LATEST Waldo Canyon Fire Mandatory Evacuations/Pre-Evacuations
Posted: Tue 2:20 PM, Jun 26, 2012A A Reporter: KKTV
Updated: Wed 2:21 PM, Jun 27, 2012 Back to HomePage
New evacuation and pre-evacuation orders Wednesday afternoon, including new parts of Colorado Springs under a pre-evacuation order, parts of Teller County under a mandatory evacuation, and Monument and Douglas County under a pre-evacuation order.
-The remainder of the City of Woodland Park city limits that have not been previously evacuated.
-All areas East of CR25 (a.k.a. Tranquil Acres Road and Mocks) to Blossom Road, including the subdivision of Tranquil Acres, North to the intersection of Forest Service Roads 357 and 357b, North on FSR 357 to CR 78 (a.k.a. Painted Rocks Road), North to the Douglas County Line.
- Mandatory evacuations for Teller County. They are as follows:
1. East of State Highway 24 from Crystola to Baldwin Street/Rampart Range Road to the Teller County Border at Loy Creek.
2. West of Highway 24 and South of Aspen Garden Way, Rodeo Way, Ranch Drive, Mane Street, CR 231/West Street intersecting Highway 24, West on Highway 24 to Edlowe Road, and South on Edlowe Road, to include the subdivisions of Ranch Estates and Holiday Hills
3. All residences North of a line from Crystola to Catamount Estates (off of CR 281)
A shelter is being established at Cripple Creek and Victor High School.
-Mandatory evacuation order is in place for all areas west and north of Garden of the Gods and I-25, north to the Air Force Academy. Air Force Academy has also evacuated Pine Valley and Douglas Valley Housing Areas.
-Also an evacuation area of the Kissing Camels area, including south of Garden of the Gods Road, west of Centennial Blvd, east of 30th Street, north of Fillmore St. and Fontmore Road.
Watching the Clock: Will a Total Economic Collapse Occur in September-October?
by SGT
The first warning is from a St. Louis based police officer who called into the Alex Jones radio show on Sunday, June 24th. The second warning comes our way via the Silver Doctors. And the third came today from unflappable Director of UBS Floor Operations Art Cashin. All three warnings are presented here for your benefit and consideration:
The first warning came our way via the Sunday broadcast of the Alex Jones radio show. Jones announced that he only wanted to take calls from members of the military or police. A man identifying himself as a police officer named ‘Jim’ called in to report some startling information.
“We have been told that in October we need to be prepared for an event that will require us to use air and ground support, in conjunction with the military here.”
Warning 2 from Silver Doctors, on Monday
LEAP/2020 has issued a RED ALERT for the Western banking system, stating that Europe’s hour of payment has arrived, and compares the next two months to the Israelites circling Jericho for 7 days prior to blasting the trumpets. LEAP/2020′s red alert states the Western banking system’s trumpet blast will occur in September or October.
The seven blasts of the trumpets of Jericho marking the September October 2012 period will cause the “Dollar Wall’s” last sections and the walls which have protected the world as we know it since 1945 to collapse. The shock of the autumn 2008 will seem like a small summer storm compared to what will affect planet in several months.
The third warning comes by way of Art Cashin and Zero Hedge on Tuesday morning.
While Europe is dominating headlines this week, UBS’ Art Cashin suggests “mark your calendar and cross your fingers” as he notes the disproportionate prevalence of events that occur in September. Focusing on The Economist’s Greg Ip’s recent post on a possible seasonal pattern in banking crises, via this recent Reinhart & Rogoff extension paper by Laeven and Valencia, he notes: “The frequency with which the world goes to hell in September seems hardly random.” Unfortunately the authors provide no explanation for this beyond observing, “An interesting pattern emerges: banking crises tend to start in the second half of the year, with large September and December effects.”
Heat wave: 1,000+ records fall in US in a week
Jun 27, 7:40 PM EDT
Associated Press
Feeling hot? It's not a mirage. Across the United States, hundreds of heat records have fallen in the past week.
From the wildfire-consumed Rocky Mountains to the bacon-fried sidewalks of Oklahoma, the temperatures are creating consequences ranging from catastrophic to comical.
In the past week, 1,011 records have been broken around the country, including 251 new daily high temperature records on Tuesday.
India Considering Banning Banks from Selling Gold to Customers
Posted on: June 27th, 2012 by The Doc
Business Standard reports that the Reserve Bank of India is likely to BAN GOLD COIN SALES BY BANKS to customersin an attempt to prevent the ‘evil speculators’ from driving down the value of the rupee.
Surely it is the evil Indian businessmen attempting to protect their wealth from the rapidly devaluating rupee that is the problem with the rupee, as it could not possibly be a Keynesian fiat currency system patterned after the West.
As the RBI will soon learn, all that banning public gold sales will accomplish is to vastly increase the black market price for gold, and hasten the decline of the Rupee vs. tangible assets such as gold and silver as confidence in the Rupee deteriorates further.
"Nasa Mengeluarkan Kenyataan Matahari Akan Terbit Dari Barat"
"Sains astronomi ada menyebut bahawa kelajuan putaran planet Marikh sedang perlahan sedikit demi sedikit ke arah laluannya ke timur. Para saintis agensi angkasa lepas kebangsaan Amerika Syarikat (NASA) pula mendapati pergerakan planet itu terhenti ke arah laluan tersebut.
NASA kemudian mendapati planet Marikh telah menukar laluannya ke arah yang bertentangan, iaitu ke arah Barat, ini bermakna matahari akan terbit dari arah barat Marikh. Fenomena yang ganjil itu disebut sebagai “retrograde motion”.
Kebanyakan saintis Barat berpendapat bahawa semua planet akan melalui fenomena yang serupa dan ini termasuklah planet Bumi. Apabila ianya berlaku, maka matahari akan terbit dari Barat!"
p/s: Kalau ikut artikel ini matahari terbit dari barat tidak berpunca daripada pole shift tetapi bumi menukar laluannya ke yg bertentangan sepertimana planet-planet lain. Mohon pandangan Sis.
"Nasa Menge ...
ombak_rindu Post at 2-7-2012 13:29
Kena faham dulu apa yg dimaksudkan dengan Retrograde Motion.
’Retrograde Motion (RM)’ merupakan satu istilah sains atau lebih tepat dengan pergerakan orbit yang berlawanan.
Ia hanya merupakan satu terma atau istilah sains, yg menerangkan tentang fenomena pergerakan orbit yg berlawanan. Tapi ia sendiri TIDAK menjelaskan, BAGAIMANA RM terjadi. RM boleh saja terjadi disebabkan asteroid/komet besar yg melanggar bumi, atau berlakunya Pole Shift secara fizikal. Kita memang semua tahu bahawa suatu hari nanti, matahari akan terbit dari Barat, cuma kita tak tahu dengan pasti BAGAIMANA ia berlaku. Dan kenapa ia menjadi suatu hakikat yg tersembunyi? Supaya manusia mencari taubat sebelum datangnya waktu tersebut, di mana taubat sehingga mengalir air mata darah sekalipun, tiada berguna lagi... namun, jika Allah mengizinkan, matahari boleh saja terbit dari Barat tanpa melalui proses2 Pole Shift... Wallahua'lam...
Dah pujuk ati supaya jgn hiraukan posting OB tapi saya berhati busuk, tak blh nak sabar...
ridz09 Post at 2-7-2012 17:02
Anggaplah sajer dier sebagai orang tua yang kesepian sehingga terpaksa berkawan dengan babi hutan (dier sendiri mengaku dier berkawan dengan babi hutan)
Kawan2 semua, mungkin apa yg saya sampaikan ini, bakal mengundang kontroversi dan 1001 persoalan. Na ...
andria Post at 2-7-2012 17:24
perang besar di tanah air kita? nampaknya ramadhan kali ni amat berbeza. di samping menyiapkan diri utk meningkatkan ibadah, kita juga kena sediakan stok makanan. care to share more info & the sources? tq