Singapura : 17 Jun 2005
DUA bahagian tubuh seorang wanita yang tidak berkepala dan kaki telah ditemui dalam dua kotak kadbod berasingan di tebing Sungai Kallang, pagi semalam.
Kotak pertama berwarna coklat yang mengandungi bahagian bawah tubuh itu ditemui oleh seorang pekerja pembersihan dekat Crawford Street sekitar 9 pagi.
Sejam kemudian, polis yang sedang mencari bahagian tubuh lain menemui bahagaian atasnya dalam kotak kadbod berwarna merah di tebing sungai dekat Nicoll Highway.
Kenyataan polis semalam berkata, kedua-dua bahagian tubuh tanpa pakaian itu ditemui dalam beg plastik berwarna hijau.
Polis berkata, pihaknya tiba di tempat kejadian sekitar 9.15 pagi dan siasatan lanjut menunjukkan bahagian tubuh pertama yang dijumpai itu merupakan bahagian sirip pelvis dan paha seorang wanita.
'Kami sedang berusaha untuk mengenal pasti identiti mangsa. Operasi untuk mencari bukti dan bahagian-bahagian tubuh lain sedang dijalankan,' kata kenyataan itu.
Jurucakap polis, Penolong Superintenden (ASP) Victor Keong, berkata operasi itu dijalankan oleh Pasukan Operasi Khas (SOC) dan Polis Pengawal Pantai (PCG).
Semasa ditemui Berita Harian, pekerja pembersihan itu, Encik Murugan Kaniappan, 27 tahun, berkata beliau dan seorang lagi rakan sekerja sedang menjalankan kerja seperti biasa dan tidak menyangka akan menemui bahagian tubuh wanita itu.
'Selepas saya melihat kotak terdampar di tebing, saya cuba mengangkatnya untuk dibuang.
'Namun kotak itu basah lalu terkoyak. Saya sangka beg plastik di dalamnya berisi bangkai babi tapi terkejut melihat ia sebenarnya kemaluan wanita,' katanya.
Beliau, yang merupakan warga Malaysia, berkata bahagian tubuh itu berkulit cerah dan tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan luka atau darah.
Semasa Berita Harian melawat tempat penemuan, beberapa pegawai polis dilihat sedang memeriksa bahagian tubuh itu sementara kawasan taman Kallang Riverside Park dikepung.
Polis menyifatkan kes itu sebagai satu pembunuhan.
Kali terakhir mayat dijumpai di Sungai Kallang ialah dalam 2003 apabila tubuh seorang pekerja pembersihan, Encik Lim Yeo Kwang, ditemui terapung-apung.
Lelaki berusia 47 tahun itu dipercayai mati lemas selepas terjatuh ke dalam sungai ketika sedang memancing ikan semasa air pasang.
Sesiapa yang mempunyai maklumat mengenai kes terbaru itu diminta menelefon polis di talian 1800-255-0000. |
renungan pagi jumaat
Noor Rawi
Penulis Sambilan
UNTUK menilai mutu, pelajar akan menduduki peperiksaan manakala pekerja dinilai hasil kerjanya.
Tetapi bagaimana pula manusia dengan Penciptanya? Hal ini terpapar dalam hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah:
'Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat pada bentuk rupa kamu dan harta benda kamu, tetapi Allah melihat hati dan perbuatan kamu.' (dalam kumpulan hadis suntingan Imam Muslim).
Allah menciptakan setiap yang ada di alam semesta dengan sempurna dan antara ciptaan-Nya ialah manusia:
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya (dan berkelengkapan sesuai dengan keadaannya). (Surah At-Tin: 4).
Allah menghidupkan, mematikan dan membangkitkan seluruh manusia untuk dineraca perbuatan baik dan buruk nya untuk pembalasan pada hari kiamat.
Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Mengawasi segala tingkah-laku serta gerak hati manusia. Setiap daun yang gugur dan setiap debu diketahui Allah.
Dan pada sisi Allah jualah anak kunci perbendaharaan segala yang ghaib, tiada siapa mengetahuinya melainkan Allah saja dan Allah mengetahui apa yang ada di darat dan di laut, dan tidak gugur sehelai daun pun melainkan Allah mengetahuinya, dan tidak gugur sebutir biji pun dalam kegelapan bumi, dan tidak gugur yang basah dan yang kering, melainkan (semuanya) ada tertulis di dalam Kitab (Luh Mahfuz) yang terang nyata. (Al-Anaam :59)
Allah sentiasa menilai isi batin atau jiwa insan - apakah ia bertakwa dan ikhlas sebagaimana firman-Nya: Sesungguh nya orang yang paling mulia di sisi Allah iaitu orang paling takwa antara kamu. (Al-Hujurat: 13)
Takwa terletak di dalam hati, yang meluruskan segala perbuatan manusia.
Jika seseorang berniat ikhlas dan beramal soleh, maka dia telah mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Bukan harta atau anak pinak yang mendekatkan seseorang kepada Allah, sebaliknya ketakwaan.
Dan bukanlah harta benda kamu dan tidak juga anak pinak kamu yang mendampingkan kamu di sisi Kami walau sedikit pun, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, maka mereka itu akan beroleh balasan berlipat ganda disebabkan apa yang mereka telah kerja kan dan mereka pula ditempatkan di mahligai-mahligai (di Syurga) dengan aman sentosa. (Saba': 37)
Dalam sebuah hadis, seorang lelaki (Malaikat Jibrail menyamar) menemui Rasulullah saw, dan bertanyakan apakah itu Islam, iman dan ihsan.
Dalam menjawab maksud ihsan, Nabi saw berkata ia adalah keadaan pelakunya yang sentiasa berasa setiap gerak tindaknya diawasi Allah.
Tiada sebarang perkataan yang dilafazkannya (atau perbuatan yang dilakukannya) melainkan ada di sisinya malaikat (Raqib dan Atid) pengawas yang sentiasa sedia (menerima dan menulisnya). (Qaaf: 18)
Hadis ini menjelaskan betapa pentingnya:
mengatur niat sebelum melakukan sesuatu amalan atau perbuatan:
berjiwa bersih dan takwa yang dapat mendekatkan diri seseorang kepada Allah;
amalan yang diterima Allah hanya yang timbul daripada rasa iman, takwa dan ikhlas; dan
harta, pangkat dan keturunan tidak menjamin syurga di sisi Allah. |
Edisi KL : Derita ibu muda
Oleh Rosmaliana Aida Mohd Adnan
PUCHONG: Seorang ibu muda yang mengharapkan kelahiran anak sulung memberikan sinar harapan kepadanya dan suami, terpaksa menanggung penderitaan paling perit dalam hidupnya.
Ini kerana Arbaeyah Ayop, 27, mendakwa jururawat sebuah hospital swasta, di sini, cuba melengahkan kelahiran bayi sulungnya hampir 30 minit semata-mata kononnya mahu menunggu kepulangan doktor.
Akibat kejadian itu, anaknya itu yang dilahirkan 3 Jun lalu meninggal dunia empat hari kemudian dipercayai lemas dalam kandungan.
Arbaeyah kini mengalami kemurungan dan sering menangis setiap kali terkenangkan anaknya yang sempat diberi nama Putri Balqis.
Menceritakan kejadian itu, suaminya, Mohd Anuar Hashim, 28, berkata pada 3 Jun lalu, isterinya dihantar ke hospital itu kira-kira jam 3 petang dan mengalami kesakitan hingga lewat malam.
Dia terkilan, marah dan sedih kerana kehilangan bayi pertama dipercayai akibat kecuaian pihak hospital itu.
Mohd Anuar mendakwa doktor di hospital itu sempat keluar menjemput seorang kakitangannya di Bangi kerana mendakwa isterinya masih belum bersedia untuk bersalin sedangkan air ketuban sudah pecah kali pertama.
揇oktor terbabit memasukkan sejenis ubat yang boleh mempercepatkan proses kelahiran kerana mahu balik ke kampung keesokan harinya.
揟etapi secara tiba-tiba dia keluar ke Bangi dan meninggalkan seorang jururawat menemani isteri saya, |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 17-6-2005 07:46 AM:
renungan pagi jumaat
Noor Rawi
Penulis Sambilan
UNTUK menilai mutu, pelajar akan menduduki peperiksaan manakala ...
Artikel ni best gile eh....:ah:
I really like it..... Kalo sapa2 ngah down for whatever reason, ngah masalah, ngah rasa siot amat sangat, baca ni cam nye artikel bagus.:hatdown: |
Originally posted by iansuryani at 17-6-2005 08:14 AM:
Edisi KL : Derita ibu muda
Oleh Rosmaliana Aida Mohd Adnan
PUCHONG: Seorang ibu muda yang mengharapkan kelahiran anak sulung memberikan sinar harapan kepadanya dan suami ...
![](http://www.hmetro.com.my/pix/KL_06161) |
tadi dgr news.. suspect for kes kat sungai kallang dah dapat.. |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Browneyes at 17-6-2005 10:38 AM:
ustaz noor rawi kekadang ada jugak kasi ceramah kat masjid masjid.. He is also Naib Kadi. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kepala sua jumpa...scary leh...i think by now,kepala dah busuk.... |
Kematian bayi jadi tanda tanya
[email protected]
JOHOR BAHRU: 揂llahyarham Nur Aina Batrisyia pergi dengan tenang, namun kami berharap pihak berkuasa menyiasat punca kematiannya, |
Ni budak NS jugak kot, tapi kat South Korea la.....
Seram tau kalo sapa2 jadi tak betul buat benda gini...![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
S Korean soldier kills colleagues
Sunday 19 June 2005, 5:58 Makka Time, 2:58 GMT
South Korean men must serve a mandatory two years in the army
Eight South Korean soldiers have been killed and at least two others seriously injured when a soldier went on a shooting rampage near the tense inter-Korean border.
The man, identified only as First Private Kim, threw a grenade and fired from his rifle into barracks where his colleagues were sleeping in northeastern Yeoncheon county early on Sunday.
"Eight soldiers including an officer were killed and two others were seriously injured," a defence ministry spokesman said in Seoul.
"The incident is under investigation," he said, adding a press briefing will take place at 11:00 am (0200 GMT) on Sunday.
The defence ministry gave no further details but the killer was believed to be stressed about life on the frontline guard post, media reports said.
Demilitarised zone
The incident happened at a small guard post near the tense military demarcation line known as the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) that separates the Korean peninsula into the communist North and capitalist South Korea.
Every South Korean man with an able mind and body has to serve two years of military service. The two Koreas are still technically at war after the 1950-1953 Korean War ended in an armistice instead of a peace treaty. |
Gruesome 'black magic cure' in India:
Girl, 4, burned by hot oil & beheaded
June 19, 2005
HER little fingers were chopped off.
But that may not have been the most gruesome torture inflicted upon the 4-year-old girl.
Four people in India allegedly poured boiling oil on her before beheading her and mutilating her chest with a knife.
Three of them - a man who practices black magic and two other men - have been charged with murder after allegedly torturing and killing the girl as part of a religious sacrifice, Indian police said yesterday.
Ms Rekha, the wife of one of the men, was said to have been under the treatment of the person who advised her to help carry out the gruesome act, the police said.
A police spokesman told Ians: 'Rekha's husband, Arvind, had taken her to (black-magic practitioner) Om Pal in order to make her get rid of some evil spirit.'
On Sunday, Ms Rekha allegedly abducted the girl in the Muzaffarnagar district in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state.
She allegedly took her to the nearby fields where her husband and his friend, Hari Kishan, were waiting.
They allegedly joined her in brutally killing the child.
Om Pal has confessed that he advised Ms Rekha and Arvind to offer a girl child as human sacrifice to relieve the woman of all her problems.
The body of the girl was found on Tuesday.
She had been 'beheaded, her fingers cut off and her hair burnt to a cinder', a police spokesman said.
'According to the confessions, they first chopped the little girl's fingers, shaved her head and poured heated cooking oil on her entire body,' said the spokesman.
After they allegedly beheaded her, 'they mutilated her chest with a knife and abandoned her dead body in the fields'.
Arvind, Hari Kishan and Om Pal were arrested on Wednesday in Muzaffarnagar, and booked for criminal conspiracy and murder.
'Rekha is being examined for suspected insanity,' the police spokesman said. - AFP. |
Nama yang meninggal Accident ni Miss Minah. Tapi muka tak macam Melayu. Indonesian Chinese la eh..
Ceta pasal small daughter dia, sedih ah wa ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Jaywalking pregnant woman killed in road accidentHusband sues driver and wins
Still, he can't help thinking if only she had...
By Karen Wong
June 19, 2005
IF only there was no detour to the overhead bridge...
If only she had not jaywalked...
If only the driver had seen her...
If only his wife was alive...
Mr Chia Meng Seng can't get over his loss.
He misses Madam Minah deeply despite the fact that it has been three years since she died.
'My heart aches,' said the 35-year-old widower.
Recently he sued the driver of the car that hit his wife.
And despite the fact that she was jaywalking, the court awarded him $80,000.
It's scant comfort, though.
The accident occurred in March 2002 as Madam Minah, who was seven weeks' pregnant, was making her way to the factory where she worked, after getting off the bus.
There was a lot of construction work in that area around that time, and the entrance to the overhead bridge which she would normally use, was either blocked or had been relocated.
So, she dashed across Upper Paya Lebar Road.
Her decision proved fatal.
She had just taken a few steps from the centre divider when an oncoming car hit her so hard that her body was flung onto the car's windscreen, shattering it.
She died from serious head injuries the next day.
Mr Chia's eyes welled with tears as he talked about his wife, who was then 30 years old. Their other child, Wan Ling, who was about 9 months old at that time, just turned 4.
Mr Chia's grief for his wife, who was from Indonesia, and their unborn child was palpable as he spoke to The New Paper on Wednesday. A site supervisor, he spoke in a mix of Hokkien and English.
'She was very filial and got along well with my parents. She also loved children.'
A tear escaped the corner of his left eye and he quickly wiped it away.
They were distant relatives and were introduced to each other in the late 1990s.
They dated for about two years before registering their marriage in March 1999.
About a year later, they had their customary marriage. They then moved in to live with his parents in their four-room flat. She was a very good cook, he recalled fondly.
'She liked to make kueh lapis and kow tien kueh. And during Chinese New Year, she'd make egg rolls and pineapple tarts.'
She usually took the bus to work at New Industrial Road.
Asked if he knew she was expecting, Mr Chia nodded his head.
But, he added, they were going to wait a few more weeks before going for a checkup.
His mother, Madam Chu Chong Chau, 60, piped up: 'She was losing her appetite and wanted to vomit.
'It was like the last time she was pregnant. So we knew she was pregnant again.'
So, when he got a phone call that she had an accident, his heart sank.
He said: 'I was in shock. And I was so scared. I didn't know what had happened.'
He rushed to the hospital and got there as she was undergoing emergency surgery.
When she came out of surgery, blood was still coming out from her nose.
The doctors tried to save her by using over 20 packs of blood, but it did not work. She just kept bleeding.
Mr Chia said that he was told to mentally prepare for the worst.
'I was helplessly waiting for the end to come,' he said in his court statement.
Madam Minah never woke up from her coma. She died in the early hours of the next day.
They never shared any last words.
Mr Chia told the court that his family was now not as lively as before.
'She was the glue that kept my family close, and she was the joy of the family,' he said.
'Her selflessness, love and concern for each and every one is missed by all of us.
'I feel I've lost a confidante and friend. There's now a void in my life.
'Suddenly, I lost my source of spiritual support and my pillar of strength. I lost a loving wife.
'There are nights when I'm alone and find myself unable to come to terms with reality.
'It breaks my heart to try and explain to my young daughter why she doesn't have a mother like every other child around her.
'I cannot explain something which I cannot comprehend myself.'
He told The New Paper that his daughter, who now attends a childcare centre, was too young to remember her mother.
However, he said: 'Whenever she's naughty and we discipline or punish her, she will call out: 'Mummy, mummy'.
'So we have to tell her that her mummy has gone far far away.'
Madam Chu, who takes care of her granddaughter, said that the little girl likes to look through the photo album which has pictures of her parents' wedding and honeymoon.
They are the only reminders of her mother.
'Sometimes she will even cry after seeing the photos, saying she wants her mummy.'
Are there any photos of the mother and the daughter?
Mr Chia and his mother shook their heads.
Madam Minah was camera-shy, said Madam Chu, and would hide her face from the camera.
So, in the photos that they have, you can only see her hands carrying her child.
On his lawsuit, Mr Chia said: 'We want justice. The driver cannot say that she wasn't at fault.
'The money that we get will be used for my daughter.'
In his court statement, Mr Chia said: 'I'm still not able to understand how an act of a stranger can have such a profound impact on so many aspects of my life.
'We have been dependant on her for her love and support. As a result of her sudden death, we have... suffered much loss and damages.'
Judge: Driver was far more at fault
ALTHOUGH Madam Minah had jaywalked, the driver of the car is still more to blame, ruled a district court.
In her written judgment, District Judge Lee-Khoo Poh Choo said that the driver, Indonesian housewife Evy Kassim, 41, was the 'principal author' of the accident.
She said: 'She could have avoided the accident... had she travelled within the speed limit, kept a proper lookout and took action to avert the tragedy, instead of shutting her eyes.
'All circumstances considered, I am of the view that the driver was far more at fault and has to bear a greater share of responsibility for the accident.'
The court ruled that the driver was 70 per cent responsible, which means, she will have to pay Madam Minah's family about $80,000 compensation as well as the costs of the legal action.
Mr Chia Meng Seng and his younger brother, Meng Hong, 27, are administrators of Madam Minah's estate.
They and Madam Minah's daughter, Wan Lin, had sued Madam Kassim, who was driving a Proton Wira, for negligence.
Represented by lawyer Andre Arul, the family alleged that the driver was driving over the 50kmh speed limit and she didn't keep a proper lookout because she did not have enough time to avoid the collision.
In her defence, Madam Kassim, who is represented by lawyers for her insurer, said that the accident was partly caused by Madam Minah, who crossed the road even though there was an overhead bridge less than 50m away.
At the end of the trial earlier this year, the judge said that she accepted expert Jayson Liaw's version of what could have happened.
She said: 'I accept that the large size and nature of the spiderweb shatter of the windscreen must have been caused by the head, and not other parts of the body.'
She added that the car was probably speeding, and the impact hit Madam Minah so hard that even though she was overweight at 82kg, her body was flung onto the car's windscreen, and shattered it.
As she was pregnant, the judge noted that her movements were slower, and she was already about 1.75m to 1.9m from the centre divider when the accident happened.
As such, the judge said, Madam Minah couldn't have 'suddenly stepped on to the road', as the defence had alleged.
If the driver had been driving at around 40kmh as she had claimed, she would have had enough time to react and avoid a fatal accident, the judge said.
The judge concluded: 'She was driving much too fast. I find that her manner of handling the car, her non-attentiveness and her reaction on seeing (Madam Minah), was a cause of the accident.'
Madam Kassim is appealing the district court's finding and the case will be heard in the High Court next month. |
Yang ni lak aku mula2 confuse, kejap nama India, kejap nama Melayu...
Tapi lepas baca.. ooo tak confuse dah... Makcik ni kesian eh ceta dia..
Other crash victim badly hurt, in ICU By Andre Yeo
June 19, 2005
WHEN police officers showed up at her Woodlands flat last week, Madam Salmah Rahmat, 59, thought they were there to bring bad news again.
Her only son had died in a motorcycle accident 11 years ago and she remembers the pain all too well.
This time, she thought the cops were there to tell her her husband had died.
They weren't - but her son-in-law, Mr Vijayakumar Parameswaran, 42, was involved in a car accident.
He was driving his Nissan Sunny Changi Coastal Road when the accident occurred on 11 Jun.
Picture By Andre Yeo
The driver of the other car, former national boxer Doraisamy Rabit Chandra, 46, was killed.
Mr Vijayakumar, a senior business development manager, was rushed to Changi General Hospital (CGH) with multiple injuries that have left him blind in his left eye.
Said Madam Salmah: 'When the police came, the first thing that came to mind was that my husband had died.'
Her husband, Mr Abdul Halim, 60, a gardener, had gone to take their grandson home from English lessons.
'They told me to call their headquarters in Bedok,' she said.
'They didn't give me any other information.
'That's when I found out about the accident.
'They told me to rush everybody down to the hospital.
'It was like reliving my son's accident all over again.'
Her son was 23 when his bike crashed into a stationary construction vehicle, killing him instantly.
His pillion rider died seven days later.
Mr Vijayakumar, a US citizen and Singapore permanent resident, is now in CGH's surgical intensive care unit (ICU).
When The New Paper visited him yesterday, he was conscious but could barely talk.
His wife, Madam Hamimah Abdul Halim, 34, said her husband had gone through two operations on his hip, right leg and left eye.
Next Tuesday, doctors will operate on his knee.
He will undergo face surgery later.
Madam Hamimah said her husband suffered facial fractures, a big cut on his forehead, broken ribs, and multiple fractures on his left leg and right hip.
Mr Vijayakumar, who was working last Saturday, was travelling from his company to bank in some cheques when the accident happened.
Madam Hamimah said he always looks forward to the weekends so he could spend time with their two young children - Dhalan, 6, and Alysha, 2.
They were supposed to go to the US on 24 Jun for a two-week holiday.
Her son had been so excited, he had been counting down the days.
But, said Madam Hamimah: 'The doctor said it will take him a long time to recover.
'There is rehabilitation and he will have to be in a wheelchair for a few months.
'He has a good fighting spirit so I hope he will recover soon.
'He looks much better today than when he was first admitted.
'He was bleeding everywhere from his eyes and nose.
'The left side of his face was very unsightly.
'His face had swollen to twice its normal size.'
The police are investigating the accident. |
Yang ni rabak siot....
Sokkabar smalam ngan sokkabar hari ni semua ceta pasal kes ni....
Apek ni, ada bini best, ada anak jadi teacher, satu kat universiti, satu kat kat polyteknik, tapi nak menggatal!!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) Neighbours dia semua tak caya ah dia buat gini ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
A killer called Desperation
Dead woman identified as 22-year-old China national. Police have arrested a 50-year-old Singaporean suspect By Chan Tau Chou
June 19, 2005
It's a bloody, mess job
THE question is gruesome. But it is on many lips: How could anyone chop another person into pieces?
The answer, from an expert who has dealt with a similar case: Desperation makes it possible.
Imagine this. A killer tries to hide his crime by chopping up a dead body to dispose of it. It's a bloody, messy job. In his frenzy, he continues to hack away.
Yesterday morning, within 24 hours of the crime, police arrested a 50-year-old Singaporean man.
Picture By The Straits Times
He is suspected to have chopped up the body of Ms Liu Hong Mei, 22, a Chinese national, into at least four parts.
She had worked as a production operator here for over two years.
The man was her supervisor in a Serangoon North factory.
Private investigator Lionel De Souza, who, as a police officer, worked on a similar case in 1974, said it is not easy to chop up a human body. One way to do it would be to use a knife, hammered down with something heavy, such as a block of wood.
That is how Singaporean Sim Joo Keow had chopped up the body of her sister-in-law, Ms Kwek Lee Eng, after strangling her during a fight over money. Sim had got the idea from seeing fish being chopped up in the market, said Mr De Souza, 62.
Sim was convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and jailed eight years.
He suspects that, just like Ms Liu's murderer, Sim managed the grisly job as she was feverishly desperate.
Mr De Souza said 'the main objective would be to get rid of the body' and anything else is secondary when a person is in that frame of mind.
The arrest in the current case came after Ms Liu's chopped up body parts were washed up at Kallang Riverside Park on Thursday. Police have verified the identity of the victim and have already contacted her family in Changchun city of Jilin province.
The naked body parts were found with no identification documents. The head and legs were missing.
Those familiar with police work say identification can be done in a number of ways, including with fingerprint and dental records. The police also often rely on a network of informers.
According to the police, Ms Liu is a work permit holder. That would mean her records - including fingerprints - and work address are available.
Cleaner Murugan Kaniappan, who found a part of the body, from the abdomen to her thigh, had said there was no stench. Police found the other body part, which included her hands.
Mr De Souza told The New Paper that if that was the case, the body could not have been in the water for very long. That means the police would have been able to get a clear scan of 'the ridges and valleys' of the fingerprints.
Besides fingerprints, the former CID detective pointed out, any 'missing person report' filed on Ms Liu - who lives in a rented flat - would have pointed to her identity.
'She's likely to have a routine,' he said. 'And when her friends or flatmates couldn't contact her, they might have lodged a police report.'
The case against British serial killer John Martin, who was convicted and sentenced to death in Singapore in November 1995, began with such a report - from overseas.
He had murdered South African tourist Gerard George Lowe in a hotel, dismembered the body and disposed of the parts in March that year.
Although the body parts were badly decomposed when found at and around Clifford Pier, a fax to the local police from Mr Lowe's family in South Africa led to initial identification.
With the name, officers were able to locate the hotel he had checked into.
From there, they had a suspect - John Martin - who had checked in with the victim. Police arrested him when he returned to Singapore, after killing two more people in Thailand.
Trained in butchery while in a British jail for drug offences, he had sliced through Mr Lowe's joints cleanly with a foldable knife, removing the arms and head from the torso.
He then wrapped the parts in black garbage bags and dumped them into the Singapore River. Comparing both cases, Martin's lawyer Mr Edmond Pereira feels Ms Liu's killer probably did a 'more brutal job' of 'chopping her up'.
How police nailed suspect so quickly
AFTER the first body part was found on Thursday, police combed the area and, around 10am, they found the second one on the opposite bank of the river.
Like the first one, this part, a woman's torso with arms intact, was wrapped in a translucent green plastic bag.
In the process of 'extensive field investigations', said the police, they identified the body as that of Chinese national Liu Hong Mei.
At 8.30pm on Thursday they went to the factory where she worked and began questioning her supervisor.
At 6am yesterday, they arrested him and seized some translucent green plastic bags from his Geylang flat.
The man is expected to be charged with murder in court today. |
LALAI mengunci pintu selepas keluar rumah mengakibatkan seorang lelaki hilang wang tunai dan barang berharga, kesemuanya berjumlah $6,350.
Lelaki berusia 50-an tahun itu meninggalkan flatnya di Blok 746, Yishun Street 72, sekitar 2 pagi kelmarin untuk menjemput isterinya pulang.
Beliau menutup daun pintu tanpa menguncinya dan membiarkan pagar rumah terbuka.
Sekembalinya bersama isterinya yang berusia 40-an tahun, beliau sedar daun pintu terbuka.
Beliau hanya menjalankan pemeriksaan sekitar 1 petang pada hari yang sama dan mendapati jam tangan bernilai $6,000, telefon bimbit bernilai $200 dan wang tunai $200 hilang.
Dalam satu kejadian berasingan pada hari yang sama, seorang pemilik restoran hilang wang tunai sebanyak $850 apabila kedainya dipecah masuk.
Kali terakhir beliau meninggalkan restoran adalah pada 4 pagi kelmarin.
Lelaki berusia 40-an tahun itu mendapati lubang kunci pintu restoran diusik apabila ingin membuka restoran pada 3 petang pada hari yang sama.
cuai nye...kan dah hilang duit :kant: |
CIA 'RASANYA' TAHU DI MANA OSAMA KINI ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
Pemimpin Al-Qaeda tidak dapat ditangkap kerana kelemahan kempen antiganas
WASHINGTON - Pengarah Agensi Risik Pusat Amerika Syarikat (CIA), Encik Porter Goss, berkata beliau 'rasa-rasanya' tahu di mana pemimpin Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, kini bersembunyi. :stp:
Tetapi menurutnya, Osama tidak dapat diseret ke muka pengadilan sehingga kelemahan dalam kempen memerangi pengganasan diatasi, lapor majalah Time kelmarin.
Encik Goss berkata rasa hormat Amerika terhadap kedaulatan negara lain menyulitkan lagi usaha menangkap Osama.![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
'Apabila anda bercakap mengenai persembunyian di negara lain, kita berdepan dengan soal kedaulatan. Oleh itu kita perlu mencari huraian di luar jangkaan,' kata Encik Goss dalam wawancara dengan majalah Time edisi 27 Jun.
Sewaktu ditanya ada kah itu bermakna beliau tahu di mana Osama kini bersembunyi, Encik Goss menjawab:
'Rasa-rasanya saya tahu di mana dia berada. Ada soalan lain?' kata beliau. :nana::nana:
Encik Goss tidak menyatakan di mana Osama mungkin bersembunyi atau negara mana yang beliau maksudkan, tetapi para pegawai perisikan sejak dulu percaya Osama mungkin berada di kawasan pergunungan di sepanjang sempadan Pakistan dan Afghanistan.
Menurut beliau, kempen memerangi pengganasan mempunyai banyak kelemahan.
'Sehingga kita dapat mengatasi kelemahan itu, kita mungkin tidak dapat menyeret Osama bin Laden ke muka pengadilan,' kata Encik Goss.
Beliau yakin Al-Qaeda boleh melancarkan serangan sekali lagi ke atas Amerika.
'Sudah pasti hasrat mereka begitu tinggi. Tetapi kita cuba mendahului keupayaan mereka. Sejauh ini, saya rasa kita berhasil memerangi mereka,' kata Encik Goss.
Pakar-pakar berkata beberapa pesanan yang disiarkan orang kuat Osama, Ayman al-Zawahri, menerusi Internet sebelum ini bertujuan memberitahu para penyokong Al-Qaeda bahawa Osama masih hidup. - AP, Reuters. |
LONDON - Empat lelaki yang diberkas kerana menyamar sebagai wartawan dan menyerang pelakon Tom Cruise dengan pancutan air di tayangan perdana filem War of the Worlds di Britain boleh didakwa kerana menyerang bintang Hollywood itu, kata polis semalam.
'Kami akan menimbang sama ada hendak meneruskan pendakwaan, dan sama ada mangsa mahu mendakwa mereka,' kata seorang jurucakap Scotland Yard, semalam.
Cruise, 42 tahun, sedang berada di laluan permaidani merah menjelang tayangan perdana filem yang disadur daripada karya klasik H.G. Wells di Leicester Square, London, Ahad lalu apabila 'wartawan' itu menyogok mikrofon palsu di hadapan beliau.
Apabila Cruise mula bercakap, lelaki itu menekan mikrofon yang memancutkan air ke muka pelakon tersebut sehingga membuatnya begitu marah.
'Saya berada di sini memberi anda wawancara, menjawab pertanyaan anda, tetapi anda melakukan perbuatan nakal ini.
'Anda benar-benar keterlaluan,' kata pelakon itu kepada lelaki tersebut.
Rangkaian televsiyen Channel 4, yang mengupah empat lelaki itu membuat satu filem jenaka, memohon maaf kepada Cruise di atas insiden yang berlaku Ahad lalu itu. - Reuters.
:clap::clap::clap::clap: |
Edisi Timur : Tabah diuji
Oleh Sharifah Salwa Sayed Hassan
KUALA TERENGGANU: 揌ati siapa tidak sayu melihat anak disayangi hanya mampu berbaring sepanjang masa dan tidak dapat bermain seperti kanak-kanak lain seusianya.
揗alah, saya bertambah pilu melihat anak yang sepatutnya sudah ke tadika (Taman Bimbingan Kanak-kanak) itu hanya mampu menangis jika lapar atau berasa tidak selesa, |
Edisi KL : Mati dikurung majikan
Oleh Mary Victoria Dass
KULAI: Seorang warga India mendakwa majikan mereka mengurung pekerja dalam asrama selama dua minggu menyebabkan seorang rakannya yang sedang sakit meninggal dunia kerana tidak mendapat rawatan sewajarnya.
Pekerja asing itu, Rasu Anthony Samy, 25, berkata apabila mendapati keadaan rakannya sudah kritikal baru majikan menghantar mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Kulai sebelum mangsa meninggal dunia pada 4 Jun lalu.
Menurutnya, seramai 400 pekerja ditempatkan di asrama itu dan mereka tidak dibenarkan keluar sehingga rakannya K Padmaraj, 21, yang menghidap demam kuning tidak dibawa untuk pemeriksaan doktor.
揚adma antara mangsa pihak pengurusan berkenaan apabila dilarang melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan mahupun mendapatkan rawatan perubatan bagi mengubati penyakitnya, |
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Category: Negeri & Negara