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Author: Ladysovereign77

[Tempatan] Meninggal Selepas Bersalin Di Rumah (deleted statement page 33 cmmnt 819#)

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Post time 23-12-2013 10:28 AM | Show all posts
teringat satu video homebirth di youtube beberapa tahun lepas.
Mak budak tu nak jugak homebirth, lepas beranak..dia pengsan anak tak nangis. kelam kabut midwives dan husband dia p hospital. sebaik ke hospital, teruk kena marah oleh doctor. doctor tu ckp, anak kalau tak nangis boleh brain damage! ibu hilang banyak darah boleh mati. menangis mak tu sb anak dia yang teruk. nasib baik takde pape..

orang yang buat stetment "doula tu hanya peneman bersalin" tu memang stetment berani mati. Sudah ko yakinkan mak budak tu yang homebirth tu lebih bagus dr hospital. sudahnya ko mengaku 'doula tu cuma peneman je" oh my god, senangnya ckp. stetment nak lari dr dipersalahkan. Maksudnya kalau ko masuk kelas doula ni ala-ala dia ckp macam ni lah kan maksudnya, "Saya ni peneman ko beranak je, ko mati ka apa ka..ko punya hal. sebab saya penaman je" tak bleh blah Last edited by darkness on 23-12-2013 10:35 AM


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Post time 23-12-2013 10:36 AM | Show all posts
whyas posted on 22-12-2013 05:36 PM
My fren penah kena ie nurse (kat private lg) ckp yg dia xdpt pahala bersalin sbb czer.. whatthefis ...

hebatnya dia tau sape dpt pahala sape x...
pdhal bkn dia xtau klu czer tuh dah azab dulu sblm di czer kan
dgn induce bagai..segala besi masuk...

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Post time 23-12-2013 10:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
schaKISS posted on 23-12-2013 09:18 AM
i adalah salah sorang pengikut FB GBG tu. i love the group. mmg byk info. especially breathing techn ...

Ko rasa doula tu masa buat kelas ada tak bagi tahu peranan die setakat mana? Limit die setakat mana, kemahiran die? Die ada educate tak pasangan ni suruh buat check up dan minta persetujuan doktor utk homebirth? Ada die nasihat suuh cek kesihatan ibu dan anak yg belum lahir tue? Ada tak doula tu kata risiko kalau mati bersalin aku tak nak tanggung " suami en kena terima sebagai takdir" , ada ker die bagitahu "en saya tak pandai rawatan kecemasan awal, cpr pun saya tak tahu kalau ada apaa2 komplikasi.."

aku rasa kalau die cakap macam tu kat klien die 1 juta kali org fikir nak homebirth.. Dah lah kelas die pun dah beratus hengget kAn, itu baru kelas belum lagi jadi doula masa bersalin...alih2 well informed decision die kata!! Aku hangin sungguh kag doula ni? Mmg lepas tangan, sdap jer mulut die kata takdir, asbab.

Kalau kau saja terjun bangun, mmg mati pun, sbb ko cari asbab nak mati....

Aku harap KKM SIASAT Last edited by nongnong on 23-12-2013 10:41 AM


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Post time 23-12-2013 10:40 AM | Show all posts
smeetasmitten posted on 23-12-2013 10:13 AM
iols kan
tak bf baby
beranak caeser

kata kawan aku.. vaksin x halal ngko..... ank dia x amik... padahnya.. ank dia setahun ntah brp kali kn thn kat wad sbb virus infection....
maseh degil lg.... alasan ank amsuk sepital.. ari tu aku mkn eskem.. tu pasal al effect kat ank aku..... patut kah dilempang laju2.....

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Post time 23-12-2013 10:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
soulnazri posted on 23-12-2013 08:21 AM
tu la kan..siapa2 yang ada connection dengan member dan family arwah..aku nak ucapkan takziah..min ...

Aku harap keluarga die keluarkan statement supaya geng2 si doula ni buka mata luas2

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Post time 23-12-2013 10:52 AM | Show all posts
smeetasmitten posted on 23-12-2013 10:13 AM
iols kan
tak bf baby
beranak caeser


sape yg cetek otak ckp mcm tu??


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:03 AM | Show all posts
alinapple posted on 23-12-2013 10:52 AM

sape yg cetek otak ckp mcm tu??

bukan la specific person. ada a few yg iols kenal.
ni yg jenis cepat je share kat fb, kat whatsapp.
main forward je.
konon 1st to know, more informed dari kami yg kurang bijak ni


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:04 AM | Show all posts
smeetasmitten posted on 23-12-2013 10:13 AM
iols kan
tak bf baby
beranak caeser

aku suka statement kau!


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:10 AM | Show all posts
shida81 posted on 23-12-2013 10:40 AM
kata kawan aku.. vaksin x halal ngko..... ank dia x amik... padahnya.. ank dia setahun ntah brp ka ...

hmmm...kwn nko 2 jnis bodoh sombong xmkn nasihat pn trmasuk kes pnderaan kanak2 secara halus...sanggup tgok ank mnderita...

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Post time 23-12-2013 11:14 AM | Show all posts
kuchibambam posted on 23-12-2013 08:38 AM
True...daripada kita dok kondem baik.bagi support and cadangan dalam ban bf ni
I paling tak suka  ...

Yup..usaha mcmne??
Org kdg2 xpaham..dr nak mencebik perkecilkn org..
Baik kita tunjuk ajar,bg panduan.
Bukan mengutuk apa pun tak ble.

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Post time 23-12-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
asyura_85 posted on 21-12-2013 08:14 AM
Sekarang ni ramai ajaran sesat pasal benda-benda ni..aku rasa nak bagi pang je..pasal antivaksin tu  ...

i like your comment esp letak susu dlm fb, tak malu ke satu dunia tengok gambar susu & mana ke tau org yg tgk tu terbayang kan something..
patutnye bab2 mcm ni kite kene rase malu, xperlu nk bgtau pn...

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Post time 23-12-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
aku ambik dr group GB kat dlm FB

Nadine Ghows

Salam mommies and daddies,
We are deeply saddened by the latest incident of the mother who died after birthing at home. We send heartfelt condolences to her family. We trust that the decision she made was an informed one although it ended tragically. The incident was not known by any of the GBG admins as none of the admins were involved or knew anything about it. Out of respect and honor of the deceased and her family, any post referring to the incident from now on will be deleted. Any questions related to the incident (e.g. cause of death/ chronology of events) will not be entertained.

We would like to remind all members that we are NOT a medical advisory board. We are a support group. None of the information shared here should take the place of medical advice. Any post asking for medical advice will be deleted at the discretion of the admins (sharing of experiences is fine).

We would also like to remind members that we are NOT an unassisted childbirth (UC) group. We do NOT promote UC, nor do we promote any other type of birth. Please be reminded that the decisions you make in your birth should be an informed one – be it in the hospital or home unassisted or assisted. Parents should know full well the risks and benefits that come with each option and make a decision that is right for them.

Also, we need to make clear that the independent childbirth classes offered here in Malaysia e.g. HypnoBirthing and Amani classes DO NOT promote UC. Paraphrasing Aisha Al-Hajjar with her permission: “I… would like to make it clear that AMANI does not teach unassisted birth and if you read the materials it explicitly states, “AMANI supports your decisions regarding your birth and advocates for natural birth with minimal medical interventions. However, we do not advise you to forego prenatal care or to plan an unassisted birth. We encourage prenatal education and informed consent. Our premise is that you do your own research and seek out birth professionals you trust, who will support your decisions and will not interfere unless complications arise.” All throughout our material we discuss hospital birthing. We realize there is a huge unassisted childbirth movement in Malaysia and we do not believe it is our place to stand in the way of a mother’s decisions, however, stress that she be aware of the risks she is taking when making such a choice. In the end it is always the mother’s choice with whom and where she births. We explicitly train our teachers and doulas that they are not to act as midwives and that they are never to take on clinical tasks...that is way out of scope. Birth is a natural event in most cases, that doesn’t mean it should be undertaken without due medical care.

Have a great week ahead & happy birthing


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:19 AM | Show all posts
mummy_vouge posted on 23-12-2013 01:43 AM
Aku ckgu skolah xd plak spanjg hari register kne bwak buku tu..even anak2 aku hlang buku tu mase p ...

hehehe...  aku lak percaya la buta2 apa kawan aku cakap...  aku ingat lagik masa nak pegi 1st month vaccination...  kawan aku cakap : buku biru anak ko ni kena simpan elok2...  time register kena bawak sebab nak tengok complete ke tak...  kalo tak, anak ko kena hold dulu dari register...

sebaek aku tergerak hati nak tanya kat sini...  heheheh...  tq...


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:20 AM | Show all posts
biskutsusu posted on 23-12-2013 09:06 AM
i rasa elok la simpan

anak i nak masuk prasekolah

kiranya ada tempat yang mintak n ada tempat yang tak mintak yeak>

apa2 hal aku akan simpan...  senang kan kalo ada pape...


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:22 AM | Show all posts
confuse aku pasal lotusbirth tu
masa aku overdue pregnant dulu, 9 hari kena masuk wad, induce
tp sampai hari ke-11 pun tak bsalin2 lg
doktor pun risau sbb katanya tak boleh biar lama2
bila uri dah matang, uri tu dah tak boleh bfungsi salur makanan dgn oksigen lg
nanti baby boleh lemas, meninggal...
pasal apa wujud lotusbirth pulak ni, maksudnya masih bfungsi? mmm....

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Post time 23-12-2013 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Suchi posted on 23-12-2013 10:25 AM
register sekolah ke jpn?
takyah tak perlu semua tu
aku nya buku klinik anak pun dh hancur sbb ma ...

ye la kot sebab masa sekolah pun ada beberapa jenis injection yang kena amek...  so maybe cikgu nak tengok takut ter double inject plak...

aku simpan je la...  senang untuk dikemudian hari...  hehehe...  tq yea...


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:25 AM | Show all posts
smeetasmitten posted on 23-12-2013 11:03 AM
bukan la specific person. ada a few yg iols kenal.
ni yg jenis cepat je share kat fb, kat whatsap ...

terase la gak skit sebanyak..kt pn air susu tak byk nk bg ke anak..
selama dia idop memang dgn FM je..

bangga agaknye kan..lihatla doniaaaa gitu


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skrg ni kt hosital.gomen..dah ade kempen mesra ibu...

No snip2...promote lahir normal.kl boleh...asben dh boleh temankan..

Klinik gomen dan hospital gomen btol2 byk improvement skrg...ade iso bagai......nurse gomen akan lawat ibu2 sebelum berank lg....

Terpisat2 aku bgn tido time cuti besday sultn selangor ari tuh...tetiba nurse dtg folo up kt umah....

Dh la.percuma uolss.. xpayah bayar ape.pon


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:30 AM | Show all posts
lobakjeruk posted on 23-12-2013 11:15 AM
aku ambik dr group GB kat dlm FB
We would also like to remind members that we are NOT an unassisted childbirth (UC) group. We do NOT promote UC, nor do we promote any other type of birth.
bila dah jadi... hurm...


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Post time 23-12-2013 11:31 AM | Show all posts
fish posted on 23-12-2013 11:22 AM
confuse aku pasal lotusbirth tu
masa aku overdue pregnant dulu, 9 hari kena masuk wad, induce
tp s ...

aku plak tertanya2, boleh ke ditangguh2 tanam uri tu...  bukan ke sepatutnya dipercepatkan tanam uri...


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