puas nya hati akak setelah mencerca semua penganut konspirasi teori dengna teori2 bangang mereka.
world war 3 akan berlaku sehari dua lagi la pelbagai.
kena kambus dalam tanah di kazakhtan la segala.
dah dekat dua tahun smapai ke sudah WW3 tak berlaku, penat akak tunggu nak, pukimak sangat kan otak2 yg percaya teori konspirasi ini.
tak sabar nak tunggu report bagaimana MH370 terlupus... nosedive kah, ala2 stone skipping atas air kah, crash di udarakah, crash di air kah, kena tembak kah,
kiranya najib dah macam elohim la ya boleh kontrol segala benda,
gunugn berapi meletus di reunion lepas jumpa debris itu pun mungkin sebab nak cover 1MDB juga kan?
Akak yakin masih ramai yang percaya penumpang disorokkan di mana2... ibarat teori konspirasi kematian celebrities dan vips yang hingga sekarang masih diperkatakan... ada orang nampak JFK kat sini la, Maikel Jeksen kat situ la, Elvis kat sana la, hatta Hang Tuah pun masih ada yang percaya dia masih hidup...
Kepada waris bersedialah untuk mula renovate rumah, kawin baru atau beli birkin baru setelah dapat pampasan nanti... pilihan di tangan anda... jadilah pewaris bijak...
ramai yang tak percya data inmarsat sebelum ini.
fabricate la pelbagai tuduh mereka,
ujung2 ternyata data mereka itu agak reliable, sekurangnya tahu la juga generak area di mana pesawat itu berkahir walaupun tidak mungkin mendapat tahu lokasi tepat
The French deputy prosecutor left immediately after the press conference, leaving a major question hanging about a discrepancy between his statement and Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak.
Mackowiak said that investigators have “very strong suppositions” that the debris belongs to MH370, and that further examination should confirm those suppositions.
Najib on the other hand was more confident, and said the experts had “conclusively confirmed” the flaperon came from the missing flight.
Mackowiak says that Boeing design experts “confirmed that this flaperon was for technical reason quite obviously a Boeing 777 flaperon.”
“Representatives of the Malaysia airlines company informed us of the elements of the technical specifications of the MH370 flight, and we were able as a result of this to compare this information with the flaperon of MH370.”
“These are very strong suppositions will be confirmed by analysis which will begin as of tomorrow.”
He says he can’t say when results of that analysis will be ready, and that investigators are also looking at a suitcase that was found on the island.
kalau ikut french official, esok baharu muktamad gitu,
cuma heshe cakap most likely jah dari MH370.
heshe tak confirm pun lagi... walaupun akak syak memang kompom jah
namun bwegitu akak syak memang dah kompom pun mungkin french tak officially kompomkan sebab ada analysis lain yg belum komplit gitu.
akak syak MAS pun dah menggelupor kompom based on serial number kot?
itu jah akak fikir yg boleh kompomkan dengan cepat,