Thanks so much airahthislove for the caps.
Are these caps for today's episode ???
Anyone kind enough for some Episode summary ???
I missed yesterday & today's episodes .  |
Klaka tol episod tadi.....
Part yang kereta kena curi tue, mcm mana Nara ngan RZ terlupa pasal kete, siap jalan kaki lg padahal parking kete tu bukan jauh sgt dari pantai :lol
Pastu masa RZ polish kuku onnie tue, siap nak amik gambar....yg muka member ditolak ketepi ganaz tul...
Nara lak tecukur bulu kening ahjumma.....ish...ish....
[ Last edited by airahthislove at 9-1-2007 11:44 PM ] |
Reply #528 mypuppyiz's post
Nop, that caps are for last week episode.....
2day episode so much hillarious!! |
Anybody have LQ Files ... pls help share & upload to SSpace / PM me .
(NO MUpload, plz)
Ribuan Terima Kasih.
* ^ ^ * |
Episod esok nampak cam klaka gak...."sy tak cakap tapi sy akan sebarkan kat internet" - RenZai |
Reply #530 airahthislove's post
Too Hilarious ?
* HU-HU-HU!! *
Desperate nak tengok drama nie laa... macamana , TV kat rumah dah pun fully booked.
Reply #533 mypuppyiz's post
Dun worry, sy akan cuba tempek caps lg... nanti leh la tgk gak ape yg berlaku...
Sabo dulu yer.... :nerd: |
Reply #533 mypuppyiz's post
for you...... |
Kesian tengok gambar2 NARA yang airahthislove pos di atas.
Comelnya perangai INJAE. |
Reply #535 airahthislove's post
AIGOO.... I am going to faint !!! :love: |
Reply #535 airahthislove's post
He...hee...! I see the sparks now !!!
Kang Ji Hwan is simply adorable !!!
& You are as cute & sweet as the little cutie you have for your avatar !!
Thanks for cheering me up....still I wish to see this drama.... |
Reply #538 mypuppyiz's post
alangkah bestnya kalau ep hari ni tadi dapat dengar suara betul Kang Ji Hwan.... teringat suara dia yg manja2 kalau memujuk & bunyi macam budak nakal dalam 90days... |
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