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Author: freakyskinny

[V22]#FAZURA - Kisah Yellowish #Fattzura di Primavalet. #PG66 #heroseorangcinder

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
minahsleepy replied at 9-6-2017 08:23 PM

Ramai je kuih talam..iols pun kekadang talam..acaner tuh

Tapi iolls talam yg setiaaa..bukan talam cakap macam keling...

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Lakonan si fikry memang bagus dan mengesankan bagi seorang pendatang baru. Bagus penjiwaan dia sebagai Farizzam seorang anak lelaki yang sangat protective terhadap ibunya. Moga lebih cemerlang in the future.

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Diamondy replied at 9-6-2017 03:56 PM
betul tu datin...prasan menda yg sama gak....first time nampak Lopa berpeluk sakan ngan fans...dul ...

Mmg tak la dia nak peluk2 fans dia. Uolss x tau ke dlu masa dia dgn ramos siap ada bguard.
Maaf iollsss ot!!!
Jgn hempuk iolls dgn cl yach!
Ape punnnn kaka fazzz mmg mmg mendoniaaaaa

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cahayamataku at 9-6-2017 08:32 PM
minahsleepy replied at 9-6-2017 08:12 PM
Yeke..menarik pulak..siap ada nama gerai Pakar Kuih Talam   

Serimuka,jagung wowwww sedapn ...

Aah sameler kiter chuols

Kalau g bazar tuu dok peratijee kuih muih yg ader. Banyak sangat yg jual sampai tatau nak beli yg mana satuu. Ceh  

Entah ek kalau kuih talam yg kunyah tu manis, telan tu pahit rasanya tuu macam talam muker jeee  

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ot jap.. jln2 kt ig terkujat iols tgk adegan capik peluk who r yuss muka nk cecah tetek. Hebat marketing dorg

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 9-6-2017 08:24 PM
Tapi iolls talam yg setiaaa..bukan talam cakap macam keling...


Chuols sebut kel*ng tetiba iols teringat farrizam   

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by apedehal at 9-6-2017 08:35 PM
Jajabeans replied at 9-6-2017 08:32 PM
Ot jap.. jln2 kt ig terkujat iols tgk adegan capik peluk who r yuss muka nk cecah tetek. Hebat marke ...

citer tu la nnt acik2 lobatak xsabor nak nengok...sho suweet katanya  

mmg bakalan byk skinship dlm cite tu bdasarkan teaser2 yg diberi  

yg plg terkujat tu la..landing kat ketek heroin

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 9-6-2017 08:40 PM
Jajabeans replied at 9-6-2017 08:32 PM
Ot jap.. jln2 kt ig terkujat iols tgk adegan capik peluk who r yuss muka nk cecah tetek. Hebat marke ...

Lagi hebat weyh marketing theyolls,peluk , pegang tangan... tapi semua lobatak cakap sweet takde pun nk ceramah  

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cahayamataku replied at 9-6-2017 08:22 PM
Ala chuols yg gerai " Pakar Kuih Talam " tu kat pasar tani setiap Selasa Jumaat pun ader   

Hahaha dah cite bazar pulak        Ampun tt...  Bab2 beratur mmg meols x kan ler....      Kalau rajin kul 2 dah nk pg bazar          

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cahayamataku at 9-6-2017 08:41 PM
kibodwatriuh replied at 9-6-2017 08:27 PM
Lakonan si fikry memang bagus dan mengesankan bagi seorang pendatang baru. Bagus penjiwaan dia sebag ...

Ye betul iolss setujuk si Fikry ni boleh pergi jauh  

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pujanggamerpati replied at 9-6-2017 07:25 PM
putri zarith siap mention 2 kali nokk katanya fattah ni lurusss sgt...aca apa lagi..dok bebel pasa ...

mak ko nazak hahahaaha laser gilerr aca haahaha


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Post time 9-6-2017 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Loginlogoff at 9-6-2017 08:45 PM
Aduradura replied at 9-6-2017 08:35 PM
Lagi hebat weyh marketing theyolls,peluk pegang tangan...

Mmg pn chuols..iols tgk smlm gigih mkn bersuapan atas katil..peluk tarik tgn adoiyaii..habis laaa skrg smue cite dh ade bts acah acah sweet..lps ni mkin ramai laaa shipper shipper spesis lobatak..yg xthn geng lobatak dk repost tuuu boleh plak hadap scene peluk gitu kata haram bulan pose bagai...mmg bengong sungguh..hahahaha. dh boleh meninggal dh lobatak lps neh gnti dgn sapikna(hana kot heroin bru tuh) whooo are yussss

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ddhuhazz replied at 9-6-2017 08:37 PM
Hahaha dah cite bazar pulak        Ampun tt...  Bab2 beratur mmg meols x kan ler....    ...

Awalnya nak pergi kol 2 chuols. Dah la panas terik  

G kol 4 pun dah okeh dah. Aritu iolss pergi kol 5.30 iols parking kat KBS. Tade parking chuols

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 9-6-2017 08:43 PM
Loginlogoff replied at 9-6-2017 08:39 PM
Mmg pn chuols..iols tgk smlm gigih mkn bersuapan atas katil..peluk tarik tgn adoiyaii..habis laaa  ...

Tp bg iolls tetap tak sweet sbb heroin who rr yusssss... kalau dgn mcm sariyanti ke, mau iolls menggeletis

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 9-6-2017 08:27 PM
Lakonan si fikry memang bagus dan mengesankan bagi seorang pendatang baru. Bagus penjiwaan dia sebag ...

Iolss sokong. Mana tau kalau asah lagi bakat dia boleh jadi mcm abam remy  

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
apedehal replied at 9-6-2017 08:33 PM
citer tu la nnt acik2 lobatak xsabor nak nengok...sho suweet katanya   

mmg bakalan byk ski ...

Aik ingatkan acik lobatak ni islamik sangat

Bukan kee deyols sume tu kater skinship tu sumer harommm  

Manusia memang mudah luper yach  

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amina666 replied at 9-6-2017 08:19 PM
Pinky swear sampai ke hidung mommy

I xjumpa la .yg mana satu gigit jari ni..sesungguhnya sis gigih nk tgk jugek

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ddhuhazz at 9-6-2017 08:48 PM
cahayamataku replied at 9-6-2017 08:40 PM
Awalnya nak pergi kol 2 chuols. Dah la panas terik   

G kol 4 pun dah okeh dah. Aritu iols ...

Maunye tt hempok weols dgn talam ni kang          .... Kemain plan nk g bazar esk lg pon      

Btw bagusler kalau ade hero heroin lain gigih nak buat bts suweet suweet ni..  Kuranglah hencapan katl bam pattah... Tp bts bam pattah plg manisssss sekali... Natural gitewwww     

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Post time 9-6-2017 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TERbaca sinopsis sampahraya.. Mcm klakor je..mnde gitu

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