Perasaan Seram Di Muzium Perang P.pinang dan Pengalaman2 mistik dlm hidup aku
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pedang pancung dan rantai belenggu yg digantung pd bumbung bilik seksaan. ntah berapa byk nyawa yg dh dimakan oleh pedang ni. |
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rasa dah tau dah nape diorang letak gambor yamashita..
sbb yamashita tegas ngan ank2 buah dia.. larang commit any kind of atrocity..
3 askar jepang executed because of this..
cuma sayang... arahan dia x diikut spepenuhnya...
'Yamashita', Wild told Mountbatten 'has given the impression of speaking the truth when he disclaimed previous knowledge of these Malayan atrocities'.
It appeared that Wild's faith in Yamashita's integrity was not misplaced.
Following the occupation of Penang Island, on Malaya's west coast, Yamashita had learned of wide misbehaviour by his troops. Already angry, he became even more enraged to discover that three of them had rampaged through Georgetown, the island's capital, pillaging and raping at will. Punishment was swift. The three soldiers were executed and the battalion's commanding officer, Major Kobayashi, placed under close arrest for 28 days.
Writing in his diary, Yamashita recorded 'I want my troops to behave with dignity most of them do not seem to have the ability to do so. This is very important now Japan is taking her place in the world'. He also hoped he could achieve his plan of invading Malaya and Singapore 'without killing too many of the enemy'. In an effort ensure his troops would toe the line, Yamashita ordered Colonel Watanabe, his political chief, to deal harshly with any soldier found ill-treating civilians. These orders made virtually no impression on the General's senior officers who, intent on defeating the enemy where not interested in such trivial matters.
Later, in the last days of fighting on Island, Yamashita urged the British to surrender early and so avoid the unnecessary slaughter of civilians. Cynics would say that Yamashita, knowing his supply supply lines where at their limit, used this argument as a ploy; Wild, after discussing the issue with him was convinced that Yamashita's concern was genuine.
Singapore fell. A hundred thousand prisoners of war had to be dealt with. It was not an easy task for General Yamashita and the task was made more difficult by the brutalities of his subordinates. The worst of these was Major-General Nishimura Takuma of the Imperial Guards Division. He encouraged rape and murder and pillage among his troops ... Yamashita gave orders - the orders were disobeyed. Finally Nishimura was sent home to Japan in disgrace. The Guards alone, among the three Divisions assaulting Malaya, did not receive an Imperial Rescript after victory.
The Imperial Guards had dishonoured itself.
kedit to axishistory forum... |
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rasa dah tau dah nape diorang letak gambor yamashita..
sbb yamashita tegas ngan ank2 buah dia.. lar ...
halimi78 Post at 6-11-2010 02:31
thanks for the nice facts... |
sebenarnya yamashita ni agak baik juge la orgnye ye... nmpak je muka cam bengis.. hikhik |
cermin ni aku jupe disandar pd satu bilik berek lama. cermin besar ni juge satu cermin yg mnimb ...
skeezotone Post at 5-11-2010 19:13
cermin ni macam ada something disebaliknya...
yg pakai cap merah tu mesti TT |
gambar yg diambil dr jarak dekat.
skeezotone Post at 6-11-2010 01:53
dah berkarat teruk perkakas tu. kalau dijaga dgn baik mesti lagi nampak real.. |
Reply 541# skeezotone
apa tujuan digantung pedang tu? |
yeyyy dah abis merempit... dari lepas solat subuh...sampai kol 8 aku dok bertenggek kat thread TT ni
congrats TT... harap dapat muatkan pengalaman TT ke muzium2 yang lain dalam thread ni gak...thanks for sharing your experience with us |
Post Last Edit by zaharul_asriq94 at 6-11-2010 09:00
Reply 541# skeezotone
aq syorkan korang semua baca bku War Crimes and Atrocities terbitan Futura, ada senarai kekejaman Jepun sepanjang World War...mmg teramat la kejam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nilah bukunya:
selamba dek serang hospital kat singapura, serang kapal Red Cross, rogol nurse, tembak membabi buta dll lg... lg satu Yamashita kene gantung kat Filipina sbb war crimes commited kat Filipina... nape bukan kat malaya ek? tpi Jepun ni mmg bloody soldiers... sbb tu hantu Jepun dikira hantu moden, kerana wujud slps perang dunia :3 |
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ni ori 6" BL gun foto... match that base..
kedit to axis history forum.. ...
halimi78 Post at 6-11-2010 04:55
wow... rajin ko mncari eek.. hehehe. agak2 nye camni la big gun yg dh hancur kena bom tu.. ooo... dashat bom tu... |
dah berkarat teruk perkakas tu. kalau dijaga dgn baik mesti lagi nampak real..
mieraedoera Post at 6-11-2010 07:33
aku rasa perkakas ni dah brkarat time dijumpai... tapi kalo display camtu lg la hancur menda tu lama2... aku hrp diorg make something utk pelihara menda2 ni... sayang woooo.. |
cermin ni macam ada something disebaliknya...
yg pakai cap merah tu mesti TT
mieraedoera Post at 6-11-2010 07:27
cermin lama yg misteriiiii.... hehehe. satu2 nye jantan dlm group tu... teka la... hakhakhak |
Reply skeezotone
apa tujuan digantung pedang tu?
mieraedoera Post at 6-11-2010 07:33
aku rs maybe mngelakan org sentuh @ men2 dgn pedang tu... kalo nk ckp dr segi mistik lak, maybe diorg tknak pedang tu terbang sndiri dat's y diorg ikat ngn rantai... hehehehehe. |
Reply skeezotone
aq syorkan korang semua baca bku War Crimes and Atrocities terbitan Futura ...
zaharul_asriq94 Post at 6-11-2010 08:59
wow... best ni buku ni... mn nk dpt wey?... serius aku nk baca... pleez.. ktne aku bole dpt buku ni?hmy3: |
yeyyy dah abis merempit... dari lepas solat subuh...sampai kol 8 aku dok bertenggek kat thread TT ni ...
nazurah Post at 6-11-2010 08:10
thanks jugak sbb sudi mnjelajah kt thread aku ni... aku amat2 hargai.. |
cermin lama yg misteriiiii.... hehehe. satu2 nye jantan dlm group tu... teka la... hakhakhak
skeezotone Post at 6-11-2010 09:07
tapi tak clear la muka the only jantan tu sebab silau sangat |
aku rs maybe mngelakan org sentuh @ men2 dgn pedang tu... kalo nk ckp dr segi mistik lak, maybe ...
skeezotone Post at 6-11-2010 09:10
sajer nak bagi scary tu.. letak je la pedang tu kat dalam sangkar besi.. lagipun bahaya gantung atas takut terjatuh sebab dah reput sangat |
Reply 555# skeezotone
aq beli buku ni pun kat eBay, x psti la kalo kat Malaysia ni kat mana, rasanya MPH/Kinokuniya/Borders yang famous dgn buku2 tu ada jual buku ni, tpi mmg detail la war crimes nyer, jgn ingat Nazi/Jepun/Itali buat war crimes, pihak Allied pun ada jugak wat war crimes....walaupun x bnyk gmbr, mmg best! |
tapi tak clear la muka the only jantan tu sebab silau sangat
mieraedoera Post at 6-11-2010 09:19
kalo nk tgk lg clear.. saksikan sy di pawagam2 yg terdekat.. hikhikhik |
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