M'sia sendiri involve dalam pemberian subprime mortgages nih dengan jumlah berbillion hinggit.

Yang kerajaan dah guna duit EPF 1.5 billion untuk bagi pinjam pada golongan yang memang 100% tak layak seperti warga emas yang telah bersara dan orang yang tiada pendapatan stabil untuk tempoh loan 15 -25 tahun tu merupakan subprime la tu.

Camne golongan tu nak bayar hingga tempoh berpuluh tahun gitu dengan keadaan diri dah semakin uzur pabila makin tua, di tambah dengan tarak kemasukan tetap plak tu .

So, apabila kerajaan sendiri involve dalam pemberian subprime mortgages dalam jumlah berbillion2 hinggit gitu  , bermakna peranan bank2 di amerika semasa crisis mortgages tu sekarang ni di mainkan oleh kerajaan M'sia sendiri laa.

Amerika boleh merudum ekonomi kerananya, kenapa tidak M'sia ? If you follow the same path how can you expect a different result. Merudum jugak nanti walau tak berlaku lagi lani.   Bila ia akan berlaku, itu Tuhan lah yang akan tentukan  .

Btw, kat bawah sekali ni ada artikel aku dah tepek bertajuk "Mortgage crisis overview"  yang berbicara dengan detail mengenai apa yang sebabkan krisis mortgage di amerika boleh berlaku.

Dah terang lagi bersuluh penyebab utamanya adalah harga hartanah melonjak-lonjak laaa, yang menyebabkan semua pihak jadi confident harga hartanah takkan sesekali turun.

Lalu berbagai agensi dan syarikat besar mula yakin untuk beri subprime loan dalam jumlah yang banyak, dengan anggapan kalau peminjam tak leh bayar pun hartanah tu akan jadi sebaik-baik cagaran yang sentiasa naik harganya mencanak2 , untuk dapat di lelong kelak kepada orang lain plak maka boleh buat untung nonstop .

Sebijik macam apa yang berlaku kat M'sia sekarang ni, cuma peranan terbesar di mainkan oleh kerajaan M'sia yang kat amerika dulu tu JP Morgan dan Chase etc etc .

EPF to provide RM1.5 bil

Posted on 30 January 2012 - 05:26am
Last updated on 30 January 2012 - 03:27pm

By Pauline Wong
[email protected]

PETALING JAYA (Jan 30, 2012): Some RM1.5 billion will be channeled from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to finance the special funding scheme for the sale of houses in public housing programmes in Kuala Lumpur.

Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin said the funds will be given to the Federal Territories Foundation to help some 20,000 eligible tenants and interested buyers living in the National Economic Action Council's People Housing Programme (PPR) and KL City Hall public housing units.

"The scheme, announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, will help those who are eligible to buy public housing units but are unable to obtain loans from banks, due to them being retired or not having steady income," he told theSun yesterday.

A typical unit in a public housing programme in Kuala Lumpur costs below RM35,000.

Raja Nong Chik said the foundation will disburse the RM1.5 billion in stages through Syarikat Perumahan Wilayah Persekutuan, which is incorporated under it.

The company is expected to start operations by Mar 1, and the first stage of loans to be disbursed will amount to around RM400 million to RM500 million.

"These loans will be repaid over a period of 15 to 25 years, depending on the agreement," he said, adding that there will also be interest charged on the loan.

"Of course there will be an interest charged, but it will be much lower than current housing loan interest rates charged by banks."

Bank home loans interest rates are at 1.5 to 2% off the base lending rate (BLR) which is currently at 6.6%.

Allaying fears that EPF could be at a losing end if the buyers default on their loans, Raja Nong Chik assured the loan is secure as it is guaranteed against the housing unit itself.

"If the buyer does not repay the loan, then action will be taken. The house will be forfeited and sold to some 30,000 other housebuyers who are eagerly waiting for a chance," he said.

Najib, in announcing the scheme on Saturday, said it was proposed by the ministry and received cabinet approval on Jan 18.

"Through the special scheme, problems in obtaining loans can be overcome and this, in turn, will help the low- and medium-income families to own a house.

"I'm confident that the scheme will be able to assist prospective buyers and resolve numerous problems in obtaining loans all this while," the prime minister said when launching the 2012 Federal territories' Day at Dataran Merdeka.

According to a news report last September quoting Federal Territories and Urban Well-being deputy minister Datuk M. Saravanan, as of last September, the number of vacant PPR units in the nation's capital numbered fewer than 2,000, with over 20,000 applicants on the waiting list.

In an immediate response, Federation of Malaysian Consumer Associations (Fomca) CEO Datuk Paul Selvaraj said, the scheme is commendable, but caution must be exercised by the foundation.

"We support any move which will help put a roof over the people's heads, but there must be thorough consideration of an individual's ability to service the loan, as well as stringent eligibility checks to ensure the scheme is not abused," he told theSun.

"The whole process of choosing who is eligible and who is not must be open and transparent," he stressed.

He also said the EPF has a responsibility to its members to protect their interests, and so there can be no excuse to being lax about conditions set on eligibility.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Employers Federation also applauded the move. "The EPF is assisting the rakyat to own houses, it is commendable that EPF is doing a public service," MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said when contacted.

He said he is assured that any loan defaulters will be hauled up for action.

"The loan may be guaranteed against the housing units, so the house will be forfeited if the buyer does not service the loan," he said.

Under Section 26 of the EPF Act 199, loans can be given to the federal and state governments, as well as to companies incorporated under the Companies Act 1965, pending approval from its Investment Panel and the Finance Ministry.


Mortgage Crisis Overview

What Caused the Mortgage Crisis?

By Justin PritchardBanking/Loans Expert

Muntz/ Stone/ Getty Images
In 2007, the US economy entered a mortgage crisis that caused panic and financial turmoil around the world. The mortgage crisis was a result of too much borrowing and flawed financial modeling, largely based on the assumption that home prices only go up. Greed and fraud also played important parts. Let’s review how the mortgage crisis unfolded.

The American Dream

Owning a home is part of the 'American Dream'. It allows people to take pride in a property and engage in a community for the long term. However, homes are expensive and most people need to borrow money to get one.

The conditions were right for people to achieve that dream. In the early 2000s, mortgage interest rates were low, which allow you to borrow more money with a lower monthly payment. In addition, home prices increased dramatically, so buying a home seemed like a sure bet. Lenders understood that homes make good collateral, so they were willing to participate.

The mortgage crisis was triggered as this situation built momentum.

Cash Out

With home prices skyrocketing, homeowners found enormous wealth in their homes. They had plenty of equity, so why let it sit in the house? Homeowners refinanced and took second mortgages to get cash out of their homes' equity. Some of this money was spent wisely, and some simply maintained a standard of living while wages stayed stagnant.

Easy Money Before the Mortgage Crisis

Banks offered easy access to money before the mortgage crisis emerged. Borrowers got into high risk mortgages such as option-ARMs, and they qualified for mortgages with little or no documentation. Even people with bad credit could qualify as subprime borrowers.

Fraud on the part of homebuyers and mortgage brokers helped make the mortgage crisis more serious. Mortgage applications were not checked for accuracy as well as they should have been. As long as the party never ended, everything was fine.

Sloshing Liquidity

Where did all that lending money come from? There was a glut of liquidity sloshing around the world - which quickly dried up at the height of the mortgage crisis. People, businesses, and governments had money to invest, and they developed an appetite for mortgage linked investments as a way to earn more in a low interest rate environment.

Banks used to keep mortgages on their books. If you borrowed money from Bank A, you’d make repayments to Bank A, and they’d lose money if you defaulted. However, banks now sell your loan, and it may be further divided and sold to numerous investors. These investments are extremely complex, so many investors just rely on rating agencies to tell them how safe the investments are (without really understanding them).

Because the banks and mortgage brokers did not have any skin in the game (they could just sell the loans before they went bad), loan quality deteriorated.

Early Stages of Crisis

Unfortunately, the chickens came home to roost and the mortgage crisis began. Home prices stopped going up at a breakneck speed. Borrowers who bought more home than they could afford stopped paying the mortgage. Monthly payments increased on adjustable rate mortgages as interest rates rose.

As homeowners discovered that they could not afford their homes, they were left with few choices. They could wait for the bank to foreclose, they could renegotiate their loan in a workout program, or they could just walk away from the home. Of course, many also tried to increase income and decrease spending but they were already on thin ice.

Traditionally, banks could recover the amount they loaned at foreclosure. However, home values fell to such an extent that banks increasingly took hefty losses on defaulted loans.

The Plot Thickens

Once people started defaulting on loans in record numbers (and once the word got around that things were bad), the mortgage crisis  really heated up. Banks and investors began losing money. Financial institutions decided to reduce their exposure to risk very quickly, and banks hesitated to lend to each other because they didn’t know if they’d ever get paid back. Of course, banks and businesses need money to flow in order to operate.

With bank weakness came bank failures. The FDIC ramped up staff in preparation for hundreds of bank failures caused by the mortgage crisis, and some mainstays of the banking world went under.


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 Author| Post time 28-9-2014 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Ramai rakyat M'sia yang tinggal di bandar2 besar bukannya kaya raya , rumah dan kereta bukannya habih bayar lagi pun kebanyakannya , depa cukup2 makan je.

Bergantung kat kad kredit untuk berbelanja , dah la kos hidup tinggi tapi gaji statik je  ... kalau jadi krisis ekonomi paling cepat merudum masyarakat bandar2 besar la dulu yang akan default payments dalam jumlah yang banyak .

Btw, harga petrol sentiasa naik ye, tak pernah turun walau sekali pun hatta 1 sen pun ... masih ada rakyat yang berharap kerajaan turunkan harga petrol, mimpi pe depa



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                Published:                Sunday September 28, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM               
                Updated:                Sunday September 28, 2014 MYT 9:16:04 AM            
                            Poll: Taxpayers want Government to help them juggle expenses                        
PETALING JAYA: Rising cost of living is a main concern among Malaysians as is seen from the Government’s Budget 2015 poll which ends today.  With less than two weeks to go before Budget 2015 is tabled, taxpayers on want the Government to look into measures that would help them better juggle their household expenses.
Teacher Zubair Samat from Langkawi, for instance, said the rising cost of living “is worrying” because his salary did not increase in tandem.
“My priority for Budget 2015 is for lower personal income tax,” said the 50-year-old father of six.

“I hope it will be a rakyat-friendly budget,” he added.
Zubair also called on the Government to provide a detailed explanation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) to help ordinary folks like him understand its impact on their lives next year.
As at 4pm yesterday, the poll attracted about 7,500 respondents. Besides cost of living, their concerns touched on employment, housing and urban living, social welfare and education.
Cost of living was the most popular topic, attracting discussions on grocery and car prices, childcare, books and the availability of 1Malaysia products. Most of the people felt that the price of petrol should be reduced, too.
New father Dennis Yeoh, 29, said his wife was considering quitting her job to be a stay-at-home mum but doing so would be too much of a financial strain on the family.
“Middle-income families like ours are concerned with rising cost of living because petrol, housing and healthcare costs have all skyrocketed,” he said.
Kedahan M. Gokina, 28, called on the Government to assist singles like her with a special allocation. “A scheme like BR1M or BB1M for us who need to care for our elderly parents would come in handy,” she pointed out. “The queues at government hospitals are too long for the elderly while private medical costs is high.”
Student Ang Wei Kate, 18, said she was worried about her future as prices of “everything seems to be soaring”.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak asked his Twitter and Facebook followers whether the GST was among the people’s main concern. He had earlier urged Malaysians to vote for Budget 2015 topics that mattered most to them.




Last edited by blastoff on 28-9-2014 12:30 PM


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Post time 28-9-2014 01:28 PM | Show all posts
“We can build but it is a different story for those with the capacity to buy the homes,” he said, adding that the 70% loan-to-value ratio was beyond the capability of many home buyers too.
Hence, Fateh Iskandar appealed to the banks to revisit the guidelines for responsible lending to property buyers.

betul ke buyer sekarang 70% loan je?
tue bukan utk 2nd/3rd house saja ke?
misleading sungguh...

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Post time 28-9-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 posted on 12-9-2014 07:09 PM
Awak mesti orang Lembah Klang kan? Kat sana banyak pembangunan besar dan memang menjadi tradisi pi ...

hahaha... tadi hang kutuk orang pasai dna la, apa la...
last2 hang pun komen takde peluru, sayang sekali....
yepedaa machaa....


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Post time 28-9-2014 03:09 PM | Show all posts
blastoff posted on 28-9-2014 11:44 AM
Subprime loans and mortgages memang dah lama wujud dah di M'sia, tak di beri oleh bank2 tapi di be ...

"The scheme, announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, will help those who are eligible to buy public housing units but are unable to obtain loans from banks, due to them being retired or not having steady income," he told theSun yesterday.
A typical unit in a public housing programme in Kuala Lumpur costs below RM35,000.
Raja Nong Chik said the foundation will disburse the RM1.5 billion in stages through Syarikat Perumahan Wilayah Persekutuan, which is incorporated under it.
The company is expected to start operations by Mar 1, and the first stage of loans to be disbursed will amount to around RM400 million to RM500 million.
"These loans will be repaid over a period of 15 to 25 years, depending on the agreement," he said, adding that there will also be interest charged on the loan.

ini cuma untuk rumah pprt kos rendah jela....

ini lebih kepada skim bantuan pinjaman...

bayaran bulan2 mungkin below RM300 jah....

langsung tak boleh samakan dengan situasi subprima di USA, berbeza sangat


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